Kislev 30, 5769, 12/27/2008 More Evil Coverups: Sex, Blood and Goreby Tamar YonahThis blog may be very disturbing to read, so I advise you to use caution if you continue. The question asked is, why was this report of the real murder scene kept hidden from public knowledge? I have discussed this on my show a few times, but I would like to re-emphasize here on this blog by giving you an example. In Israel, it goes something like this: "Son, are you ok? Were you near the scene? When will you be home? Thanks G-d you're alright." And after making all the calls to our loved ones we believed could have been in the area of the attack, and after viewing film on the news at the scene which has been carefully censored, we turn off the TV and say, "tsk tsk" with our tongues and go about our day. After all, when we see the censored 'parev' film footage on TV news (wherever we are in the world) what were we allowed to actually see? We only see the coverage of people being wheeled on stretchers into ambulances. No blood, or very little of it, is shown on the news. Instead, the wounded that ARE shown, are lying on gurneys with their arms flailing. They have a pained look on their face with their hands on their head. It looks like they have a migraine headache. So why should people who see these bland scenes get incensed and demand the obliteration of the enemies attacking us? After all, what we are allowed to see just looks like a lot of peoople who got scared and are at worst suffering from shock. In Israel, the very next day, shattered store fronts at terror scenes are hurredly repaired and the blood is cleaned away.
Attack against Israeli civilians in a Netivot apartment. The problem here is that the attack today on the Hamas was like swatting at a bee. You're just going to rile him up while he still has his stinger. Our own news reports say this operation will not stop attacks. What has to be done is that this war that has been launched against Israeli citizens has to be WON by us. We have to neutralize the enemy who is attacking us, once and for all. Two weeks ago, there was a demonstration in Gaza where most of the Hamas leadership was, including the thousands that actively support them. Perhaps this demonstration should have been hit? We could have cut off the head of the snake when we had them all gathered together.
When I was speaking to my mother on the phone and telling her Israel could have attacked the Hamas leaders and their supporters at that demo, she commented, "You may be right. We're going to get flack anyway for today's attack. It wouldn't matter if we killed 2 or 20,000 it would be all the same to the world's media." I hung up and then watched the news with my family tonight, they showed a press conference with PM Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzippi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak sitting at a table and saying that they don't wish harm to Arab citizens in Gaza and will continue to make sure that food and supplies will keep flowing to them through our borders. I remarked, "Yah, like the Allied forces would worry to make sure the Nazis in Germany had food supplies? How sick to worry about a population that elected Hamas murderers to lead them." My 12 year old son seemed to agree that it was ludicrous to feed our enemies who are still holding kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit and launching missiles against us. He looked at our leaders blah-blah-blah-ing about how they are trying to be so magnanimous to our enemies and he looked at me and stated, "I wish someone would throw a shoe at them". Talkback 6 Comments View All Comments 1. Mumbai Joyce, Madison (27/12/08) 2. Samuel 17 David Where Are You? Jimmy Headstream, Sweetwater, Texas (27/12/08) 3. It was much worse than genital mutilation Sikh Doctor, India (28/12/08) 4. #3, where did you get this information? Can you supply a valid source? tamaryonah, (28/12/08) 5. PERHAPS ITS TIME TO KILL COCKROACHES SHMUJEW, UNHOLYLAND (28/12/08) 6. Muslims, Mumbai and Hamas Demonstration Alan, NY (28/12/08) |
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