Summary and introduction:
To all,
First of all , Kethiva Vechatima Tova, Shana Tova Umetuka to all our readers. May we all have a great year filled with blessings and strength, and may we all, finally this year, get rid of all our many internal and external enemies.
I wanted to finish this long paper before Rosh Hashanah, with the hope that you will at least have the time to read this summary, and maybe after the Chag delve in depth in what I am sharing with you here.
The essence of this article is as follows ( and please refer to my many previous articles on the subject by searching for key words: ISRAEL TRUTH TIMES is a treasure trove of information on the topic)
We are being massively betrayed by Bibi, Barak, Shimon Peres re: our security in Yesha, and regarding Jerusalem. This is still a continuation of the predicament we have found ourselves in since Yossi Beilin and Shimon Peres treacherously and secretly entered into negotiations for a Bilateral Agreement with the Vatican regarding Jerusalem, internationalization of our holiest places, Har Habayit, and all of Jerusalem, under pressure from Joseph Ratzinger a.k.a. Benedikt II. Benedikt is using violence to attain his goal of sovereignty over Jerusalem, all the while, as usual, pretending to be the nice and loving shepherd who only knows peace.
As you read the information below, you will see how the whole process is being controlled from Rome , by Benedikt, with great assistance from Washington, via Obama and his minions. As we speak, in great secrecy, Bibi and Barak are selling our very lives to the enemy - what do they expect for themselves: salvation? money?power? all of the above? We have passed the eleventh hour, things are getting worse by the day. Unless we make a sharp and clear cut, and reject all of these traitors- monsters completely, Jews will die en masse, and Jerusalem will be lost.
This article proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the government of Israel is an ACCOMPLICE to the criminal plans of our enemies, the Vatican, Washington, the UN, NATO, and of course the Arabs and their Muslim and left-wing allies. But chief among all is BENEDIKT, who is BEHIND OSLO, and who has manipulated the whole process from day one, and continues to do so, with the help of his buddy SHIMON PERES.
Of course, let us not forget this diseased, self-hating breed coming out of the shadows either:
Bibi, under duress - and it seems, willingly as well -, has become the willing executioner; and Barak is the DICTATOR who, unless we stop him, will take over all of Israel, for ample financial reward and absolute dictatorial powers.
Taking all of this into account, the new Nana Tea Party of Israel has released a proclamation, which I will post after the Chag.
Shall we have courage in the New Year, and do what NEEDS TO BE DONE, so we survive?
I hope so.
With blessings.
PS: Hear an interview on Barry Chamish's radio show tonight, September 7, 2010.
(I have to warn you: it's long). Thanks, Barry! This was a lively and enlightening discussion we had.
BARRY.090710_150500.MP3 07-Sep-2010 22:03 9.2M BARRY.090710_160500.MP3 07-Sep-2010 22:06 9.2M
- Barak Meets Abbas in Jordan in Secret ‘Direct Talks’
- Barak: Reduce Security in Yesha as Gesture to PA
( Defense Minister Ehud Barak met with PA Chief Mahmud Abbas in Amman on Monday. During the meeting Barak said he would reduce security measures in Judea and Samaria, as a gesture to the PA, on the eve of direct talks with Israel.
Local residents have protested that easing security in the past has lead to increased terror attacks against Jewish civilians.
- Terror Attack Near Hevron
- Voice of Judea, Sept.2nd: ( we see below that Hamas is also in cahoot with the government of Israel. However, it seems possible that the PA, armed to the teeth by the US and Israel, and working together with Israeli intelligence, is the actual culprit this time too. Did Abbas give the order after being briefed by Barak that there would be no security on the roads? Either way, the gov. of Israel, in particular Barak, is guilty)
Army officials lie regarding the recent attacks – to divert Jewish outrage
...For now, these imported terrorists are at large on West Bank roads, exploiting the removal of a great many Israeli security roadblocks and checkpoints in an effort to ease Palestinian movements. The only way to stall them, therefore, is to follow the advice of counter-terror experts and restore the roadblocks. Until this is done, Hamas will be free to strike at will and eventually take its terrorist campaign against the Washington talks into the Israeli heartland.
The problem is that Israel's leaders, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi oppose reinstalling the checkpoints and roadblocks for as long as the US-sponsored talks with the Palestinians continue.
Hamas' tacticians are fully aware of Israel's diplomatic constraints and exploiting them to the full, ordering their terror squads to keep going in the hope of sabotaging the negotiations.
All this makes a mockery of Netanyahu's directive to the IDF and security services to hunt down and punish the perpetrators of the Hebron attack irrespective of diplomatic considerations. For as long as the IDF and Shin Bet are groping in the dark for leads to the assailants and are prevented from physically controlling the road movements of the drive-by shooters, diplomatic considerations are clearly trumping operational needs.
Coincidence? Remember, Turkey = front for Vatican.
- Turkey Heads UN Security Council
( Turkey assumed the rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council for the month of September on Thursday. Turkish UN ambassador Ertugrul Apakan took over the rotating presidency from his Russian counterpart, Vitaly Churkin, who held the position for the month of August.
The presidency rotates among council members in the English alphabetical order of their country names. Turkey is about halfway through its term as a non-permanent member of the council.
And ..
- Pope and Peres hopeful that Washington talks will lead to peace in the Holy Land
Benedict XVI and the Israeli president call for “an agreement that is respectful of the legitimate aspirations of the two peoples.” They also talked about the results of the bilateral working commission that has worked for years on drafting an agreement to settle economic and tax issues. Both men expressed hope for a “rapid conclusion of its work.”
The two men, who have known each other for some time, met in a “cordial atmosphere”. Their previous meetings took place in the Vatican in April 2006 and September 2007 and in Israel in 2009 during the papal pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Referring to the Pope’s visit and to the situation of the Catholic Church in Israel, the Vatican statement said, “The discussions also permitted the examination of the relations between the State of Israel and the Holy See and those of the state authorities with the local Catholic communities. In this regard, it was underlined the great particular significance of the presence of these communities in the Holy Land and the contribution which they offer for the common good of society, also through Catholic schools. Finally, the results, thus far, of the bilateral working Commission, which has for many years been tasked with the drafting of an Accord concerning economic matters, were noted while at the same time expressing the hope for the rapid conclusion of its work.”
Peres landed in Rome from Tel Aviv just before 9 am. From there, he was quickly taken to Castel Gandolfo, where Benedict XVI is currently staying, along with five aides, including two women.
The president, who also visited the gardens of the Pontifical Villas, first met for half hour with the Cardinal Secretary of State, His Eminence Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, and the Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, before his audience with the Pope.
The private meeting, held in English, between Shimon Peres and Benedict XVI lasted about 40 minutes. At the end, the president gave the Pope a menorah, the traditional Jewish seven-branched candelabrum. Made by an Israeli artist, the 30-centimetre object is in silver, and has an inscription that reads, “To his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, the shepherd who seeks to lead us to the fields of blessings and the fields of peace. With great esteem, Shimon Peres, president of the State of Israel.”
The pope in return gave Peres a bronze medal copy of the one placed by Pope Alexander VII in 1657 on the first stone of the colonnade on the north side of Saint Peter's basilica at the Vatican. The medal shows Bernini’s initial plan for Saint Peter’s Square.
Una visita che non porterà frutti politici particolari ma che incentiverà il dialogo con gli ebrei. E’, in sintesi, quanto dichiarato al SIR dal vescovo ausiliare di Gerusalemme, mons. William Shomali, a commento della visita oggi del presidente israeliano Shimon Peres a Benedetto XVI. “Sono felice di questo incontro – spiega il vescovo - il presidente Peres ha una dimensione internazionale, pensatore, uomo di caratura e di esperienza politica. Tuttavia la sua carica in Israele è rappresentativa, e non ha un potere effettivo di orientare la politica israeliana. A prendere le decisioni è, infatti, il Governo e per questo dalla visita non ci attendiamo una accelerazione del lavoro per l’accordo fondamentale tra Santa Sede e Israele che segue un suo iter preciso. Ritengo invece che questa visita avrà un impatto positivo sul dialogo ebraico-cristiano, anche in vista del Sinodo dei vescovi per il Medio Oriente, avendo offerto una bella immagine di come dovrebbero essere i legami tra giudaismo e cristianesimo. Il presidente israeliano – dichiara mons. Shomali - può tranquillizzare l’opinione pubblica israeliana che questo Sinodo non intende fare politica ma vuole parlare di pace, di dialogo, di fede e di pastorale. Il Sinodo non è il luogo per fare politica”. Circa i negoziati di pace a Washington mons. Shomali non si dice completamente “scettico” anche perché, afferma, “in milioni stanno pregando per la pace e Dio prima o poi dovrà ascoltare le nostre preghiere. Le speranze passate, andate deluse, non ci fanno dire che stavolta andrà bene. L’unica cosa è continuare a confidare nel Signore”.
" view of the ( upcoming) Synod of Bishops for the Middle East, having offered a beautiful picture of how the links between Judaism and Christianity should be.The Israeli president - said Msgr. Shomali - can reassure the Israeli public that the Synod does not intend to be political, but wants to talk about peace, dialogue, faith and religion. The Synod is not the place for politics"
I also want to remind you of the intense incitement against Israel that followed the World Council of Churches' campaign about Gaza, which had been initiated by Benedikt during his visit to Israel in 2009. A week later Obama went to Cairo to deliver his fiery speech. Anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment increased multifold after these carefully orchestrated events. Is this what we can expect from the upcoming synod of bishops? A repeat of last year? Frankly I would not be surprised the least bit. Listen to the interview on the Barry Chamish show ( link provided in the introduction) for more information on the topic.
- Peres, Pope to Discuss Peace Talks
In addition, the two will talk about captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, Iran's nuclear program, and ties between Israel and the Vatican.
Peres met Wednesday with Gilad Shalit's parents, Noam and Aviva, in advance of his meeting with the Pope. “We must never lose hope, we must continue to fight for Gilad's return,” he said.
Shalit's parents have led a campaign to bring their son home even at the expense of releasing many hundreds of convicted terrorists, including those responsible for multiple murders. Peres praised the two for their struggle, saying, “I am proud of the noble way in which you are struggling to bring back your son Gilad, and I am proud of the Israeli public for standing at your side.”
Shalit's parents asked the president to use his influence to push for Gilad's release.
After meeting with the Pope, Peres plans to remain in Italy over the weekend to attend an economic and diplomatic conference and to defend Israel in the media ( and I want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge).
- Peres Tells Pope: Abbas is Serious About Peace
“The alternative to peace is a radical and dangerous Iranian hegemony in the entire Middle East,” Peres warned.
The Pope told Peres that he is praying for peace. A peace deal between Israel and the PA would have “world-wide historical value,” he emphasized.
He called to increase religious involvement in the peace process. All faiths should give religious and spiritual support to negotiations, he said.
Peres mentioned Iran's nuclear program, and said that allowing Iran's leaders to obtain nuclear weapons “borders on global suicide.” Iran seeks to take over moderate countries in the Middle East, he said. “We are talking about pure imperialism that uses religion as a disguise.”
Peres also asked the Pope for assistance in securing the release of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Pope Benedict XVI said he would do what he could to help.
The Pope condemned the two shooting attacks in Judea and Samaria this week in which four people were killed and two wounded.
- President Peres: Israel Has No Real Conflict with PA
- PM: I Can Work With Abbas
- Jewish Towns Under PA Rule?
The PA chairman himself, Mahmoud Abbas, has often stated that he objects to any Jews living in a PA state – and has even announced that he would not accept Jewish soldiers in a NATO force sent to protect a future Israeli-Arab peace.
"I'm willing to agree to a third party that would supervise the agreement, such as NATO forces,” Abbas was quoted as saying by the PA Wafa news agency, “but I would not agree to having Jews among the NATO forces, or that there will live among us even a single Israeli on Palestinian land.” His aide later said that Abbas retracted his opposition to Jewish soldiers in a NATO force.
- Israel can work with Abbas? It seems Israel can work with Hamas too!
- ...Bibi also keeping secrets, even from his own cabinet members!
- Shalom: PM Not Sharing Info
“Now that there is a second meeting with Mahmoud Abbas set up for later this month, we want to know when the cabinet is to meet to discuss the contents of that meeting,” Shalom added.
- Shalom to PM: Why Hiding Negotiation Details?
- All of the above might be explained by all of the below....more secrets, of course...
- 11.07.10 ANALYSIS / Obama has ways and means to check on Netanyahu
The argument the Israeli prime minister is presenting in Washington is not the only one going.
By Amir OrenThe reserve brigadier generals are civilians who do not pretend to represent the government of Israel or its military. Why was Rear Admiral John Sigler, who heads the Middle East research institute at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so cautious about exposure of his meeting with Shlomo Brom, Udi Dekel and Baruch Spiegel, along with retired Foreign Ministry envoys? Is there a connection to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's meetings with President Barack Obama and top American administration people in Washington?
The White House staff prepared the public part of the hosting of Netanyahu by the book: smiles and handshakes - check; talk about our wonderful relations - check; a distinction between the good Israeli atom and the bad Iranian atom - check; hugs for Sara - check.
The U.S. administration really is committed to Israel's security but not to hanging on to the territories or the Jewish settlements. Obama is trying to clarify whether in the dispute between the two approaches Netanyahu truly represents the majority in Israel. He can get a partial answer, for example, in meetings between Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen and Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi or the meeting between Sigler and the retired officers in Rome.
The demonstrable warmth in Obama's reception of Netanyahu is at most one third of the story. Another third is the American communications channel with other Israelis, and the remaining third is the channel the United States has with Arab figures, who hear from Obama and his envoys messages that are not identical to those Netanyahu is trying to emphasize in Washington.
Brom and Dekel served with air force intelligence and the general staff planning branch. Spiegel was the liaison officer to foreign forces, deputy coordinator of activities in the territories and an adviser to the defense minister. The possible alternatives for bargaining with the Palestinians, the Syrians and the Lebanese can come as no surprise to them: They formulated the headquarters document that gets passed from one chief of staff to the next, from one defense minister to the next and from one prime minister to the next.
When Netanyahu tells Obama there is something he can't do because it would be the death of him, experts like the three brigadiers general can map out Israel's ranges of flexibility to Sigler, and through him pass them along to Mullen and thus to Obama. Sigler, a retired senior naval officer, heads an institute attached to the National Defense University in Washington (the research and education institution directly under the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ). The regional institutes provide data and infrastructure for meetings with various elements, including those prohibited to diplomats, such as Hamas. This is a means for the two-way transmission of messages.
Another benefit, which is not unique to the NDU, derives from the education of foreign officer cadres. A lieutenant colonel or colonel who spends a year at such an institution soaks up America's power and acquires a proportionate approach to his own country's place in the universe. Today the top echelon of the Israel Defense Force boasts about a dozen officers who studied at American military colleges and/or served as military attaches at the embassy in Washington and its offshoots, including C-o-S Ashkenazi.
In their many conversations Mullen and Ashkenazi discuss security - heaven forbid, they would discuss politics - and exchange data and professional analyses. Were the veteran naval officer called upon to testify before the Turkel committee, he would say the Americans, too, lack the means for stopping a large ship like the Mavi Marmara without a takeover by fighters and friction with the passengers.
Mullen is able to explain the American problems in Israel effectively, and vice versa. However, since discussion of certain matters is prohibited to officers in uniform, there is scope for channels like the one Sigler set up with Brom, Dekel and Spiegel.
At the Jerusalem Conference last February, Sigler overflowed with friendliness toward Israel ("My father was Jewish" ) and expressed the hope it would reestablish its deterrent power. The word "victory," said Sigler, differs in meaning in different contexts. Israel will win if it continues to flourish, in the far future as well, as a strong democratic and Jewish country.
At the Pentagon they are far from seeing Israel as one of the major problems in the Middle East, but it's enough that Israel also contributes to the perpetuation of the problem - the danger of extremist Islam - and not only to its solution. Is Israel and an asset or a burden? The answer is both - a tactical asset, a strategic burden.
Last month's American air force magazine referred to the 1966 operation in which the Mossad lured a MiG-21 pilot to defect from Iraq with his plane. The MiG was examined by Israel's air force and then lent to the Americans to be examined, tested and brought into in air maneuvers. Identifying its limitations enabled U.S. fighter pilots to overcome their inferiority in air battles with the North Vietnamese and to end the war with a certain advantage.
This sort of praise for the Israeli military improves, at least among the defense community, the image of Israel's professionalism and the amity between the two countries. In the wake of praise like this, one must note the same magazine issue says the F-35, the next combat aircraft for America and for Israel, can also carry tactical nuclear weapons, bombs and missiles. It is a dual-purpose plane.
Foreign reports say Israel has surface-to-surface missiles and submarine-launch missiles. An American willingness to provide it with an advanced dual-purpose airplane would strengthen its deterrence.
Talking to the Arabs
The Americans also talk to the Arabs. Recently, for example, the transcript of a fascinating conversation was revealed - a December 1975 conversation between the then U.S. secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, and his Algerian counterpart, Abdulaziz Bouteflika, who was 38 at the time and had held the post for 12 years. (Bouteflika is now president of Algeria ).
Kissinger, expressing bitterness about the government of Yitzhak Rabin and his defense minister to his right, Shimon Peres, says: "Public opinion in America is more ready to do something than ever before. But we have a period of about nine months [the run-up to the elections] when we can't do everything.
"The attempt of the Israelis is to create maximum commotion in the Middle East. They think we can't do much to them. That is why they bombed in Lebanon. You saw in The Herald Tribune a report that we asked them to check with us. That isn't what we asked: We said we wouldn't be responsible for the actions they took without consulting us. That is very different. And we protested their settlements on the Golan."
Bouteflika got no satisfaction from Kissinger's words: "The implication which can be drawn [is] that all previous Israeli actions have been with American connivance."
Kissinger: "No, we have never known. They never tell us ahead of time.
"But that is not my major point. My major point is: They are deliberately provocative now. They established settlements; they announce they will never give up more than 200 meters of territory - which is an insult to Syria, because it is Syrian territory... The F-15 we promised a year and a half ago - but there was a delay because of delivery and the reassessment. Then he announced it as a new thing, as a response to Syrian MiG-25s. He did it to provoke the Arabs. It was a lie....
"They want to go back to the 1967-1973 period, when they were our only friend in the Middle East. They know time is running out. They can't get $2 billion a year for many more years. And they know they can't get deliveries on what is voted this year unil 1978-79. So we have all the means of pressure in our hands. That is why they are trying to undermine my authority. But that isn't the main thing.
"The main thing I want to say is the Arabs should show restraint for a year. A war wouldn't be so bad for us - we could show we are tough. The main thing is to make what little progress is possible this year, and work for next year. I say this as a friend."
Bouteflika: "We are grateful."
Kissinger: "Because you have practically won. You must not let yourselves be provoked. The Syrians must understand this, too."
Bouteflika: "You have some problems with them?"
Kissinger: "No. I'm afraid their pride may lead them to do something later on."
Obama is not Kissinger, but who knows what messages his administration is sending the Arabs? One thing is for sure: This didn't appear on the White House page of talking points this week.
By: Caroline B. Glick
Date: Wednesday, July 28 2010
But they couldn't survive if they didn't receive help from Israel. Given that most Americans support a strong Israel and view Israel as a vital US ally in the Middle East, they would be hard-pressed to maintain their failed and unpopular policies if they weren't amply assisted by their counterparts in the Israeli ruling class.
Year in and year out, these anti-democratic and strategically demented but well paid former officials maintain what they euphemistically refer to as "track two" - contacts with their counterparts in the European and American ruling class - to force the majority of Israelis who don't share their derangement to accept their policy dictates.
For too long and to their unmitigated detriment, Israelis have allowed a small, unelected minority to dictate national policy. The views and loyalties of this minority - like their counterparts in the U.S. - are opposed to those of the majority of Israelis.
- About Yitshak Tshuva ( Sharon): FRIEND OF SHIMON PERES! Let's remember that the Plaza Hotel in NYC, where Bibi and his entourage had the harrowing experience of being caught in the service elevator for half an hour, belongs to Peres's friend Tshuva. Coincidence? What do you think?After all, sometimes special favors are demanded of friends, specially when one is the all-powerful president of Israel, and favorite of pope Benedikt II, or the husband of the Foreign Minister of the United States..
- Forbes Reinforces Claim That Kadima is Tool of Oligarchs
"Together with President Shimon Peres and the King of Jordan, I believe we will succeed in building the Peace Channel," Yitzhak Tshuva said Wednesday morning in New York at the opening of the two-day U.S. Israel Executive Summit. He was refering to the link between the Red and Dead Seas.
The conference was held at Tshuva's Plaza Hotel, and marked an informal reopening for the hotel and apartment complex.
The conference, initiated by TheMarker, focused on deepening business ties between Israeli and American executives. Tshuva seemed to be rather excited as he rose to speak, accompanied by the song "My Way."
In his welcoming remarks, Tshuva said that while Israeli businessmen were succeeding all over the world, and Israeli minds were sought after everywhere, there is a need to invest in Israel to continue the country's development.
Tshuva also revealed that he will reopen the Plaza soon with a "royal" celebration. He added that only deep ties between Israel and its neighbors can bring peace in the region.
Hundreds of the most senior representatives of Israeli business packed the conference, held in a renovated hall reminiscent of a 19th century ballroom.
The first day of the conference highlighted the Israeli economy and ways to bring investors to the country.
"I have a lot of respect for Yitzhak Tshuva. He has done something incredible with the Plaza," real estate magnate Donald Trump told the summit yesterday afternoon. Trump owned the the Plaza at one time, but said he still has feelings for the place.
As for more mundane issues, Trump told the conference attendees he expects the U.S. real estate market to bottom out in 6-12 months, but added he personally expects to make a lot of money off the slowdown since there are a lot of good properties worth buying. He said he can now buy things he couldn't buy two years ago. He said the Manhattan real estate market is in excellent shape, maybe the best ever.
As for Israel, Trump said he loved the country and had visited a few times. He said there was even a park named after him - after he donated money for it. As for whether he intends to invest in Israel, Trump responded to the question saying he was about to build a building here, but the site was sold first. He said he might do a deal with Tshuva, and there were also interesting places to build in the Far East and Russia. But Israel is now a hot location, said Trump, adding he never would have said that 4 or 5 years ago.
- ......The father of five, whose friends include President Shimon Peres......
In his acceptance speech, Tshuva alluded to his “vision” — the establishment of a “Peace Valley” — a canal that will connect the Red Sea and the Dead Seas, “a vision credited to Shimon Peres.” The canal will produce electricity and the desalinization of sea water, enabling millions to settle in the Negev. This will include the creation of lakes and boardwalks, and hotels for Israelis and for tourists. According to the dinner journal notes: “The ‘Peace Valley’ vision in the Negev has [such] prominent partners as former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal Abdulaziz Alsaud and King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud. Like Shimon Peres, Tshuva believes that [this project] will produce hundreds of thousands of jobs, electrical energy and drinking water for the benefits of the Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Israelis.”
- ... And who are the three stooges?....
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- Shlomo Brom, Senior Research Associate, Institute for National Security Studies
- Former Israeli Peace Negotiator and Senior Defense Planner Joins Institute of Peace
A thirty-year veteran of the Israel Defense Forces, Brom most recently served as Senior Research Associate at the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. He was Deputy National Security Advisor under former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. From 1996 to 1998, Brom was Director of the Strategic Planning Division in the Israel Defense Force's General Staff.
Throughout the 1990s, Brom participated in peace negotiations with Syria, Jordan and the Palestinians. He also represented Israel in multilateral talks on Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS). The author of numerous articles about Israeli strategic and diplomatic issues, Brom is also a member of the Council on Peace and Security, a non-governmental advisory body that brings together leading Israeli national security and intelligence figures. In 2002-2003, he was involved in the Geneva initiative, including the drafting of the security provisions.
Brom's fellowship is part of the Institute's ongoing efforts to advance peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Further information about Institute activities related to the Arab-Israeli conflict is available online. For more information about the Institute of Peace or to contact General Brom, please email the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs at or call (202) 429-3832.
- Baruch Spiegel, assistant to Shimon PereChanging the West Bank Status Quo: A Conversation with Brigadier General (ret.) Baruch Spiegel
- Now, about NATO and their plans for Israel... and their deep, deep, operational and ideological ties to the Vatican, specifically to Benedikt. Note that the COMMANDANT of NATO College of Defense is a very "German-looking" German (if you had told me he is a Nazi, you could have fooled me).
Notice the coincidence of dates. Accident? Absolutely not. Apparently the pope is quite involved in the comings and goings of NATO in the Holy Land. Did the visit to the Vatican occur before, or after the publication of the above paper? I would venture to say, after, once the NDC's FEASIBILITY STUDY had been completed. I would even venture to say that this was the true reason of the visit of NDC to Benedikt, complete with staff and all....results of the study most likely not too much to the pope's liking. Also, who commissioned that study at all?...
- Wednesday 24 March 2010
Benedict XVI greeted the NDC delegation warmly and gave his blessing to all the participants. The Papal Audience was an opportunity for Course Members to reflect on the importance of their personal commitment: many of them, in fact, have participated or will be involved as senior officers or civil servants in peacekeeping operations in very sensitive areas of the world.
(What's that?? Could it, could it just be, Jerusalem? The Holy Land???)
After the Audience, Course Members, Staff and families visited the Vatican Museums. They had the chance to see the Sistine Chapel and world famous artistic treasures.
The Papal Audience was not only a moving event for Catholics, but also an invaluable experience for all members of SC 116 and NRCC-3, regardless of their faith.
After this unique day, the Course Members left the Vatican with renewed motivation to carry out their daily duties. The visit was also an example of exchange among different religions, based on tolerance and mutual respect.
- Turkey Claims Foothold in Old City
TIKA is the Turkish government body responsible for regional development projects.
Two of the signs are hung along a major road with historic significance, Motti Gur Way. Motti Gur was the IDF commander who directed troops in retaking the Old City during the Six Day War. The road bearing his name leads from Jericho Way to Lions' Gate.
"That's where the order 'Go Bentzi, go!' was given as the paratroopers broke through Jordanian defenses around the Old City. From there the first paratroopers entered the Old City, from there they made it to the Temple Mount and the Kotel,” King said.
The signs flout Israeli sovereignty in the Old City, he said. King plans to file a complaint with the Jerusalem municipality and to the Israel Nature and Parks Authority.
The TIKA website states that the signs were placed alongside projects in “Palestine.” Turkey backs the Palestinian Authority's demand to include the Old City in a future PA-led Arab state.
"It seems the Turks have decided to challenge not only our right to exist in security not only within the borders of 'the state of Tel Aviv,' but also our sovereignty in Jerusalem,” King said.
"Perhaps the time has come,” he added, “for the Israeli government to start supporting tourist initiatives and social projects in Kurdistan?
- Comptroller to Release Damning Report on Temple Mount
When the report will be released is a matter of contention. Critics warn the government will try and hide the report from the public claiming "security concerns".
- Barak: Israel May Divide Jerusalem, Internationalize Holy Basin
Barak told the Hebrew-language newspaper Haaretz in an interview published Wednesday that he believes the best chance for peace lies in a peace deal in which all the Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem would be handed over to the PA in order to create a capital for a new Arab country.
“If Netanyahu leads a process, a significant number of rightist ministers will stand with him,” he told the newspaper. “So what is needed is courage to make historic, painful decisions. I'm not saying that there is certainty for success, but there is a chance. This chance must be exploited to the fullest.”
The peace plan described by Barak includes the following:
* two states for two nations
* an end to the conflict and the end of all future demands
* demarcation of a border “that will run inside the Land of Israel” dividing a demilitarized PA state from an Israel that includes the “settlement blocs”
* retrieving and relocating the “isolated settlements” into the settlement blocs or within Israel
* a solution to the refugee problem within the PA state, or rehabilitating them through international aid
* comprehensive security arrangements
* a “solution to the Jerusalem problem.”
As for the “Jerusalem problem,” Barak told the newspaper that the western side of the city plus "12 Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours.” The neighborhoods in which nearly 250,000 Arabs are living “will be theirs.”
In addition, Barak envisions a “special regime” with “agreed-upon arrangements” to administer the Old City, the Mount of Olives and the City of David.
The concept is similar to one raised in the past by the administration of former U.S. President Bill Clinton, who recommended the area, which he referred to as the “Holy Basin,” be internationalized under a “special regime.”
Prior to his re-election as Israel's prime minister nearly two years ago, Binyamin Netanyahu warned a gathering at the Jerusalem Conference in January 2009 that leftist politicians would try to internationalize the holy sites in Jerusalem – and he vowed to fight the move.
“Some politicians are trying to blur the importance of the Temple Mount to the Jewish People by referring to it as the 'Holy Basin',” he told the crowd at the time. “We, as Jews, know who built the Temple Mount.”
Netanyahu promised the packed hall, “We have demonstrated in the past, and will continue to demonstrate our commitment to a complete, undivided Jerusalem... Everyone knows what will happen if we were to leave those areas and divide Jerusalem. Someone will enter – and that someone will be Hamas.”
Meanwhile, Barak told Haaretz that Tuesday night's murderous attack by Hamas terrorists was “a very serious incident, the likes of which we haven't seen for a long time.”
Barak countered demands by outraged politicians and community leaders for Netanyahu to return from Washington, saying the attack had “no doubt” been an attempt to “harm the start of the peace talks” and urged Israelis to support the process.
Conclusion: It is clear, from the above information, that Ehud Barak and Shimon Peres , via the Vatican, via the NDC in Rome, and via Washington, are in collusion with the enemies of Israel. Bibi also, although coming from a position of duress and fear, it appears to me, is a full collaborator with the enemies of the Jewish People in Israel at the present time. They are COLLABORATORS. We all know the end of COLLABORATORS with the Nazis. This should be no different, as the threat to Jewish life is no different. May Hashem save us from the hand of our brother Esav. Shana Tova. DS | |
Guest 788 writes:
I listened to Daisy's interview on Barry's show the other day.
You referred to the Catholic geopolitical organization AKA crime syndicate as 'the church'. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Vatican has sponsored mass killings of Christians and Jews for centuries.
But, you seemed to link Islam and the Catholic church. You are RIGHT ON. There is an excellent DVD I sent Barry by a man named Walter Vieth that shows how the Catholic organization created Islam back in the 5th (6th?) century. The connection between the two religious cults goes back for centuries. Just look at the Nazi/Islamic links in WWII.
Unfortunately, Barry didn't seem to get much out of the DVD. The radio Internet station he has started his show on actually has a show entitled Inquisition Update which links Islam and Catholicism.
Just received from C., an article in the Jerusalem Post about General James Jones's proposal of a multi-national force in Judea and Samaria:
Interesting, just as I am posting the research paper undertaken by the NATO College of Defense, earlier this year, in which they determined that they CANNOT do that. So is he out of the loop, or is it only disinformation, while the real slaughter goes on?
..."Israel is concerned about an American proposal to establish a multi-national force in the West Bank as one of the ways to expedite an Israeli withdrawal following any peace deal with the Palestinian Authority.
The idea is being promoted by US National Security Advisor James Jones, who served as security coordinator to the West Bank under former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice.
He also served as the top NATO commander in Europe, and therefore is believed to be a proponent of using multinational forces to solve conflicts...."
As now, so then:
>Your radio guest's reference to 1929 appears to be in regards to the Lateran treaty signed in 1929 between Mussolini and papal representatives granting once more to the Vatican civil power, this time over Vatican hill and the six other hills of Rome. Civil power began to be stripped from the pope starting in 1798 by Napoleon's general Berthier. This action was felt by Bible believing Christians of the era to be the "fatal wound" given to the Antichrist which was destined to be healed, and ultimately would be by the Lateran treaty.
>Best regards, John
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