by Daisy J. Stern, M.D.
Kiryat Arba- Hevron, Judea
August 11. 2009
Dear Readers,
This is one of the hardest papers I have ever written - and those who have been following my blog for a while know that I usually don't shy away from topics. But this is so daunting, so complicated, so essential, and so urgent, that it really pains me to deal with it. As I was going to Mearat Hamachpelah a few nights ago to gather my thoughts, and ask G-d for the strength and inspiration to write this, I landed upon a simchah - a young couple getting married ;I felt a terrible sense of dislocation: on one hand, this happy, joyful community full of young people of faith, living their lives and pursuing their dreams; on the other hand, a terrible danger looming over their heads, because of the evil designs of monsters of humanity...and none of these smiling and laughing young girls, young men and women have ANY idea what awaits them, if the evil ones have their way,.... and I HAVE to do this, I HAVE to write this, because NOBODY ELSE will do it if I don't - I have the training, I am in the right place at the right time, and it is my JOB - and I am in tears because of it. I am so angry at the evil ones, as angry as I was at the Germans and at Hitler for doing what they did to our people... except this time it is not only OUR people which are at risk: it is most of humanity, good and bad, worthy and unworthy, ...except for the few " chosen ones" who will be able to save their skins, a la Rudolf Kastner, because they sold their souls...UNLESS WE STOP THEM IN THEIR TRACKS. IT IS VERY, VERY URGENT. WE FAIL, WE DIE. As simple as that. And A FEW OF US ARE GOING TO HAVE TO CARRY THE WEIGHT, because the other ones are either too young, too careless, too ignorant, too lazy, or TOO MUCH IN DENIAL, to do it. A HANDFUL OF US WILL HAVE TO SACRIFICE, SO THAT ALL CAN LIVE. FAIR? NO; but that seems to be how it is... unless the whole nation wakes up, B"H, or unless, G-d forbid, WE don't do it, in which case we will all go under....
Not easy writing these words; but the truth, unfortunately.
I am speaking about the plan of the United Nations to vaccinate the entire population of Israel, and the whole world as a matter of fact, with the novel H1N1 flu vaccines.
As you know, I have been following this topic very closely since the outbreak of "swine flu" in Mexico the week after Pessach, this past spring. I have sent you countless articles, videos, audios, etc. about the evolving story, so I am not going to repeat it all; in fact, you can find it on the blog,
at http://israeltruthtimes.blogspot.com/
by looking for the following labels:
(a few earlier articles didn't have labels, but you can find those by searching for key words, and the articles or videos will appear).
Instead, I will SUMMARIZE WHAT I HAVE DISCOVERED SO FAR, including these past ten days during which I have reviewed an enormous amount of literature, - and I will try to direct my efforts to what we need to urgently do here in Israel, as other places seem to already have their vocal activists in place - in the United States, in Europe, etc ; you can always join them in their efforts, if that is where you live. And of course, if you happen to live in a country, a city, or a state that does not have a system in place, it might be incumbent upon YOU to start something urgently, using previous work already done elsewhere as a useful model, as I will be trying to do as well.
I will also try to lead you to various resources, where you can find more information, which you will definitely need.
Needless to say, what I will be sharing with you applies to the whole planet, as the effort at genocide is a worldwide effort; I will also be drawing on resources from other countries ; so please, feel free to draw on the resources I am putting at your disposal. Share the information in this article and on the blog with as many people as you can; EDUCATE, AND ACT.
As they say in French," L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE "- there is strength in unity;
or, as one of our correspondents wrote :
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." Edmund Burke
May G-d bless all of us, we will need it.
Daisy J. Stern, MD ( family physician for over 20 years, currently researching and writing instead of treating individual patients).
Kiryat Arba, Israel.
In this paper I am presenting overwhelming evidence, gathered from as many sources as I was able to find in the short time available to me, that the H1N1 INFLUENZA PANDEMIC of 2009 has been planned for a long time; that the 1918 Pandemic influenza virus was deliberately reconstituted in a lab, for the express purpose of creating a need for influenza virus vaccines; that the vaccines create a huge financial bonanza for the companies manufacturing them; that the majority of those companies have a very dark, Nazi past ; that they are interconnected ; that the vaccines are very unsafe, and in fact are experimental drugs with very serious problems; that whoever receives these vaccines will be an unwitting guinea-pig; that there are very dangerous side-effects to be expected from these vaccines, even many deaths; that the surreptitious lacing of the vaccines with live infectious agent and/or anti-fertility vaccines is a very real possibility, considering the history of a majority of the companies manufacturing those vaccines; that this plan was engineered by the WHO and the UN; that it is being financed by mostly private non-profit organizations that heavily subsidize the UN; that the goal is WORLD CONTROL AND EUGENICS, DEPOPULATION OF THE PLANET - eliminating "undesirables" - to about 9/10 of its current population; and that this plan, put into effect on July 7th , 2009, received the full blessing and guidance of Pope Benedikt XVI who demanded a UN "with teeth" and a NEW WORLD ORDER, in his encyclical CARITAS IN VERITATE, released to the world at the exact same moment as the decision was made to inoculate the whole world.... and that only select people will be able to receive the real antidote to the H1N1 influenza virus, a monoclonal antibody jointly manufactured by the Burnham Institute, the Dana Farber Institute, and the CDC.
I also recommend several steps that the government of Israel should immediately take to protect its Jewish population, a clear target of extermination throughout the ages, as well as today, considering the source of this engineered pandemic.
The World Health Organization determined in 2005 it has the authority to dissolve sovereign governments and take control should there be a “pandemic”. This applies to any country signed onto WHO - all 193 countries, including Israel and the United States, of course.
From the WHO 2005 declaration: (excerpted) “ Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.
If the Model Emergency Health Powers Act is implemented on the instructions of WHO, it will be a criminal offence for Americans to refuse the vaccine. Police are allowed to use deadly force against “criminal” suspects. Here are ten key points associated with MSEHPA:
Under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, upon the declaration of a “public health emergency,” governors and public health officials would be empowered to:
Force individuals suspected of harboring an “infectious disease” to undergo medical examinations.
Track and share an individual’s personal health information, including genetic information.
Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases.
Mandate that all health care providers report all cases of persons who harbor any illness or health condition that may be caused by an epidemic or an infectious agent and might pose a “substantial risk” to a “significant number of people or cause a long-term disability.” (Note: Neither “substantial risk” nor “significant number” are defined in the draft.)
Force pharmacists to report any unusual or any increased prescription rates that may be caused by epidemic diseases.
Preempt existing state laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to privacy, medical licensure, and–this is key–property rights.
Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices.
Mobilize all or any part of the “organized militia into service to the state to help enforce the state’s orders.” Ration firearms, explosives, food, fuel and alcoholic beverages, among other commodities.
Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.
July 7th, the pope releases his Encyclical, "CARITAS IN VERITATE", in which he calls for a "UN with teeth".
ON THE VERY SAME DAY, JULY 7th, AT THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, A BRANCH OF THE UN, the pharmaceutical industry-dominated Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization holds an "extraordinary meeting in Geneva to discuss issues and make recommendations related to vaccine for the pandemic (H1N1) 2009."
July 8-10 G-8 MEETING IN Aquila, Italy, with special prayers from Benedikt for their success.
Please open this document and read it: it is a summary of the G8's decisions. After reading this, you will understand Obama's policies: he is following the G8's and the WHO's orders to the letter.
July 10, Obama meets the Pope. They hold a LONG secret meeting with great joy. They are in complete agreement.
Now you will start to understand why A BLACK MAN was chosen to be president and to do this work in America: with ingrained SLAVE MENTALITY, you can see that Obama diligently FOLLOWS ALL THE ORDERS HE HAS BEEN GIVEN as regards Americans. Of course, his own huge dose of evil is a great part of the mix. But all his recent programs: "HEALTH REFORM", "FOOD SECURITY", VACCINATIONS, etc, are AN EXACT COPY OF THE DECISIONS OF THE G8, THE UN, AND OF THE POPE AS GRAND PRIEST- MASTERMIND, OF THE WHOLE AFFAIR ( see below how religion and politics are blended: there is NO separation of church and state in this plan).
July 13, a World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Global Alert headlined, "W.H.O. recommendations on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccinations" , SAGE RECOMMENDS MANDATORY H1N1 VACCINATIONS OF EVERYONE IN ALL 194 COUNTRIES THAT BELONG TO THE WHO .
As you can see from this time correlation, and from the effects of his demand that the UN HAVE TEETH ,
despite his denoucing as - verbatim - "‘incorrect " the current trend among international organizations, that sees increasing population the main cause of underdevelopment and the decrease of the population the only solution to avoid natural disasters and deaths,
the pope is intimately connected with the decision of the United Nations to commit mass genocide on the world population.
You will understand what I am saying after reading this article.
If we remember how the pope was intimately connected with the actions of Adolf Hitler during World War II, this should not surprise us at all: ROME OF THE INQUISITION HAS NOT CHANGED ONE IOTA: HER AGENTS MIGHT HAVE NEW NAMES, BUT HER ACTIONS REMAIN THE SAME. The diabolical plan for mastery of the human race by the Holy Roman Empire, the massive depopulation plan put into action, in order for the "SUPERIOR RACE" to take possession of the world's natural resources, and of course, Jerusalem, was started with full knowledge, direction, and cooperation from Rome.
True, the pope is not working alone: he has as his faithful underlings, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus,the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, etc, - the "lluminati", as Jane Burgermeister will call them in her lawsuit below, VERY RICH AND POWERFUL MEN AND WOMEN, INCLUDING MONARCHS, WHO CONTROL ALL MAJOR CORPORATIONS AND GOVERNMENTS, INCLUDING THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, and WHO WANT TO CONTROL ALL WORLD RESOURCES , INCLUDING THE ONES THAT THEY DO NOT YET CONTROL, if there are any left.
Together, they weave an extremely powerful web of interests that have been called THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Until now, this word was thought of as the delusions of 'conspiracy theorists'; but no more: now these criminals have come into the open; the pope himself mentions THE NEW WORLD ORDER in his Caritas in Veritate! And of course, he is not alone in that. They have come out of hiding in the last few months, emboldened by their successes. See:
Inside Catholic (www.insidecatholic.com)
Understanding Caritas in Veritate
By David Warren
".... certain "new world order" passages,...... I wish such ideas could remain unexpressed."
Their goal is to IMPOSE THE NEW WORLD ORDER ON HUMANITY. And part of that goal involves the elimination of a large portion of humanity, as has been clearly written in the following confidential memo:
For example,one of the largest financial contributors to the UN, CFR MEMBER TED TURNER, who said:
"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
has pledged one billion US $ over 10 years to the UN, a sizeable portion of which is directed at the implementation of its POPULATION CONTROL PLAN,
[Cliff kincaid: Ted Turner's United Nations Foundation: Making the UN a Pawn for Tex-Exempt Special Interests]
Another proponent is PRINCE PHILIP, HUSBAND OF QUEEN ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND, who is quoted to have said:
"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels."
Bill Gates of Microsoft is another member of this cabal, and so is DAVID ROCKEFELLER.
WND: BILL GATES, whose combined wealth is said to exceed $100 billion, has joined the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, and the Hewlett Foundation in becoming major international supporters of population control efforts.
Gates, known as the world's richest man, made a $2.2 billion donation to the William H. Gates Foundation, a member of Partners in Population and Development, which falls within the scope of the United Nations Population Fund,
WASHINGTON - Some of the richest men and women in the world met
secretly recently in New York to conspire on using their vast wealth to
bring the world's population growth under control.
The meeting included some of the biggest names in the "billionaires
club," according to the London Times - Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted
Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg.
The meeting at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel
Prize-winning biochemist and president of Rockefeller University, was the
inspiration of Gates and took place three weeks ago.
"The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the
billionaires' aides were told they were at 'security briefings,'" the Times
reported today.
Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, speculated that
the secrecy surrounding the meeting may have been due to concern that "they
don't want to be seen as a global cabal."
According to the Times, the billionaires were each given 15 minutes to
present their favorite cause. Over dinner they discussed how they might
settle on an "umbrella cause" that could harness their interests. Taking
their cue from Gates, the report said, they agreed population control was
the No. 1 issue...."
And the list goes on, and on, and on. The richest, most powerful people on earth want to KILL OFF THE REST OF HUMANITY. For that purpose , they DONATE LARGE SUMS TO THE UNITED NATIONS, which in turn, is CONTROLLED BY THESE VARIOUS INTERESTS, not only via financial contributions, but also by THEIR SHARING IN THE DECISION MAKING OF THE UNITED NATIONS.
And of course, let us not forget the United Nations itself, this hotbed of iniquity, that we, Am Yisrael, know only too well, and their ''health" arm, the World "Health" Organization - I am putting the world HEALTH in brackets because you will see from the following that they are everything BUT healthful: this reminds me of the term, Oslo PEACE process , which is really an EXTERMINATION PROCESS. In the same vein, these bodies are MASTERS AT DECEPTION, at using the exact OPPOSITE TERM OF WHAT THEIR TRUE GOAL IS. So here again, this WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION IS REALLY THE WORLD DEATH ORGANIZATION.
By the way, this is a typical Jesuit -speak : Black is white and white is black: is this where the UN and the WHO learned their Orwellian language from?
Jane Burgermeister, in her lawsuit against the WHO , the UN, and a large part of the above- named conspirators .
For some obscure reason, however, Jane left out the VATICAN AND THE POPE off her list of defendants. I wonder why this GRAVE OMISSION, AS THE POPE IS CLEARLY A MAJOR, IF NOT THE MAJOR PARTY TO THIS MONSTROUS PLAN OF EXTERMINATION OF MANKIND. I am asking her: why is that? Is she ignorant, afraid, or just simply prejudiced by her upbringing, therefore unable to see the truth when it stares her in the face?
I guess it wouldn't sit too well with the billion Catholics in the world, in Europe, Africa, Mexico, the Philippines, all of South America, India, the US, etc, etc. if they found out that their beloved pope is A, if not THE MAJOR CONSPIRATOR IN THE PLAN TO KILL THEM OFF, WOULD IT? SO THEREFORE THE NEED FOR THE POPE TO GIVE HIS SIGNATURE OK IN CODED LANGUAGE AND SIGNS, THAT ONLY THE INITIATED, AND THE TRULY AWARE, such as this author, KNOW HOW TO DECIPHER. I translate these gestures, these declarations, for you, from CODED LANGUAGE INTO ENGLISH, OR FRENCH, OR CZECH, OR WHATEVER LANGUAGE YOU HAPPEN TO BE SPEAKING, so your eyes will open, as mine have.
This is truly a SATANIC PLAN, designed to systematically kill off a major portion of humanity.
I have told you before that the pope relies heavily on a DISTORTED FORM OF NUMEROLOGY, ON SORCERY for every major decision he makes; therefore, we notice heavily charged dates for the activation, development and implemention of this diabolical plan.
Please pay attention to the following:
1.On the date 6/12 ( 6/6+6) the plan was made ready for activation; (666 is the number for SATAN - read below for further explanations).
or, to be specific, on June 11, at 9:30 PM, just on time so it would be OUT by 6/12:
Radio Suisse Romande, Geneve: Dernière mise à jour : 11 juin 2009 à 21:30:
H1N1: l'OMS déclare l'état de pandémie mondiale
WHO’s pandemic control room is linked to super computers in the UN that also control the UN security forces.
2.On 7/7: it was given the green light.
Let me remind you that the number 7 is the number for ISRAEL, and represents HOLINESS: the SEVEN branches of the Menorah in the Temple, the SEVEN days of the week, with SHABBAT as the SEVENTH DAY, the HOLY day; the SEVEN times seven weeks from Passover to Shavuot; the SEVEN sefirot; the SEVENTH year of the Shemittah, etc. Seven represents holiness and Am Yisrael.
And of course do not forget the SEVEN LAWS OF NOAH FOR HUMANITY.
And interestingly, this battle against humanity, endorsed by the pope, starts on the day marked by the number 7.
A.Pope Benedict's Social Encyclical
Pope Benedict XVI's Encyclical Caritas in Veritate released on Tuesday 7th July 2009.
New Encyclical Out July 7, "Caritas in Veritate" To Cover Social Themes
VATICAN CITY, JULY 1, 2009 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI's new encyclical, titled "Caritas in Veritate," will be released Tuesday, the Vatican announced.
The Vatican press office confirmed today that the Pope's first social encyclical, which is expected to offer an analysis of the current economic crisis, will be presented at a press conference in the late morning July 7. The text will then be released to the public at midday, local time.
MY question is: WHY was it necessary to announce this ahead of time, with the exact time of the text release: was it for journalists only, or mainly in order to ALERT THE WHO, so THEY could coordinate THEIR DECLARATION time wise?
BBC News
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Pope calls for a UN 'with teeth'
B.Extraordinary SAGE meeting of 7 July 2009
Background documents and presentations
3.On 7/8 with the G8 ( 8-8), WORLD GOVERNMENTS RECEIVE THE OK FROM THE POPE - A BLESSING in L' Aquila, a city which is intimately connected with the Church and the Holy Roman Empire, whose very name , THE EAGLE in Italian, is the symbol of the Holy Roman Empire:
The number 8 - in mathematics the horizontal 8 means INFINITE - represents ABOVE nature, the Divine. By associating with the letter 8, the pope in effect CLAIMS TO BE A GOD, TO BE INFALLIBLE , and GRANTS HIMSELF THE RIGHTS OF A GOD, including the right to kill off a major portion of humanity, which, besides being utterly criminal, is of course a bunch of nonsense, as we all know.
» 07/08/2009 13:50
Pope: pray that the G8 decisions are useful for the true progress of nations.
4. In the literature I reviewed, some people are pointing to the date of September 9th ( 9/9/09) as the day when the implementation of the plan is scheduled to begin. Here is a comment I found somewhere:
"Around 9/9/09, 999 being 666 upside down."
And the pope and his knights etc could very well deliberately unleash something on that day. This is the explanation, from what I have read: from the Book of Revelations, a book absolutely not accepted by Judaism, except for one item: apparently the information about the number 666 being the number of Satan comes from the Gemorah:
(Read what Dov Bear Bar Lev has to say about the number 666 and the book of Revelations:
Here is a question and answer session I held with him a couple of months ago:
Dov: One of the things that he said that was true was that the number of the Satan is 666
me: And if so, WHICH PART of that Book. if at all, is kosher, and how would we know what is and what is not kosher?
10:36 PM And please, give me your sources, OK?
10:37 PM Dov: The gemorah mentions that there are 300 princes of Germamia in Edom and 365 in Rome
10:38 PM Everyday one of the princes of Germamia unites with one of the princes in Rome and rules for a day
me: What does that have to do with PROPHECY/ Is there ANY prophecy in that book that is supported by KOSHER sources?
me:10:40 PM Interesting. They speak of the 300, I heard that recently, the CLUB of 300
Dov: The disunity of Germamia keeps Amalek from going forth to destroy the world. This is the bit of the wicked that keeps Amalek from going forth to destroy the world.
10:41 PM Count the princes. 300 + 365
me: I'm here. just trying to understand
10:42 PM 666?
And what does that have to do with the book of Rev.?
10:43 PM Dov: As long as Germamia remained a patch work of 300 city states Amalek did not take over to go forth and destroy the world. When Germany and Rome finally united, Hitler of Austria took over and did so
He was the 666th prince
The number of the Satan
10:44 PM found in the Book of Revelation
from our sources
me: Well. NOW, germania and rome are united in ONE PERSON, the POPE.
even worse!
Dov: yes
Dov: found in the Gemorah in Megillah)
5. And what about 10/10/10? Is 10/10 /10 the scheduled date for the completion of this horrific work?
I don't want to venture into unknown territory, but read the following:
Editor’s Note: The following text is the words of former United Nations Assistant-Secretary General, Robert Muller, and represents in part, his version of what the world could look like in the not-so-distant future. Take note the blending of politics and religion at the global level.
( again, notice number 9!)
...9. A UN specialized agency on population is created. The U.S. renews its support to the UNFPA and increases tenfold its contribution to it - ( here the number 10 appears once more, interesting)
12. The UN General Assembly takes six major steps:
i) In consultation with governments, world agencies, and the best minds of the planet, it prepares a plan for world peace by the year 2010. All member states are requested to submit proposals. National committees are established with peoples’ participation to draft ideas and concrete action proposals towards “World Peace 2010” and “World Disarmament and Demilitarization 2020.”
ii) The General Assembly requests that all existing UN plans 2010 (Food 2010, Health 2010, and the Economic Development Decades) be put together into a World Action Plan 2010. The Assembly calls for the rapid solution of all remaining conflicts to enable humanity to proceed with a clean slate. A worldwide cease-fire is proclaimed under UN control.
I see in these dates THE SIGNATURE, THE HAND OF POPE BENEDIKT . And considering the Encyclical just published on the very day of the implementation of the plan, WHAT THE POPE WRITES IN IT CONCERNING THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND A UNITED NATIONS WITH TEETH, and considering that IMMEDIATELY after this covert go-ahead THE UN COG MACHINE GOT TO WORK, I HAVE TO CONCLUDE THAT THE ULTIMATE LEADER OF THE PLAN IS POPE BENEDIKT XVI HIMSELF! Unless he is simply their "chaplain", their spiritual leader if you will; but what difference does it make, if they need his OK, his approval, in order to proceed?
Just as we found out that HE can decide who will live, and who will die.....
It is called "covering your tracks". Who would have thunk that such a holy personage, who speaks so loftily, is capable of such atrocities, really?
"The better to eat you with, my dear."
(IsraelNN.com) Pope Benedict XVI has singled out Nazi concentration camps as the epitome of evil and said they came about when man forgets there is a G-d.
Speaking Sunday to pilgrims gathered at the Castel Gandolfo papal retreat, the pope said the camps were "extreme symbols of evil" and the "hell that comes to earth when man forgets G-d and replaces him, usurping his right to decide what is right and what is wrong, to give life and death."
The pope made the statement while remembering two Christian saints who had died in concentration camps.
NB: Knight of Malta Joseph H. Retinger, acting on behalf of the Vatican and the Priory of Sion, forged ties with the European Council of Princes (the respectable name for the Dragon Court), the CIA, and Britain's MI6 to create the New World Order think-tank "The Bilderberg Group", of which Henry Kissinger is a permanent member....
It was also inevitable that there would be cooperation between Corporate America and the Vatican (as already referred to). Perhaps the most active Catholic group which so co-operated was the Venerable Sovereign Military & Hospitalier Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta, better known as the Knights of Malta (SMOM for short), an Order which, like the Vatican itself, is based in Rome and enjoys sovereign status, issuing its own passports and stamps. One of the SMOM's functions in the RATLINES operation was, in fact, the supplying of false passports to the Nazis on their way to sanctuary.
When the statistics clearly show that the danger is really not that great at this time, and when most doctors agree that giving the vaccine at this time is unnecessary and potentially dangero:
Israel Center for Disease Control - Unit for Monitoring Unusual Morbidity and Influenza, Ministry of Health, weekly report, 18/7/09:
There are a number of available explanations, some of it might be right, some not:
A. IGNORANCE: Very often, people even in the high in government have no idea what is going on.
B. TREASON: we know that we DO have a few traitors in the highest echelon of the State of Israel, whom I will not mention at this time. But three of them come to my mind at this time, one of them, specially, who is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, who I AM SURE IS IN THE KNOW, and yet who goes along and even ENCOURAGES THIS PLAN.
C. I believe, however, that the most likely reason is because they think THEY DON'T HAVE A CHOICE.
Healthy Israel 2020Healthy Israel 2020
Healthy Israel 2020
About Healthy Israel 2020
The Healthy Israel 2020 initiative was created by the leadership of the
Ministry of Health to define Israeli policy in the areas of disease
prevention and health promotion for the coming years. It will establish and
prioritize objectives, quantitative targets and interventional strategies
necessary to improve the health and reduce disparities within the
The initiative is based on Health21 – the European Region version of
the World Health Organization's Health for All initiative, and on the
Healthy People 2010 initiative of the United States Department of Health
and Human Services. This effort will serve to update “Health for All
2000” which was published in Israel in 1989.
Lifestyle behaviors and environmental factors have a critical influence on
morbidity and on the quality of life. Modification of health-related
behaviors and implementation of preventive interventions have the potential
to increase life expectancy and quality of life, as well as to reduce
associated costs, such as those related directly to healthcare and those
due to loss of work days.
Success of the initiative hinges on the collaboration of a broad spectrum
of individuals and organizations; these include representatives of various
government offices, local community centers, businesses, and the Knesset.
The Ministry of Health will coordinate these efforts.
The initiative will be comprised of the following stages:
Designation of Israeli and international
experts to explore the 19 focus areas
Definition of the objectives on the basis of the health conditions, health
behaviors, and environmental factors which most influence the health of the
Choice of quantitative evidence-based targets.
Identification of effective interventions to achieve the objectives
Definition of the resources required to meet
the objectives in the relevant time frame.
Prioritizing objectives and interventions
Establishment of regulatory and other
strategies critical to objective attainment
Implementation of the program, including monitoring
of the process and target achievement
[Updated At 11/3/2008]
Fifty-First World Health Assembly , Agenda Item 19, HEALTH-FOR-ALL POLICY FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY
See also
then go to http://www.health.gov.il/pages/default.asp?maincat=75
You have to understand that the WHO has a very sophisticated system of super-computers, in the PANDEMIC CONTROL ROOM, that are directly connected to the UN's military command, and in an instant they can give orders to attack if we don't comply with their orders.
That is the TRUE reason that a pandemic was declared by the UN: to give THE WORLD ARMY CONTROL OVER THE WORLD.
If you have noticed lately, a number of strange occurrences have been happening in Jerusalem, where the police acted AS THOUGH THEY WERE OBEYING A FOREIGN ENTITY, AND NOT THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL. This is no accident.
And so ISRAEL feels that it doesn't have a choice.
Remember, also, that after the attempt to take over Har Tzion by diplomacy failed, the pope decided to enlist the WHOLE WORLD in his CRUSADE - which is what we are talking about. And to this effect, he enlisted Obama and the Nations of the world. HIS TEETH? THE UN.
And now you understand why MK Litzman flew off to Israel. But thank G-d he is NOT a minister, and as such, he did NOT sign any papers.
And even if the previous Health Minister did, these papers are NULL AND VOID, as they apparently are in the US as well: they do NOT hold according to the law. Check your laws.
But now that we know that, it can give us comfort, because WE KNOW that HASHEM WILL FIGHT OUR WAR FOR US. SO WE SHOULD NOT FEAR, JUST DO WHAT IS NECESSARY AND SAVE THE PEOPLE.
Various details of importance
* http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2005/sga946.doc.htm
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has appointed Dr. David Nabarro as Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza.
Dr. Nabarro is one of the most senior public health experts in the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Secretary-General is grateful to the Director-General, Dr. Lee Jong-Wook for seconding him to the United Nations. He will be responsible for ensuring that the United Nations system makes an effective and coordinated contribution to the global effort to control the epidemic of avian influenza (or “bird flu”), which at present is particularly affecting countries in Asia. He will also ensure that the United Nations system supports effective local, national, regional and global preparations for a potential human influenza pandemic -- so as to reduce the human toll, as well as the economic and social disruption, that this pandemic could cause....
* Dr. David Nabarro (born in 1949), works as the Senior UN System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza at United Nations Headquarters in New York. He has been seconded to this position from the World Health Organization.
* http://www.unitedbiosource.com/news/release.aspx?id=8
LISTEN TO THESE INTERVIEWS, particularly of Dr. Nabarro and Sandra Mounier.
Pay attention to his aggressive and controlling, I would say, threatening voice: David Nabarro SOUNDS like a very dangerous man.
She is a genuine person, it seems to me. On the other hand, - ( an different topic, but since it is on the same page, I am including it here)
* listen to the interview of Matt Page, MEDTAP ( BATTELLE), and then see WHO THEY ARE!
"MEDTAP has been a pioneer and market leader in the global development of Outcomes Research and Health Economics as an integral discipline in the development and commercialization of new pharmaceuticals," said Ethan Leder, CEO of United BioSource Corporation. ...MEDTAP® International, Inc. is a global health services research firm that conducts patient reported outcomes studies, economic evaluation and modeling studies, policy research and analysis for pharmaceutical companies, managed care organizations, biotechnology firms, medical device and diagnostics manufacturers, governments and professional and trade associations.
* And read about BATTELLE who acquired them in 2006: NOT YOUR RUN OF THE MILL COMPANY! THEY HAVE TIES TO BIOWEAPONS SYSTEMS, IT SEEMS, AND ARE TOTALLY CONNECTED TO US GOVERNMENT, DEFENSE, AND SECURITY.... and THEY found out that everybody should get the flu vaccine???
* Statement made at the Secretary-General’s briefing to the United Nations General Assembly on the H1N1 influenza situation
May 4, 2009
H1N1 influenza situation
Dr Margaret Chan
Director-General of the World Health Organization
WHO is well prepared with plans that have been rehearsed, at headquarters and with its offices in all regions of the world. WHO is collecting information as the situation evolves and making this information public. Vigilance and solid data are critical at this stage.
In terms of preparedness, the world is also fortunate to have the revised International Health Regulations. This treaty, which is designed to protect public health, also has provisions aimed at preventing undue interference with international trade and travel.
In this regard, let me make a strong plea to countries to refrain from introducing measures that are economically and socially disruptive, yet have no scientific justification and bring no clear public health benefit.
* 79% of pharmaceutical research development funding comes from PRIVATE PHILANTHROPIC ORGANIZATIONS
( Rockefeller, Gates, etc)
* up to 40% of immunizations are unsafe
* How health policies are interconnected worldwide:
* About intellectual property re: health research
Address at the World Intellectual Property Organization Conference on Intellectual Property and Public Policy Issues
Geneva, Switzerland
14 July 2009
Strengthening multilateral cooperation on intellectual property and public health
Dr Margaret Chan
Director-General of the World Health Organization
This past May, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution on public health, innovation and intellectual property. This was one of the most difficult, and divisive, issues ever negotiated by WHO and its Member States. The consensus finally reached, after hours and hours and years and years of tense negotiations, represents a triumph for public health.
The resulting global strategy and plan of action provide agreed lines of action for making health care products more accessible and affordable, especially in the developing world.
With this plan now in place, WHO and a host of partners, from academia and industry to governments and civil society, are harnessing systems of innovation and intellectual property to meet health needs in the developing world.
1.The UN COORDINATOR for the WHO is Dr. David Nabarro.
SHE IS THE PAWN, albeit a very important pawn, of:
B. SAGE: Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization.
The Director is from the UK, then there are members from countries where I would NEVER get health care - would YOU?
then one is from Australia, two are from the US, and one more is from the UK.
3. Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny, from France, is the DIRECTOR OF THE WHO INITIATIVE FOR VACCINE RESEARCH.
See also:
for their plans for the H5N1 pandemic that was supposed to materialize, but NEVER DID, thanks to Czech scientists!
Read the whole article below:
(NaturalNews) — Executives from Baxter, Novartis, Glaxo-Smith Kline, and Sanofi Pasteur have seats at the advisory group that on July 13th recommended mandatory H1N1 vaccination of everyone in all 194 countries that belong to the World Health Organization (WHO), according to a report just issued by journalist Jane Burgermeister. WHO spokesperson Alphaluck Bhatiasevi confirmed that Dr. Margaret Chan did not give the press briefing at WHO headquarters in Geneva as anticipated. At short notice, Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny stepped in to announce that “vaccines will be needed in all countries.”
Notice ISRAEL,
and NOTICE THAT THE VATICAN , which just turned 80 this year, DOES NOT APPEAR; interesting???
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message838380/pg1- read!
Now remember that EXTRAORDINARY session of the Advisory board took place on July 7th, the exact same time and date that Benedikt held a press conference in which he DEMANDED THAT THE UN HAVE TEETH.
Benedikt started his presentation at 10:00 AM, and so did Dr. Kieny.
He held a press conference at 12:00 noon about the need for a UN with teeth, exactly 10 minutes later vaccine deployment was announced.
Obviously French Dr. Kieny has some close ties to ROME!
This is a topic for another article, relevant but not urgent at this time, so its discussion has been deferred.
Leading flu vaccine makers include Sanofi-Aventis (SASY.PA: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK.L: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), Novartis (NOVN.VX: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), Baxter (BAX.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), CSL (CSL.AX: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) and Solvay (SOLB.BR: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz).
Latest update:
Litzman in U.S. to Discuss Swine Flu
Reported: 21:25 PM - Aug/11/09
Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman is in the United States discussing with top health officials effective ways of dealing with Swine Flu. Litzman is set to ask the U.S. to send to Israel several hundred thousand doses of vaccine against the virus, in order to treat high risk individuals who have contracted the disease. The vaccine is still under development, but the U.S. is set to receive its vaccine allocation before Israel.
Last week, the Health Ministry signed a NIS 7 million deal with French manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur for flu vaccines, to be delivered when the vaccine is finalized.
Thu., August 06, 2009 ( Haaretz)
The Health Ministry has begun negotiating with local pharmaceutical companies to set up a plant to manufacture vaccines, Haaretz has learned.
Ministry officials have concluded that Israel needs to be able to manufacture large quantities of vaccines quickly in the event of an emergency. The decision was influenced by the rapid spread of swine flu and the consequent anticipated rise in demand for flu vaccines.
"Setting up a factory to manufacture vaccines will not solve the current swine flu epidemic, but it could provide a long-term response, increasing our preparedness for future epidemics," a senior healthcare official explained.
Dr. Segev Shani of the Neopharm pharmacy chain, which is negotiating alongside the ministry to buy swine flu vaccines from Novartis, explained that "global production capacity for vaccines is limited. It is suited to seasonal flus, against which less than one-fifth of the population gets vaccinated. But in the case of a flu epidemic, vaccine manufacturers are not currently capable of providing an immediate response to [demand for] three to 10 times more than the quantity [normally] produced. And any country in which vaccines are produced will take care of itself first ... Countries without independent production capacity, such as Israel, will have to stand in line."
Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman first spoke of the need to consider launching a local vaccine production plant at a medical conference in Safed in early July. The United States and Spain both have recently offered incentives to pharmaceutical firms to set up vaccine factories.
Yesterday, at a meeting in Netanyahu's office, it was agreed that the government should look into the matter further before placing the order.
Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the government would buy swine flu vaccines for the entire population, at a cost of NIS 450 million. That announcement sparked criticism among senior health officials, and the Health Ministry has so far held off on ordering the vaccines.
Dr. Itamar Grotto, the Health Ministry's director of public health services, said the ministry is currently talking with five international pharmaceutical firms - Novartis, GSK, Sanofi Pasteur, Baxter and MedImmune - an effort to find out whether any vaccines are available. The ministry hopes to find a supplier that can provide the vaccine in time for the winter.
JULY 29, 2009, 3:29 P.M. ET
U.S. Outlines Priority Groups to Get H1N1 Vaccine
ATLANTA – Pregnant women, children, young adults and health-care workers are among those groups who should be first in line to receive a vaccine against the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, a federal advisory panel recommended Wednesday....
The panel made a point of including young adults from ages 19 to 24 in the priority group ....
July 23
GAITHERSBURG, Maryland (Reuters) - The U.S. government has bought 195 million doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine for a possible autumn vaccination campaign, a U.S. federal official said Thursday.
The U.S. Health and Human Services Department has also contracted for 120 million doses of adjuvant, a compound to stretch the number of doses of vaccine needed, the department's Dr. Robin Robinson told a meeting of Food and Drug Administration advisers.
Five companies are making H1N1 vaccine for the U.S. market -- AstraZeneca's MedImmune unit, Australia's CSL Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Novartis AG and Sanofi-Aventis SA.
July 30, 2009—
With the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hoping to have 120 million doses of H1N1 swine flu virus vaccine ready before flu season this fall, some are raising concerns over what they see as an effort to rush the drug through safety trials.
The source of many of these concerns is the probability that the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal will be an ingredient in some of the doses of the new vaccine. Concern over thimerosal has lingered for years, despite research that has overwhelmingly found it to be harmless.
Last Updated: July 29, 2009 13:25 EDT
The U.S. has contracts with five companies to provide flu shots. Novartis, based in Basel, Switzerland, is responsible for 45 percent of the supply, while Sanofi will provide 26 percent and CSL will make 19 percent, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, in an interview last week.
The remaining doses will be made by Glaxo and London-based drugmaker AstraZeneca Plc.
July 29 (Bloomberg) -- Swine flu vaccine makers may rely on a U.S. emergency declaration to use experimental additives made by GlaxoSmithKline Plc and Novartis AG to boost a limited supply of shots that will be available to fight the pandemic.
The ingredients, known as adjuvants, may be added for the first time to flu shots in the U.S. Health officials today are meeting to discuss the additives at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, and to recommend who should receive the limited amount of vaccines drugmakers say they will begin delivering in September or October.
The U.S. Health and Human Services Department declared a public health emergency over swine flu in April, and the Food and Drug Administration has the power to allow the use of unapproved medical products during such a crisis...
“The question is, do you really feel comfortable throwing this new thing into the mix and do you really need to?” said Treanor, a professor of medicine, microbiology and immunology at the school in Rochester, New York. “I myself, if I had to do it, would really wrestle with that decision.”
The CDC agreed to pay London-based Glaxo and Novartis, based in Basel, Switzerland, more than $415 million for adjuvants that could be added to the swine flu vaccines, according to a July 13 statement.
Early Production
Adjuvants may not be necessary if enough shots can be produced without them, according to Health and Human Services. That possibility got a boost today from authorities at the CDC, who said 40 million shots of unadjuvanted vaccine may be available in September, earlier than previously reported, with 80 million more doses ready in October.
A safety concern was raised in 2004 when researchers at the University of Florida in Gainesville reported that mice injected with oils used in the adjuvants developed conditions of the type that occur when the body’s immune system produces an excessive protective reaction. Similar reactions haven’t been seen in humans.
MF59, made by Novartis and sold in Europe, has been given to more than 40 million people, mostly adults, to prevent seasonal flu, according to the company. Glaxo’s adjuvant has proven safe and effective in clinical trials with 39,000 people, said Lisa Behrens, a spokeswoman for the company, in an e-mail. Glaxo will conduct more studies and continue to monitor safety after the vaccines are in use, she said.
Emergency Authorization
Under the U.S. health emergency, the FDA may authorize the use of unlicensed vaccines, according to Peper Long, an agency spokeswoman. The FDA convened an advisory committee July 23 to consider what trials are necessary for the vaccines’ approval. Advisory committees consist of medical experts who provide guidance to the agency.
Thu Aug 6, 2009 10:13am EDT
* Flu vaccine development on track, WHO says
* First clinical trial results and approvals in Sept
* Vaccine yields higher after initial problems
LYON, France and SWIFTWATER, Pa., Aug. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the sanofi-aventis Group (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY), announced today the company has submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a supplemental application for licensure of its influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine. Responding to recent recommendations by the FDA, the company's supplemental application requests the FDA's evaluation of the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 strain change, which is expected to expedite the licensure process for the pandemic vaccine.
"Filing this application is consistent with our commitment to work collaboratively with public health officials in producing a vaccine against the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 virus," said Wayne Pisano, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi Pasteur. "It is essential that we pursue the vaccine licensure pathway made available to us, while at the same time, continue the important clinical studies of our vaccine."
The supplemental application follows recent recommendations by the FDA to evaluate the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines using the same regulatory process by which it approves new viral strains contained in the annual seasonal influenza vaccines. Sanofi Pasteur's influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine supplemental application specifies the evaluation of a non-adjuvanted vaccine.
While these strain change supplements are not required to be supported by new clinical data, immunogenicity and safety data will be made available through clinical studies. Sanofi Pasteur will test the immunogenicity and safety of its influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine through clinical trials in the U.S., which began August 6. The planned clinical trials will consist of approximately 2,000 subjects and will also evaluate the safety and potential benefits of adding an adjuvant to the pandemic vaccine. More information on the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccine clinical trials is available at www.clinicaltrials.gov.
LYON, France and SWIFTWATER, Pennsylvania, October 31 2005 /PRNewswire/ -- Sanofi pasteur, the vaccines business of the sanofi-aventis Group (NYSE: SNY), has entered into an agreement with Eisai Co., Ltd. to license their novel adjuvant, E6020, for use in the development of new vaccines to treat or prevent human illnesses. E6020 is a chemically synthesized adjuvant that will be tested by sanofi pasteur to determine its ability to enhance the immune response to a broad range of vaccines.
Under the terms of the agreement, Eisai will provide a license to sanofi pasteur to incorporate the E6020 adjuvant for use in vaccines throughout all geographical regions.
To provide a rapid response against the pandemic threat, sanofi pasteur first selected an alum adjuvant for its proven safety characteristics. Other adjuvants are under evaluation with the objective of further increasing immune response generated by the H5N1 vaccine while reducing the amount of antigen needed for vaccination....
Vaccine dose-sparing strategies are discussed among public health experts who benefit from data generated by Sanofi Pasteur’s clinical trial program.
E6020: a synthetic Toll-like receptor 4 agonist as a vaccine adjuvant.
Ishizaka ST, Hawkins LD.
Eisai Research Institute, 4 Corporate Drive, Andover, MA 01742, USA. sally_ishizaka@eri.eisai.com
Safe and cost-effective adjuvants are a critical component to enhance the efficacy of subunit vaccines. Studies have demonstrated that modified natural lipid As derived from enterobacterial lipopolysaccharides, which are agonists of Toll-like receptor 4, are beneficial to vaccine performance. The synthetic phospholipid dimer, E6020, mimics the physicochemical and biological properties of many of the natural lipid As derived from gram-negative bacteria. Similar to its natural counterparts, E6020, which was discovered and developed by Eisai, agonizes Toll-like receptor 4, albeit in an attenuated fashion, eliciting an immunostimulatory response that is conducive to use as a vaccine adjuvant. The derivation of E6020, along with physicochemical properties and in vitro and in vivo studies of immunostimulation and adjuvant activity, are reviewed as a background to its imminent assessment in the clinic.
7/23/09 The NIH's first studies will use flu shots made by France-based Sanofi-Pasteur
and CSL Ltd., which on Wednesday began a much smaller study of its vaccine in its home country of Australia
Is it safe? U.S. vaccine experts want to build trust
Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:37pm EDT
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor - Analysis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When advisers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration met to discuss a new vaccine against H1N1 swine flu last week, some of the biggest critics of vaccination were not only in the room, but at the table.
Likewise for a meeting on Wednesday of advisers who decide who will be first in line to get the vaccine, which drug companies are racing to make, test and distribute all within the space of a few weeks.
Registered nurse Vicky Debold, on the board of the National Vaccine Information Center, which questions vaccine safety, is also a member of the FDA's Vaccine and Related Biological Advisory Committee. The group's founder, Barbara Loe Fisher, asked extensive questions at the meeting.
Lyn Redwood, president of SafeMinds, a group that advocates about potential links between mercury and neurological disorders, asked questions at a meeting on Wednesday of vaccine advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The U.S. federal government is more ready than it has ever been for questions, criticisms and fear of vaccines -- a state of preparedness more than 30 years in the making.
"We know that there are some people who are reluctant to vaccinate and they have heard information that concerns them," Dr. Anne Schuchat of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told reporters late on Wednesday.
The concerns:
*Will a vaccine against a swine-like virus cause more adverse reactions than a seasonal flu vaccine?
*Will special additives called adjuvants cause reactions?
*Will the vaccines contain thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that critics say might cause problems?
*Is it dangerous to vaccinate against both seasonal flu and the new H1N1 flu at the same time?
H1N1 swine flu has swept around the world in weeks, infecting millions and killing more than 800 by official counts. While only a "moderate" pandemic by World Health Organization standards, it could worsen as temperatures cool in the Northern Hemisphere, making conditions better for viruses.
Five companies are making H1N1 vaccine for the U.S. market -- AstraZeneca's MedImmune unit, Australia's CSL Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Novartis AG and Sanofi-Aventis SA.
CSL has started trials of its vaccine in people and the U.S. National Institutes of Health starts trials next month. They will compare vaccines with and without adjuvants -- ingredients that boost the immune system response to a vaccine.
Adjuvants are used in flu vaccines in Europe but not the United States and although it would be possible to get a U.S. license under Emergency Use Authorization, officials have chosen to use vaccines without it for now.
Companies such as Glaxo say they will be ready to start vaccinating people in Europe just as the first data from those trials start emerging at the end of September. Some have questioned this speed.
The FDA's Dr. Hector Izurieta said the agency had set up an exceptionally extensive network for what is known as post-marketing surveillance.
"If something happens after vaccination, the vaccine will be accused," Izurieta told last week's meeting. "There will be many, many reports of things that could be, or not, associated with vaccination."
Vaccine regulators and public health experts are painfully aware of the last swine flu vaccination campaign. In 1976, the U.S. government rushed out a mass immunization against a swine flu virus that never spread off one military base.
Several hundred cases of a rare, paralyzing neurological disease called Guillain-Barre syndrome were reported afterward and although no clear link has ever been found to the vaccine, the incident made many people mistrustful of immunizations.
More recently, fears center on thimerosal, taken out of most vaccines after activists claimed it could cause autism -- a link discredited by many scientific studies but one that some vocal activists say is still valid.
Instead of fighting the perception, Schuchat said the CDC will roll with it. "There will be thimerosal-free formulations available for those people who are interested in that sort of preparation," she said.
LONDON, July 24 (Reuters)
"Given the public health threat posed by the current pandemic, the Agency's goal is to ensure data submitted to support marketing authorisations for vaccines are reviewed as early as possible, before the beginning of the Northern hemisphere flu season, expected in September," it said in a statement.
"Additional clinical trials in adults and children are currently being initiated by the vaccine manufacturers and the results will be reviewed in the coming months as they become available."
By Jonathan Lynn and Ben Hirschler
GENEVA/LONDON, Aug 6 (Reuters) - The first vaccines to combat H1N1 swine flu should be approved and ready for use in some countries from September, the World Health Organisation said on Thursday.
Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research, also said vaccine production yields were improving, following a disappointing start that triggered some worries about supplies.
One of the virus strains used by vaccine makers now seems to be yielding the same amount as seasonal vaccine, while early indications were that pandemic H1N1 yields might be only 30 percent of normal.
"I don't want to say too early that the question has been resolved but it really seems that we have found a way to go round this problem," Kieny told reporters. "We are on track in development."
First results from clinical trials are expected early next month and these tests will show whether one or two doses are needed to provide immunity -- another big swing factor in determining how many people can be vaccinated.
Once initial clinical trial results are in, regulators will be able to approve the vaccines from next month and the first countries are expected to start mass vaccination programmes, Kieny added.
Leading flu vaccine makers include Sanofi-Aventis (SASY.PA: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK.L: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), Novartis (NOVN.VX: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), Baxter (BAX.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), CSL (CSL.AX: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) and Solvay (SOLB.BR: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz).
Thu Aug 6, 2009 10:13am EDT
* Flu vaccine development on track, WHO says
* First clinical trial results and approvals in Sept
* Vaccine yields higher after initial problems
H1N1 Vaccine Will Be Approved, Ready For Use By September, WHO Says
09 Aug 2009
By September, the first H1N1 (swine) flu vaccines will be approved and ready for use, WHO director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research Marie-Paule Kieny said Thursday, Reuters reports. Kieny also expressed optimism that "vaccine production yields were improving, following a disappointing start that triggered some worries about supplies," the news service writes.
By early next month, Kieny said scientists will have the results of the first H1N1 vaccine clinical trials, which aim to determine "how many doses of the new vaccine will be required to provide sufficient protection against the virus," the Los Angeles Times' blog "Booster Shots" reports. "Preliminary studies have suggested that the antigen being used does not provoke as strong a response as that in the seasonal flu vaccine, and that it may be necessary to use two doses -- which would halve the total number of people who could be immunized" (Maugh, 8/6).
Reuters reports that "once initial clinical trial results are in, regulators will be able to approve the vaccines from next month and the first countries are expected to start mass vaccination programmes, Kieny added" . Lynn/Hirschler, 8/6.
Obama Will Discuss H1N1 With Mexican President, Canadian Prime Minister
In related news, President Obama is scheduled to meet with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Guadalajara, Mexico, Sunday and Monday to discuss ways to deal with the anticipated resurgence of H1N1 this fall, Reuters reports in a separate story. The leaders are expected to issue a joint statement about their collaborative efforts to limit the severity of H1N1, White House Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan said.
"I think everybody recognizes that H1N1 is going to be a challenge for all of us and there are people who are going to get sick in the fall and die. People have been dying over the past number of months from H1N1," Brennan said (Holland, 8/6).
© Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights reserved.
Update on that meeting in Mexico: the leaders LIE, spread disinformation:
"Three amigos" summit dominated by swine flu, trade
Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:00am EDT
GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada gather on Monday to present a united front to try to limit the spread of the H1N1 swine flu, but there is less unity on simmering trade issues....
...The leaders, sometimes referred to as "the three amigos," are expected to issue a joint communique stressing their shared commitment to keep a predicted resurgence in the H1N1 virus this autumn as limited as possible.
A senior Obama administration official said the goal was to ensure that the people of the three countries are fully informed about steps to mitigate the spread of the virus, which is believed to have originated in Mexico last spring....
Even the next statement by the CDC,earlier this year, is a cover-up: there is significant evidence that the virus originated on the NORTHERN SIDE OF THE BORDER, and is a lab creation of the US government's mad scientists.
..Pan American Health Organization press release that "the new virus, which emerged in Mexico and the United States in April," has spread to 74 countries.
Daniel Epstein, a Pan American Health Organization spokesman, said that, "at this time, it's not clear that this pandemic started in Mexico." He added that reports that the disease originated in Mexico "are premature."
At the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, spokesman Joe Quimby confirmed that "no geographical location has been determined to be the point of origin of the current pandemic." He added, "We may never know in which country it started."
El Paso, TX, August 4, 2009 (PAHO/WHO)
"I reinstated during the seminar the importance of not calling it the "swine flu", since April 30, 2009, WHO has been referring to this influenza virus as influenza A (H1N1). In addition, clarified that contrary to initial suspicions, the current influenza A (H1N1) epidemic has not been linked to contact with either live pigs or the consumption of pork or pork products."
The VTEUs expect to recruit volunteers and test the vaccines beginning in August. In a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases news release, Anthony S. Fauci, MD, NIAID director, noted that “with the emergence of the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus, we have undertaken a collaborative and efficient process of vaccine development…to help quickly evaluate these pilot lots to determine whether the vaccines are safe and to assess their ability to induce protective immune responses. These data will be factored into the decision about how and if to implement a 2009 H1N1 flu vaccination program this fall.”
See Dr. Ott's work, below, for the reassortment - recreation - of this PANDEMIC FLU VIRUS from the 1918 PANDEMIC FLU VIRUS
at Fort Detrick, Maryland, by Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger, with the purpose of subsequently creating vaccines against it.
And see Jane Burgermeister's work for this:
Avian flu, H5N1 was deliberately released in the population by Baxter, - A WHOLE 72 KILOS OF IT! - via mixing with REGULAR , seasonal influenza virus. PANDEMIC WAS STOPPED BY MIRACLE THANKS TO CZECH LAB WORKERS.
Some information about H1N1
THIS MUTATION COULD OCCUR , and apparently they are hard at work to make it happen! Just read virology journals, see what happens at Ohio State University extension, and other places. The research being done by unscrupulous individuals at the employ of the NIH and the WHO is simply satanic.
For instance, some professor recommended various techniques to MUTATE the virus at page 7 of the article INFLUENZA A/ MEXICO/2009
While searching for alternative reading-frame peptides encoded by influenza A virus that are recognized by CD8+ T cells, we found an abundant immunogenic peptide encoded by the +1 reading frame of PB1. This peptide derives from a novel conserved 87-residue protein, PB1-F2, which has several unusual features compared with other influenza gene products in addition to its mode of translation. These include its absence from some animal (particularly swine) influenza virus isolates, variable expression in individual infected cells, rapid proteasome-dependent degradation and mitochondrial localization. Exposure of cells to a synthetic version of PB1-F2 induces apoptosis, and influenza viruses with targeted mutations that interfere with PB1-F2 expression induce less extensive apoptosis in human monocytic cells than those with intact PB1-F2. We propose that PB1-F2 functions to kill host immune cells responding to influenza virus infection.
As of May 2, 2009, THE H1N1 VIRUS HAD LOW VIRULENCE, AS THE RNA SEGMENT PB 1-F2 which is an important determinant of virulence in the influenza virus, is currently an ASPARAGINE 66. IF it turned into a SERINE 66, as happened in the 1918 pandemic, it would become virulent. A single point mutation could affect that change.
Some recent studies, though, have shown that the virus DOES infect the lungs of mice, ferrets and monkeys. What about people?
In addition, various virology, genetic engineering and molecular pathology are busy night and day trying to INCREASE THE VIRULENCE OF H1N1.
We have noticed an increase in virulence in Israel in the past couple of weeks, with more penetration of the population- I am not an epidemiologist, only follow the case -does it mean a mutation HAS occurred?
This is an unanswered question for me.
Statement by
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The NIH Biomedical Research Response to Influenza
before the
The Committee on Energy and Commerce United States House of Representatives
November 18, 2004
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to discuss with you today the role of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in helping to ensure that the nation has a reliable supply of safe and effective influenza vaccines.
Because the influenza viruses in circulation change somewhat from season to season, the U.S. supply of influenza vaccine must be renewed each year - and often contains flu viruses that are different from those used the previous year. The current technology for vaccine manufacture requires that key decisions, such as which viruses will be included and the number of doses needed, be made many months before the arrival of the influenza season. The serious vaccine shortage that has occurred this year underscores the difficulties we face in annually renewing the influenza vaccine supply, and highlights the pressing need to move toward adoption of a variety of vaccine manufacturing techniques that include newer technologies that may decrease the risk involved in vaccine production as well as improve flexibility and the speed at which the vaccines can be made.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a component of NIH, is the lead agency for the conduct of research on all infectious diseases, including influenza. In that capacity, NIAID provides the scientific input required to facilitate the development of both new influenza vaccine technologies and novel antiviral drugs against influenza viruses. Under this administration we have made tremendous progress. Immediately upon coming to HHS, Secretary Thompson, under the leadership of President Bush, began investing in new technologies, securing more vaccines and medicines, and preparing stronger response plans. Total NIH funding for influenza research has grown more than three-fold in recent years, from $20.6 million in FY 2001 to a requested $65.9 million (320 percent) in the FY 2005 President's Budget. This is part of the largest investment ever made by the federal government in protecting against the flu.
NIAID Influenza Research
IAID pursues an ambitious basic and applied research agenda on influenza, including viral biology, pathogenesis, host immune responses, and epidemiology, which underpin our many programs that are aimed at developing new and improved influenza countermeasures such as vaccines, therapies and diagnostic tools. Because influenza vaccines are the primary public health tools available to limit the disease burden caused by annual influenza epidemics, vaccine research has a very high priority. NIAID also supports several research activities specifically focused on identifying and countering any future influenza pandemic.
Basic Research
The development of new and effective influenza countermeasures rests on a foundation of basic research. Some basic research focuses on specific questions regarding the biology of the virus such as how it enters cells, replicates, mutates, evolves into new strains and induces an immune response, while other projects can be more broadly applied. For example, under a recent NIAID initiative called the Influenza Genome Project, NIAID will collaborate with researchers around the world to obtain the complete genetic sequence of several thousand human and animal influenza viruses. The resulting library of influenza sequences, some of which may be derived from samples collected decades ago, should add greatly to our understanding of what makes one strain more lethal than another, what genetic determinants most affect immunogenicity, and how the virus evolves over time. All of this is precisely the kind of information that will significantly enhance our ability to create more effective countermeasures.
Because influenza is such a highly transmissible virus, vaccines are essential tools for the control of influenza epidemics. The current system for the production of U.S. licensed influenza vaccines uses fertilized chicken eggs to grow influenza vaccine strains that have been selected to match the viruses likely to circulate in the coming influenza season. The viral particles are purified from the eggs, inactivated, and processed for distribution.
Although the egg-based technology has served us reasonably well for more than 40 years, there are several limitations to the current system that include: (1) a lengthy manufacturing process; (2) the need to forecast and select the virus strains to be used in the vaccine at least six months in advance of the influenza season; and (3) the annual need for hundreds of millions of fertilized chicken eggs to manufacture the vaccine. The decisions about which viral strains to include in the vaccine may not always be correct, but the long lead time required to acquire eggs for vaccine production makes mid-course corrective action virtually impossible. Additional limitations include the fact that some people are allergic to eggs and therefore cannot receive the classic vaccine. In addition, some influenza viruses do not grow well in chicken eggs and may in fact be virulent for the eggs, a circumstance that may result in delays bringing a vaccine to market and a possible decrease in the total number of doses available.
In each of the last two budgets, HHS has asked for $100 million to shift vaccine development from the cumbersome egg-based production to new cell-culture technologies, as well as to provide for year-round availability of eggs to provide for a secure supply and surge capacity. These new technologies will help produce flu vaccine more efficiently and provide more adaptability to unexpected problems or losses in production.
NIAID supports several research projects and other initiatives intended to foster the development of new influenza vaccines and manufacturing methods that are simpler, more reliable, yield more broadly cross-protective products, and provide more protection than those currently in use. For example, a technique developed by NIAID-supported scientists called reverse genetics allows scientists to manipulate the genomes of influenza viruses and to transfer genes between viral strains. The technique allows the rapid generation of seed viruses for vaccine candidates that exactly match the anticipated epidemic strain. By removing or modifying certain virulence genes, reverse genetics also can be used to convert highly pathogenic influenza viruses into vaccine candidates that are safer for vaccine manufacturers to handle.
To encourage participation by the pharmaceutical industry, NIAID supports Challenge Grants to fund the development of new influenza vaccine technologies. One approach under active development is the use of cell cultures to grow vaccine strains, rather than eggs. Another approach is to genetically engineer baculovirus, an insect virus not related to influenza, to express a gene that encodes an influenza coat protein such as hemagglutinin or neuraminidase. The engineered baculovirus is then grown in insect cell cultures, and the influenza protein that the virus produces is purified for use as a "recombinant subunit" influenza vaccine. A recent NIAID-supported Phase II clinical trial of a vaccine produced by Protein Sciences Corporation using this strategy showed that it is well tolerated and immunogenic; the company is conducting further clinical evaluation of this product. Other new pathways for producing influenza vaccines include DNA-based approaches and the development of broadly protective vaccines based on influenza virus proteins that are shared by multiple strains.
NIAID has been very successful in the past with ground-breaking vaccine research, including scientific advances that led to the development of hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae b, pneumococcal pneumonia, acellular pertussis, and live-attenuated intranasal influenza vaccines. I am confident that the approaches that we are currently pursuing with influenza will lead to a next-generation vaccine that improves upon the current egg-based technology.
In addition to developing influenza vaccine candidates, NIAID has developed an extensive capacity for clinically evaluating these products. For example, NIAID's Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units (VTEUs) comprise a network of university research hospitals across the United States that conduct clinical trials to test candidate vaccines for infectious diseases. These units can be accessed by both academic and industrial vaccine developers to evaluate the safety, immunogenicity, and ultimately, the efficacy of candidate vaccines.
Antiviral medications are an important counterpart to vaccines, both to treat infection after it occurs and to prevent illness after exposure; four drugs are currently available for the treatment of influenza, three of which are also licensed for prevention. NIAID actively supports identification of new anti-influenza drugs through the screening of new drug candidates in both cell culture and in animals. In the past year, seven promising candidates have been identified. Efforts to design drugs that precisely target viral proteins and inhibit their functions also are under way. In addition, NIAID is developing novel broad-spectrum therapeutics against many influenza virus strains; some of these target viral entry into human cells, while others specifically attack and degrade the viral genome.
Pandemic Influenza
Although the impact of influenza on morbidity and mortality in a normal epidemic year is substantial, much more serious influenza pandemics also can occur. As influenza viruses spread, they continuously evolve and accumulate small changes in their outer coat proteins, a process called "antigenic drift." This occurrence allows the virus to at least partially escape the human immune responses primed by vaccination or exposure to earlier versions of circulating influenza viruses. Influenza viruses can also jump species directly from certain animals such as chickens to human as well as swap genes with influenza viruses that infect birds, chickens, pigs, or other animals; the latter process is referred to as "reassortment". When such reassortment events occur, the result is the replacement of one or more of the outer coat proteins of the human virus with that of the animal virus, or an "antigenic shift." If the virus that has jumped species or the new reassorted virus evolves to be efficiently transmitted between people, a deadly influenza pandemic can result. As the population acquires immunity to the new strain over the next several years, the pandemic strain fades into the routine background of circulating viruses.
Three influenza pandemics occurred in the 20th century, in 1918, 1957, and 1968. The pandemic that occurred in 1918-1919 was the most severe, killing 20-40 million people worldwide, including more than half a million individuals in the United States. The pandemics that began in 1957 and 1968 killed approximately 2 million and 700,000 people worldwide, respectively.
One of the first internal committees Secretary Thompson created when he came to HHS was on pandemic flu. And last August, the Secretary unveiled the Department's draft Pandemic Influenza Response and Preparedness Plan. This plan outlines a coordinated national strategy to prepare for and respond to an influenza pandemic.
NIAID conducts research to understand the viral biology and epidemiology that underpinned past pandemics, and funds an extensive surveillance network in Asia to detect the emergence of influenza viruses with pandemic potential. In addition, the draft U.S. Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan describes specific roles for NIAID should a pandemic occur. Foremost among these is to help develop and produce an effective vaccine as rapidly as possible. Specifically, NIAID will help to characterize the newly emerging influenza strain, isolate candidate vaccine seed viruses, develop investigational batches of candidate vaccines, and produce and distribute research reagents for use by vaccine researchers in academic and pharmaceutical industry laboratories. NIAID will also work with industry to produce and clinically test pandemic influenza vaccines at different doses and in different populations in our vaccine clinical trials sites, and will coordinate closely with CDC, FDA, and WHO to provide a safe and effective vaccine to the public as quickly as possible.
In recent years, several avian influenza virus strains that can infect humans have emerged. In 1999 and 2003, an H9N2 influenza strain caused illness in three people in Hong Kong. The H5N1 "bird flu" virus, first detected in humans in 1997, infected at least 44 people and killed 32 in 2004, and has spread widely among wild and domestic birds. There has been at least one documented case of human to human spread of an H5N1 virus. NIAID already has taken several steps to develop vaccines against both of these potential pandemic strains. To address the H9N2 threat, NIAID contracted with Chiron Corporation to produce investigational batches of an inactivated vaccine, which will be evaluated clinically by NIAID early next year. For H5N1, Aventis-Pasteur, Inc. and Chiron are both producing investigational lots of inactivated H5N1 vaccine preparations; additionally, DHHS has contracted with Aventis to produce up to 2 million doses to be stockpiled for emergency use, if needed, to vaccinate health workers, researchers, and, if indicated, the public in affected areas. Development and evaluation of a combination antiviral regimen against these potential pandemic influenza strains are also now under way.
Transforming the Flu Vaccine Marketplace for 21st Century
President Bush has invested more in research, development and acquisition of flu vaccines and medicines than any President in our nation's history in an effort to revitalize a deteriorated flu vaccine marketplace and better protect the American people.
Given the disruption of the influenza vaccine supply that we experienced this year, and the inherent difficulties associated with the current manufacturing technology, it is clear that we must move toward next-generation influenza vaccines with all deliberate speed. NIAID's role in influenza vaccine development is to carry out the research upon which these new vaccines will be based, and to forge productive partnerships with private sector pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to speed development and clinical evaluation of promising candidates.
In closing, Mr. Chairman, I would like to take a moment to remember John R. La Montagne, Ph.D., deputy director of NIAID, who died suddenly on November 2 while traveling to a meeting of the World Health Organization in Mexico City. Throughout his almost 30-year career at NIH, John's leadership and commitment to improving global health, particularly in the arena of influenza vaccine research, were remarkable. His generosity, wit, even-handedness and kindness made him a friend to all who knew him. Personally, he was a dear friend and one of the finest people I have ever known. He will be sorely missed.
I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
Separately, a new study published online Monday in the journal Nature suggests the H1N1 virus is stronger than previously believed. Research led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, showed the H1N1 virus infects the lungs of mice, ferrets and monkeys, making the virus more likely to cause pneumonia compared to seasonal flu, which typically infects cells in the sinuses and throat. Researchers said tests of antiviral drugs in mice showed the drugs worked and suggested the drugs will be effective at combating H1N1 infections in humans.
U.S. to Buy H1N1 Vaccine Components From Four Firms, July 16
The U.S. government signed contracts with four companies worth a total of almost $1 billion to purchase ingredients used to make vaccines against the new H1N1 influenza virus.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Monday that the department will commit $884 million to buy supplies of two key ingredients for a potential H1N1 vaccine.
The funds will be used to place additional orders for bulk H1N1 antigen and adjuvant on existing contracts with U.S. units of Sanofi-Aventis SA and AstraZeneca PlC, along with GlaxoSmithKline PlC and Novartis AG. In May, the government earmarked $1 billion to spend on vaccine development. The bulk of the additional contracts announced Monday went to Novartis, with a contract worth about $690 million. Sanofi’s contract is worth about $61.4 million; Glaxo’s totaled $71.4 million, while a contract signed with AstraZeneca’s MedImmune unit totals about $61 million.
Antigen is the active ingredient in a vaccine that causes the human body’s immune system to develop antibodies that help fight an invading virus. An adjuvant boosts the body’s response to a vaccine and could potentially reduce the amount of antigen necessary for the body to recognize and fight a virus.
July 29 (Bloomberg) -- Swine flu vaccine makers may rely on a U.S. emergency declaration to use experimental additives made by GlaxoSmithKline Plc and Novartis AG to boost a limited supply of shots that will be available to fight the pandemic.
The ingredients, known as adjuvants, may be added for the first time to flu shots in the U.S. health officials today are meeting to discuss the additives at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, and to recommend who should receive the limited amount of vaccines drugmakers say they will begin delivering in September or October.
The U.S. Health and Human Services Department declared a public health emergency over swine flu in April, and the Food and Drug Administration has the power to allow the use of unapproved medical products during such a crisis. The U.S. has been slow to approve the use of adjuvants because of safety concerns, and for fear of giving Americans an excuse to avoid getting the shots, said John Treanor, a University of Rochester researcher.
“The question is, do you really feel comfortable throwing this new thing into the mix and do you really need to?” said Treanor, a professor of medicine, microbiology and immunology at the school in Rochester, New York. “I myself, if I had to do it, would really wrestle with that decision.”
The CDC agreed to pay London-based Glaxo and Novartis, based in Basel, Switzerland, more than $415 million for adjuvants that could be added to the swine flu vaccines, according to a July 13 statement.
Early Production
Adjuvants may not be necessary if enough shots can be produced without them, according to Health and Human Services. That possibility got a boost today from authorities at the CDC, who said 40 million shots of unadjuvanted vaccine may be available in September, earlier than previously reported, with 80 million more doses ready in October.
A safety concern was raised in 2004 when researchers at the University of Florida in Gainesville reported that mice injected with oils used in the adjuvants developed conditions of the type that occur when the body’s immune system produces an excessive protective reaction. Similar reactions haven’t been seen in humans.
MF59, made by Novartis and sold in Europe, has been given to more than 40 million people, mostly adults, to prevent seasonal flu, according to the company. Glaxo’s adjuvant has proven safe and effective in clinical trials with 39,000 people, said Lisa Behrens, a spokeswoman for the company, in an e-mail. Glaxo will conduct more studies and continue to monitor safety after the vaccines are in use, she said.
Emergency Authorization
Under the U.S. health emergency, the FDA may authorize the use of unlicensed vaccines, according to Peper Long, an agency spokeswoman. The FDA convened an advisory committee July 23 to consider what trials are necessary for the vaccines’ approval. Advisory committees consist of medical experts who provide guidance to the agency.
Swine flu’s full force may reach the U.S. earlier than the typical flu season, according to the CDC. Vaccine makers are racing to make shots by mid-October, when cases are expected to rise in the northern hemisphere, fueled by cooler temperatures and the return of pupils to close quarters of classrooms.
The World Health Organization, based in Geneva, has said the H1N1 influenza, as the pandemic flu is known, is moving with “unprecedented speed.” The flu spread farther globally in less than six weeks than previous pandemics have in more than six months, the Geneva-based agency said on its Web site on July 17. Global health authorities have stopped counting the number of cases and the CDC says more than 1 million people Americans have been sickened by the virus.
Egg Yields
The vaccine makers have found it difficult to cultivate the quantities of virus needed for vaccine, as the strain yields 50 percent to 75 percent less antigen, the substance that induces immunity, compared with a typical seasonal flu strain, according to the WHO. The virus didn’t initially grow well in eggs, the principal medium used by the industry, vaccine makers said.
In the last week, scientists have been able to improve yields in eggs for the first time, which should ease pressure on manufacturers, Robin Robinson, chief of the Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority, the U.S. agency in charge of buying the vaccine, said today. A decision on adjuvant use hasn’t been made, he said.
Mixing Oil, Water
The adjuvants are mixes of oil and water that -- by stimulating the immune system -- offer a way to boost the body’s response to antigen. Adjuvants, whose effectiveness vary by flu strain, may boost the strength of the antigen as much as 10- fold, as was the case with a bird flu vaccine approved in Europe, said Treanor, of the University of Rochester. By adding an adjuvant the same amount of antigen can be used to treat more people, he said.
“Until GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis can show me it won’t harm a rat or guinea pig, I think it’s a bad idea to give it to humans,” Vicky Debold, a registered nurse with a Ph.D. in public health, who is a member of the FDA’s advisory committee for reviewing vaccines, said July 27 in an interview.
The U.S. never had to consider the risks of an adjuvant because regular flu vaccines were deemed to have “worked so tremendously well,” said Lone Simonsen, research director in the department of global health at George Washington University in Washington.
“We have had a safe experience with the MF59-adjuvanted vaccine in Italy and Spain for many years now,” Simonsen said. “That experience we can lean on. That’s going to be the best data we have in time for using adjuvanted vaccines.”
U.S. Contracts
CSL Ltd., which has a $180 million order to supply bulk H1N1 antigen to the U.S. government, decided against boosting its vaccine with an adjuvant, preferring to use a formulation more closely resembling the seasonal flu shot, said Mary Sontrop general manager of the Melbourne-based company’s biotherapies unit.
The U.S. has contracts with five companies to provide flu shots. Novartis, based in Basel, Switzerland, is responsible for 45 percent of the supply, while Sanofi will provide 26 percent and CSL will make 19 percent, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, in an interview last week.
The remaining doses will be made by Glaxo and London-based drugmaker AstraZeneca Plc.
To contact the reporters on this story: Tom Randall in New York at trandall6@bloomberg.net; Gary Matsumoto in New York at gmatsumoto@bloomberg.net.
Last Updated: July 29, 2009
LYON, France and SWIFTWATER, Pa., Aug. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the sanofi-aventis Group (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY), announced today the company has submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a supplemental application for licensure of its influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine. Responding to recent recommendations by the FDA, the company's supplemental application requests the FDA's evaluation of the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 strain change, which is expected to expedite the licensure process for the pandemic vaccine.
"Filing this application is consistent with our commitment to work collaboratively with public health officials in producing a vaccine against the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 virus," said Wayne Pisano, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi Pasteur. "It is essential that we pursue the vaccine licensure pathway made available to us, while at the same time, continue the important clinical studies of our vaccine."
The supplemental application follows recent recommendations by the FDA to evaluate the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines using the same regulatory process by which it approves new viral strains contained in the annual seasonal influenza vaccines. Sanofi Pasteur's influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine supplemental application specifies the evaluation of a non-adjuvanted vaccine.
While these strain change supplements are not required to be supported by new clinical data, immunogenicity and safety data will be made available through clinical studies. Sanofi Pasteur will test the immunogenicity and safety of its influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine through clinical trials in the U.S., which began August 6. The planned clinical trials will consist of approximately 2,000 subjects and will also evaluate the safety and potential benefits of adding an adjuvant to the pandemic vaccine. More information on the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccine clinical trials is available at www.clinicaltrials.gov.
LYON, France and SWIFTWATER, Pennsylvania, October 31 2005 /PRNewswire/ -- Sanofi pasteur, the vaccines business of the sanofi-aventis Group (NYSE: SNY), has entered into an agreement with Eisai Co., Ltd. to license their novel adjuvant, E6020, for use in the development of new vaccines to treat or prevent human illnesses. E6020 is a chemically synthesized adjuvant that will be tested by sanofi pasteur to determine its ability to enhance the immune response to a broad range of vaccines.
Under the terms of the agreement, Eisai will provide a license to sanofi pasteur to incorporate the E6020 adjuvant for use in vaccines throughout all geographical regions.
To provide a rapid response against the pandemic threat, sanofi pasteur first selected an alum adjuvant for its proven safety characteristics. Other adjuvants are under evaluation with the objective of further increasing immune response generated by the H5N1 vaccine while reducing the amount of antigen needed for vaccination....
Vaccine dose-sparing strategies are discussed among public health experts who benefit from data generated by sanofi pasteur’s clinical trial program.
E6020: a synthetic Toll-like receptor 4 agonist as a vaccine adjuvant.
Ishizaka ST, Hawkins LD.
Eisai Research Institute, 4 Corporate Drive, Andover, MA 01742, USA. sally_ishizaka@eri.eisai.com
Safe and cost-effective adjuvants are a critical component to enhance the efficacy of subunit vaccines. Studies have demonstrated that modified natural lipid As derived from enterobacterial lipopolysaccharides, which are agonists of Toll-like receptor 4, are beneficial to vaccine performance. The synthetic phospholipid dimer, E6020, mimics the physicochemical and biological properties of many of the natural lipid As derived from gram-negative bacteria. Similar to its natural counterparts, E6020, which was discovered and developed by Eisai, agonizes Toll-like receptor 4, albeit in an attenuated fashion, eliciting an immunostimulatory response that is conducive to use as a vaccine adjuvant. The derivation of E6020, along with physicochemical properties and in vitro and in vivo studies of immunostimulation and adjuvant activity, are reviewed as a background to its imminent assessment in the clinic.
Basically, what this means is that they have reached the stage of HUMAN GUINEAN PIGS.
And WHICH gram negative bacteria are they talking about?
See below:
This molecule is derived from the lipid A portion of Salmonella minnesota Re595 lipopolysaccharide (LPS), considered too toxic itself for use in human vaccines, by removal of a phosphate group and one of its acyl chains.
7/23/09 The NIH's first studies will use flu shots made by France-based Sanofi-Pasteur
and CSL Ltd., which on Wednesday began a much smaller study of its vaccine in its home country of Australia
Complaint filed against the Czech Republic FDA for awarding Baxter a 1.5. billion CZK without open tender.
Also, claims that the adjuvant MF59, AS 03 and AS04, ( used by Novartis and Glaxo) are immunosterilizants.
Baudner BC, Ronconi V, Casini D, Tortoli M, Kazzaz J, Singh M, Hawkins LD, Wack A, O'Hagan DT
Pharm Res. 2009 Jun;26(6):1477-85
“I have focused on the adjuvants made of monophosforyl lipid A (MPL) MF59TM (containing a polysorpate TweenTM 80) or AS03, AS04 also known as squalene in the proposed vaccines, which are immunosterilant or an immunocontraceptive,” Daniel Solis writes.
Gajdova M, Jakubovsky J, Valky J.
Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine, Limbová, Bratislava.
Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 1993 Mar;31(3):183-90. PMID: 8473002.
“Baby female rats were injected with polysorbate 80 at days 4-7 after birth. It accelerated the maturing of the rats and caused changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles.”
The Endogenous Adjuvant Squalene Can Induce a Chronic T-Cell-Mediated Arthritis in Rats
Barbro C. Carlson*, Åsa M. Jansson*, Anders Larsson, Anders Bucht and Johnny C. Lorentzen*
Now, how can WHO claim the adjuvans is harmless:
when there is clear evidence of its effects provoking AI deseases:
“Dr. Jules Freund creator of this oil-based adjuvant warned in 1956 that animals injected with his formulation developed terrible, incurable conditions: allergic aspermatogenesis (stoppage of sperm production), experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (the animal version of MS), allergic neuritis (inflammation of the nerves that can lead to paralysis) and other severe autoimmune disorders.
Source: : Gary Matsumoto, Vaccine A-The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing our Soldiers and Why GI’s are Only the First Victims, Kapitola 3. “The Greatest Story Never Told” http://www.vaccine-a.com/excerpt.html”
Daniel Solis, Prague, Czech Republic
From Expert Review of Vaccines
Vaccine Adjuvants: Scientific Challenges and Strategic Initiatives
Authors and Disclosures
Ali M. Harandi,1 Gwyn Davies,2 Ole F. Olesen 3
1Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Institute of Biomedicine, The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
2European Adjuvant Advisory Committee, Cardiac and Vascular Sciences, St George's University of London, UK
3Infectious Diseases Unit, DG Research, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Disclosure: The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
Published: 05/29/2009
1.Abstract and Introduction
2.Recent Advances & Future Scientific Challenges
3.Adjuvant R&D Is Fragmented & Dispersed
4.European & International Initiatives
5.Expert Commentary
6.Five-year View
1.Abstract and Introduction
The majority of vaccine antigens currently under investigation represent recombinant molecules or subunits of pathogens with little or no inherent immunostimulatory property. The development of safe and potent immunologic adjuvants that can increase and direct vaccine-specific immunity is, therefore, required urgently. At the same time, the discovery of Toll-like receptors and other innate immune receptors with the ability to bridge innate immune responses and adaptive immunity is offering unprecedented opportunities for the development of novel adjuvants. However, research on vaccine adjuvants has so far received little attention as an independent scientific priority from most of the main research-funding agencies and policy makers. Further, adjuvant research and development is currently spread over a wide number of highly diverse organizations, including large commercial companies, small biotech enterprises as well as publicly funded research organizations and academia. More efforts are, therefore, needed to highlight the importance of vaccine adjuvants on the global research agenda and to encourage collaboration and flow of information between different stakeholders. This article attempts to underline scientific challenges and strategic priorities in the development of vaccine adjuvants for human use.
The development and widespread use of vaccines has proven to be one of the most successful public-health interventions, with an unparalleled impact on global health. Starting with the discovery of smallpox vaccine by Edward Jenner in the late 1700s, empirical approaches have been employed to develop vaccines against a variety of diseases caused by infectious agents. Despite significant progress in this enterprise, vaccines to counter several life-threatening diseases, especially those associated with poverty, including HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB, as well as neglected infectious diseases, are not available.
The majority of vaccine antigens presently under investigation represent highly purified recombinant molecules or subunits of pathogens and, hence, they lack many features of the original pathogens, including the inherent immunostimulatory property. Thus, the development of safe and potent immunologic adjuvants and delivery systems that can enhance and direct vaccine-specific immunity is needed. With few exceptions, aluminum salts (alum) are currently the only vaccine adjuvant approved for human use worldwide. Alum is effective at generating a strong antibody response to an antigen with a bias towards a Th2 type of immune response, and, as such, has been widely and effectively used in many vaccines, such as tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and poliomyelitis vaccines.[1] The mechanism of immunopotentiation by alum involves inflammation and recruitment of antigen-presenting cells, retention of antigen at the injection site, uptake of antigen, dendritic cell maturation, T-cell activation and T-cell differentiation.[2] Although alum adjuvants have proved their efficiency in a large number of applications, some limitations of alum have been reported. Thus, alum failed to confer satisfactory increase of the immune response in certain vaccines, such as typhoid fever and influenza vaccines. Reports have also demonstrated that alum displays limited ability to raise high antibody titers against small-size peptides. Importantly, alum is a poor enhancer of cytotoxic T-cell immunity and Th1 responses, the type of immunity needed to combat several life-threatening infections and cancers.[1,3] This calls for rational design of novel vaccine adjuvants that can establish protective immunity against different diseases, where traditional vaccine technologies have so far failed, through long-lasting antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses. Many products have been proposed as vaccine adjuvants but have been rejected because of safety concerns and research is needed either to understand how to exploit current adjuvants safely or to explore novel products with better safety profiles. However, research and development of vaccine adjuvants has, so far, received little attention as an independent scientific priority from most of the main research-funding agencies and policy makers. We propose that more effort is required to underscore the importance of vaccine adjuvants on the global research agenda and to promote the partnership and flow of information between different stakeholders.
2.Recent Advances & Future Scientific Challenges
Several decades after the introduction of alum, four new adjuvants have now been incorporated into vaccines that are licensed for human use, and this has led to the recognition of adjuvants other than alum. One of these is MF59, an oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant developed by ex-Chiron, now Novartis Vaccines. While MF59 demonstrated satisfactory adjuvant effect with the influenza vaccine Fluad®,[4] it had a limited beneficial effect when used in conjunction with recombinant herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2 protein for induction of protection against genital herpes in a human vaccine trial.[5] The second new adjuvant is the immunopotentiating reconstituted influenza virosomes, used in the hepatitis A vaccine Epaxal® (Berna Biotech/Crucell).
[6] The other two adjuvants have been developed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Biologicals; AS04 is a component of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine Fendrix® and of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Cervarix®, and AS03 is a component of the prepandemic influenza vaccine Prepandrix®.[7,8]
Recent developments in immunology, including the discovery of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and other innate immune receptors with the capacity to bridge innate and adaptive immunity, have offered new opportunities for the development of immunostimulatory adjuvants.[9,10] Advances in the design of efficient adjuvants based on the use of TLR agonists have been promising (although it should be noted that some of these were in development before the role of TLRs was identified) and some of these have reached advanced human trials and even registration. Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL), a TLR4 agonist, is included as a component in AS04, the adjuvant system used in Fendrix and Cervarix developed by GSK.[7] This molecule is derived from the lipid A portion of Salmonella minnesota Re595 lipopolysaccharide (LPS), considered too toxic itself for use in human vaccines, by removal of a phosphate group and one of its acyl chains. Mode-of-action studies demonstrated that TLR4 signaling for the closely-related molecule MPLA (removal of the phosphate group but not the acyl chain) is biased towards the adaptor molecule Toll/IL-1 receptor domain containing adaptor protein-inducing IFN-γ (TRIF), compared with its parent LPS that signals through the inflammatory adaptor protein myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), as well as TRIF.[11] The TRIF pathway generates no overt inflammation/toxicity in the host and this TRIF bias could, at least in part, be responsible for the reduced toxicity. Since the parent S. minnesota LPS itself has been reported to have a TRIF-biased signaling pathway compared with Escherichia coli LPS,[12] it is possible that the MPL adjuvant in Fendrix and Cervarix has similar properties and this could, in part, explain its reduced toxicity. As a word of caution, in spite of the major recent successes with TLR agonists as vaccine adjuvants, it is noteworthy that a recent experimental study demonstrated that, at least under some circumstances, TLR signaling is dispensable for induction of antibody responses by several standard adjuvants.[13]
The use of immunostimulatory molecules as immunopotentiators/vaccine adjuvants raises theoretical safety concerns, owing to the possibility that some might induce overproduction of inflammatory molecules, leading to overt inflammatory reactions or induction of autoimmunity. Recently, human trials with Heplisav™ (developed by Dynavax), which combines hepatitis B antigen with a CpG sequence (ISS 1018), a TLR9 agonist, were halted in response to a serious adverse effect report from a Phase III trial. After receiving two doses of Heplisav, one of the vaccinees was preliminarily diagnosed with Wegener's granulomatosis, an autoimmune disease involving production of antibodies against neutrophils leading to inflammation of the vasculature.[14] By contrast, a recent large integrated analysis of 68,000 participants who received AS04-adjuvanted GSK vaccines, including hepatitis B vaccine as well as HPV-16/18 and HSV vaccines, concluded that participants who received AS04-adjuvanted vaccines or controls demonstrated a low rate of autoimmune disorders, without evidence of an increase in relative risk associated with AS04-adjuvanted vaccines.[15] In conclusion, TLR agonists have a high potential as vaccine adjuvants but the safety of each adjuvant-antigen combination will have to be carefully evaluated. Based on the rapid evolution of this field, it is likely that a new generation of immunomodulatory adjuvants devoid of, or at least with minimal, systemic adverse reactions and local reactogenicity will be forthcoming.
The vast majority of pathogens invade the body through or establish infection in the mucosal tissues, but most vaccines for human use are administered parenterally. Mucosal immunization has recently attracted much interest as a means of generating protective immunity against mucosally transmitted pathogens. Mucosal immunization offers potential advantages over the parenteral vaccination, including reduced risk of transmission of certain types of infectious agents, for example HIV and HBV, and enhanced patient compliance due to ease of administration. However, our understanding of mucosal immunity and the development of mucosal vaccines remains largely incomplete. This is, in part, because it has often proven difficult to induce potent mucosal immunity by mucosal administration of protein antigens and that recovery and functional testing of antibodies present in the mucosal secretions, as well as mucosal T cells, are labor intensive and technically challenging.[16] In fact, only very few mucosal vaccines are presently approved for human use, including oral polio vaccine, oral live-attenuated typhoid vaccine Vivotif® (Berna Biotech/Crucell), oral cholera vaccines Dukoral® (SBL Vaccines/Crucell) and Orochol® (Berna Biotech/Crucell),[17] oral live-attenuated rotavirus vaccines RotaRix® (GSK) and RotaTeq® (Merck),[18] as well as nasal live-attenuated influenza vaccine FluMist® (MedImmune Vaccines, Inc.).[19] It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that the development of a broader range of mucosal vaccines will require the development of safe and effective mucosal adjuvants. Bacterial toxins, such as cholera toxin (CT) and the closely analogous heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) and their derivatives, are commonly used as potent mucosal adjuvants in experimental models. However, their toxicity, associated with an ADP-ribosylating enzymatic activity, has limited their use for human vaccination. In addition, intranasal administration of toxin-based adjuvants is linked to an elevated risk of adverse reactions, such as Bell's palsy, in humans.[20] In spite of this, and underlining the critical effect of the route of administration for safety as well as for efficacy, LT is being developed for transcutaneous immunization against traveller's diarrhea.[21] To circumvent toxicity, new generations of LT and CT mutants have been developed with reduced or no ADP-ribosylating enzymatic activity and, hence, possessing reduced toxicity but significant adjuvanticity,[22] among which LTK63 developed by Novartis Vaccines has reached advanced human trials.[23] Whether this modification will impact on the risk of Bell's palsy remains to be determined. Therefore, the development of safe yet potent mucosal adjuvants for human use remains a priority with high potential impact.
3.Adjuvant R&D Is Fragmented & Dispersed
Vaccines under development increasingly originate from recombinant technologies and, as comprehension of the innate immune system grows, the need for more-effective vaccine adjuvants is expected to rise considerably. The available data on adjuvant safety and efficacy have mostly been generated using a wide variety of protocols, model systems and individual approaches, which makes it difficult or impossible to compare the activity of different adjuvants. At present, no comprehensive overview or comparative studies of adjuvants are available. Each vaccine development project may, therefore, have to perform their own comparison of a large number of adjuvants in order to select the most efficacious ones. Such an exercise is both time-consuming and costly, and may result in the selection of a suboptimal adjuvant, preventing the antigen from exercising its full potential. This could, eventually, result in discontinuation of the vaccine development due to poor performance. The regulatory authorities in both Europe and the USA consider adjuvants as an integral part of the finished vaccine product. Currently, vaccine adjuvants can, therefore, not be licensed in their own right, but only in a specific antigen-adjuvant formulation, which must be proven safe and efficacious. Nevertheless, the EMEA has recently issued a 'Guideline on Adjuvants in Vaccines for Human Use', which includes detailed directions for the testing of safety and efficacy of adjuvants for human use.[24] While it is clear that the properties of individual antigen-adjuvant combinations will always have to be investigated and extrapolation from one combination to another will have to be performed with caution, the establishment of a generally agreed set of standard tests for comparing different vaccine adjuvants would represent a significant step forward.
Despite the fact that novel vaccine adjuvants are drawing new attention from vaccine researchers, it is ironically difficult to access some of the promising new adjuvants for new vaccines. This can be attributed to the fragmented nature of adjuvant research and the fact that many adjuvants are developed within large commercial organizations. Numerous proprietary adjuvants have thus been developed by the private sector but these are not easily accessible for the public sector. For the pharmaceutical groups that have developed new adjuvants, providing them to third parties is often considered a commercial risk that could result in either loss of competitive advantage or the occurrence of adverse events in trials where new adjuvants are not properly used. As a consequence, many adjuvants and scientific data about adjuvants are not available in the public domain.
Many research projects on new vaccines against life-threatening diseases, such as malaria, TB and HIV, as well as neglected tropical diseases, have, therefore, been conducted with nonoptimized adjuvants. This is particularly true for R&D carried out within the public sector or by small biotechnology companies. These organizations may be tempted to simply use alum that induces only strong antibody responses, or water-in-oil emulsions, which have safety and manufacturing concerns. Such overly pragmatic approaches may result in otherwise viable antigens being abandoned as candidates for new vaccines and, consequently, result in a significant waste of resources from public and private domains.
Therefore, the challenge is to establish a system that provides open access to adjuvants and adjuvant information to nonprofit initiatives, without inflicting on the freedom-of-operation of the owner of the adjuvant.
4.European & International Initiatives
The impact of adjuvant research on modern vaccine development is often underestimated, although an increasing awareness of this research area has dawned. Many organizations, private as well as public, have entered the search for new adjuvants. In spite of this, the major funding agencies for research in Europe and elsewhere have been slow to recognize adjuvant research as an independent scientific discipline; however, a number of recent initiatives are set to change this.
The European Adjuvant Advisory Committee (EAAC) was formed in 2003 to represent a large number of stakeholders with interests in adjuvant research. The EAAC comprises mostly biotechnology companies and large vaccine manufacturers, but also some academic groups.[25] The EAAC was created to act as voice of consensus for those working in adjuvant research in Europe. It has the ambition to support the formation of a European research environment for research on adjuvants.
The Global Adjuvant Development Initiative (GADI) was created in response to the need for public-sector vaccine developers to have access to appropriate safe and effective adjuvants. The objectives of GADI are to undertake the evaluation, comparison and development of adjuvants and to make the adjuvants available to the public sector. The adjuvants, the knowledge and the training related to adjuvant use that is being generated through GADI are made available to the public sector through a network of vaccine development institutes and laboratories. This network, known as AdjuNet, has the goal to facilitate access to appropriate, safe and effective adjuvants to vaccine developers within public institutions (i.e., a university or a government entity), multi-government entities, non-profit entities and product-development partnerships.[26] GADI and AdjuNet are both coordinated by the WHO.
In the USA, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the NIH, has recently launched a new initiative to support the development of new candidate vaccine adjuvants. This initiative is part of the NIAID Strategic Plan for Biodefense and supports the development of new vaccine adjuvants through immunological characterization studies, lead compound optimization and investigational new drug (IND)-enabling studies. In October 2008, Dynavax Technologies Corporation was awarded a 5-year grant of up to US$16.9 million to develop TLR9 agonists as vaccine adjuvants, while smaller grants were awarded to other biotechnology and research organizations. The Seattle-based Infectious Disease Research Institute was also recently awarded a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to undertake a 5-year project to develop and test new adjuvants. This project is mainly focusing on adjuvants for malaria vaccine candidates, but the results may also have implications for the development of vaccines against other infectious diseases.
Within the EU, vaccine research has been supported through national funding from the individual member states, as well as in a joint effort through the successive framework programmes of the European Commission (EC). In the recent 6th Framework Programme (FP6) for Research, the EC has initiated more than 60 collaborative projects on human vaccine research. Taken together, these projects gather more than 500 research groups from all over Europe and beyond, with a total EC contribution of over €200 million to address a large number of research issues in basic vaccinology, translational vaccine research and clinical implementation of vaccines. Many of these projects include specific adjuvant research activities with an aim to test and develop new or improved adjuvants.
Some of these projects are already delivering important results that will contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge regarding adjuvant research. One of the largest FP6 vaccine projects is the integrated project for the development of new vaccines against TB (TB-VAC).[27] An integrated and essential component of the TB-VAC project is to identify the best adjuvant to accompany new subunit antigens in the clinical vaccine formulations. The European Malaria Vaccine Development Association is an integrated project, that aims to develop vaccines against malaria, and one of the work packages of the project is dedicated to adjuvant research in order to identify the most appropriate adjuvants for a new malaria vaccine.[28] The Mucosal Vaccines for Poverty Related Diseases (MUVAPRED) project is another EC-supported integrated project, focusing on improved approaches to elicit an efficient mucosal immunity. The objective of MUVAPRED is to advance the knowledge of mucosal vaccinology, with emphasis on a better understanding of mucosal adjuvants. This project has, so far, completed two Phase I clinical trials with vaccines delivered through the nasal route. With another two clinical trials in preparation, the Muvapred consortium is expected to deliver valuable information on mucosal adjuvants.[29]
Many of the recent initiatives are, thus, providing important contributions to the advancement of adjuvant research. However, it is also clear that the adjuvant research is fragmented across several projects and initiatives. Valuable information may, therefore, be lost if no mechanism exists to collect, coordinate and combine the growing body of information and knowledge that is generated within individual projects.
Recently, the EC has, therefore, granted support to a new initiative called Pharvat in order to coordinate some of the ongoing activities for adjuvant research, within Europe and globally. This project will provide a platform that comprises the EAAC as well as representatives from some of the major FP6 integrated projects and GADI. The aim of the project is to develop a comprehensive overview of existing and new adjuvants, compile a database of available information about these and suggest methods that could be used to make a comparative testing of the safety and efficacy of adjuvants.
5.Expert Commentary
It is becoming increasingly evident that the efficacy of many new vaccines depends critically on the accompanying adjuvants. In spite of this, the search for innovative adjuvants has, so far, received little attention as an independent scientific priority from most of the major research-funding agencies and policy makers. At the same time, adjuvant research and development is currently spread over a large number of highly diverse organizations, including large commercial companies and small biotechnology enterprises, as well as publicly funded research organizations and academia. More efforts are, therefore, needed to highlight the importance of adjuvants on the global research agenda, but also to encourage collaboration and flow of information between the different stakeholders. The EC has recognized the necessity of fostering collaborative research and has supported the development of novel or improved vaccines through successive framework programmes. Concurrent development and testing of new adjuvants has been an integrated part of these activities and this has created a significant momentum in adjuvant R&D. Future challenges will be to maintain the momentum, to pool available knowledge about adjuvants across sectors and to coordinate interaction between the global stakeholders and initiatives for adjuvant research.
6.Five-year View
The discovery of TLRs and other innate immune receptors with the ability of connecting innate and adaptive immunity has presented new opportunities for the development of potent vaccine adjuvants. It is, therefore, expected that within the next 5-year period, in addition to the TLR4 agonist MPL, other TLR-based adjuvants will be components of vaccines approved for human use. It is also anticipated that support from the EC and other international research organizations will provide a platform to pool available knowledge regarding adjuvants across sectors and coordinate interaction between the global stakeholders and initiatives for adjuvant research.
From Dr. Mercola
And as if Vaccines Weren’t Dangerous Enough on Their Own …
… imagine them turbocharged.
The main ingredient in a vaccine is either killed viruses or live ones that have been attenuated (weakened and made less harmful).
Flu vaccines can also contain a number of chemical toxins, including ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and even antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin.
In addition to the viruses and other additives, many vaccines also contain immune adjuvants like aluminum and squalene.
The purpose of an immune adjuvant added to a vaccine is to enhance (turbo charge) your immune response to the vaccination. Adjuvants cause your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against.
Adjuvants are supposed to get the job done faster (but certainly not more safely), which reduces the amount of vaccine required per dose, and the number of doses given per individual.
Less vaccine required per person means more individual doses available for mass vaccination campaigns. Coincidentally, this is exactly the goal of government and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make millions from their vaccines.
Will There Be Immune Adjuvants in Swine Flu Vaccines?
The U.S. government has contracts with several drug companies to develop and produce swine flu vaccines. At least two of those companies, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline, are using an adjuvant in their H1N1 vaccines.
The adjuvant? Squalene.
According to Meryl Nass, M.D., an authority on the anthrax vaccine,
“A novel feature of the two H1N1 vaccines being developed by companies Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline is the addition of squalene-containing adjuvants to boost immunogenicity and dramatically reduce the amount of viral antigen needed. This translates to much faster production of desired vaccine quantities.”[v]
Novartis’s proprietary squalene adjuvant for their H1N1 vaccine is MF59. Glaxo’s is ASO3. MF59 has yet to be approved by the FDA for use in any U.S. vaccine, despite its history of use in other countries.
Per Dr. Nass, there are only three vaccines in existence using an approved squalene adjuvant. None of the three are approved for use in the U.S.
What Squalene Does to Rats
Oil-based vaccination adjuvants like squalene have been proved to generate concentrated, unremitting immune responses over long periods of time.[vi]
A 2000 study published in the American Journal of Pathology demonstrated a single injection of the adjuvant squalene into rats triggered “chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation,” also known as rheumatoid arthritis.[vii]
The researchers concluded the study raised questions about the role of adjuvants in chronic inflammatory diseases.
What Squalene Does to Humans
Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties.
The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.
Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.[viii]
Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) received anthrax vaccines which contained squalene.[ix] MF59 (the Novartis squalene adjuvant) was an unapproved ingredient in experimental anthrax vaccines and has since been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered by countless Gulf War vets.[x]
The Department of Defense made every attempt to deny that squalene was indeed an added contaminant in the anthrax vaccine administered to Persian Gulf war military personnel – deployed and non-deployed – as well as participants in the more recent Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP).
However, the FDA discovered the presence of squalene in certain lots of AVIP product. A test was developed to detect anti-squalene antibodies in GWS patients, and a clear link was established between the contaminated product and all the GWS sufferers who had been injected with the vaccine containing squalene.
A study conducted at Tulane Medical School and published in the February 2000 issue of Experimental Molecular Pathology included these stunning statistics:
“ … the substantial majority (95%) of overtly ill deployed GWS patients had antibodies to squalene. All (100%) GWS patients immunized for service in Desert Shield/Desert Storm who did not deploy, but had the same signs and symptoms as those who did deploy, had antibodies to squalene.
In contrast, none (0%) of the deployed Persian Gulf veterans not showing signs and symptoms of GWS have antibodies to squalene. Neither patients with idiopathic autoimmune disease nor healthy controls had detectable serum antibodies to squalene. The majority of symptomatic GWS patients had serum antibodies to squalene.”[xi]
According to Dr. Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., a former principle research scientist for the government of Australia:
“… this adjuvant [squalene] contributed to the cascade of reactions called “Gulf War Syndrome,” documented in the soldiers involved in the Gulf War.
The symptoms they developed included arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Raynaud’s phenomenon, Sjorgren’s syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, night sweats and low-grade fevers.”[xii]
Post Vaccination Follow-Up Might as Well Be Non-Existent
There is virtually no science to support the safety of vaccine injections on your long-term health or the health of your children. Follow-up studies last on average about two weeks, and look only for glaring injuries and illnesses.
Autoimmune disorders like those seen in Gulf War Syndrome frequently take years to diagnose due to the vagueness of early symptoms. Complaints like headaches, fatigue and chronic aches and pains are symptoms of many different illnesses and diseases.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for vaccine purveyors and proponents to look seriously at the long-term health consequences of their vaccination campaigns.
Please go to the bottom of my article for the article of Dr. Vera Scheibner: it lists toxic additives to vaccines in general (an article written in 2000)
AND that Sanofi- Pasteur as well as CSL, an Australian company intimately related to Merck and Glaxo, are INFAMOUS FOR FRAUDULENTLY INNOCULATING WHOLE POPULATIONS OF WOMEN WITH ANTI-FERTILITY VACCINES, while claiming to only inoculate them for tetanus.
http://www.profit-over-life.org /
New York Times, July 20, 2007
Tens of Thousands of Historical Documents Online for the First Time:
Oil and Drug Cartel Behind WWII
Nuremberg Records Reveal
After six decades of silence, the historic records of the key war crimes tribunal that determined the responsibility for WWII is finally being made available to a world audience. Currently, history books teach that WWII was launched by a lunatic dictator, Hitler, and his ruthless Nazi henchmen.
However, tens of thousands of historical documents from the Nuremberg Tribunal – newly released online – unequivocally document that:
WWII – a war that cost the lives of more than 60 million people – was planned and financed by the world’s largest chemical/ pharmaceutical cartel. At that time Germany’s IG Farben consisted of Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and others.
The driving force behind WWII was IG Farben’s ambition to achieve control of the global oil and drug markets and eliminate, by force, any competition.
The IG Farben companies financed the rise to power of the Nazi party and the transformation of German democracy into a dictatorship.
The Nazi/IG Farben coalition’s plan for world domination had three stages: first, the conquest of the Eurasian continent; second, the take-over of Great Britain and all of its colonies; third, the military defeat of the USA and the rest of the world.
As everybody knows, the Nazi/IG Farben coalition’s plan for world domination was destroyed by the efforts of the great majority of nations of the world and the extraordinary sacrifices they made.
While this victory was important for all mankind, the newly emerging post-war order was already influenced by the oil and drug interests from the victorious countries:
The shares of the IG Farben cartel went to their economic competitors in the victorius countries. The corporate executives of the IG Farben cartel – after a mere ”reprimand” at Nuremberg – were soon reinstated by the new owners of the IG Farben shares in the USA and the UK to help them consolidate the oil and drug cartel at a global level. However, these important facts have essentially been concealed from the people of the world, who were made to believe that with the first Nuremberg trial – against the military and political stakeholders – the ”main war criminals” had been brought to justice.
This was, of course, not the case. Beside this first trial there were 12 further trials that made up the Nuremberg Tribunal. The most important among them was the case against the oil and drug cartel, IG Farben. The executives of this cartel, according to the chief US prosecutor, Telford Taylor, were the main war criminals – without whom WWII would not have been possible.
It is inconceivable and intolerable that mankind should continue to be left in the dark about the ultimate responsibility for WWII – the greatest crime thus far committed on this planet.
First, see these testimonies from highly placed vaccine researchers:
1. Merck top researcher Dr. Maurice Hilleman about cancer and HIV viruses in vaccines.
full length version:
See also this testimony from a highly placed former researcher at MD Anderson, Dr. Garth Nicholson, about WEAPONIZED MYCOPLASMA in anthrax vaccine.
Speeding up vaccine production
Cell culture technologies are cracking egg dependence. Brenda Marsh reports
During the race to produce vaccines against evolving influenza viruses the slowness of their manufacture has turned producers more sharply towards cell culture technology. Using the traditional process, fertilised chicken eggs must first be inoculated with live flu virus, then the resulting egg-adapted virus must be purified and inactivated to produce trivalent inactivated virus (TIV), during this laborious process.
article image
Flu virus
Cell culture technology, first used to produce a polio vaccine 56 years ago, but which has developed far more over the past three decades*, is a far quicker production option and has other advantages.
Mammalian cells
Rather than eggs, many firms now use mammalian cells to culture their flu vaccines, for example Novartis and Solvay have worked with the Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, Baxter with a primate kidney cell line and Sanofi-Pasteur and Crucell have worked with the human cell line. In this process, a live flu virus is introduced to the cells in culture; after the viral infection has proliferated among those cells the live virus is harvested and inactivated, as in egg-based flu vaccine production. Among the drawbacks: To meet full production, a sufficient seed stock of the live virus is needed and so, therefore, are high-containment facilities.
Genetic engineering
Ways to avoid the need for a seed stock have emerged, for example by producing genetic sequences that code for antigens on a virus surface and not the live virus itself. Because those resulting strain-specific sequences do not produce infectious virus, having a high-containment facility is unnecessary. Also, the time needed to produce and begin manufacturing them can be just weeks or months fewer than is needed to establish a supply of live viral seeds. Along with these, benefits include lower cost, possibly easier licensing and, most importantly, quicker production to meet the demands of a potential pandemic.
Insect cells and baculovirus
The use of baculovirus and insect cell technology has proved an attractive option for many vaccine producers, and scientists are working to progress with every potential development.
re: the US contract:
About 340 million $ will go to Adjuvant from Novartis, MF59. 350 million $ will go for the vaccine component of Novartis.
Novartis is the clear winner with the US government contract.
War time record:
Several leading Swiss firms collaborated with the Nazi regime to boost profits and expand their interests in Germany, according to the findings of an Independent Commission of Experts (ICE) set up to probe Switzerland’s wartime past.
The ICE singled out the Basel chemical companies Ciba and Sandoz (now merged into Novartis), which implemented the Nazis’ Aryanisation policies in a bid to win lucrative supply contracts from the Third Reich.
It found that Ciba’s Berlin branch in 1933 fired its Jewish board of directors and supervisory board members and replaced them with “Aryan” Germans. At the same time, the report said, Sandoz replaced the Jewish chairman of its German subsidiary with an “Aryan” businessman.
The findings are part of eight studies released this week by the ICE, which says several leading Swiss chemical firms – including JR Geigy, Ciba, Sandoz and Hoffmann-La Roche – put their own interests ahead of humanitarian concerns in their dealing with the Nazis.
Novartis applied for a patent on a 'Split Influenza Vaccine with Adjuvants' on November 4, 2005. The U.S. patent office granted the patent to Novartis on February 19, 2009. Think about it. Why would Novartis apply for a patent for a specialized vaccine for an outbreak that hasn't happened yet? You wouldn't, unless you were planning to release -- or had previous knowledge of -- a specially bioengineered variation of a viral strain to be released.
.... and Novartis's vaccine contains the ADJUVANT MF 59
What they claim:
September 19, 2008 07:15 CET
Novartis MF59®-adjuvanted vaccine rapidly induces protective antibody levels against diverse strains of avian flu
* Study shows the investigational pre-pandemic vaccine AFLUNOV® provides rapid immune response in individuals primed with MF59-adjuvanted H5 vaccine up to six years earlier[1]
* Individuals primed with MF59 adjuvant developed immunity seven days after receiving the AFLUNOV booster
* Study supports notion of pre-pandemic vaccination to ensure protective antibody levels in population with one additional immunization in the event of a pandemic
Basel, September 19, 2008 - A new study shows that individuals immunized six years earlier with an MF59 adjuvanted H5N3 (clade 0) vaccine mounted a protective immune response seven days after a single immunization with an H5N1 (clade 1) vaccine containing the Novartis proprietary adjuvant MF59. The immune response was broadly cross reactive and covered all H5N1 clades known to date. These data were presented at the Third European Influenza Conference in Vilamoura, Portugal.
Responses were seen even against viral strains not included in either vaccine[1] suggesting proactive priming strategies with an MF59 adjuvanted-H5 vaccine may have the potential to help save lives in an avian influenza pandemic situation.
"These data highlight the potential for priming the public against an avian influenza of pandemic proportion with the MF59 adjuvant. The results indicate that regardless of which avian strain individuals are originally primed with, they are quickly protected against a broad range of avian strains following their MF59-adjuvanted booster vaccine, even strains they were not initially inoculated against," said study investigator Iain Stephenson M.R.C.P., Infectious Diseases Unit, University Hospitals Leicester and Department of Inflammation, Infection and Immunity, University of Leicester, UK.
"These results potentially provide a rationale to prevent pandemic influenza by proactively immunizing the public with stockpiled pre-pandemic vaccines containing MF59," Dr Stephenson added.
According to the trial results, healthy adults primed with an MF59-adjuvanted H5 vaccine at least 6 years ago, and boosted with the Novartis pre-pandemic vaccine AFLUNOV (7.5microgram MF59-adjuvanted A/Vietnam/1194/2004 clade 1 H5N1), showed a protective cross-reacting antibody response to diverse H5N1 virus variants. Response was seen within 7 days and results were significantly higher (P< 0.05) at 14 days than those primed with a un-adjuvanted vaccine[1]. In addition, these study results suggest primed individuals would only need one dose of an MF59-adjuvanted vaccine in a pandemic situation to elicit initial protection reducing overall response time, and potentially the spread of the virus[1]. "These findings show that priming subjects with the Novartis proprietary adjuvant MF59 included in AFLUNOV can induce long-lasting immune-memory and further supports a proactive priming strategy as part of pandemic preparedness efforts" said Dr. Joerg Reinhardt, CEO of Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, a division of Novartis. "Novartis Vaccines is committed to putting forth the most effective vaccine possible to help protect the global public against a possible pandemic situation." An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza strain emerges (one to which humans have no immunity), mutates and spreads globally as a virus. Although it is not possible to predict the actual pandemic influenza strain, global health authorities have identified H5N1 avian influenza as a strain with the greatest pandemic potential in humans[3]. H5N1 is currently circulating in birds and has caused serious illness in more than 380 people worldwide with a mortality rate, among people known to have been infected, of greater than 60 percent[4]. The purpose of pre-pandemic vaccination is to prime the immune system to better defend against infections from an H5N1 influenza virus and is intended for use before the World Health Organization (WHO) declares an influenza pandemic. AFLUNOV is the only pre-pandemic vaccine in development with an extensively-studied adjuvant, MF59, that is supported by more than 10 years of clinical safety data and commercial use. Study details: SO THEY TESTED A GRAND TOTAL OF 24 people with their adjuvant, is THAT proof of safety? In an open-label study, 54 healthy adults (age 23-60 years) received two doses of AFLUNOV (7.5microgram MF59-adjuvanted A/Vietnam/1194/2004 clade 1 H5N1) vaccine 21 days apart. Twenty-four subjects were primed with either MF59-adjuvanted or an un-adjuvanted H5N3 (A/duck/Singapore/1997 clade 0-like) vaccine at least 6 years earlier and 30 subjects were unprimed[1]. Some subjects also received a booster dose, 16 months after primary immunization. Pre and post-vaccination antibody to antigenically diverse H5 viruses were measured by hemagglutination-inhibition (HAI), neutralizing antibody (MN) and single radial hemolysis (SRH). Among primed subjects, protective cross-reacting antibody titers to diverse H5N1 virus variants were seen by day 7 after a single vaccine dose[1]. In subjects primed with an MF59-adjuvanted vaccine responses were statistically significantly higher (P< 0.05) than those primed with un-adjuvanted vaccine. By day 7, after one dose of AFLUNOV, >=80% of MF59-H5 primed recipients achieved sero-protective HAI titers of >=1:40 to all clade 1, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 avian H5 virus variants tested as well as the original antigen. In MF59-H5N3 primed subjects, responses were greatest at day 14 with geometric mean antibody titers of 1:378, 1:1754 and 73mm2 to the clade 1 A/Vietnam/2004 vaccine strain and 1:347, 1:2128 and 72mm2 to a clade 2 A/Turkey/2005 variant by HAI, MN and SRH respectively[1].
Novartis Vaccines commitment to pandemic preparedness
The immune-enhancing Novartis Vaccines proprietary adjuvant MF59 may enhance the body's immune response to the vaccine's active constituent (antigen) and offer varying degrees of cross-protection to better defend against the potentially dangerous disease causing infections from an H5N1 virus. In the seasonal influenza vaccine Fluad®, MF59 has been shown to better enhance the antibody response to vaccination when compared to non-adjuvanted vaccines, to increase protection in the elderly, and to provide protection even against influenza strains not included in the vaccine[5], [6]. Fluad has a history of proven safety and tolerability, with more than 40 million doses distributed worldwide since 1997[7].
Novartis Vaccines is working closely with government and regulatory officials worldwide to support pandemic preparedness efforts, including engaging in government contracts to provide H5N1 vaccines for stockpiling. The Company has also been involved in discussions to educate government agencies about the benefits of proactive use of pre-pandemic vaccination in pandemic preparedness planning efforts.
Novartis Vaccines is supportive of the WHO's leadership role in global pandemic planning as discussed in the organization's "THE WORLD HEALTH REPORT 2007: Global Public Health Security in the 21st Century." The WHO is a key global hub for pandemic preparedness, ensuring cohesion and coordination among all players involved, including the industry, governments of both developed or developing countries and their populations.
out of a test of 350 homeless people who weren't aware of what they were getting, 21 people died from their Novartis vaccine H5N1, avian flu vaccine!
Criminal Charges Document
-This year's regular influenza virus: Fluvirin ,Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited
War time record:
Then in the 1930s the U.S. pharmaceutical company Smith, Kline & French (now GlaxoSmithKline) started marketing it as Benzedrine. Officially it was sold as a medical treatment for narcolepsy. Unofficially it was one of the first drugs being pushed as a performance enhancer. German athletes in the 1936 Olympics were given amphetamine injections, as was Adolph Hitler.
“In the 1936 Olympic Games films, Hitler can be seen moving his hands back and forth on his upper legs in a way that’s consistent with the ‘stereotypical behavior,’ of heavy amphetamine use,” says a report on “Meth in the military.” (www.allpositiveoptions.com)
The online Science Encyclopedia says that amphetamine use was widespread in World War II. “Soldiers on both sides were given large amounts of amphetamines as a way of fighting fatigue and boosting morale. The British issued 72 million tablets to the armed forces. Records also show that Japanese Kamikaze pilots—who crashed their bomb-laden planes into enemy ships—and German Panzer troops were given large doses of the drug to motivate their fighting spirit. Hitler’s own medical records show that he received eight injections a day of methamphetamine, a drug known to create paranoia and unpredictable behavior when administered in large dosages.” (science.jrank.org)
Also makes RELENZA, an anti-viral medication.
has contracts for 195 million doses
make adjuvanted vaccines
promote PREPANDEMIC - with adjuvants - AND PANDEMIC VACCINES
Studied its adjuvant with H5N1 with 39,000 people, according to them safety record is satisfactory, whatever that may mean.
- they are closely linked to CSL
This year's flu vaccine: Fluarix (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals),
Glaxo is using adjuvants, AS03 and AS04, the safety of which has not been established, but that causes atrophy of the female organs in rats.
3. Baxter:
History of Baxter:
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Sanger and Hitler's emissaries. The head of Baxter International is Skull & Bones Vernon R. Loucks was a recent director of the Kellogg foundation. ...
https://www.nutrimedical.com/news_file.jhtml?...BAXTER%20LABS%20BIOWEAPONIZED%20FLU%20PANDEM... -
Is working with AFRICAN GREEN MONKEY KIDNEY cell lines:
Reminder, Dr. Maurice Hilleman's testimony about the many viruses in kidney cell lines.
full length version:
Baxter got caught in some very dirty deals regarding the BIRD FLU vaccine: H5N1 in 2006.
See also:
:Apr 1, 2006
Baxter International Inc. (NYSE NYSE
See: New York Stock Exchange :BAX) has announced that its European subsidiary has received a contract from the National Health Service
NHS (in Britain) National Health Service ) in the United Kingdom to produce a stockpile of two million doses of candidate H5N1 influenza vaccine influenza vaccine Flu vaccine A vaccine recommended for those at high risk for serious complications from influenza: > age 65; Pts with chronic diseases of heart, lung or kidneys, DM, immunosuppression, severe anemia, nursing home and other chronic-care based on an avian strain. Under the agreement, Baxter will complete delivery of the stockpile to the NHS in 2006.
Baxter also is working with the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID))part of the National Institutes of Health
NIH - The United States National Institutes of Health, to develop a cell culture-based H5N1 candidate pandemic influenza vaccine. Baxter will be providing the candidate vaccine to NIAID for clinical testing in the United States, which is expected to be initiated in 2006. In addition, Baxter is in discussions with several other governments regarding its candidate pandemic vaccine.
Cell-based systems for production of vaccines offer a number of potential benefits over more traditional, chicken egg-based systems. Baxter's vero-cell system is capable of producing high yields of influenza virus without the addition of any animal-derived serum. Through the company's research and development work, Baxter has been successful in growing wild-type virus in its vero-cell culture, which means that the company could begin vaccine production without having to wait for high-growth or attenuated virus reassortants normally used when vaccine is produced in eggs.
Baxter's vaccine production facilities are engineered for BioSafety Level 3 production, which means that they can use wild-type strains to help accelerate production.
A candidate vaccine is a vaccine under development that has not undergone full clinical testing to demonstrate its safety and efficacy. Wild-type virus is virus as it comes out of nature, i.e. not manipulated in any manner to make it easier to manufacture through traditional methods.
various patents help jointly by Dyncorp and NIH, including:
(6117667) Method for producing an adapted virus population from an African green monkey kidney cell line (http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6...)
(5911998) Method of producing a virus vaccine from an African green monkey kidney cell line
(5646033) African green monkey kidney cell lines useful for maintaining viruses and for preparation of viral vaccines
NOW REMEMBER Dr. Maurice Hilleman's admission ( chief at Merck), that African Green monkey contains loads of viruses, including cancer virus... and AIDS!
full length version:
Government collusion?
One of the key inventors in these patents now held by DynCorp was Dr. Robert H. Purcell. Who is Dr. Robert Purcell? He's one of the co-chiefs of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases operating under the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. government. (http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/labs/abou...)
Government collusion?
One of the key inventors in these patents now held by DynCorp was Dr. Robert H. Purcell. Who is Dr. Robert Purcell? He's one of the co-chiefs of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases operating under the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. government. (http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/labs/abou...)
That office, located at 50 South Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, is less than 15 miles away from the headquarters of DynCorp.
Are you following all this?
So far, we have the U.S. government awarding BIRD flu vaccine manufacturing contracts to a major U.S. vaccine manufacturer (Baxter) that uses vaccine ingredients from African Green Monkeys (sick!), derived from a process covered in a patent invented by U.S. government NIH researchers (Dr. Purcell and others) and now held jointly by the NIH and a private military contractor named DynCorp -- the very same company that's paid to monitor the U.S. / Mexico border where H1N1 swine flu first appeared.
Remember, Baxter is the company that was caught inserting live viruses into vaccine materials distributed to 18 different countries.
Dr. Rima Leibow :
Laibow sees a "manipulated disaster of unprecedented magnitude precipitated by unprecedented avarice and greed," and adds that "Baxter International Inc. is no stranger to recalls and lethal contaminations." Its record includes producing faulty infusion and volumetric pumps, HIV-2 tainted Albumin Buminate 5 percent, faulty dialysis machine tubing and blood-cleaning filters, and various other products that should make everyone leery of its soon-to-be-released Swine Flu vaccine. Along with similar ones from other pharmaceutical companies, these drugs cause serious autoimmune diseases and absolutely should be avoided, even if mandated.
Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic
AGENCIES 6 March 2009, 12:02am IST
It's emerged that virulent H5N1 bird flu was sent out by accident from an Austrian lab last year and given to ferrets in the Czech Republic before anyone realised. As well as the risk of it escaping into the wild, the H5N1 got mixed with a human strain, which might have spawned a hybrid that could unleash a pandemic.
Last December, the Austrian branch of US vaccine company Baxter sent a batch of ordinary human H3N2 flu, altered so it couldn't replicate, to Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, also in Austria. In February, a lab in the Czech Republic working for Avir alerted Baxter that, unexpectedly, ferrets inoculated with the sample had died. It turned out the sample contained live H5N1, which Baxter uses to make vaccine. The two seem to have been mixed in error.
Markus Reinhard of Baxter says no one was infected because the H3N2 was handled at a high level of containment. But Ab Osterhaus of Erasmus University in the Netherlands says: "We need to go to great lengths to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen."
Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn't easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.
4. Sanofi -Pasteur:
war time record:
heir of IG FARBEN !
Aventis (now Sanofi-Aventis SA)
Industry and Ideology: IG Farben in the Nazi Era
by Peter Hayes
Paperback, New Edition
Pub. Date: October 2000, Publisher: Cambridge
University Press
ISBN: 052178638X
Nazi Chemical Giant Declares Bankruptcy | Business &
Economics | Deutsche Welle | 10.11.2003
The infamous Nazi poison-gas manufacturer IG Farben is
insolvent, possibly leaving thousands of former forced
laborers trying to claim compensation out in the cold.
... After World War II, the Allies stripped the firm
of most of its assets, which were transferred to the
three chemical firms Bayer, Hoechst (now Aventis) and
BASF. Since then IG Farben's legal successor has been
in the process of being liquidated, while its stocks
continue to be traded.
Company names appearing in this article are:
• IG Farben (Aventis, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, and
Bayer AG) (Germany)
• Aventis (formerly part of IG Farben) (Germany)( Hoechst)6020
• BASF (BASF Aktiengesellschaft) (formerly part of IG
Farben) (Germany)
• Bayer AG (formerly part of IG Farben) (Germany)
• Hoechst (now Aventis) (formerly part of IG Farben)
Connaught expands
In 1972, the University of Toronto sold Connaught to the Canadian Development Corporation, transforming the labs into a profit-driven company. In 1978, the acquisition of a vaccine manufacturing facility in Swiftwater, PA, facilitated Connaught's expansion into the United States biologicals market.
In 1989, expansion into the global vaccine market accelerated when Institut Mérieux of France assumed control of Connaught, adding to its existing alliance with the Pasteur Institute to create Pasteur Mérieux Connaught (PMC). A decade later, PMC's parent company, Rhone-Poulenc, merged with Hoeschst of Germany to create Aventis. PMC thus became Aventis Pasteur, its Connaught Campus in Toronto officially known as Aventis Pasteur Limited. In 2004, Aventis was acquired by Sanofi-Synthelabo to form the sanofi aventis Group wherein Aventis Pasteur officially became sanofi pasteur. The Connaught campus in Toronto is now Sanofi Pasteur Limited.
See the sordid story anti-fertility vaccine story below: quite in character.
1. Their huge financial interest in pushing vaccines use, and
Non-adjuvanted vaccine might be safe, but is it effective? And IN VIEW OF THEIR VERY DARK PAST, how do we know what else they put in that vaccine?
In 1994, Merck and Pasteur Mérieux Connaught (Pasteur) established an equally owned joint venture to market vaccines and collaborate in the development of combination vaccines, for distribution in Europe.
Connaught Lab - Pasteur, is another one of the companies that fraudulently inoculated many women with an INFERTILITY VACCINE, while stating it was a tetanus vaccine ( in India, see account below). Connaught, another company, and CSL were found responsible.
There are very close ties betweeh Sanofi-Pasteur, Merck, Chiron - Novartis, ,etc. They weave a web of interests, their executives going from one company to another, switching jobs for a few years, then going to the next company of the gang: it is hard to follow exactly who is where ,when.
As an example:
John Lambert, Chairman
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Novavax since March 2007. President, Chiron Vaccines, a biopharmaceutical company, from 2001 to 2005. President, Aventis Pasteur MSD, a vaccine joint venture established between Aventis (now Sanofi) and Merck Vaccines, 1998 to 2000. Currently the Vice President of the Conseil d’Administration of Farmaprojects S.A. (Spain), Non-Executive Chairman of Cambridge Biostability Ltd. (U.K.) and Non-Executive director of Acambis plc (U.K)
Same thing with important people at CSL, who were previously at Glaxo, at Pfizer, at Merck, etc. They go round and round in a circle, importing the same ideas, methods, etc. even if there is innovation here and there.
But the fact is, they seem to all do the same thing, Baxter, Sanofi, Novartis, CSL: they LACE their products with DANGEROUS, FOREIGN SUBSTANCES, UNTESTED INGREDIENTS that don't belong, and for which, ultimately, the patients who receive it will be guinea pigs, specially considering the FAST TRACK APPROVALS of these vaccines at this time of a phony 'pandemic', WHICH IS UNCONSCIONABLE.
Read below ( Jane Burgermeister) about some of the consequences of these 'clinical trials' in Poland, with multiple DEATHS OF HUMAN GUINEA PIGS WHO WERE NOT TOLD WHAT THEY WERE RECEIVING: THEY WERE LIED TO BY THE DOCTORS AND NURSES PERFORMING THE "CLINICAL TRIALS", WHICH WERE IN FACT ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTS ON UNWITTING AND UNINFORMED PATIENTS, and certainly at the behest of the pharmaceutical companies, with the incentive of financial gain for the medical staff as well - I should know, how many times was I invited to participate in a 'CLINICAL RESEARCH PROJECT'' that promised me nice gains for each patient enrolled. I could never get myself to do such a thing, as I found it to be totally unfair to the patients. I could not possibly imagine putting them arbitrarily on one or another medication, without considering what would be best for them. But apparently some doctors don't have such scruples; witness the MAD SCIENTISTS who work in these bioweapons - bioterror labs - under the pretense of science: they all have that crazed, haggard look that comes from causing extreme harm to other people... really MAD, MAD doctors
The company says in a statement Friday that it has applied to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for fast-track licensing for the vaccine, which is expected to be on the market later this year.
Sanofi Pasteur Submits Supplemental Application for A(H1N1) Pandemic Vaccine to U.S. FDA
- Company responds to FDA recommendation for influenza virus strain change supplement -
In the US, Sanofi will provide 26 percent of the total purchase.
Sanofi Pasteur makes about 40 percent of the world's flu vaccines.
Vaccine Production in Cells
For decades, vaccines have provided effective protection from influenza for Americans. While they have traditionally been produced in chicken eggs, a new technology-cell-based vaccine production-could save hundreds of thousands of lives in the event of an outbreak of pandemic influenza, or some other infectious disease.
The new approach would use mammalian cells (kidney cells are often used) to grow the influenza viruses. Cell-based vaccine production could more easily meet "surge capacity needs" because cells could be frozen and stored in advance of an epidemic or developed rapidly in response to an epidemic. Cell-based vaccine production dramatically reduces the possibility for contamination and promises to be more reliable, flexible, and expandable than egg-based methods.
In place of eggs, cell-based vaccine production utilizes laboratory-grown cell lines that are capable of hosting a growing virus. The virus is injected into the cells where it multiplies. The cells' outer walls are removed, harvested, purified, and inactivated. A vaccine can be produced in a matter of weeks. Polio vaccine is currently produced using the cell-based method.
While both methods could produce an equally effective vaccine, egg-based production is physically limited by the availability of specialized eggs and alone may not be able to meet the accelerated demands of a global influenza pandemic. Cell-based vaccines offer the potential to increase production surge capacity and save lives:
In March 2005, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a five-year contract to Sanofi-Pasteur for $97.1 million to develop cell-based influenza vaccine technology and conduct clinical trials, with the goal of obtaining an FDA license for this vaccine. Under this advanced development contract, the company has committed to develop a plan to establish a U.S. cell-based influenza vaccine manufacturing facility, capable of producing at least 300 million doses of a pandemic influenza vaccine over a one year period.
In May 2006, HHS awarded five contracts totaling more than $1 billion to accelerate development and production of new technologies for influenza vaccines within the U.S. These five contracts support the advanced development of cell-based production technologies for influenza vaccines and will help to modernize and strengthen the nation's influenza vaccine production by creating an alternative to producing influenza vaccines in eggs. The funds are part of $3.3 billion proposed by former President Bush and appropriated by Congress to HHS for fiscal year 2006 to help the nation prepare for a pandemic. (News release).
The following awards were announced today: Company Funding Amount GlaxoSmithKline $274.75 million MedImmune $169.46 million Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics $220.51 million DynPort Vaccine $40.97 million Solvay Pharmaceuticals $298.59 million Total $1.004 billion
Previously, HHS awarded Sanofi Pasteur a $97 million contract for development of a cell-based vaccine in April 2005. This company was the first to be awarded a federal contract for commercial scale production of newer influenza vaccine methodology.
Developing improved vaccines and enhanced vaccine production capacity are top objectives laid out in the President's National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza. That plan and additional information are available at http://www.pandemicflu.gov/.
LYON, France and SWIFTWATER, Pa., Aug. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the sanofi-aventis Group (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY), announced today the company has submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a supplemental application for licensure of its influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine. Responding to recent recommendations by the FDA, the company's supplemental application requests the FDA's evaluation of the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 strain change, which is expected to expedite the licensure process for the pandemic vaccine.
"Filing this application is consistent with our commitment to work collaboratively with public health officials in producing a vaccine against the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 virus," said Wayne Pisano, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi Pasteur. "It is essential that we pursue the vaccine licensure pathway made available to us, while at the same time, continue the important clinical studies of our vaccine."
The supplemental application follows recent recommendations by the FDA to evaluate the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines using the same regulatory process by which it approves new viral strains contained in the annual seasonal influenza vaccines. Sanofi Pasteur's influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine supplemental application specifies the evaluation of a non-adjuvanted vaccine.
While these strain change supplements are not required to be supported by new clinical data, immunogenicity and safety data will be made available through clinical studies. Sanofi Pasteur will test the immunogenicity and safety of its influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine through clinical trials in the U.S., which began August 6. The planned clinical trials will consist of approximately 2,000 subjects and will also evaluate the safety and potential benefits of adding an adjuvant to the pandemic vaccine. More information on the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccine clinical trials is available at www.clinicaltrials.gov.
LYON, France and SWIFTWATER, Pennsylvania, October 31 2005 /PRNewswire/ -- Sanofi pasteur, the vaccines business of the sanofi-aventis Group (NYSE: SNY), has entered into an agreement with Eisai Co., Ltd. to license their novel adjuvant, E6020, for use in the development of new vaccines to treat or prevent human illnesses. E6020 is a chemically synthesized adjuvant that will be tested by sanofi pasteur to determine its ability to enhance the immune response to a broad range of vaccines.
Under the terms of the agreement, Eisai will provide a license to sanofi pasteur to incorporate the E6020 adjuvant for use in vaccines throughout all geographical regions.
To provide a rapid response against the pandemic threat, sanofi pasteur first selected an alum adjuvant for its proven safety characteristics. Other adjuvants are under evaluation with the objective of further increasing immune response generated by the H5N1 vaccine while reducing the amount of antigen needed for vaccination....
Vaccine dose-sparing strategies are discussed among public health experts who benefit from data generated by sanofi pasteur’s clinical trial program.
E6020: a synthetic Toll-like receptor 4 agonist as a vaccine adjuvant.
Ishizaka ST, Hawkins LD.
Eisai Research Institute, 4 Corporate Drive, Andover, MA 01742, USA. sally_ishizaka@eri.eisai.com
Safe and cost-effective adjuvants are a critical component to enhance the efficacy of subunit vaccines. Studies have demonstrated that modified natural lipid As derived from enterobacterial lipopolysaccharides, which are agonists of Toll-like receptor 4, are beneficial to vaccine performance. The synthetic phospholipid dimer, E6020, mimics the physicochemical and biological properties of many of the natural lipid As derived from gram-negative bacteria. Similar to its natural counterparts, E6020, which was discovered and developed by Eisai, agonizes Toll-like receptor 4, albeit in an attenuated fashion, eliciting an immunostimulatory response that is conducive to use as a vaccine adjuvant. The derivation of E6020, along with physicochemical properties and in vitro and in vivo studies of immunostimulation and adjuvant activity, are reviewed as a background to its imminent assessment in the clinic.
However, according to Dr. Scheibner:
•Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
LPS is an adjuvant for both humoral and cell-mediated immunity. It augments the immune response to both protein and polysaccharide antigens. It is too toxic and pyrogenic, even in minute doses, to be used as an adjuvant in humans.
7/23/09 The NIH's first studies will use flu shots made by France-based Sanofi-Pasteur
and CSL Ltd., which on Wednesday began a much smaller study of its vaccine in its home country of Australia
Baudner BC, Ronconi V, Casini D, Tortoli M, Kazzaz J, Singh M, Hawkins LD, Wack A, O'Hagan DT
Pharm Res. 2009 Jun;26(6):1477-85
PURPOSE: The effectiveness of vaccines depends on the age and immunocompetence of the vaccinee. Conventional non-adjuvanted influenza vaccines are suboptimal in the elderly and vaccines with improved ability to prevent influenza are required. The TLR4 agonist E6020, either given alone or co-delivered with MF59, was evaluated and compared to MF59 and the TLR9 agonist CpG. Its ability to enhance antibody titres and to modulate the quality of the immune response to a subunit influenza vaccine was investigated. METHODS: Mice were immunized with either antigens alone, with MF59 or with the TLR agonists alone, or with a combination thereof. Serum samples were assayed for IgG antibody titres and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titres. Th1/Th2 type responses were determined by titrating IgG subclasses in serum samples and by T-cell cytokine responses in splenocytes. RESULTS: MF59 was the best single adjuvant inducing HI and T-cell responses in comparison to all alternatives. The co-delivery of E6020 or CpG with MF59 did not further increase antibody titres however shifted towards a more Th1 based immune response. CONCLUSION: Combining adjuvants like E6020 and MF59 allowed a finer tuning of the immune response towards a particular Th bias, thus have significant implications for the development of improved influenza vaccines.
Donna Cary, a spokeswoman for Sanofi-Aventis, the company that will manufacture the swine flu vaccine, said that they have received an order from the Department of Health and Human Services for a bulk amount of vaccine but that the formula is still to be determined. However, they expect they will be manufacturing two varieties of the vaccine.
Vaccine Manufacturers Producing Thimerosal-Free Version
"The anticipation is that we will be producing both a thimerosal-free and a vaccine containing thimerosal," Cary said. "Because of the quantities they're talking about, multi-dose vials will be used."
Using thimerosal and multi-dose vials makes vaccines cheaper to manufacture and distribute, Treanor said.
Still, Pavia said, there will likely be enough doses of thimerosal-free vaccine for very young children whose parents fear that the chemical will have some negative effect. Taking such steps, he said, may further ensure than those who need this important vaccine will receive it.
(this year's flu vaccines: Fluzone)
7/23/09 The NIH's first studies will use flu shots made by France-based Sanofi-Pasteur and CSL Ltd., which on Wednesday began a much smaller study of its vaccine in its home country of Australia.
5. Astra-zeneca - Medimmune: ESSENTIALLY A US GOVERNMENT BABY , developed in a bioweapon factory,
Would you trust your health to those people? I certainly would not.
Quantity ordered by US;:
between Glaxo and Medimmune: 10%, or 100 million US$
...and a nasal-spray flu vaccine from Maryland-based MedImmune.this year's flu vaccine FluMist (MedImmune Vaccines Inc).
Developed by Laboratory of Infectious diseases, Fort Detrick, Md
A live attenuated trivalent influenza vaccine, FluMist®, was licensed by MedImmune, Inc. LID developed this vaccine from 1975 to 1995 with participation of the extramural component of NIAID. This is a prime example of a many-decade LID commitment to the development of a specific vaccine.
6. CSL:
"When Hitler and Martin Bormann knew they were going to lose the war, they invested their treasury in 750 corporations to produce a monopoly over the world's pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Hitler and Bormann invested heavily in Merck and other pharmaceutical companies. They not only knew that would be a good way to make money as a future investment, but they also knew that, given the Holocaust, you can mass exterminate people through chemicals, gasses and pharmaceuticals. You can take people out untraceably that way.
So that was the target and primary objective for the rise of the Fourth Reich."
19% of the total US stock:$180 million dollars spent on their vaccine by the US Health department.
My guess would be that these 19% will be directed at pregnant women , young girls, and women of child-bearing age.
CSL Biotherapies manufactures and markets vaccines and pharmaceutical products with particular focus on products for the prevention and treatment of serious disease. CSL Biotherapies operates one of the world’s largest influenza vaccine manufacturing facilities for supply to Australia and global markets. This facility based in Parkville, Victoria, is the only one of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere. CSL has been manufacturing influenza vaccines in their current form since 1952.
According to Dr. Greenberg, their spokesman:
Following experience in a local health department, Dr. Greenberg moved to Atlanta where he served as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. His work at CDC focused on sexually transmitted infections as well as influenza.
Dr. Greenberg joined GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals in Rixensart, Belgium in 2005 as an epidemiologist where he conducted research in several areas of infectious disease, with an emphasis on both seasonal and pandemic influenza.
Dr. Greenberg joined CSL in 2009 as Associate Director of Clinical Development for vaccines. He has published in international peer-reviewed medical journals and presented at congresses worldwide.
CSL Ltd., which has a $180 million order to supply bulk H1N1 antigen to the U.S. government, decided against boosting its vaccine with an adjuvant, preferring to use a formulation more closely resembling the seasonal flu shot, said Mary Sontrop general manager of the Melbourne-based company’s biotherapies unit.
DTPa (Infanrix and Tripacel)
GlaxoSmithKline, CSL/Merck Sharpe Dohme
Haemophilus influenzae B OMP (PedVax Hib, liquid formulation)
Merck Sharpe Dohme
Haemophilus influenzae B PRP-OMP- Hepatitis B (Comvax)
CSL/Merck Sharpe Dohme
Haemophilus influenzae B HbOC (HibTITER)
Haemophilus influenzae B PRPT (ActHib, Hiberix)
Aventis-Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline
DTPa-hepatitis B (Infanrix-HepB)
Oral polio vaccine
CSL/Merck Sharpe Dohme
Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine (MMR II, Priorix)
CSL, GlaxoSmithKline
Hepatitis B vaccine, paediatric formulation (HBVax II)
CSL/Merck Sharpe Dohme
Combined hepatitis A and B vaccine (Twinrix Junior)
Hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix Junior)
full length version:
Financial connections between CSL, Merck and Glaxo Smith Kline:
CSL cuts vaccine licence deal with drug giants
By Rebecca Urban and Gabrielle Costa
February 4, 2005
Same crowd, same methods, same people, same corruption. No adjuvant, they say: so far, so good; however:....
are they telling the truth?
Influenza Vaccines
Following the completion of successful clinical trials, CSL received approval from the FDA to market Afluria®, an influenza vaccine, in the United States. Afluria® was released for sale in the US October 2007. CSL also continues to expand its influenza vaccine registration in European countries, with registration recently achieved in Germany and Ireland.
In June 2008, following completion of successful clinical studies, CSL received approval from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for Panvax®, CSL's pandemic influenza vaccine. The vaccine has been registered for use only after the declaration of a Pandemic by the Chief Medical Officer of Australia.
In December 2007, Merck & Co continued to show confidence in the ISCOMATRIX® adjuvant by adding two additional fields to the already substantial agreement.
In 2007 the transfer of the manufacturing process from Parkville to Kankakee was complete. Kankakee is now performing routine GMP manufacture of ISCOMATRIX® adjuvant at a commercial scale.
CSL has also completed the first stages of establishing large-scale manufacturing of ISCOMATRIX® adjuvant at its Kankakee, Illinois site.
See also THIS scandal. When you understand who Merck is, it becomes clearer why an Australian company would do such things.
Many women in the Philippines and in India were UNWITTINGLY VACCINATED UNDER FALSE PRETENSES WITH AN ANTI-FERTILITY VACCINE.For the full article, see here:
Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?
There is no known way for the vaccinated women to have hCG antibodies in their blood unless hCG had been artificially introduced into their bodies!
Vaccine Untested by Drug Bureau
After the vaccine controversy had reached a fever pitch, a new bombshell exploded; none of the three different brands of tetanus vaccine being used had ever been licensed for sale and distribution or registered with the Philippine Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD), as required by law. ... The companies in question are Connaught Laboratories Ltd. and Intervex, both from Canada, and CSL Laboratories from Australia.
.....since the vaccines had been certified by the WHO -- there they are again! -- there was assurance enough that the "vaccines come from reputable manufacturers."(10)
Just how "reputable" one of the manufacturers might be is open to some question. In the mid-`80s Connaught Laboratories was found to be knowingly distributing vials of AIDS-contaminated blood products.(11)
At this juncture, evidence is beginning to appear from Africa.(12) HLI has called for a Congressional investigation of the situation, inasmuch as nearly every agency involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine is funded, at least in part, with U.S. monies.
First H1N1 Vaccine Begins Tests:
The VTEUs expect to recruit volunteers and test the vaccines beginning in August. In a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases news release, Anthony S. Fauci, MD, NIAID director, noted that “with the emergence of the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus, we have undertaken a collaborative and efficient process of vaccine development…to help quickly evaluate these pilot lots to determine whether the vaccines are safe and to assess their ability to induce protective immune responses. These data will be factored into the decision about how and if to implement a 2009 H1N1 flu vaccination program this fall.”
notice that CSL and SANOFI are the two companies implicated in involuntary sterilization of women. And apparently Ohio State University is also involved in INFERTILITY VACCINE RESEARCH. CSL and SANOFI ARE THE two companies TESTING H1N1 at that hospital right now.
Search Cincinnati Children's Web Site
Search: antifertility research
Found: 16324 pages
Categories: 15 categories
Results from search on http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org 16324 of 16348
...Put the two and two together......
(IsraelNN.com) The first tests of a vaccine for the H1N1 flu began Wednesday in Australia by pharmaceutical company CSL Ltd. The company is testing the vaccine over the next seven weeks and already has orders from Australia, the U.S. and Singapore.
6 . Also, tests in Cincinnati Children's hospital:
Completed Immunogenicity, Safety and Tolerability of CSL Limited Inactivated Influenza Vaccine in Adults
Condition: Influenza
Interventions: Biological: CSL Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine - Thimerosal-free; Biological: CSL Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine with Thimerosal; Biological: Placebo with Thimerosal
Adelaide-based Vaxine began trials on Monday with 300 subjects, and Melbourne's CSL has 240 people in its trial, which started on Wednesday.
Neither firm has a contract with the UK government, which expects the first vaccine batches by the end of August.
But Vaxine research director Nikolai Petrovsky said: "There is no guarantee any of these vaccines will work. Swine flu is a very peculiar beast, its a very different virus that we're dealing with. But we are hopeful."
Regarding the regular flu virus:
July 21, 2009 — The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a vaccine for the 2009–2010 US influenza season.
Although the vaccine will not protect individuals against the H1N1 influenza A pandemic viral strain, the agency emphasizes the importance for Americans to continue receiving prophylaxis against the seasonal influenza strains that are expected to circulate this year. These include an A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)-like virus, an A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2)-like virus, and a B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 200,000 individuals are hospitalized and about 36,000 die each year from influenza-related complications. Those at increased risk for potentially fatal complications include the elderly, young children, and people with chronic medical conditions.
"The approval of this year's seasonal influenza vaccine is an example of the FDA's important responsibility to assure timely availability of vaccine to help protect the health of the American public," said Margaret A. Hamburg, MD, FDA commissioner of food and drugs, in an FDA news release. "A new seasonal influenza vaccine each year is a critical tool in protecting public health."
As such, this year's influenza vaccine will be marketed as Afluria (CSL Limited),
Project Day Lily is a fictionalized account of a true story. In order to stay of prison and out of court, as well as to protect their sources in the Pentagon, the Nicolsons decided to publish their experiences as a novel.
The book describes how Dr. Garth Nicolson and his wife Nancy discovered that weaponized mycoplasma and other biological agents were being tested on prisoners in the Texas prison system in the mid 1990s and long before. At the same time they found that 40% of Gulf War Illness patients were infected with Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus, a microorganism which was patented by the U.S. Army in 1991.
Following these discoveries, the Nicolsons endured numerous attempts on their lives. Six of the Nicolsons' scientific colleagues were murdered, including Dr. Fred Conrad (Colonel,USAF, retired), Dr. Garth Nicolson's boss at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston . Fifteen minutes after Dr. Conrad told Dr. Nicolson that he was preparing to blow the whistle on illegal biological warfare testing at MD Anderson, he was shot six times in the back of the head by an assassin in his office.
Despite being a fully endowed department head and a world renowned scientist with over 550 articles in peer reviewed medical journals, Dr. Nicolson was forced to leave MD Anderson. This was only one of the American universities involved in secretly developing and testing biological weapons, in contravention of U.S. law. In 1996 he moved to Huntington Beach California and established a non-profit research organisation, the Institute for Molecular Medicine. To date, he has used his expertise to diagnose these infections in a wide range of chronic illness patients and to develop treatment protocols, most of which can be found on the website.
The Nicolsons found that the patented mycoplasma fermentans incognitus contained the HIV envelope gene, gp-120. This indicated that it had been modified in the laboratory to make it more pathogenic:
Preliminary evidence suggests that the Mycoplasma fermentans found inside white blood cells of GWI [Gulf War Illness] patients may have been modified to make it more pathogenic and more difficult to diagnose. Using the Nucleoprotein Gene Tracking assay we have found unusual gene sequences associated with the same mycoplasma nucleoprotein fraction. For example, we have found HIV-1 envelope gene sequences but not the other genes of the HIV-1 virus in equivalent nucleoprotein subfractions in a subset of GWI patients (17). Although this preliminary result will require conformation by sequencing the mycoplasma genome in the area of the putative inserted gene, the presence of the HIV-1 env gene could explain the unusual pathogenic properties of this mycoplasma and its ability to attach to and enter a variety of cells and tissues. Since the other genes of the HIV-1 virus were not detected in ODS veterans, these mycoplasma-positive GWI patients are not infected with the intact HIV-1 virus. Although GWI patients possess some of the signs and symptoms of an immunodefficiency syndrome, they do not progress to AIDS, nor do they test generally positive for intact HIV-1 virus in their serum or plasma (unpublished data). Some GWI patients, however, do test positive (false positive) in some AIDS tests that probe only the gp120 product of the HIV-1 env gene. In these patients additional testing for other HIV-1 gene products or enzymes has proved negative, suggesting support for the hypothesis that only the HIV-1 env gene and its encoded product are associated with M. fermentans infection of the type found in some GWI patients.
War and Health, H. Tapamainen, ed., Helsinki , Zed Press, 2002, pp. 431-446
Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D., Marwan Nasralla, Ph.D.,
Joerg Haier, M.D., Ph.D. and Nancy L. Nicolson, Ph.D.
The Nicolsons found the gp-120 env. gene but no other HIV genes in the Gulf War veterans positive for M. fermentans incognitus. In contrast, HIV genes other than gp-120 were found in sick Huntsville prison guards. The Huntsville experiments pre-dated the Gulf War by a few years, which indicated that scientists were testing different HIV genes to see which ones were most effective. Probably, they found the gp-120 gene to be the most pathogenic, and this was the M. fermentans incognitus strain patented 1991 and injected into Gulf War troops.
During the years in which the Nicolsons defended the sick Gulf War veterans they developed secret contacts inside the Pentagon. These provided classified information such as the fact that approximately 30,000 veterans have died from Gulf War Illness. Worst still they confirmed that HIV/AIDS was a U.S. biological weapon (1). It was developed during the 1960s and 70s by the U.S. military as a weapon of mass destruction. Code named MK-NAOMI, ten candidate weapons were developed of which two were tested. HIV 1 turned out to be non-pathogenic and was tested in areas of Australia. HIV 2 was lethal and was later renamed HIV 1. This was tested and deployed in Africa and New York. Today HIV 2 is is concentrated in West Africa and is rarely found elsewhere. The Army patent on M. fermentans incognitus states that 81% of AIDS patients are infected with this particular organism, and that it is the necessary cofactor in the progression of the disease.
Project Day Lily was the real name of the secret programme to develop the mycoplasma weapon. Its origins go back to Nazi Germany, no less. The fermentans strain was recovered by the U.S. military from an old anthrax culture brought back to Germany by retreating SS units at the end of WWII. It is not clear whether I.G. Farben company actually isolated and characterized it or whether it was a contaminant in an anthrax culture. They were apparantly, testing this and other cultures on prisoners in the death camps. Under Project Paperclip, the U.S. Government brought leading Nazi scientists to the U.S. to work for them. Alongside the Manhattan Project, there were other top secrets projects such as the mind control project MK-ULTRA, and MK-NAOMI, the project to develop biological weapons for mass killing.
To read about mycoplasma fermentans incognitus visit the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website and type in patent no. 5,242,820.
1. The Power Hour, 20th December 05. 3 minute clip below.
According to Dr. Carley, there are about 1200 weapons labs busy developing biological weapons. It is, however, ILLEGAL:
But that, however, does not deter governments such as the United States, from doing it.
The article above shows that clearly.
There are also DEALS being made between countries, and apparently such a deal was made between an Israeli concern and the US government or a company WORKING FOR THE US government , such as, for instance, PHARMATHENE, which proudly discusses its program on its website:
That company also developed a new anthrax vaccine that was TESTED ON 770 healthy subjects. The company had received 134 million $ from NIAID.
Interestingly, ISRAEL's NESS TZIONA BIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, or rather, BIOWEAPON's LAB, under Dr. Shafferman, HAD RECEIVED $200 million dollars from some source in the US. He in essence SOLD 716 IDF SOLDIERS, TO BE USED AS HUMAN GUINEA PIGS by some United States company , or by the US government itself, and they were injected UNKNOWINGLY with deadly ANTHRAX VACCINE , laced with G_d knows what - see the above account - half from the US, and half from Israel. They became deathly ill as a result, and filed suit . The part having to do with funding by the United States was erased from the record somehow, one dirty hand washing the other. Meanwhile the poor soldiers keep on suffering, while somebody got quite RICH from this disgraceful and horrendous story worthy of Dr. Mengele, alive and well in the state of Israel and in the United States.
See Haaretz archives for complete story.
From Medscape Medical News
FDA Approves Influenza Vaccine for 2009-2010 Season
Yael Waknine
July 21, 2009 — The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a vaccine for the 2009–2010 US influenza season.
Although the vaccine will not protect individuals against the H1N1 influenza A pandemic viral strain, the agency emphasizes the importance for Americans to continue receiving prophylaxis against the seasonal influenza strains that are expected to circulate this year. These include an A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)-like virus, an A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2)-like virus, and a B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 200,000 individuals are hospitalized and about 36,000 die each year from influenza-related complications. Those at increased risk for potentially fatal complications include the elderly, young children, and people with chronic medical conditions.
"The approval of this year's seasonal influenza vaccine is an example of the FDA's important responsibility to assure timely availability of vaccine to help protect the health of the American public," said Margaret A. Hamburg, MD, FDA commissioner of food and drugs, in an FDA news release. "A new seasonal influenza vaccine each year is a critical tool in protecting public health."
As such, this year's influenza vaccine will be marketed as Afluria (CSL Limited), Fluarix (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals), FluLaval (ID Biomedical Corporation), Fluvirin (Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited), Fluzone (Sanofi Pasteur Inc), and FluMist (MedImmune Vaccines Inc).
Marc Gentilini, a professor of infectious disease and former head of the French Red Cross, says that the swine flu is a "pandemic of indecency," adding that rich-world politicians opened the financial gates under scrutiny of critics saying not enough was being done.
He said that France spent $1.4 billion to buy enough vaccinations for its 60 million population.
According to the AFP, the vaccine is currently undergoing testing for safety and effectiveness, and it will be available in the upcoming months.
It is still not known whether the vaccine will provide a shield if the virus mutates into a more deadly form.
"A billion euros for a vaccine with so many unknowns, it's pure haste," said Gentilini. "This is money that can be better used elsewhere. It's ethically unacceptable."
People for the big spending on the vaccine bring up the pandemics in the 20th century, which was during a time that the "Spanish flu" took millions of lives between 1918-1919.
New York microbiologists Taia Wang and Peter Palese wrote to the U.S. journal Cell a day after the WHO declared the swine flu pandemic. They said there needs to be a sense of proportion.
They said that there were little signs that the circulating virus will cause a pandemic on the scale of the past. They added that vaccines, antivirals and antibiotics are all weapons that doctors did not have in 1918.
"Around 80,000 children die from malaria and more than twice that number of diarrhoeal diseases worldwide in any four-week period," they said.
"On a scale of global health crises, the current H1N1 swine influenza outbreak would seem to rank low on the list. Why, then, has this outbreak caused such alarm?
Swine Flu: What I Believe
Wednesday, 22 July 2009, 9:42 pm
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine Austin Fitts' Mapping the Real Deal
Swine Flu: What I Believe
I believe one of the goals of the swine flu vaccine is depopulation. Perhaps it is the goal of a swine flu epidemic as well, whether bio-warfare or hype around a flu season.
These days, I keep remembering my sense of urgency leaving the Bush Administration in 1991. We had to do something to turn around the economy and gather real assets behind retirement plans and the social safety net. If not, Americans could find themselves deeply out on a limb. I felt my family and friends were in danger. They did not share my concern. They had a deep faith in the system.
As my efforts to find ways of reengineering government investment in communities failed to win political support, Washington and Wall Street moved forward with a debt bubble and globalization that was horrifying in its implications for humanity.
Overwhelmed by what was happening, I estimated the end result. My simple calculations guessed that we were going to achieve economic sustainability on Earth by depopulating down to a population of approximately 500 million people from our then current global population of 6 billion.
Here is one I don't necessarily agree with, but it is certainly something to consider, knowing the malicious intent of the involved parties.
It has a few mistakes, is not very professional. Still , there are some ideas to reflect upon.
Three-Stage Vaccinations May Create Perfect Cytokine Storm
Filed Under Vaccines July 30th, 2009
“Squalene produces auto-immunity and eventually death in everyone who takes it”
vaccine4The vaccine is to be given by a series of three injections. Speaking on the Republic Broadcasting Network with Dr. Rebecca Carley as host on July 11th, meta-analyst and vaccine researcher Patrick Jordan reported belief that the first injection will be for the purpose of turning off the victim’s immune system. The second injection will be for the purpose of loading people with deadly organisms. And the third injection will be to turn the immune system back on for the purpose of creating a cytokine storm that will deal a lethal blow to the body.
In his chronicle of the connection between vaccines and death, Jordan pointed out that in 1915 the pertussis vaccine became available and was widely given. This bacterial poison from whopping cough, called pertussis coxon, so depresses the immune system that it is used in laboratories today to turn off nutrafils and reduce white blood cell counts.
DS comments; ACCORDING TO THE ARTICLE BELOW by Dr. Scheibner, ABOUT TOXIC COMPONENTS OF VACCINES, ACTUALLY THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE,. pertussis is a strong adjuvant and increases the immune response.
Then, in 1918, soldiers who had received the pertussis vaccine were deployed to Europe, where they were given another unknown vaccine. They were then exposed to a Lucite gas, which is an arsenic compound, and phosgenegas, a chlorine compound. As a result, their immune systems kicked in with a cytokine storm that killed many of the otherwise healthy young men. This is the 1,2,3 punch Jordan is warning will come again with the “swine flu” vaccinations.
We have been conditioned to think of external microbes as our enemy during a time of influenza. But our own immune systems are potentially more lethal. When the body detects foreign microorganisms indicating an infection, it can respond by overprotecting the site of that infection. In its hurry to get antibodies to the infection site, the body may dispatch so many that the level of cytokines becomes highly elevated, creating a cytokine storm that can be fatal. For example, during a lung infection, a cytokine storm can potentially block airways and result in suffocation. (What is a Cytokine Storm, www.wisegeek.com)
Jordan continued by painting a picture outlined in the WHO Memorandum Number 1 with a study that found virus infections make antibody and antigen complexes. These complexes can clog blood vessels or implant tissue, making the body eventually attack itself. The main focus of this study was kidney disease. Animals with induced immune system deficiency were infected with lethal virus until every single cell in their bodies reflected the disease. But for a time these animals ran around like there was nothing wrong with them because their immune system was so depressed that it was making no effort to fight the disease, and there was no immune response. The WHO experimenters then took their lab animals and stimulated the cell-mediated immune response, and the animals died immediately from their bodies attacking themselves in the kind of cytokine storm associated with the 1918 Spanish flu.
Even if this described scenario does not develop, Jordan points out that the current “swine flu” vaccine is made with an adjuvant that may contain a material poison, salmonella, or typhoid fever toxin, along with squalene. Although not known with certainty, the second round of injections given to the soldiers in 1918 is believed to have contained typhus. Squalene produces auto-immunity and eventually death in everyone who takes it.
Squalene contributed to the cascade reactions known as Gulf War Syndrome that left GIs with arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, photosensitive rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuro-psychiatric problems, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and other diseases.
For more information:
Inventory Uncovers 9,200 More Pathogens
Laboratory Says Security Is Tighter, but Earlier Count Missed Dangerous Vials
By Nelson Hernandez
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 18, 2009
An inventory of potentially deadly pathogens at Fort Detrick's infectious disease laboratory found more than 9,000 vials that had not been accounted for, Army officials said yesterday, raising concerns that officials wouldn't know whether dangerous toxins were missing.
After four months of searching about 335 freezers and refrigerators at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Frederick, investigators found 9,220 samples that hadn't been included in a database of about 66,000 items listed as of February, said Col. Mark Kortepeter, the institute's deputy commander.
The vials contained some dangerous pathogens, among them the Ebola virus, anthrax bacteria and botulinum toxin, and less lethal agents such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus and the bacterium that causes tularemia. Most of them, forgotten inside freezer drawers, hadn't been used in years or even decades. Officials said some serum samples from hemorrhagic fever patients dated to the Korean War.
Kortepeter likened the inventory to cleaning out the attic and said he knew of no plans for an investigation into how the vials had been left out of the database. "The vast majority of these samples were working stock that were accumulated over decades," he said, left there by scientists who had retired or left the institute.
"I can't say that nothing did [leave the lab], but I can say that we think it's extremely unlikely," Kortepeter said.
Still, the overstock and the previous inaccuracy of the database raised the possibility that someone could have taken a sample outside the lab with no way for officials to know something was missing.
"Nine thousand, two hundred undocumented samples is an extraordinarily serious breach," said Richard H. Ebright, a professor at Rutgers University who follows biosecurity. "A small number would be a concern; 9,200 . . . at an institution that has been the focus of intense scrutiny on this issue, that's deeply worrisome. Unacceptable."
The institute has been under pressure to tighten security in the wake of the 2001 anthrax attacks, which killed five people and sickened 17. FBI investigators say they think the anthrax strain used in the attacks originated at the Army lab, and its prime suspect, Bruce E. Ivins, researched anthrax there. Ivins committed suicide last year during an investigation into his activities.
Kortepeter noted that since 2001 the lab has imposed multiple layers of security to check people entering and leaving, that there are now cameras in the labs, and that employees are subjected to a reliability program and random inspections.
"The bottom line is, we have a lot of buffers to prevent anybody who shouldn't be getting into the laboratory," Kortepeter said.
Sam Edwin, the institute's inventory control officer, said most of the samples found were vials with tiny amounts of pathogens that would thaw quickly and die once they were taken out of a freezer, making smuggling something off the base difficult.
The probe began in February, when a problem accounting for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus triggered the suspension of most research at the lab. A spot check in January found 20 samples of the virus in a box of vials instead of the 16 listed in the institute's database. Most work was stopped until the institute could take a thorough inventory of its stock of viruses and bacteria.
Edwin said about 50 percent of the samples that had been found were destroyed. The rest were added to the catalog. Because the lab will now conduct an inventory every year, "it's really less likely that we will be in a situation like this again," he said.
Procedures have changed, too. Scientists who have worked at the lab said that in the past, departing scientists turned over their logbooks to their successors, but records were sometimes incomplete or complex. As generations of scientists passed through, the knowledge of what was in the freezers was lost. With a comprehensive database, every sample is now tracked until it is destroyed or transferred.
But some scientists are skeptical. Unlike uranium or chemical weapons, pathogens are living materials that can replicate and die. A small amount can easily be turned into a large amount. They said the strict inventories slow their work without guaranteeing security.
View all comments that have been posted about this article.
Following the successful liberation of Kuwait in Operation Desert Storm, hundreds of thousands of victorious American troops are suddenly stricken with a wide variety of auto-immune disorders that doctors named the Gulf War Syndrome, (GWS). After a decade of medical investigation, the culprit is finally determined to be an ingredient in the anthrax vaccinations mandatorily given to the troops. This offending “adjuvant” is a synthetic material known as squalene aka, oil-in-water adjuvant. Writer and Gulf War correspondent Gary Matsumoto documents this entire, tragic saga in his seminal book, “Vaccine-A”. See www.vaccine-a.com.
Understanding these historical facts is very important for this reason: Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it. This is doubly true when it comes to blindly accepting a “novel” mass vaccination for a weaponized, “reverse engineered” virus.
The historical record is very clear attenuated, live viruses in vaccines SPREAD the disease very effectively. When combined with SQUALENE ADJUVANT the virus becomes many times more potent and lethal. When given to CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS, millions of “typhoid Matts and Marys” will be spreading the disease exponentially.
Chillingly, the Novartis patent for the “novel pandemic flu” declares that “African green monkey kidney cells” will be used for the “viral growth substrate” i.e. the carrier medium. (Page 3, paragraph 0037) We also see that “oil-in-water” squalene-based adjuvants will also be included (page 8 0098) but most incredible of all, because this is a “recombinant” and “novel” split vaccine, it is deemed necessary to include fragments of attenuated viruses (i.e. live pathogens) in the vaccine medium.
On July 13, 2009, the W.H.O. sanctioned this lunacy by declaring: “In view of the anticipated limited vaccine availability at global level and the potential need to protect against “drifted” strains of virus, it is recommended that promoting production and use of vaccines such as those that are formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza vaccines is important.”
It is further evident that Novartis’ patent provides for “influenza vaccine kits” to be provided to other pharmaceutical manufacturers as well. These “kits” are the basic raw ingredients needed for the other companies to build their own vaccines under their own label.
In 2005, this “jobbing” of separate ingredients by multiple companies would never have been allowed because of the legal liability issues involved. However, in 2009, all liabilities for death and disability from faulty or contaminated vaccines have been stripped away. Any wrongful death or disability lawsuits against Novartis or any other company will today be summarily dismissed.
Novartis today has carte blanche blanket immunity for their actions and any large pharmaceutical company who so desires, can join them at the feeding troughs just by paying millions for their “kits”. If this isn’t the pinnacle of criminality, then I don’t know what is.
Novartis, if this “novel split vaccine” is so wonderful and safe, why do you require such blanket protection from litigation?
Unsettling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made!
* Draw your own conclusions! Dr A. True Ott writes :
* http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2009/07/28/startling-new-evidence-that-the-swine-flu-pandemic-is-man-made/
The Primary Motive behind this alleged criminal activity is also the primary cause of most murders in the world today, and that motivation is simply: BIG MONEY. Billions of Dollars of windfall profits from government contracts worldwide, as a matter of fact.
I will provide evidence that will show that Novartis Pharmaceuticals of Basel, Switzerland has conspired with corrupt “scientists” at the U.S. Army Institute of Pathology Ft. Detrick, Maryland, to create a “novel” strain of weaponized “influenza” virus by means of “reverse engineering” the deadly 1918 killer strain which strain was maliciously and surreptitiously released upon the world in March and April of 2009 for the primary purpose of creating a panic-stricken world-wide demand for Novartis vaccine material.
The evidence will also clearly show that the Novartis vaccine material is in reality designed to facilitate the further mutation of the pandemic into more lethal waves of increasingly virulent and deadly disease, rather than to curtail and limit the existing outbreak. The evidence will show that Novartis is willingly being used, (and extremely well-paid) to facilitate the edicts of the global elite’s Club of Rome; which edicts clearly call for a massive and sudden depopulation of certain segments of the earth’s human population.
To realize such windfall profits on an engineered, global flu pandemic, detailed covert planning must take place of course. Patents protecting the proprietary flu vaccine must be applied for and secured before the pandemic virus is released in order to minimize the competition and maximize the profit potentials. In a biological attack of this nature, timing is extremely critical.
Indeed, the evidence is clear Novartis applied for just such a patent on Nov. 4, 2005, and the U.S. Patent Office accepted this application and granted US 20090047353A1 for a “Split Influenza Vaccine with Adjuvants” on February 19, 2009. …..
With this patent now secured, the conspirators were now free to create the demand for their “novel” split influenza vaccine by releasing a “novel” split-influenza (combining multiple viruses) pandemic virus from a weapons lab test-tube into unsuspecting human hosts. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/17/AR2009061703271.html
The so-called “Swine Flu” grabbing headlines today is actually a recombinant, or “split-influenza” virus consisting of A-strain Bird-Flu (H5N1), Swine Flu (H1N1) and multiple strains of human flu (H3N2). Likewise, the 1918 Killer Flu that killed untold millions of people was a recombinant or “split-influenza” virus composed of Bird flu, Swine Flu, and multiple strains of human flu.
The criminal timeline begins in 1997, when Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger assembled a team of geneticists and microbiologists to analyze the genome structure, and then to REPRODUCE (i.e. reverse engineer) what is arguably one of the most deadly viral structures the world has ever been cursed with the 1918 killer flu virus. According to numerous published stories and reports, Taubenberger and his team utilized super-computers to map the complex RNA and DNA structures of the killer virus, then utilized human plasmids to successfully re-create the 1918 killer. Taubenberger completed his work in early 2005, then immediately left the employ of the U.S. Army at Ft. Detrick to take a much more lucrative position with the National Institutes of Health. His new focus was to create a VACCINE against the very same 1918 killer flu that he and his team had, just months earlier, successfully “reverse engineered” and created.
This researcher is very confident that a focused criminal investigation would likely reveal prima facia evidence that Taubenberger was in reality working for Novartis while employed with the N.I.H. and was quite likely the primary author of Novartis’ Nov. 6, 2005 “provisional” patent application. On page 2, paragraph 32 of the patent publication we read, quote: “The influenza virus [that the 'invention vaccine' is designed to protect against] may be a reassortant strain, and may have been obtained by reverse genetics techniques. Reverse genetics techniques allow influenza viruses with desired genome segments to be prepared in vitro using plasmids.” The remnant of the paragraph then goes into very specific detail as to the actual mechanics of how the pandemic virus was actually created by Taubenberger’s Ft. Detrick team. At the very least, the author of the patent application had to have studied Taubenberger’s various published reports on his work at Detrick, for the wording and science is virtually verbatim.
Furthermore, this paragraph is even more damning by the words “may have been obtained”. Who “obtained” this virus and for what reason was it “obtained”? Keep in mind the CDC and HHS would have Americans believe that the pandemic viral outbreak is totally a “natural” occurrence if so then how could Novartis have such an incredible advance knowledge to the point of developing a vaccine with such absolutely PERFECT TIMING???
Novartis International AG is simply the world’s largest, multi-national pharmaceutical company with over $53 Billion USD revenue generated in 2008. It’s headquarters is located in Basel, Switzerland, home of the vaunted “Swiss Guards” who provide all security measures for the Vatican and the Club of Rome. The company logo symbolizes the “eternal flame” of the Illuminati “enlightened ones”. Dig into Novartis International AG’s long history, and one finds that it began as a component of the infamous I.G. Farben combine, which in turn was primarily responsible for the rise of Adolph Hitler and the German/Austrian Third Reich.
Dig a bit deeper and you find that Novartis also wholly owns a company called Sandoz which was the inventor of LSD and other strong hallucinogenic “truth” drugs, and was the supplier of LSD to the CIA allowing them to scale new heights with their covert “MK ULTRA” mind control experiments. Documents released to U.S. Congressional investigators in 1977 show that Sandoz Labs had arranged for certain Nazi scientists to gain new identities in Allen Dulles’ CIA at the conclusion of WWII. This was accomplished under a secret extraction program called “Operation Paper Clip”.
The address listed on the Novartis Patent applications is a P.O. Box in Emeryville, California. Up until the summer of 2005, this Emeryville California address belonged to Chiron Inc. the world’s second-largest INFLUENZA VACCINE MANUFACTURER. Chiron was doing very well, with reported sales of $357 million in fiscal 2002. Chiron’s sales nearly doubled, peaking at a whopping $678 million in 2003 and it was mostly due to the marketing and sale of FLU VACCINE CONTRACTS to the federal government. Novartis, which owned much of Chiron’s stock, was very pleased, until disaster struck in 2004 — the entire year’s stock of flu vaccine was found to be contaminated and was condemned.
Stock values plummeted on the news. With the stock at a historic low, Novartis quickly purchased the remainder of Chiron’s stock and began immediately to work on the massive “novel pandemic flu” vaccine that they somehow knew would soon have worldwide demand especially if they controlled the exclusive patent they could effectively “corner the pandemic flu vaccine market”!!
I would submit that killing tens of thousands of innocent humans via the systemic creation of a “pandemic” in order to make billions of dollars is vile enough, but there is also evidence that there is an even more heinous hidden agenda at work here, and it is spelled GENOCIDE.
It is no mystery that Adolph Hitler advocated the elevation of a Nordic “Master Race” that would rule the world in a “New Order of the Ages” called the “Third Reich”. Sadly, not all of the EUGENIC/GENOCIDAL National Socialists were executed at Nuremburg.
In reality, the elite financiers that actually dictated the agenda to Hitler, merely went underground, willing to bide their time until their godless agenda to liquidate BILLIONS of people could be successfully implemented.
The evidence that the Novartis-controlled “Pandemic Vaccine” may well be a tool of mass genocide, is actually quite overwhelming. At this point, some readers may scoff and ask: “Why would any company want to kill off their customers?” The answer is that these “customers” control large blocks of assets and equity. As Kissinger’s “NSSM-200″ report outlines, the “spoils” of genocide include controlling large tracts of land and mineral assets. This is secondary, of course, to their warped dream of creating a Utopian World Order with only 500 million “worthy” humans allowed to share in it.
While George H.W. Bush was busy saving the world from the evil dictator Saddam Hussein in 1991, pursuant to his U.N. speech to create a “new world order” an agenda for an “Initiative for Eco-92 Earth Charter” elitist meeting happened to fall into honest, Christian hands. This agenda basically reiterated the genocide outlined in Henry Kissinger’s infamous NSSM-200 report of 1974, and called for “the immediate reduction of world population.” The entire report can be downloaded at:
My extensive research shows that by 1992, the massive death rate of AIDS had simply not materialized to the Elite’s satisfaction, and a more efficient mass killer had to be engineered in order to fulfill the edicts cut into the “Georgia Guidestones”. Evidence shows that like the 2009 “Novel” Flu Virus the HIV virus was also engineered and manufactured in the labs of Ft. Detrick.
In 1969, during a House Appropriations Committee hearing, the Defense Department’s Biological Warfare (BW) division at Ft. Detrick requested funds to develop, through complex gene-splicing (i.e. genetic engineering) a “novel” new disease that would both be resistant to, and break down a victim’s immune system. The Congressional Record reads:
“Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases.”
The funds for this “Dr. Strangelove” project were somehow approved. AIDS “magically” appeared within the requested time frame, and of course, just happens to exhibit the exact characteristics specified by the Ft. Detrick scientists.
Three years later, in 1972, the fledgling World Health Organization (WHO) published a very similar proposal to the one submitted to the U.S. House Appropriations Committee in 1969. The WHO proposed that: “An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by …affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the immune cells responding to the viral antigens.” (Bulletin of the W.H.O., vol. 47, p 257- 274.) This is a “textbook” clinical description of the function of the HIV/AIDS virus.
The W.H.O. shortly thereafter begins a massive “smallpox vaccination” program in Africa in 1975. Within two years, millions of smallpox vaccines are provided by Novartis et. al, under U.N.I.C.E.F. funding. A decade later, it is determined by independent journalists in the U.K. that the incidence of AIDS infections’ MAPPED AND GRAPHED EPICENTERS in Africa coincided exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program centers in the mid-1970’s (Source, The London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN ‘humanitarian missions’ to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign, and soon contracted HIV. Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations of the Haitians maintain they had been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything other than a routine shot.
full length version:
* http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edikv0zbAlU
* In 1987, Dr. Hilleman, head of all vaccine production of Merck Pharmaceuticals stunned the world with his public admissions that the mass vaccination campaigns of the 1950s and ’60s likely caused thousands of cancer deaths each year. This was due to the presence of a cancer-causing virus that contaminated the first polio vaccine, according to Dr. Hilleman. Known as SV40, the virus originated from dead monkeys whose kidney cells were used to culture the first Salk vaccines. Doctors estimate that the virus was injected into tens of millions during the vaccination campaigns, including several million in Canada, before being detected and screened out in 1963. Those born between 1941 and 1961 are thought to be most at risk of having been infected with SV40, and are estimated to have a 300% greater chance of developing cancer. According to Hilleman MERCK KNEW THE VACCINES WERE INFECTED WITH SV40, but distributed them anyway. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edikv0zbAlU
Furthermore, research doctors in New Orleans reported in 1963 that a percentage of the Salk polio vaccines were found to have attenuated, (live) viruses, which actually CAUSED tens of thousands of polio cases during the 1950’s.
Following the successful liberation of Kuwait in Operation Desert Storm, hundreds of thousands of victorious American troops are suddenly stricken with a wide variety of auto-immune disorders that doctors named the Gulf War Syndrome, (GWS). After a decade of medical investigation, the culprit is finally determined to be an ingredient in the anthrax vaccinations mandatorily given to the troops. This offending “adjuvant” is a synthetic material known as squalene aka, oil-in-water adjuvant. Writer and Gulf War correspondent Gary Matsumoto documents this entire, tragic saga in his seminal book, “Vaccine-A”. See www.vaccine-a.com.
Understanding these historical facts is very important for this reason: Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it. This is doubly true when it comes to blindly accepting a “novel” mass vaccination for a weaponized, “reverse engineered” virus.
The historical record is very clear attenuated, live viruses in vaccines SPREAD the disease very effectively. When combined with SQUALENE ADJUVANT the virus becomes many times more potent and lethal. When given to CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS, millions of “typhoid Matts and Marys” will be spreading the disease exponentially.
Chillingly, the Novartis patent for the “novel pandemic flu” declares that “African green monkey kidney cells” will be used for the “viral growth substrate” i.e. the carrier medium. (Page 3, paragraph 0037) We also see that “oil-in-water” squalene-based adjuvants will also be included (page 8 0098) but most incredible of all, because this is a “recombinant” and “novel” split vaccine, it is deemed necessary to include fragments of attenuated viruses (i.e. live pathogens) in the vaccine medium.
On July 13, 2009, the W.H.O. sanctioned this lunacy by declaring: “In view of the anticipated limited vaccine availability at global level and the potential need to protect against “drifted” strains of virus, it is recommended that promoting production and use of vaccines such as those that are formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza vaccines is important.”
In conclusion and summation, it should be evident that the “2009 Swine Flu” could just as easily be called the “Bird Flu” because it is as much H5N1 (bird flu) as H1N1 (pig flu.) Novartis knew this in 2005 when it received hundreds of millions of dollars from Mike Leavitt’s HHS to develop and patent the “bird flu” vaccine. I publicly charge that Novartis had advance knowledge of this “combination” because they had been in consultation with Jeffrey Taubenberger for years.
It is further evident that Novartis’ patent provides for “influenza vaccine kits” to be provided to other pharmaceutical manufacturers as well. These “kits” are the basic raw ingredients needed for the other companies to build their own vaccines under their own label.
In 2005, this “jobbing” of separate ingredients by multiple companies would never have been allowed because of the legal liability issues involved. However, in 2009, all liabilities for death and disability from faulty or contaminated vaccines have been stripped away. Any wrongful death or disability lawsuits against Novartis or any other company will today be summarily dismissed.
Novartis today has carte blanche blanket immunity for their actions and any large pharmaceutical company who so desires, can join them at the feeding troughs just by paying millions for their “kits”. If this isn’t the pinnacle of criminality, then I don’t know what is.
Novartis, if this “novel split vaccine” is so wonderful and safe, why do you require such blanket protection from litigation?
DR REBECCA CARLEY's audios and videos:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHxHmHa9qvs, a series of 8 videos very important to listen to;
and for GENERAL vaccine information, see this
Criminal Charges/Anzeigen: (.pdf - Format)
1. gegen WHO, Baxter u. NZfI, Genf
2. gegen Baxter AG, Baxter Intl., Avir Green Hills Biotechnology AG
3. Criminal Charges Document
4. Criminal Charges July 23, 2009 in Vienna (English version follows)
(Neue Strafanzeige v. 23. Juli 2009, Wien)
Documents and Attachements/Dokumente und Anlagen:
(.pdf - Format)
1. Documents against WHO forced vaccination etc.
2. Bioterrorism Evidence
WHO - Documents: (proving they want to turn vaccines into killers)
(.pdf - Format)
1. WHO - Memo 1
2. WHO - Memo 2
Additional evidence suggesting that the “Swine Flu” Virus is an Artificial (Genetic) Virus.
Filed Under Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Pandemic, Vaccines
vaccineAbout ten days ago we published two stories from Wayne Madsen claiming this swine flu pandemic is an engineered pandemic and the vaccine about to be foisted upon the world is the trigger which will weaponize it.
Recently Jane Burgermeister a filed suit against a large portion of parties seeking an injunction to stop the forced vaccination for Swine Flu. In the court documents, she puts forward (among other things) evidence this virus could only have been engineered in a laboratory.
Today, I found a copy of the court filings. It is long (115 pages), tedious, and of great concern. I am excerpting the following portion so you can see for yourself her reasoning as to why this is an engineered virus. I will post the filing in its entirety when I am finished, but this is too important to wait.
Jane Burgermeister is a dual Irish/Austrian who has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, and American Prospect. She is the European Correspondent of the Renewable Energy World website. She has written extensively about climate change, biotechnology, and the ecology. She was recently fired from her position with Renewable Energy World.
70. Evidence comes from the Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), which said on April 27th the virus currently circulating in Mexico and the United States and which has killed at least 20 people has never been found in any animal.
“The virus has not been isolated in animals to date. Therefore, it is not justified to name this disease swine flu,” the OIE said in a press statement.
71. The virus “includes in its characteristics swine, avian and human virus components,” the OIE said, and urged that it be called “North American influenza,” after its geographic origin.
The OIE said it was “urgent” that scientific research be carried out to determine the susceptibility of animals to what it said was a “new virus.”
72. Also, Adrian Gibbs, the Australian virologist, who was one of the first to analyse the genetic construction of the swine flu virus, and who was part of the team which developed anti-flu vaccines Tamiflu and Relenza, believes the disease - which has spread across the world in recent weeks – was made in laboratories.
Gibbs and two colleagues analyzed the publicly available sequences of hundreds of amino acids coded by each of the flu virus’s eight genes. He said he aims to submit his three-page paper today for publication in a medical journal.
73. The World Health Organization is investigating a claim by an Australian researcher that the swine flu virus circling the globe may have been created as a result of human error., according to a repor on May 13 (Bloomberg) — http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601124&sid=aShZig0Cig4g.
74. Andrew Rambaut, a viral geneticist at the University of Edinburgh, has said: “The new neuraminidase gene that came in from Eurasian swine is one we’ve never before seen circulating in humans.”
“This is what we call a reassortment between two currently circulating pig flu viruses,” he said. “Why it’s emerged in humans is anyone’s guess. It hasn’t been seen before in pigs as far as I know.”
Scientific evidence the “swine flu” was bioengineered to resemble the Spanish flu virus of 1918.
75. Dr A. True Ott has reported that the published definition of the swine flu by the NCSL is identical to Jeffrey Taubenbergers 1997 initial findings concerning the 1918 killer virus which he successfully resurrected 6 years later.
76. It easiest to explain this highly improbable match between the two viruses by assuming the “swine flu” virus was deliberately, and systematically engineered to resemble the 1918 Spanish killer flu virus.
77. Dr Ott explains that Taubenberger’s initial 1997 report identified the 1918 killer virus as a “novel” (new) swine flu that “recombined” avian (H5N1) as well as human (H3N2) virus fragments in its RNA structure.
78. Taubenberger, so Dr Ott argues, then used a complex computer program to perfectly match the RNA and DNA structures, in order to replicate and “resurrect” the 1918 killer Spanish flu virus as a powerful biological weapon.
79. Dr Ott also notes that the Spanish flu pandemic was a direct result of the vaccinations.
By A. True Ott, PhD, ND
“The “Spanish” influenza pandemic killed at least 20 million people in 1918-1919, making it the worst infectious pandemic in history.
*Understanding the origins of the 1918 virus and the basis for ist exceptional virulence may aid in the prediction of future influenza pandemics.* RNA from a victim of the 1918 pandemic was isolated from a formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, lung tissue sample. Nine fragments of viral RNA were sequenced from the coding regions of hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, nucleoprotein, matrix protein 1, and matrix protein 2. The sequences are consistent with a novel H1N1 influenza A virus that belongs to the subgroup of strains that infect humans and swine, not the avian subgroup.”
SOURCE: Science Magazine Report, 21 March 1997, Dr. Jeffrey
Taubenberger et. al.
See http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/275/5307/179
Taubenberger’s initial report identified the 1918 killer virus as a “novel” (new) swine flu that “recombined” avian (H5N1) as well as human (H3N2) virus fragments in its RNA structure. Taubenberger used a complex computer program to perfectly match the RNA and DNA structures, and then successfully replicated and “resurrected” the 1918 killer flu as a powerful biological weapon in 2003, 6 years later. Now, indeed as Taubenberger foresaw in 1997, evil and conspiring men in positions of high power can not only PREDICT FUTURE INFLUENZA PANDEMICS, but they can also UNLEASH THEM AT WILL from laboratory test tubes in order to achieve socio-economic agendas.
It should concern EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD in America (as well as the entire world) that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, the so-called “Swine Flu” infecting and killing human beings in Mexico and North America this spring and summer, is *”a new subtype of the A/H1N1 not previously detected in swine or humans. This novel H1N1 influenza (swine flu) virus is a triple recombinant including gene segments of human, swine, and avian origin*.”
Source: http://www.ncsl.org/?tabid=17089
(Interestingly, the National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL) is an unelected bureaucracy of policy-makers instigated and promulgated by Utah’s Dixie Leavitt, the father of Mike O. Leavitt the PANDEMIC FLU GURU of the Bush administration.)
This published definition by the NCSL is IDENTICAL to Taubenbergers 1997 initial findings concerning the 1918 killer virus which he successfully resurrected 6 years later. Is this just a bizarre, meaningless coincidence? You decide.
The 1918 virus pandemic was the direct result of TYPHUS FEVER VACCINES injected into millions of soldiers during the Great War (WWI). John D. Rockefeller labs and factories in China produced these Typhus vaccines in 1916 by harvesting pus from infected humans, injecting the infectious matter into pig hosts, then mixing the harvested contaminants into chicken egg albumin to be injected into human hosts as a “vaccine”.
Rockefeller, always a shrewd businessman, supplied both sides, (German as well as Allied armies) with his toxic and lethal vaccine brew. Immediately after vaccination, many soldiers fell ill with what was called at the time “Para-Typhoid” infection — i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and killing pneumonia. Subsequent waves spread across the globe, killing as many as 50 million innocent souls worldwide. (Source: The Horrors of Vaccination – Higgins, 1921)
Only much later did the world’s medical establishment wrongfully label and name the deadly recombinant virus accidentally spawned by Rockefeller’s vaccine the “1918 Spanish Flu”. Of course, Rockefeller’s multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical empire could not afford to label it what it really was: “Vaccine-Induced Disease of 1918″.
Today, the stage is set for eugenics and genocide on a truly massive scale. The Taubenberger Frankenstein monster has been released and hundreds of millions of 1918 influenza vaccine serums have been produced.
It was an accident in 1918, however the subsequent cover-up is/was unconscionable. What is occurring now is inexcusable and criminal in the extreme.
Mother Nature does not “naturally” recombine bird, swine and three human influenza viruses. (Birds do not exchange bodily fluids with pigs and humans in un-natural sexual liaisons — only sick, warped scientists can create such a monstrosity.”
81. Mexico’s top government epidemiologist said Wednesday that it is “highly improbable” that a farm in the Mexican state of Veracruz operated by Smithfield Foods Inc. is responsible for the nation’s swine-flu outbreak.
82. Miguel Ángel Lezana, the government’s chief epidemiologist, said in an interview that pigs at the farm are from North America, while the genetic material in the virus is from Europe and Asia.
83. Dr Leonard Horowitz states in a 10.41 mins YouTube clip that the swine-bird-human flu strain in Mexico could have only come from Dr James S Robertson and colleagues because: “nobody else takes H5N1 Asian-flu infected chickens, brings them to Europe, extracts their DNA, combines their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu isolate, additionally mixes in some swine flu genes from pigs, then reverse engineers them to infect humans.”
84. In addition, Dr Horowitz indicates that there is hard evidence to show that Dr James Robertson believes it is OK to prime populations worldwide by releasing viruses he and his colleagues are creating in advance of a pandemic.
85. Dr Horowitz mentions the involvement of Dr Rick Bright who has ties to the WHO, the CDC and Novovax Inc, and is involved in PATH - Influenza Vaccine Project in the Vaccine Development Global Program.
Secrets of the Dead:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2005/11/21/DI2005112100469_pf.html
'Secrets of the Dead: Killer Flu
Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger and Jared Lipworth
Chief of the Division of Molecular Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; Executive Producer
Tuesday, November 22, 2005; 12:00 PM
"Secrets of the Dead: Killer Flu" on PBS follows Jeffrey Taubenberger and his team of scientists seeking to learn where the 1918 flu virus came from and what made it so deadly. Using fragments of undamaged 1918 virus found in lung tissue of a flu victim, Taubenberger and his team set out to map the genes of the killer flu.
Since the original broadcast of this program, Taubenberger's team has created a genetic sequencing of the 1918 virus and has resurrected the virus itself to study its effects on lung tissue. This fall the team announced a striking similarity between the 1918 virus and today's H5N1 avian flu virus. Their findings indicate that the 1918 virus originated as a bird flu. The updated episode includes new material and interviews with Taubenberger that reflect these new findings. Secrets of the Dead: Killer Flu aired on PBS on Monday, Nov. 21, at 10 p.m. ET. (Check Local Listings.)
The ICE singled out the Basel chemical companies Ciba and Sandoz (now merged into Novartis), which implemented the Nazis’ Aryanisation policies in a bid to win lucrative supply contracts from the Third Reich.
Brian R. Murphy, M.D., Co-Chief
Robert H. Purcell, M.D., Co-Chief
Established in 1942, the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases (LID) has a long history of vaccine development and identification of new agents of viral diseases. The LID is noted for undertaking high-risk, high-reward programs that require extraordinary time and resource commitments, such as programs to develop vaccines for viral hepatitis, severe childhood respiratory diseases, and viral gastroenteritis.
The LID also has a long-term commitment to investigating host immune response to viruses; the pathogenesis of viral infections; and the molecular biology, antigenic diversity, and genetics of viruses. This work is augmented by an extensive clinical program, permitting investigations of pathogenesis and immunity to viral infection in the human host and testing of candidate vaccines in target populations.
While moving forward with important long-term commitments, LID scientists also are responding to new challenges presented by the emergence of new viral agents and NIAID’s biodefense mandate. For example, the LID has initiated programs to develop vaccines for pandemic influenza and SARS-CoV. West Nile virus (WNV) was added to ongoing flavivirus vaccine development efforts and human metapneumovirus (HMPV) was added to the paramyxovirus vaccine program.
In addition, a program originally designed to develop immunotherapies and immunoprophylaxis for hepatitis was expanded after September 11, 2001, to include therapies for emerging and select agents. It now includes over 20 agents, such as anthrax and botulinum toxins, WNV, and tick-borne and St. Louis encephalitis viruses.
Another new LID program is developing paramyxovirus vectors able to infect all humans regardless of their previous experience with human paramyxoviruses. Such vectors can be made into vaccines for diseases caused by SARS-CoV, Ebola virus, Marburg virus, and other viruses by adding genes for the major protective antigen(s) from these highly pathogenic viruses to the vector.
The LID has made significant progress in understanding the biology, pathogenesis, and immune response to many groups of both positive- and negative-strand RNA viruses. These discoveries contribute to our conceptual and technological context of vaccine development, as well as to policy development for global virus control and eradication programs. Examples of LID accomplishments follow:
* Both a licensed hepatitis A vaccine (HAVrix®) and monoclonal antibody to RSV (Synagis®) continue to be widely used.
* A live attenuated trivalent influenza vaccine, FluMist®, was licensed by MedImmune, Inc. LID developed this vaccine from 1975 to 1995 with participation of the extramural component of NIAID. This is a prime example of a many-decade LID commitment to the development of a specific vaccine.
* Bovine- and rhesus-based rotavirus vaccines are being widely licensed internationally as it has become clear that these vaccines can be safely administered using a modified immunization schedule.
* A recombinant, live attenuated RSV vaccine was shown to be safe and immunogenic in 1- to 2-month-old infants.
* A hepatitis E vaccine, licensed to GlaxoSmithKline, proved highly effective in preventing hepatitis E in a field trial in Nepal.
* The major immunologic mediator of protection against SARS-CoV was identified. Four different
* immunization strategies and a protective human monoclonal antibody were developed.Vaccine candidates for WNV have been generated, and one is licensed and in clinical trial.
* HMPV was completely sequenced and recovered from cDNA. The extent of antigenic diversity between the two HMPV lineages was defined, the major protective antigen was identified, and three promising vaccine candidates were generated.
* A tetravalent live attenuated dengue virus vaccine has been formulated that is attenuated and immunogenic in rhesus monkeys. This tetravalent dengue virus vaccine is being licensed throughout the world.
* A live attenuated PIV3 vaccine has passed phase II trials in infants. Recombinant live attenuated, genetically stable PIV1 and PIV2 vaccine candidates have been generated. Live attenuated recombinant PIV3 vaccine candidates have been recovered directly in qualified Vero cells, permitting evaluation in phase III trials.
Although the major emphasis of LID is the development of vaccines and other immunoprophylactic agents, we recognize the importance of maintaining a broad and diverse scientific environment that supports and stimulates the activities of the vaccine programs. Other ongoing studies include microarray analysis of liver biopsies to study host response to viral hepatitis; investigations of virus-insect vector interactions for WNV, St. Louis encephalitis virus, and the dengue viruses; and, as part of our virus discovery program, efforts to transmit Kawasaki disease to nonhuman primates.
Office of the Co-Chiefs
Brian R. Murphy, M.D.
Robert H. Purcell, M.D.
Epidemiology Section
Albert Z. Kapikian, M.D.
John T. Patton, Ph.D.
Kim Y. Green, Ph.D.
Yasutaka Hoshino, D.V.M.
Hepatitis Viruses Section/Molecular Hepatitis Section
Robert H. Purcell, M.D.
Suzanne U. Emerson, Ph.D.
Jens Bukh, M.D.
Molecular Viral Biology Section
Ching-Juh Lai, Ph.D.
Picornavirus Replication Section
Ellie Ehrenfeld, Ph.D.
Respiratory Viruses Section
Brian R. Murphy, M.D.
Peter L. Collins, Ph.D.
Alexander G. Pletnev, Ph.D.
Kanta Subbarao, M.D., M.P.H.
Jeffery K. Taubenberger, M.D., Ph.D.
It makes no difference whether it comes from Taubenberger's office , or Purcell's office; They are part of the same lab, the same building. THE NIH. Either way, whether the PURCELL way and H5N1, or the Taubenberger way, at the other end of the corridor, with his boss Brian Murphy - the two are co-chiefs on the Laboratory of INFECTIOUS DISEASES, and employed by LID:
While moving forward with important long-term commitments, LID scientists also are responding to new challenges presented by the emergence of new viral agents and NIAID’s biodefense mandate. For example, the LID has initiated programs to develop vaccines for pandemic influenza....
An Integrated Research Facility
at Fort Detrick, Maryland
Questions and Answers
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), plays a key role in the nation's biomedical research program. NIAID conducts and supports research to understand, treat, and ultimately prevent the myriad infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases that threaten hundreds of millions of people worldwide. NIAID's Division of Intramural Research is known as a state-of-the-art research enterprise carried out by world-class scientists on campuses in Bethesda and Rockville, MD, and in Hamilton, MT.
Because of NIAID's long-standing expertise in research on emerging infectious diseases, the President directed the Institute to play a leading role in the nation's fight against bioterrorism. NIAID is expanding its research programs to spearhead the development of new and improved diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines for diseases caused by naturally occurring infectious agents as well as microbes that may be intentionally released into a civilian population.
For that research to be carried out safely, NIH plans to construct a new Integrated Research Facility (IRF) for NIAID's biodefense program on the grounds of Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD. NIAID is committed to ensuring that its employees work in the safest possible laboratories, and that these laboratories also reduce to the maximal extent possible any potential risks to the surrounding community. The laboratories will employ the highest safety standards recommended for the research proposed to be conducted there, standards known as Biosafety Levels 3 and 4 (BSL-3 and BSL-4), to prevent scientists and the environment from being exposed to microorganisms. Researchers at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) facilities at Fort Detrick have studied similar agents for decades.. The new facility will comply with stringent federal and state regulations for construction, use, security, inspection, and certification.
Vaccine-A uncovers a story of betrayal—the betrayal of the men and women who serve in the armed forces, the betrayal of medical ethics, and the betrayal of the American people by military and civilian leaders sworn to defend and protect. Veteran journalist Gary Matsumoto shows that the worst friendly-fire incident in military history came from something no soldier had any reason to think would harm him: a vaccine administered by the military's own medics. When troops went to the Middle East to fight the Gulf War in 1991 and the Iraq War in 2003, many—perhaps thousands—received an experimental anthrax vaccine instead of the FDA-approved vaccine. Without their knowledge or consent, the U. S. government used them as human guinea pigs in a massive medical experiment that went disastrously wrong.
ABOUT BATTELLE , another very interesting company:
Business Editors/Assignment Desks/Political Writers
Please kill this story.
--(BUSINESS WIRE) WHAT: Battelle, one of the largest non-profit applied research
and development firms in the world, will conduct a briefing
on how technology is being transferred from the military
into numerous homeland defense applications. Battelle
scientists will discuss some of the latest developments in
technology being used to defend against a variety of
possible threats - including a chemical, biological or
radiological incident.
Highlights will include a demonstration of STARLIGHT, an
advanced information analysis system used conduct threat
assessments vital to homeland security. Battelle experts
will also conduct a demonstration of Site Guardian, a CBR
(chemical, biological and radiological) Control and Early
Warning System.
In addition, an assortment of the latest equipment in
building security, blast protection, and threat detection
will be on display, along with the experts who can explain
the evolution of the science and technology behind it all.
WHO: Charles Wilhelm, Director, Battelle Office of Homeland Security;
Dennis V. McGinn, Vice President for Strategic Planning;
Michael C. Janus, Manager, Engineering Applications & Operations;
Brian P. Kritzstein, Technology Specialist, Information
Visualization & Emerging Technologies; and
Thomas Burky, Project Manager, Energetic Systems & Security
Technology, are among the Battelle experts who will be on hand.
WHERE: Battelle's Crystal City Office
Please call Myllisa Lardieri Kennedy at (202) 828-9707 or
Katy Delaney at (614) 424-5544 if you plan to attend so
your name can be added to the attendance list for security
purposes and for additional information.
WHEN: Monday, October 13, 2003
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Breakfast will be provided.
Battelle Selected by DHS to Manage New Center for Biological Terrorism Research.
« on: May 03, 2009, 09:31:07 AM »
Battelle Selected by DHS to Manage New Center for Biological Terrorism Research.
Publication: InDefense (IND)
Date: Wednesday, December 20 2006
InDEFENSE-20 December 2006-Battelle Selected by DHS to Manage New Center for Biological Terrorism Research(C)2006 JeraOne - http://www.jeraone.com
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has selected Battelle National Biodefense Institute (BNBI) to manage the new National Biodefense Analysis & Countermeasures Center (NBACC), a federally funded research and development center.
The $250 million contract award includes a five-year period of performance, with the potential for five subsequent one-year extensions, bringing the projected award value to $500 million.
Scheduled to open in 2008, the NBACC will be a primary research facility for biological threat characterization and bioforensic research. Its mission is to protect human health and agriculture against biological terrorism by improving understanding of potential bioterrorism threats.
BNBI is the limited liability company formed by Battelle to manage the lab. During the two years prior to completion of the new facility, BNBI will manage ongoing NBACC work from an office in Frederick, MD.
The lab will employ approximately 120 people and is under construction in Frederick, Md., at Fort Detrick. The 160,000-square-foot facility will become part of the biodefense campus that includes the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).
Battelle, a research and technology development organization, also manages or co-manages five national laboratories for the U.S. Department of Energy.
"We're proud to have been selected to operate this lab. The NBACC mission is a critical part of our nation's security," said Battelle President and CEO Carl Kohrt. "The NBACC lab represents a new approach to integrating national resources for homeland security in support of public health, law enforcement, and national security."
The BNBI management team is led by Laboratory Director Patrick Fitch, Battelle VP for Biodefense Programs. Fitch has more than 20 years of experience leading national defense and other scientific research programs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
For more information, visit www.battelle.org.
((Comments on this story may be sent to newsdesk@jeraone.com))
((Distributed via M2 Communications Ltd - http://www.m2.com))
Battelle Investing $200m in biomedical R&D in Ohio - Jan 2009
« on: July 08, 2009, 10:20:13 PM »
January 2009
Non-profit R&D Battelle Investing $200m in Its Facilities in Ohio
The Battelle Memorial Foundation, which says it is the world's largest nonprofit research and development organization, announced plans for a $200 million series of projects that include the modernization and renovation of its Columbus, Ohio, offices, as well as other facilities in two nearby Central Ohio communities.
Battelle said it would renovate its offices and laboratories at its King Avenue campus, in part by incorporating energy-efficient technologies suitable for certification under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design building standards developed by the US Green Building Council. That work, Battelle said, would enable it to create more than 200 new science and research jobs.
Also in Columbus, Battelle is expanding and upgrading its biomedical research facilities to strengthen its safety and efficacy evaluation capabilities for clients in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and well as the food sector.
The foundation will build a new, 16,000-square foot Battelle Discovery Center, a day care and early education center for children of employees.
In West Jefferson, Ohio, Battelle will construct a new health and life sciences research laboratory slated for operation in 2011. Battelle said the new facility would further expand its capabilities in biomedical research and development.
In Dublin, Ohio, Battelle said it plans to renew the lease and expand capabilities at its Blazer Parkway production facility to boost light manufacturing capacity and increase production of key electronic components used by medical customers and the U.S. military.
Battelle last year opened a new armor assembly facility in West Columbus, Ohio.
Jeff Wadsworth, CEO of Battelle, said: “We are making these investments now to continue to advance science and accelerate our development of innovative products, services and solutions in the areas of energy, national security, and the health and life sciences. We are pleased to share our growth with Ohio by investing in the region and creating jobs.”
Ohio has been badly hit by the economic climate, with reports claiming job losses are occurring at a greater rate than any time since the great depression, and consequently Battelle’s investment has been well received in the state.
Battelle is predicting that its investment will create 200 science and research jobs and generate an economic output of $450m over the course of the construction.
Research and available technology owned and sponsored by the NIH and the organizations below::
First H1N1 Vaccine Begins Tests:
notice that CSL and SANOFI are the two companies implicated in involuntary sterilization of women. And apparently Ohio State University is also involved in INFERTILITY VACCINE RESEARCH. CSL and SANOFI ARE THE two companies TESTING H1N1 at that hospital right now.
Search Cincinnati Children's Web Site
Search: antifertility research
Found: 16324 pages
Categories: 15 categories
Results from search on http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org 16324 of 16348
...Put two and two together......
(IsraelNN.com) The first tests of a vaccine for the H1N1 flu began Wednesday in Australia by pharmaceutical company CSL Ltd. The company is testing the vaccine over the next seven weeks and already has orders from Australia, the U.S. and Singapore.
6 . Also, tests in Cincinnati Children's hospital:
Completed Immunogenicity, Safety and Tolerability of CSL Limited Inactivated Influenza Vaccine in Adults
Condition: Influenza
Interventions: Biological: CSL Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine - Thimerosal-free; Biological: CSL Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine with Thimerosal; Biological: Placebo with Thimerosal
What's going on at Ohio State University???
...And note the following as well:
Also found this:
Found 4 studies with search of: infertility AND vaccine
Hide studies that are not seeking new volunteers.
Display Options
Rank Status Study
1 Completed HIV-1 Vaccine Test in Uninfected Adult Volunteers
Conditions: HIV Seronegativity; AIDS Vaccines
Intervention: Drug: VRC-HIVDNA009-00-VP
2 Completed HIV-1 Vaccine Test in Uninfected Adult Volunteers
Condition: Healthy
Intervention: Drug: VCR-HIVDNA006-00-VP
3 Recruiting Melanoma Vaccine With Peptides and Leuprolide
Condition: Melanoma
Interventions: Drug: Leuprolide; Biological: GP100: 209-217(210M) Peptide; Biological: MAGE-3 Peptide
4 Not yet recruiting Androgen Ablation Therapy With or Without Vaccine Therapy in Treating Patients With Prostate Cancer
Condition: Prostate Cancer
Interventions: Biological: GVAX prostate cancer vaccine; Drug: bicalutamide; Drug: goserelin; Drug: leuprolide acetate
YEAR 1995: A Vaccine Against Pregnancy?
While in Huairou, China, for the NGO Forum of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Sept. 1995, Beverly Whipple, FWHC Executive Director, learned about a new anti-fertility "vaccine." This so-called "vaccine" is one of the newest birth control methods being tested in India, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chile, Australia, Sweden and other countries.
The anti-fertility "vaccine" is a good example of what is wrong with population control approaches to contraception. Instead of giving individual women more options to prevent pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted diseases, this contraceptive strategy is designed to be easily administered, to large numbers of women, using the least resources. Unfortunately, programs designed to be easily administered by the government or health program results in contraceptives that are not user-controlled, are potentially unsafe, and are prone to abuse by being administered without full informed consent.
What is the Anti-Fertility 'Vaccine' ?
Also termed "immunological contraceptive" the anti-fertility "vaccine" is a completely new mode of birth control. But unlike vaccines against diseases, which prepare the body to react against harmful germs, this "vaccine" acts against natural physiological substances. It actually reprograms the body's self protection to attack substances that are natural to human physiology.
This "vaccine" works by vaccinating against the female pregnancy hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) which is produced by the fertilized egg just after conception. The "vaccine" contains a molecule in which HCG is linked to a diphtheria or tetanus carrier. When a pregnancy occurs and begins producing HCG, this molecule triggers an immune reaction against it, just as it would against diphtheria or tetanus. The body is tricked into attacking HCG and the fertilized egg.
The term vaccination is a misnomer. Vaccines against disease work by stimulating and increasing the body's ability to defend itself against a specific germ. Worldwide, vaccines have had positive health impacts by stopping the spread of many serious diseases.
Pregnancy, however, is not a disease. In effect, the anti-fertility "vaccine" mimics an immunological disorder. We worry about the long-term consequences of altering the body's immune system causing it to react to a natural human hormone.
Temporarily Irreversible but Unpredictable in Effectiveness
The "vaccine" lasts for about one year. It cannot be stopped or reversed. However, because it takes time for the body's immune response to build up, a woman will not know when the "vaccine" begins to be effective. Likewise, the immune reaction to the linked molecule drops over time, usually about a year, but the woman has no way of knowing when it starts dropping. In other words, vaccinated women will have no way of telling when or whether the "vaccine" is working to prevent pregnancy.
If a woman becomes pregnant during this time, it is unknown how the altered immune state of the mother may affect the baby.
Side Effects
Potential harmful effects include auto-immune disorders, serious conditions in which the body is unable to mount a normal immune response and for which there are no known cures. Allergic reactions and hypersensitivity may also occur because of exaggerated immune response to repeated vaccinations of the linked tetanus or diphtheria. The severity of these reactions may increase dramatically if the "vaccine" is administered over several years.
Informed Consent / Potential for Abuse
Women who are currently enrolled in clinical trials have not been given full informed consent. The consent information they got compares the anti-fertility "vaccine" to anti-disease vaccines without explaining that the anti-fertility "vaccine" alters, rather than enhances, the body's natural immune system response! Women deserve to have a full description of all the possible consequences in the native language before they agree to receive the "vaccine."
Unethical Clinic Trials
International standards of ethics in clinical trials state that human experimentation should only take place if the product being developed offers advantages over existing options. Interference with the complex human immune system for contraceptive purposes is indefensible in the era of AIDS and rising numbers of other infectious diseases.
Who is Funding this Research?
Funding for immunological contraceptive research is provided by the World Bank, the UN Population Fund, USAID, Rockefeller Foundation, US and Canadian governments, and others. The major research teams include World Health Organization, National Institute of Immunology (India), The Population Council (USA), The Contraceptive Research and Development Program (USA), and the National Institute for Child Health and Development (USA).
Designed for Populations - Not for People
The following quote from a leading contraceptive researcher reveals the woman-blaming attitudes in many population control programs. "Immunological birth control methods will be an 'antigenic weapon' against the reproductive process, which left unchecked, threatens to swamp the world."
But we know that the true causes of high birth rates are high infant mortality, poverty, and female illiteracy. To reduce population growth, we must empower women with skills and resources for controlling their own lives, as well as cultural and legal support for women's right to control their lives.
For too many women in developing nations there is no food, no health services, no education -- but there are contraceptives, contraceptives, contraceptives.
Reorientation of Contraceptive Research
Iimmunological contraceptive research to end, and to redirect the research funding toward safe, reliable, user-controlled contraceptives that offer protection against HIV/STD transmission. The decisions to pursue anti-fertility "vaccines" were made without consulting the people for whom the methods were intended; they must be involved. Furthermore, higher priority should be given to improving and making existing barrier methods more widely available.
For more information contact -
from: Biotechnology and Development Monitor, No 25, December 1995, pages 2-5
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
© Ute Sprenger
===== Over recent decades, researchers have been exploiting new contraceptive methods to use in family planning programmes in the South. Within the scope of medical application of modern biotechnologies, the development of anti-fertility vaccines is a new approach. However, these new vaccines do not really benefit the user, says Ute Sprenger. =====
Modern biotechnologies in the health care sector not only serve as a basis for prevention, new diagnostic methods and cures for diseases. They also make intervention into the domain of human reproduction possible through the development of a variety of new methods and products to control fertility. While the significance of artificial insemination is negligible for the majority of people in the South, the possibility to prevent pregnancy is of major importance. Many advocates of population control policy envisage anti-fertility vaccines, once on the market, as a promising contraceptive. Unlike conventional methods, such as the intra-uterine device, the pill, hormone injections and implants, contraceptive vaccines use the immune system to induce antibodies against hormones or other molecules involved in human reproduction. Although these vaccines can be used by both men and women, most of the research is directed towards women, as scientists perceive the female cycle to be the easiest target.
Proponents of anti-fertility vaccines claim that they offer a wider choice of family planning methods. However, from a user s perspective two questions need to be answered: (1) does this new technology empower women to gain more autonomy over their fertility?; and (2) does it improve their health?
Over the last two decades world wide research on fertility regulating vaccines has been conducted under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO). Some prototype vaccines have undergone or are currently undergoing clinical trials in several countries. The entirely new immunological approach is based on the idea that a long-term contraceptive method, intended for use in family planning programmes in countries with low levels of medical care, should require little motivation of the user, should be cheap, and should be simple to apply by the provider.
The approach is an integral part of the strategy of demographic control, which has provided a series of long-lasting, provider- dependent birth control methods since the 1960s. At a 1989 WHO symposium on the safety and efficacy of anti- fertility vaccines the chairman summarized the debate: "Foremost in my mind during these discussions was our difficulty in assessing the urgency of the demographic crisis. To the extent that the impact of that crisis increases, the need for more effective family planning technologies must increase. At the very least, failure to develop something that may provide a more effective technology would be to take a grave and unnecessary risk."
The anti-fertility vaccines that are being researched refer to the mode of action of conventional vaccines against diseases. They are based on the stimulation of the immune system, but unlike anti-disease vaccines which target foreign substances, anti-fertility vaccines evoke antibodies against the body s own substances like molecules. As a result, the body s self-protection is reprogrammed to attack targets the body normally tolerates. To that end, the targeted, normally tolerated molecule, has to be linked to a foreign protein, rendering the entire product foreign and inducing an antibody reaction.
Currently six variations of these vaccines are at different stages of development. Commonly identified as the most suitable candidates for vaccine development are certain molecules on the surface of the sperm and the egg, molecules on the surface of the fertilized egg and the early embryo, and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The hormone hCG is secreted by the surface of the early embryo to remain implanted in the womb. If hCG is blocked, the level of progesterone declines and the blastocyst (fertilized egg 5 days after fertilization) is expelled, thereby terminating the pregnancy. Anti- hCG vaccine consists of a part of the hormone linked to a bacterial or viral carrier inducing the antibody reaction. However, researchers admit that it is not known exactly how immunization against hCG impairs fertility.
The prototype version of an anti-hCG vaccine consist of an immunogen, formed from a (synthetic) peptide of hCG conjugated to a toxoid carrier molecule, mixed with an immunostimulant, and suspended in a fluid vehicle.
Other more advanced approaches that have reached clinical trials are vaccines inhibiting the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), produced within the diencephalon. The diencephalon (hypothalamus) is a part of the brain that lies beneath the thalamus where the flow of steroid hormones is regulated. The hormone is involved in the fine-tuning of these steroid hormones. Because this vaccine, developed by the Population Council, brings the hormonal cascade to a total standstill both male and female recipients need synthetic steroid hormone replacement in order to counteract unwanted side-effects such as the loss of bone density. In women a reaction similar to an artificial menopause is induced.
The first clinical trials with anti-fertility vaccines began in the 1970s. Until early 1994, about 400 experimental subjects, mainly women, were involved. By far the most researched and clinical tested are anti- hCG vaccines. Two prototypes, developed by National Institute of Immunology (NII) and the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), are being tested on women in India, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Finland and Sweden. The NII has started experiments with live vectors. In order to prolong antibody response, beta- hCG genes were transferred into a vaccinia virus, which reproduces itself. The stability of the vaccinia, pathogen of cowpox, is controversial.
In the early 1970s a group of scientists came together at the WHO to discuss the impact of the advances in biosciences on birth control. In 1973 the WHO established the Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation, as part of the HRP. The HRP, today under the auspices of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the WHO and the World Bank, concentrates on research and development of contraceptive methods and services in developing countries and its social, ethical, legal and regulatory issues.
The Task Force acts as a global coordinating body for anti-fertility vaccine R&D in the various working groups and supports research on different approaches, such as anti-sperm and anti-ovum vaccines and vaccines designed to neutralize the biological functions of hCG. The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype of an anti-hCG-vaccine.
Currently five large and a number of small institutions are conducting research on anti-fertility vaccines. The five large institutions involved are:
* WHO/HRP, Switzerland. Major supporters of the programme are the governments of Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Germany and Canada, as well as the UNFPA and the World Bank.
* The Population Council, United States. Among the Council s financiers are the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Institutes of Health and the US Agency for International Development.
* National Institute of Immunology, India. Major financiers are the Indian government, the Canadian International Development Research Centre and the Rockefeller Foundation.
* The Contraceptive Development Program (CONRAD), United States. Publicly funded.
* The Center for Population Research at the National Institute of Child Health and Development/the National Institutes of Health (NICHD/NIH), United States. Publicly funded.
Various smaller research teams conducting basic, pre- clinical research and clinical trials with anti- fertility vaccines are based at universities in Kenya, Germany and France, or at institutes like the Medical Research Council (MRC) in England. They receive public funds or are supported by pharmaceutical companies such as Schering (Germany) or Organon (the Netherlands). According to WHO/HRP, of the approximately US$ 57 million spent annually on overall contraceptive research, an estimated 10 per cent is devoted to anti- fertility vaccines. WHO/HRP figures indicate an expenditure of US$ 946,000 or 16.3 per cent of the programme budget in 1992. According to David Griffin, manager of HRP Vaccines Task Force, the Programme has spent approximately US$ 10 to 11 million on anti- fertility vaccines between 1973 and 1993.
The following hazards concerning contraceptive vaccines have been suggested:
Auto-immune disorders and cross- reactivity. In order to achieve immuno-contraception, the body s mechanism of self-protection must be induced to attack the molecules on the sperm, eggs or hormones. Though researchers involved emphasize that until now no side-effects or unintended reactions of the immune system have occurred, it can not be excluded that allergic reactions, cross reactions on others then the target-cell or molecules, or auto-immune diseases might appear in the medium or long-term. After all, the immune system is an open system that weakens with stress, injuries, illness, and age.
Normally the immune system distinguishes between what immunologists call "self" and "non-self": it tolerates the body s own substances like tissue, cells, proteins and attacks foreign substances. However, since the 1960s the number of diseases of "unknown etiology" classified as immune- system-related diseases has been increasing. An estimated two-thirds of the adults in Europe and North America suffering from an auto-immune disorders are women. Particularly in view of an increase in immune- related diseases it may be risky to manipulate the highly complex mechanism of "self" tolerance of the human organism.
Moreover, there is a possibility of a cross-reactivity of vaccine candidate antibodies with other hormones. For instance, the hormone hCG is a member of the family of glycoprotein hormones, which also includes lutropin (LH), follitropin (FSH) and thyrotropin (TSH). Parts of the structure of these four hormones are similar, so that antibodies elicited against hCG may interfere with other pituitary hormones. Some experts have also warned of a risk of an auto-immune attack against the ovaries. Unexpected cross-reactivity has already been observed against pancreatic cells.
Other unexpected side-effects. Trials under the auspices of WHO/HRP at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden were suspended in June 1994. According to a programme document, the first seven volunteers to receive the vaccine all experienced totally unexpected side-effects which included pain at the injection site, fever and sterile abscess formation. The Task Force researchers suspect batch related causes and are investigating the material to eliminate side-effects.
Medical needs. Even if the technology itself gets more sophisticated and some of the medical problems can be solved, the danger remains that anti-fertility vaccines will be used in regions lacking the necessary medical care. Angeline F. Schrater, women s health advocate, describes the imperative structural medical needs of anti-fertility vaccines as follows: "Women must be screened for pregnancy before immunization and monitored for protective immunity after. They also must be tested for allergic reaction to the vaccine prior to each injection. Further, reversibility cannot be guaranteed and women must be so informed."
Abuse. Due to the lack of user control, the approach also bears a high potential for abuse. The method might encourage efforts to control female fertility for demographic purposes as it is easy for medical or paramedical staff to administer without a woman s full knowledge or consent. The design of anti-hCG vaccines allows the antagonist to be coupled with vaccines against diseases, i.e. diphtheria, tetanus or measles. As admitted at the 1989 WHO-Symposium, due to this potential for abuse, the method might even discredit health care and general vaccination programmes conducted in countries of the South.
Duration. It is generally assumed that the final product will be a anti-fertility vaccine, administered by injection or orally and lasting for one to two years. Once the treatment is administered it cannot be discontinued and women or men affected must wait until the immunological effect decreases. Though the WHO/HRP is considering counter-vaccines to "switch on" fertility if required, nothing concrete has been researched so far. In fact, when and whether fertility is regained depends not only on the individual immune response, but also on the ethnic response. Within the scientific community there is debate about irreversibility and thus "non-surgical sterilization" as appreciated effect.
Working. Clinical trials with women have shown that the differences in immune response is not only relevant concerning reversibility but for the effectiveness of the contraceptive as well. Thus it is reported that women in clinical trials with the Indian made prototype conceived and some even gave birth to children. Yet nothing is known about the possible ill-effects on the children of these vaccinated women, and no research on this is being carried out.
More than twenty years after researchers began to investigate the use of antibodies for contraceptive purposes, many related questions concerning efficacy, safety and the ability to meet women s needs, remain unanswered. Additionally, by supporting a practice based on population policy they are likely to undermine women s rights for reproductive self-determination.
During the last decade, in many Southern countries demographic targets were introduced, and field workers and para-medical staff are stimulated to distribute effective contraceptives to reduce the birth rates. Long-term, provider-dependent methods are seen as most suitable to meet these requirements. Considering that there seems to be a growing tendency to oblige poor women from the South to control their fertility, it is doubtful whether such a climate has stimulated the right of women to determine their family planning methods, or even whether they want to use contraceptives at all.
Certainly, women and men need access to safe and convenient methods of birth control as well as safe methods of abortion. But will women, being at the receiving end of modern contraceptive R&D yet again, be content with this new kind of provider-dependent and invasive vaccine? Many may not, as shown by the appeal of more than 400 groups advocating women s health, from about 40 countries (including Australia, Chile, Germany, India, USA and Zimbabwe). They recently called for the termination of research on anti-fertility vaccines, and for a re-orientation of contraceptive research, away from the technology fix. Instead of demographic considerations directing contraceptive research, the research should enabling people to gain control over their own fertility.
All rights reserved. No parts may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without prior permission of the author.
This article is based on: Ute Sprenger and Helen Zweifel (1994), Auswirkungen der modernen Biotechnologien auf Frauen in den Laendern des Suedens. Study for the German Office for Technology Assessment (TAB), July/August 1994.
Additional Source
UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme for Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (1995), Annual Technical Report 1994. Geneva: World Health Organization.
HRP is the main instrument within the United Nations system for research in human reproduction, bringing together policy-makers, scientists, health care providers, clinicians, consumers and community representatives to identify and address priorities for research to improve sexual and reproductive health.
HRP research helps people lead healthy sexual and reproductive lives, by strengthening capacities of countries to provide quality information and services that enable people to protect their own reproductive and sexual health and that of their partners.
Who we are and what we do
The UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction has been widely known for many years by the abbreviation, HRP.
Established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1972, HRP has a distinguished 35-year record of bringing together policy-makers, scientists, health-care providers, clinicians, consumers and community representatives to identify priorities in sexual and reproductive health and to find sustainable solutions.
HRP is the only body within the United Nations system with a global mandate to lead research in human reproduction, a role endorsed by our cosponsors, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund, WHO and the World Bank.
More about HRP
HRP is a global leader in reproductive health research
We support and coordinate research on a global scale and conduct research in partnership with countries to provide the high-quality information needed to achieve universal access to effective services and to enable people to protect and promote their own health. We also synthesize research through systematic reviews of the literature, build research capacity in low-income countries and develop tools to facilitate access to the latest research information by the people who need it.
HRP is objective
HRP has research capability and credibility worldwide. Through the lens of neutrality, HRP produces trusted evidence-based norms and standards.
HRP has scope and capacity
HRP has a strong ground network of health professionals, non-governmental organizations, universities, government agencies, and community support. Since 1990, institutions collaborating with HRP published 2,500 articles in peer-reviewed journals and trained more than 70,000 staff at regional and country centres. HRP administered 4,860 research capacity strengthening grants leading to the production of 6,600 publications and presentations by collaborating centres. It is through this vast network that HRP uses its consultative processes to determine priorities for research.
HRP builds upon the world consensus
HRP’s work builds upon The Global Reproductive Health Strategy adopted by the 57th World Health Assembly in May of 2004 and on the Programme of Action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, the Plan of Action of the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, and on the Millennium Development Goals.
S'est dit preoccupee des effets possibles sur les ressources, et donc sure les activites du HRP et du PDRH, de la nouvelle approche adoptee par lÓMS en matiere de planification et de financement des programmes de travail, dont certains elements reduisent la visibility de la sante et des droits en matiere de sexualite et reproduction...
groupes de pression.... information...
A recommande que les pays soient aides a faire des soins de sante primaires... la cle de voute de l'amelioration de la sante sexuelle et genesique...
Antibodies of appropriate specificity are able to block the action of hormones which are obligatory for successful reproduction. Thus, if immunisation using such hormones can provoke adequate titres of bioneutralizing antibodies in sexually mature individuals, the vaccinee becomes infertile (‘immunocontraception’) for as long as sufficient titres of the antibodies are maintained. In the case of hormones that are required for the development of sexual maturity in the male, immunisation of young animals can prevent sexual maturation (‘immunocastration’). The hormones which have been targeted are gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) for both immunocastration and immunocontraception, and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for immunocontraception.
Human chorionic gonadotropin has been used as an anti-fertility vaccine and as a target for cancer immunotherapy. We have explored the use of DNA immunization with the aim of improving the immunogenicity of this hormone. Stimulating the muscle with electric pulses following intramuscular injection of plasmids expressing hCGβ resulted in higher levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-specific antibodies, which could be further enhanced following a protein boost with hCG mixed with adjuvant. DNA vaccines encoding a membrane attached or a secreted form of hCGβ produced similar—albeit relatively modest—antibody responses. Providing hCGβ with additional T cell help by vaccinating with a plasmid encoding a hCGβ-hFc fusion protein did not further increase the antibody levels in the immunized animals. However, immunization of mice with a construct encoding hCGβ fused to C3d3 produced significantly lower antibody levels relative to mice immunized with the hCGβ-alone expression plasmid, even though the hCGβ-C3d3 chimera was expected to facilitate cross-linking of the antigen-specific B-cell receptor and CR2 thereby lowering the threshold of activation. Thus the limiting factor determining the antibody levels following hCGβ immunization, at least for DNA immunization, is related to the amount of protein available rather than the form of protein produced or lack of T cell epitopes.
Author Keywords: hCGβ-chimeras; Cancer immunotherapy; DNA immunization; Anti-fertility vaccine
More on the patent:
* Fukuda, Michiko N.
No. 808599 filed on 02/28/1997
US Classes:
536/23.5, Encodes an animal polypeptide435/69.1, Recombinant DNA technique included in method of making a protein or polypeptide435/252.3, Transformants (e.g., recombinant DNA or vector or foreign or exogenous gene containing, fused bacteria, etc.)435/254.11, Transformants435/320.1, VECTOR, PER SE (E.G., PLASMID, HYBRID PLASMID, COSMID, VIRAL VECTOR, BACTERIOPHAGE VECTOR, ETC.) BACTERIOPHAGE VECTOR, ETC.)435/325, ANIMAL CELL, PER SE (E.G., CELL LINES, ETC.); COMPOSITION THEREOF; PROCESS OF PROPAGATING, MAINTAINING OR PRESERVING AN ANIMAL CELL OR COMPOSITION THEREOF; PROCESS OF ISOLATING OR SEPARATING AN ANIMAL CELL OR COMPOSITION THEREOF; PROCESS OF PREPARING A COMPOSITION CONTAINING AN ANIMAL CELL; CULTURE MEDIA THEREFORE530/350, PROTEINS, I.E., MORE THAN 100 AMINO ACID RESIDUES536/24.3, Probes for detection of specific nucleotide sequences or primers for the synthesis of DNA or RNA536/24.31Probes for detection of animal nucleotide sequences
Field of Search
536/23.5, Encodes an animal polypeptide536/24.3, Probes for detection of specific nucleotide sequences or primers for the synthesis of DNA or RNA536/24.31, Probes for detection of animal nucleotide sequences530/350, PROTEINS, I.E., MORE THAN 100 AMINO ACID RESIDUES435/69.1, Recombinant DNA technique included in method of making a protein or polypeptide435/320.1, VECTOR, PER SE (E.G., PLASMID, HYBRID PLASMID, COSMID, VIRAL VECTOR, BACTERIOPHAGE VECTOR, ETC.) BACTERIOPHAGE VECTOR, ETC.)435/325, ANIMAL CELL, PER SE (E.G., CELL LINES, ETC.); COMPOSITION THEREOF; PROCESS OF PROPAGATING, MAINTAINING OR PRESERVING AN ANIMAL CELL OR COMPOSITION THEREOF; PROCESS OF ISOLATING OR SEPARATING AN ANIMAL CELL OR COMPOSITION THEREOF; PROCESS OF PREPARING A COMPOSITION CONTAINING AN ANIMAL CELL; CULTURE MEDIA THEREFORE435/252.3, Transformants (e.g., recombinant DNA or vector or foreign or exogenous gene containing, fused bacteria, etc.)435/254.11Transformants
Primary: Spector, Lorraine
Assistant: Lazar-Wesley, Eliane
Attorney, Agent or Firm
* Campbell & Flores LLP
US Patent References
5599918Nucleic acids encoding trophinin and trophinin-assisting proteins
Issued on: 02/04/1997
Inventor: Fukuda
Foreign Patent References
* WO 96/10414 WO. 04/05/1996
International Class
C12N 015/12
Burnham Institute for Medical Research
United States Patent 6,111,089
Fukuda August 29, 2000
Trophinin, trophinin-assisting proteins and methods to inhibit implantation
The present invention provides a method to prevent pregnancy in an individual by administering a trophinin vaccine, which can elicit an immune response in the individual administered the vaccine. The method utilizes mammalian trophinin and peptides derived thereof from human or mice. The method also utilizes a nucleic acid molecule encoding trophinin as the trophinin vaccine, which is expressed in the individual administered the vaccine. The nucleic acid molecule can further encode a trophinin-assisting protein that can be co-expressed with trophinin in the individual administered the vaccine. The invention also provides a method to prevent adhesion between a trophoblast cell and a uterine epithelial cell by administering a trophinin vaccine or peptides thereof. The invention further provides an adjuvant or a carrier protein to enhance the immune response to the trophinin vaccine. The invention also provides mammalian trophinin active fragments, antibodies to the fragments, nucleic acid molecules encoding the fragments and nucleic acid probes that can hybridize to the nucleic acid molecules.
Inventors: Fukuda; Michiko N. (San Diego, CA)
Assignee: The Burnham Institute (La Jolla, CA)
Appl. No.: 08/808,599
Filed: February 28, 1997
Related U.S. Patent Documents
Application Number Filing Date Patent Number Issue Date
439818 May., 1995 5654145
317522 Oct., 1994 5599918
Current U.S. Class: 536/23.5 ; 435/252.3; 435/254.11; 435/320.1; 435/325; 435/69.1; 530/350; 536/24.3; 536/24.31
Current International Class: C07K 14/435 (20060101); C07K 14/47 (20060101); C07K 16/18 (20060101); G01N 33/574 (20060101); G01N 33/68 (20060101); A61K 38/00 (20060101); C12N 015/12 ()
Field of Search: 536/23.5,24.3,24.31 530/350 435/69.1,320.1,325,252.3,254.11
References Cited [Referenced By]
U.S. Patent Documents
5599918 February 1997 Fukuda
Foreign Patent Documents
WO 96/10414
Apr., 1996
Other References
Hillier et al., the WashU-Merck EST project, locus T74465, Mar. 1995. .
Ausubel et al., Short protocols in Molecular Biology, Wiley & sons, Chapter 6, 1989. .
Fukuda et al., "Trophinin and tastin, a novel cell adhesion molecule complex with potential involvement in embryo implantation." Genes & Devel., 9:1199-1210 (1995). .
Dirnhofer and Berger, "Vaccination for Birth Control." Int. Arch Allergy Immunol., 108:350-354 (1995). .
Kemp and Pearson, "Protein kinase recognition sequence motifs." Trends Biochem. Sci., 15:342-346 (1990). .
Gonzalez et al., "Identification of Substrate Recognition Determinants for Human ERK1 and ERK2 Protein Kinases." J. Biol. Chem., 266(33):22159-22163 (1991). .
Adams et al., "Sequence identification of 2,375 human brain genes," Nature, 355:632-634 (1992). .
Stewart and Denell, "Mutations in the Drosophila Gene Encoding Ribosomal Protein S6 Cause Tissue Overgrowth." Mol. Cell Biol., 13(4):2524-2535 (1993). .
Minoru Fukuda, "Lysosomal Membrane Glycoproteins." J. Biol. Chem., 266(32):21327-21330 (1991). .
Pullman and Bodmer, "Cloning and characterization of a gene that regulates cell adhesion." Nature, 356:529-532 (1992)..
Primary Examiner: Spector; Lorraine
Assistant Examiner: Lazar-Wesley; Eliane
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Campbell & Flores LLP
Government Interests
This work was supported by grant number DK37016 and HD 34108 awarded by the National Institutes of Health. The United States government has certain rights in this invention.
Parent Case Text
Burnham Institute for Medical Research
Antibodies bind to conserved region of the virus and may offer cross-protection against previous pandemic types and bird and seasonal flu
Crystal structure of influenza hemagglutinin H5 bound to a potent antibody (F10, in red) capable of neutralizing more than half of all strains of influenza virus.
February 22, 2009--Researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Dana-Farber), Burnham Institute for Medical Research (Burnham) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have reported the identification of human monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that neutralize an unprecedented range of influenza A viruses, including avian influenza A (H5N1) virus, previous pandemic influenza viruses, and some seasonal influenza viruses. These antibodies have the potential for use in combination with other treatments to prevent or treat certain types of avian and seasonal flu. The study was published online on February 22 in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.
The antibodies identified by the team of scientists neutralize a broad range of influenza A subtypes because they bind to the highly conserved stem region of H5 type hemagglutinin (HA). Binding to the stem prevents a conformational change in the protein that is necessary for viral entry into the host cell, thereby preventing further infection of host cells and the rise of escape mutants.
“The head portion of hemagglutinin is highly mutable, leading to the rise of forms of the virus that can evade neutralizing antibodies,” said Robert Liddington, Ph.D., professor and director, Infectious and Inflammatory Disease Center at Burnham and one of the investigators on the study. “However, the stem region of hemagglutinin is highly conserved because it undergoes a dramatic conformational change to allow entry of viral RNA into the host cell. It’s very difficult to get a mutation that doesn’t destroy that function, which explains why we aren’t seeing escape mutants and why these antibodies neutralize such a variety of strains of influenza.”
While more costly to produce than existing influenza drugs, therapeutic antibodies can be readily manufactured and stockpiled. In the event of a pandemic, the antibodies could be used in combination with antiviral therapies to contain the outbreak until a vaccine became available. The production of a new influenza vaccine takes six to nine months using conventional methods.
“There are clear settings where human monoclonal antibodies can be used strategically for both the prevention and early treatment of influenza infection and disease,” said Wayne A. Marasco, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of medicine at Dana-Farber and Harvard Medical School. “At-risk individuals, such as first responders and medical personnel, exposed family members and coworkers and patients who cannot make antibodies because of pre-existing medical conditions or advanced age, could all benefit from this new type of therapy.”
In the study, the team of scientists used a human antibody phage display library to identify 10 mAb that bind to the stem of H5 type HA, the influenza protein responsible for viral entry into the host cell. The scientists determined the X-ray crystal structure of the mAb bound to the H5N1 HA, which showed that the heavy chain of the mAb inserts into a highly conserved pocket in the HA stem, inhibiting the conformational change required for membrane fusion and viral entry into the cell.
The scientists further showed that an unprecedented number of different types of bird flu and seasonal influenza viruses were inhibited and the mAb protected mice that were exposed to H5N1 virus. “Our human monoclonal antibody protected mice from the lethal H5N1 virus even when injected three days after infection. This is good news, but many antibodies can do this. What surprised us is that the same antibody protected mice from a lethal infection with a very different virus such as the H1N1 subtype that causes seasonal human infections; this is really remarkable,” said Dr. Ruben Donis, chief of the Molecular Virology and Vaccines Branch at CDC.
Vaccines consisting of attenuated or killed virus do not typically stimulate antibodies against the stem, perhaps because it is less accessible than the head region. In this study, the scientists used recombinant purified protein, not virus, so the antigenic part of the virus recognized by the antibodies was fully exposed.
Seasonal influenza occurs each year, causing mild to severe illness. Worldwide, more than 250,000 deaths from seasonal influenza occur annually. The best protection from seasonal influenza is yearly vaccination.
Influenza pandemics are worldwide outbreaks of disease that occur when a new influenza virus emerges for which people have little or no immunity. The disease spreads easily person-to-person, causes serious illness, and can spread across the country and around the world in a very short time. Health professionals are concerned that the continued spread of a highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus across eastern Asia and other countries represents a significant threat to human health. While vaccines can control influenza, they are not always effective because the vaccine must be updated each year. Vaccines against H5N1 in development have shown promise, but none has been reported to elicit a broad response in humans that would cover a broad range of different H5N1 virus strains. Antiviral medications, including the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir (Tamiflu ®), is the primary treatment method, but has limited effectiveness if administered more than 24-48 hours after symptom onset.
About Burnham Institute for Medical Research
Burnham Institute for Medical Research is dedicated to revealing the fundamental molecular causes of disease and devising the innovative therapies of tomorrow. Burnham, with operations in California and Florida, is one of the fastest growing research institutes in the country. The Institute ranks among the top four institutions nationally for NIH grant funding and among the top 25 organizations worldwide for its research impact. Burnham utilizes a unique, collaborative approach to medical research and has established major research programs in cancer, neurodegeneration, diabetes, infectious and inflammatory and childhood diseases. The Institute is known for its world-class capabilities in stem cell research and drug discovery technologies. Burnham is a nonprofit, public benefit corporation.
About Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is a principal teaching affiliate of the Harvard Medical School and is among the leading cancer research and care centers in the United States. It is a founding member of the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC), designated a comprehensive cancer center by the National Cancer Institute.
Page:Burnham Institute for Medical Research - News Releases - February 22, 2009
2.Qin G, Mao H, Zheng J, Sia SF, Liu Y, Chan PL, Lam KT, Peiris JS, Lau YL, Tu W
J Infect Dis. 2009 Aug 5;
Added to PubMed on 2009-08-07
Background. Influenza virus is a cause of substantial annual morbidity and mortality worldwide. The potential emergence of a new pandemic strain (eg, avian influenza virus) is a major concern. Currently available vaccines and anti-influenza drugs have limited effectiveness for influenza virus infections, especially for new pandemic strains. Therefore, there is an acute need to develop alternative strategies for influenza therapy. gammadelta T cells have potent antiviral activities against different viruses, but no data are available concerning their antiviral activity against influenza viruses. Methods. In this study, we used virus-infected primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) to examine the antiviral activity of phosphoantigen isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP)-expanded human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells against influenza viruses. Results. Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells were selectively activated and expanded by IPP from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. IPP-expanded Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells efficiently killed MDMs infected with human (H1N1) or avian (H9N2 or H5N1) influenza virus and significantly inhibited viral replication. The cytotoxicity of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells against influenza virus-infected MDMs was dependent on NKG2D activation and was mediated by Fas-Fas ligand and perforin-granzyme B pathways. Conclusion. Our findings suggest a potentially novel therapeutic approach to seasonal, zoonotic avian, and pandemic influenza-the use of phosphoantigens to activate gammadelta T cells against influenza virus infections.
3. Role of IFN-alpha during the acute stage of a swine influenza virus infection
Barbé F, Saelens X, Braeckmans D, Lefèvre F, Reeth KV
Res Vet Sci. 2009 Jul 30;
Added to PubMed on 2009-08-04
Cytokines, especially interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) are important in controlling influenza virus infections. To investigate the role of IFN-alpha in influenza, the swine IFN-alpha neutralizing monoclonal antibody (Ab) K9 was applied in a swine model of influenza A virus infection. First, the optimal dose and route for administration of the IFN-alpha neutralizing Abs was determined. Based on those results, the effect of the Abs on a swine influenza virus infection was investigated. Pigs were inoculated intratracheally with 10(6.0) mean egg infectious dose (EID(50)) A/Swine/Belgium/1/98 (H1N1) virus. At the time of challenge and 18h later, they were injected intratracheally and intraperitoneally with a high dose of IFN-alpha neutralizing Abs or control Abs. The animals were euthanized at 0, 24, 30, 48 and 72h after inoculation. At 24 and 30h, IFN-alpha levels in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid of K9 recipient animals were strongly suppressed, and this coincided with reduced IL-6 and IL-12 levels. TNF-alpha and IL-1 levels were unaffected compared to those in the control Ab treated group. Importantly, the onset and peak of clinical symptoms in IFN-alpha neutralizing Abs treated animals were delayed by 24h, simultaneously with the suppression of IFN-alpha, but there was no obvious effect on virus replication and lung pathology. These results suggest an important role for IFN-alpha in IL-6 and IL-12 induction and a role of all three cytokines in the symptoms of swine influenza.
Protect Yourself From the Flu...and the Vaccine
By Melanie Segala
Pandemic (pan-DEM-ik) - from the Greek for "common" + "the people" - is a widespread epidemic, affecting an entire country, continent, or even the world..
I recently read an article by John J. Cannell, MD. Dr. Cannell is a psychiatrist at Atascadero State Hospital in California. In 2005, an influenza A epidemic broke out in the hospital. One by one, each ward became infected. Patients came down with chills, fever, cough, and severe body aches.
Only one ward remained free of infection: Dr. Cannell's.
Why? His patients intermingled with patients from other wards. And they were not noticeably different in terms of age, health, or medical treatment.
The only difference? Dr. Cannell's patients had been receiving a daily dose of…
2,000 IU of vitamin D for several months. That's it. All his patients took vitamin D. And not one caught the flu!
Dr. Cannell's research then led him to some remarkable discoveries... including one about the effectiveness of vitamin D as a potent antibiotic and antiviral. Vitamin D boosts the body's production of antimicrobial peptides. This class of proteins quickly destroys the cell walls of bacteria, viruses (including influenza), and fungi. They also keep the lungs free from infection.
But that's not all. While vitamin D destroys flu-causing viruses, it simultaneously performs another life-saving function. It prevents the immune system from producing a dangerous amount of inflammatory chemicals (cytokines) that attack sensitive respiratory membranes. Cytokines are an important part of your immune system. But in severe cases of the flu, their production spirals out of control, causing high fever and extreme fatigue. In fact, in most cases, this "cytokine storm" is the actual cause of death .
Vitamin D can be taken as a supplement. But the best source of vitamin D is moderate and consistent sun exposure.
5. In case of a CYTOKINE STORM caused by a virus - such as H5 N1 but NOT H1N1 _ Ace inhibitors appear promising.
6. Antioxidants ( pomegranate juice, blueberries, red grapes, dark and red fruit and vegetables in general
7. DO NOT BE OBESE, stay fit.
8. Here is something good that Glaxo is making:
an innovative RESPIRATOR MASK, designed to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne influenza virus.
ACTIPROTECT, inactivates virus on contact. N95 OSHA.
Cytokine Storm -- Immune System out of Control
The Spanish flu killed by producing a virulent immune response with production of large amounts of the immune system hormones, the inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6 and TNF. These are the cytokines associated with the symptoms of infection, fever, fluid retention/swelling, malaise, headache, etc. These are the inflammatory symptoms that normally transition into recovery, but in the case of swine flu, additional cytokines are produced, including anti-inflammatory IL-10. The problem appears to be that the sudden IL-10 signaling disrupts the natural transition from inflammation to recovery and the inflammatory signaling becomes acute and life-threatening.
Acute Inflammation Kills by Fluid in Lungs
The swine flu epidemics in Spain and once again in Mexico kill by immunological inflammation that causes fluid to accumulate in lungs, i.e. acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) triggered by a cytokine storm.
This type of organ failure is similar to the consequences of systemic infection, septicemia. These severe infections initiate an acute inflammatory response that may be very dangerous, but in many ways their similarity to swine flu symptoms may be fortuitous. Treatment for cytokine mediated multiple organ failure may provide some possible approaches to the treatment of swine flu, which avoid evolution of H1N1 caused by antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu.
Anti-inflammatory Treatment for Swine Flu
Cytokine storms associated with sepsis and ARDS have been treated by forcing progression of the inflammatory process into its recovery phase. Some of the most effective approaches use recognizable anti-inflammatory compounds: aspirin, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) and curcumin (turmeric).
Aspirin may block cytokine storms by altering COX-2 to produce anti-inflammatory eicosanoids and lipoxins. Aspirin also blocks the major inflammatory transcription factor, NFkB. Of course, the administration of aspirin to children with viral diseases, is counter-indicated, because of the risk of Reye syndrome. The omega-3 fatty acid EPA is converted by COX-2 into an anti-inflammatory prostaglandin. Curcumin is one of the most potent inhibitors of NFkB. This trio of anti-inflammatory natural compounds may ultimately be major players in blocking the killing capacity of swine flu.
Singer P, Shapiro H. Enteral omega-3 in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2009 Mar;12(2):123-8.
Siddiqui AM, Cui X, Wu R, Dong W, Zhou M, Hu M, Simms HH, Wang P. The anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin in an experimental model of sepsis is mediated by up-regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. Crit Care Med. 2006 Jul;34(7):1874-82.
The copyright of the article Swine Flu Cytokine Storm Cures in Diseases/Viruses is owned by Art Ayers.
Read more: http://diseases-viruses.suite101.com/article.cfm/swine_flu_cytokine_storm_cures#ixzz0NoAIsOOD
also:( Wikipedia)
Betalians may exhibit anti-cancer activity. Betalains from the prickly pear showed considerable free radical scavenger and antioxidant properties in vitro to protect endothelium from cytokine-induced redox state alteration, through ICAM-1 inhibition.
10. Some people recommend colloidal silver, but I know NOTHING about it, so will NOT recommend it. But it is certainly something that researchers should investigate, and if effective, easy and cheap, why not?
11. RECOMMENDATIONS OF Dr. Mercola -to you
What You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Family
Visit the National Vaccination Information Center (NVIC) site and join in the fight against mandatory swine flu vaccinations.
Educate yourself about influenza strains, vaccination risks, and the public health laws in your state that may require you or your children to undergo either mandatory vaccination or quarantine.
Take care of your health to reduce or eliminate your risk of contracting the flu. The key is to keep your immune system strong by following these guidelines:
* Eliminate sugar and processed foods from your diet. Sugar consumption has an immediate, debilitating effect on your immune system.
* Take a high quality source of animal-based omega 3 fats like Krill Oil.
* Exercise. Your immune system needs good circulation in order to perform at its best for you.
* Optimize your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency is the likely cause of seasonal flu viruses. Getting an optimal level of vitamin D will help you fight infections of all kinds.
* Get plenty of good quality sleep.
* Deal with stress effectively. If you feel overwhelmed by stress, your body will not have the reserves it needs to fight infection.
* Wash your hands. But not with an antibacterial soap. Use a pure, chemical-free soap.
12: Dr. Roma Laibow's recommendations:
Dr. Laibow advises that everyone has a "right to say "NO!" to vaccinations and other treatments that (they) do not want. The Police Power of the State ENDS at my skin and yours!" If a pandemic erupts, as a longtime natural health practitioner, she advises what she'll use herself - Nano Silver as well as vitamins, minerals, and herbs like echinacea that boost the immune system, unlike dangerous vaccines that destroy it. For more information, she directs individuals to the web site: www.nutronix.com/naturalsolutions.
13. Some other suggestions:
A.Coconut Oil is the Antiviral of Nature
by Kim Evans, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) In a time when strange viruses are making headlines around the world, perhaps it's time you knew about the most powerful natural antiviral around: coconut oil. The antiviral activity in coconut oil is unparalleled, even among the most resistant viruses, and the best part is, if it's virgin and organic, there isn't a man-made chemical in the mix.
Think it's too good to be true?
Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D. and author of The Coconut Oil Miracle shares, "Laboratory tests have shown that the MCFAs (medium chain fatty acids) found in coconut oil are effective in destroying viruses that cause influenza, measles, herpes, mononucleosis hepatitis C, and AIDS; bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers, throat infections, pneumonia, sinusitis, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, and toxic shock syndrome; fungi and yeast that lead to ringworm, candida, and thrush; and parasites that can cause intestinal infections such as giardiasis." Sounds like a powerhouse to me.
The antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of coconut oil are directly attributed to the medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in the oil, including capric acid and caprylic acid, and the powerful lauric acid. These fatty acids are concentrated in coconut oil; they make up over 60 percent of all that's in the oil.
Medium chain fatty acids are unique and found in only a few places in nature. Interestingly, another place medium-chain fatty acids are found is in mother's milk. In mother's milk, these medium-chain fatty acids are what protects the infant as his/her immune system is developing. And the more the mom has in her body, the more protection the infant will receive.
As antiviral and antibacterial agents, medium chain fatty acids work like this:
Like humans, viruses and bacteria have a skin, or outer coating to keep foreign invaders out. Most viruses and bacteria have a malleable, fluid-like skin that is composed of a fatty substance. Inside this fatty skin resides the rest of the organism, including the organism's DNA.
Because the fatty acids in coconut oil are similar to the pathogen's own skin, the fatty acids are attracted to the organism and are easily absorbed right into it. For the pathogen, it's like opening the door to an ax murderer, because they look like its best friend.
Once inside, the pathogen finds that the medium chain fatty acids are actually much smaller than the fatty acids that make up its own outer casing and this begins to break apart the pathogen's casing.
According to Fife, the smaller medium chain fatty acids "weaken the already nearly fluid membrane to such a degree that it disintegrates. The membrane literally splits open, spilling its insides and killing the organism."
It does this all without causing any harm to human cells or tissues.
Coconut Oil Miracle, Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.
Coconut Cures, Bruce Fife, N.D.
B. Here is something else:
I am NOT endorsing it, as I know nothing about it. Still, something for you to research further.
C. Apparently, GREEN TEA and Garlic also have antiviral properties.
D. Do not forget to spray good old LYSOL SPRAY if you find yourself in an environment full of sneezing and coughing people.
Lysol's Claim
Do LYSOL® Brand Disinfectants kill Bird (Avian) Flu?
LYSOL® Brand Disinfectant Wipes and All Purpose Cleaners do make efficacy claims against Influenza A Virus of which Avian Influenza, bird flu-H1N1 & H5N1 are both strains of Influenza A. Based upon this similarity we believe that disinfectants claiming efficacy against Influenza A will inactivate all type A viruses. LYSOL® Brand Disinfectant Spray has recently been granted Federal EPA Approval against the H1N1 strain of Avian Influenza for use in areas where poultry or food processing takes place.
Although claims against the particular bird to bird contagious strains (H5N1)are not made nor allowed to be made per an EPA Mandate, organizations such as the US CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION (CDC) recommend these two easy steps to help stop many infectious diseases:
E. And of course don't forget HYDROGEN PEROXIDE!
However, pay attention to THIS:
Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 benefit and side effects by Ray Sahelian, M.D. practical suggestions on used and review of oral, internal use
Hydrogen peroxide is a clear liquid with strong oxidizing properties and is a powerful bleaching agent that has found use as a disinfectant, as an oxidizer, and in rocketry and in bipropellant systems.
Medical Use of Hydrogen Peroxide
Drinking or injecting high-strength hydrogen peroxide products sold online to treat serious diseases such as AIDS can be extremely harmful. The "35 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide" products are highly corrosive and ingesting them could cause stomach irritation and ulcers. Injecting the products intravenously could lead to blood vessel inflammation, bubbles in blood vessels and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions. The FDA said it had not approved 35 percent hydrogen peroxide for any use. The agency sent warnings to two Texas-based firms, DFWX and Frad 35 Inc., in which the agency said the firms were illegally selling 35 percent hydrogen peroxide products to treat AIDS, cancer, emphysema and other serious diseases.
Hydrogen peroxide vapor for MSRA disinfection
Hydrogen peroxide vapor, in combination with decolonization of staff and patient carriers, successfully controlled an outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA on a surgical ward that had previously been MRSA-free.
ALERT! READ THIS BEFORE USING! This regards 10% hydrogen peroxide:
But the 3% solution is great for disinfectant. I would NOT use it on a face mask, though, as it could dehydrate and become more concentrated, causing the above dangers.
13. My recommendations to MK Litzman, Deputy Health Minister of Israel.
1. Forget about these dangerous and useless vaccines that have not been tested on humans and can certainly cause a lot of harm, and possibly also a little bit of good. The bad, in my opinion however, far outweighs the good.
2. Take the 450 million NIS that Bibi is allocating to fight this swine flu and :
a. buy one of those Glaxo Actiprotect masks for everybody.
b. invest heavily in our excellent labs, find a group of G-d fearing top-notch scientist and let them duplicate the success of the Burnham Institute of La Jolla, California, in creating enough MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES to cover every person in the nation.
c. If the cost of buying the monoclonal antibody for every person is too high, insist that PRIVATE HEALTH INSURERS, such as MIDGAL, cover the cost of the medication, and on a temporary basis, purchase PRIVATE INSURANCE FOR EVERY JEW, so that the insurance will pay for the cost of the treatment IF REQUIRED. More likely than not, the insurance will also make a profit, as many people will not need the medication.
d. Distribute vitamin D freely, and send the kids out the door at lunch time instead of staying home watching TV or learning Torah. Make sure that every person gets at least half an hour of sunshine per day.
e. Make sure that every citizen can afford to buy ONE RIMON( pomegranate) PER DAY, or a few tomatoes, or red grapes. Now is the season, let's use it for our benefit. Or eat SABRAS ( prickly pear), which grow wild in many parts of Israel, and are loaded with anti-oxidants against cytokines.
f. Include FISH OIL capsules for free in SAL HABRIUT,
g.Tell people to make soup with lots of red vegetables and turmeric every day.
h. Encourage people to lose weight and exercise.
i. Insist that children be allowed to learn in HOME SCHOOL until the danger of pandemic is past.
J. teach people good hygiene.
K. I hope Israel develops its own ANTI-VIRAL N95 face mask.
Et voila.
For an update on Swine flu news:
Dr. Laibow recommends:
For more information, she directs individuals to the web site: www.nutronix.com/naturalsolution
Listen to Dr. Carley, listed above in "important articles that say it all", and watch the videos posted above about animal virus research at Ohio State University -what you would call "DUAL USE"!
by Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. Ó 2000
Nexus Dec 2000 (Vol 8, No1) & Feb 2001 (Vol 8, Number 2)
Oil emulsions
Freund’s emulsified oil adjuvants (complete and incomplete)
Arlacel A
Mineral oil
Emulsified peanut oil adjuvant (adjuvant 65)
Mineral compounds
Bacterial products
Bordetella pertussis
Corynebacterium granulosumderived P40 component
Mycobacteriwn and its components
Cholera toxin
Immunostimulating complexes (ISCOMs)
Other adjuvants: Squalene
Immediate Hypersensitivity
Arthus-type Reaction
Delayed Hypersensitivity
Isoimmunological Disease
Immunological Disease Resulting from Adsorption of Foreign Substances
Autoimmune Disease
Vaccines contain a number of substances which can be divided into the following groups:
1. Micro-organisms, either bacteria or viruses, thought to be causing certain infectious diseases and which the vaccine is supposed to prevent. These are whole-cell proteins or just the broken-cell protein envelopes, and are called antigens.
2. Chemical substances which are supposed to enhance the immune response to the vaccine, called adjuvants.
3. Chemical substances which act as preservatives and tissue fixatives, which are supposed to halt any further chemical reactions and putrefaction (decomposition or multiplication) of the live or attenuated (or killed) biological constituents of the vaccine.
All these constituents of vaccines are toxic, and their toxicity may vary, as a rule, from one batch of vaccine to another.
In this article, the first of a two-part series, we shall deal with adjuvants, their expects role and the reactions (side effects).
The desired immune response to vaccines is the production of antibodies, and this is enhanced by adding certain substances to the vaccines. These are called adjuvants (from the Latin adjuvare, meaning "to help").
The chemical nature of adjuvants, their mode of action and their reactions (side effect) are highly variable. According to Gupta et al. (1993), some of the side effects can be ascribed to an unintentional stimulation of different mechanisms of the immune system whereas others may reflect general adverse pharmacological reactions which are more less expected.
There are several types of adjuvants. Today the most common adjuvants for human use are aluminium hydroxide, aluminium phosphate and calcium phosphate. However, there are a number of other adjuvants based on oil emulsions, products from bacteria (their synthetic derivatives as well as liposomes) or gram-negative bacteria, endotoxins, cholesterol, fatty acids, aliphatic amines, paraffinic and vegetable oils. Recently, monophosphoryl lipid A, ISCOMs with Quil-A, and Syntex adjuvant formulations (SAFs) containing the threonyl derivative or muramyl dipeptide have been under consideration for use in human vaccines.
Chemically, the adjuvants are a highly heterogenous group of compounds with only one thing in common: their ability to enhance the immune response—their adjuvanticity. They are highly variable in terms of how they affect the immune system and how serious their adverse effects are due to the resultant hyperactivation of the immune system.
The mode of action of adjuvants was described by Chedid (1985) as: the formation of a depot of antigen at the site of inoculation, with slow release; the presentation of antigen immunocompetent cells; and the production of various and different lymphokines (interleukins and tumour necrosis factor).
The choice of any of these adjuvants reflects a compromise between a requirement for adjuvanticity and an acceptable low level of adverse reactions.
The discovery of adjuvants dates back to 1925 and 1926, when Ramon (quoted by Gupta et al., 1993) showed that the antitoxin response to tetanus and diphtheria was increased by injection of these vaccines, together with other compounds such as agar, tapioca, lecithin, starch oil, saponin or even breadcrumbs.
The term adjuvant has been used for any material that can increase the humoral or cellular immune response. to an antigen. In the conventional vaccines, adjuvants are used to elicit an early, high and long-lasting immune response. The newly developed purified subunit or synthetic vaccines using biosynthetic, recombinant and other modern technology are poor immunogens and require adjuvants to evoke the immune response.
The use of adjuvants enables the use of less antigen to achieve the desired immune response, and this reduces vaccine production costs. With a few exceptions, adjuvants are foreign to the body and cause adverse reactions.
Part 1 deals with the following types of adjuvants (after Gupta et al, 1993):
Oil emulsions
Freund’s emulsified oil adjuvants (complete and incomplete)
Arlacel A
Mineral oil
Emulsified peanut oil adjuvant (adjuvant 65)
Mineral compounds
Bacterial products
Bordetella pertussis
Corynebacterium granulosumderived P40 component
Mycobacteriwn and its components
Cholera toxin
Immunostimulating complexes (ISCOMs)
Other adjuvants
Oil Emulsions
In the 1960s, emulsified water-in-oil and water-in-vegetable-oil adjuvant preparations used experimentally showed special promise in providing exalted "immunity" of long duration (Hilleman, 1966). The development of Freund’s adjuvants emerged from studies of tuberculosis. Several researchers noticed that immunological responses in animals to various antigens were enhanced by introduction into the animal of living Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In the presence of Mycobacterium, the reaction obtained was of the delayed type, transferrable with leukocytes. Freund measured the effect of mineral oil in causing delayed-type hypersensitivity to killed mycobacteria. There was a remarkable increase in complement-fixing antibody response as well as in delayed hypersensitivity reaction.
Freund’s adjuvant consists of a water-in-oil emulsion of aqueous antigen in paraffin (mineral) oil of low specific gravity and low viscosity. Drakeol 6VR and Arlacel A (mannide monooleate) are commonly used as emulsifiers.
There are two Freund’s adjuvants: incomplete and complete. The incomplete Freund’s adjuvant consists of water-in-oil emulsion without added mycobacteria; the complete Freund’s adjuvant consists of the same components but with 5 mg of dried, heat-killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis or butyricum added.
The mechanism of action of Freund’s adjuvants is associated with the following three phenomena:
1. The establishment of a portion of the antigen in a persistent form at the injection site, enabling a gradual and continuous release of antigen for stimulating the antibody;
2. The provision of a vehicle for transport of emulsified antigen throughout the lymphatic system to distant places, such as lymph nodes and spleen, where new foci of antibody formation can be established; and,
3. Formation and accumulation of cells of the mononuclear series which are appropriate to the production of antibody at the local and distal sites.
The pathologic reaction to the Freund’s adjuvants starts at the injection site with mild erythema and swelling followed by tissue necrosis, intense inflammation and the usual progression to the formation of a granulomatous lesion. Scar and abscess formation may occur. The reactions observed following the administration of the complete adjuvant are generally far more extensive than with the incomplete adjuvant. The earliest cellular response is polymorphonuclear, then it changes into mononuclear and later includes plasmocytes. The adjuvant emulsion may be widely disseminated in varrious organs, depending on the route of inoculation, with the development of focal granulomatous lesions at distal places. Various gram-negative organisms may show a potentiating effect of the adjuvant, similar to that displayed by mycobacteria.
The earliest use of oil emulsion adjuvants was made with the influenza, vaccine by Friedwald (1944) and by Henle and Henle (1945). Following their promising results on animals, Salk (1951) experimented with such adjuvants on soldiers under the auspices of the US Armed Forces Epidemiological Board. He used a highly refined mineral oil, and developed a purified Arlacel A emulsifier which was free of toxic substances, such as oleic acid which had caused sterile abscesses at the injection site, and he administered the vaccine by intramuscular route.
Subsequently, Miller et al. (1965) reported their, failure to enhance the antibody and protective response to types 3, 4 and 7 adenovirus vaccines in mineral oil adjuvant compared with aqueous vaccine. Unpublished studies have revealed the need for an adequate minimal amount of antigen to trigger an antibody response to the emulsified preparations.
Salk et al. (1953) applied Freund’s adjuvant to poliomyelitis vaccine, and later followed with extensive testing of killed crude as well as purified polio virus vaccine in animals and humans, where the reactions in humans were considered inconsequential.
Grayston et al. (1964) reported highly promising results with the trachoma vaccine using an oil adjuvant. However, the trachoma vaccine lost its relevance because, as demonstrated by Dolin et al. (1997) in their 37 years of research in a sub-Saharan village, the dramatic fall in the disease occurrence was closely connected with improvements in sanitation, water supply, education and access to health care. According to Dolin et al. (1997), the decline in trachoma occurred without any trachoma-specific intervention.
Allergens in Freund’s adjuvant deserve special attention because they can be dangerous. These dangers include an overdose, i.e., the immediate release of more than the tolerated amount of properly emulsified vaccine in sensitive persons, or the breaking of the emulsion with the release of all or part of the full content of the allergen within a brief period of time. Long-term delayed reactions include the development of nodules, cysts or sterile abscesses requiring surgical incision. It is also likely that some allergens used, such as house dust or mould, might have acted like mycobacteria to potentiate the inflammatory response. Such reactions have been reduced with the use of properly tested and standardised reagins.
One must also consider that the first application of Freund’s adjuvants was made at a time when modern concepts of safety were non-existent Indeed, mineral oil adjuvants have not been approved for human use in some countries, including the USA.
Mineral Compounds
Aluminium phosphate or aluminium hydroxide (alum) are the mineral compounds most commonly used as adjuvants in human vaccines. Calcium phosphate is another adjuvant that is used in many vaccines. Mineral salts of metals such as cerium nitrate, zinc sulphate, colloidal iron hydroxide and calcium chloride were observed to increase the antigenicity of’ the toxoids, but alum gave the best results.
The use of alum was applied more than 70 years ago by Glenny et al. (1926), who discovered that a suspension of alum-precipitated diphtheria toxoid had a much higher immunogenicity than the fluid toxoid. Even though a number of reports stated that alum-adjuvanted vaccines were no better than plain vaccines (Aprile and Wardlaw, 1966), the use of alum as an adjuvant is now well established. The most widely used is the antigen solution mixed with pre-formed aluminium hydroxide or aluminium phosohate under controlled conditions. Such vaccines are now called aluminium-adsorbed or aluminium-adjuvanted. However, they are difficult to manufacture in a physico-chemically reproducible way, which results in a batch-to-batch variation of the same vaccine. Also, the degree of antigen absorption to the gels of aluminium phosphate and aluminium hydroxide varies. To minimise the variation and avoid the non-reproducibility, a specific preparation of aluminium hydroxide (Alhydrogel) was chosen as the standard in 1988 (Gupta et al., 1993).
The aluminium adjuvants allow the slow release of antigen, prolonging the time for interaction between antigen and antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes. However, in some studies, the potency of adjuvanted pertussis vaccines was more than that of the plain pertussis vaccines, while in others no effect was noted. The serum agglutinin titres, after vaccination with adjuvanted pertussis vaccines, were higher than those of the plain vaccines, with no difference in regard to protection against the disease (Butler et al., 1962). Despite these conflicting results, aluminium compounds are universally used as adjuvants for the DPT (diphtheriapertussis-tetanus) vaccine. Hypersensitivity reactions following their administration have been reported which could be attributed to a number of factors, one of which is the production of IgE along with IgG antibodies.
It was suggested that polymerased toxoids, such as the so-called glutaraldehyde-detoxifled purified tetanus and diphtheria toxins, should be used instead of aluminium compounds. They are used combined with glutaraldehyde-inactivated pertussis vaccine.
Calcium phosphate adjuvant has been used for simultaneous vaccination with diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, BCG, yellow fever, measles and hepatitis B vaccines and with allergen (Coursaget et al., 1986). The advantage of this adjuvant has been seen to be that it is a normal constituent of the body and is better tolerated and absorbed than other adjuvants. It entraps antigens very efficiently and allows slow release of the antigen. Additionally, it elicits high amounts of IgG-type antibodies an much less of IgE-type (reaginic) antibodies.
Bacterial Products
Micro-organisms in bacterial infections and the administration of vaccines containing whole killed bacteria and some metabolic products and components of various micro-organisms have been known to elicit antibody response and act as immunostimulants. The addition of such micro-organisms and substances into vaccines augments the immune response to other antigens in such vaccines.
The most commonly used micro-organisms, whole or their parts, are Bordetella pertussis components, Corenybacterium derived P40 component, cholera toxin and mycobacteria.
•B. pertussis components
The killed Bordetella pertussis has a strong adjuvant effect on the diptheria and tetanus toxoids in the DPT vaccines. However, there are a number of admitted and well-describe reactions to it, such as convulsion, infantile spasms, epilepsy, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), Reye syndrome, Guilain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis and cerebral ataxia. Needless to say, the causal link to it is often (even though not always) vehemently disputed and generally considered "coincidental".
Paradoxically, in one case of shaken baby syndrome in which the baby developed subdural and retinal haemorrhages from the disease whooping cough, doctors accused the father of causing these injuries and strenuously denied that the disease pertussis can and does cause such haemorrhages—forgetting that this is the very reason why pertussis vaccine was developed against such potentially devastating disease in the first place. Such devastating effects are caused by the pertussis toxin, the causative agent of the disease (pertussis is a toxin-mediated disease), employed as the active ingredient in all pertussis vaccines whether whole-cell or acellular (Pittman, 1984).
Gupta et al. (1993) concluded that PT is too toxic to be administered to humans, but chemically detoxified or genetically inactivated PT may not exhibit the adjuvant effects comparable to the native PT.
•Corynebacterium-derived P40
P40 is a particulate fraction isolated from Corynebacterium granulosum, composed of the cell wall peptidoglycan associate with a glycoprotein. In animals, it displays a number of activities such as stimulation of the reticulo-endothelial system, enhancement of phagocytosis and activation of macrophages.
P40 abolishes drug-induced immunosuppression and increase non-specific resistance to bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. It induces the formation of IL-2, tumour necrosis factor, and interferon alpha and gamma (Bizzini et al., 1992). In clinical trials, P40 was claimed to be efficacious in the treatment of recurrent infections of the respiratory and genito-urinary tracts. Allergens coupled to P40 have been said to be instrumental in desensitising allergic patients without any side effects.
•Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
LPS is an adjuvant for both humoral and cell-mediated immunity. It augments the immune response to both protein and polysaccharide antigens. It is too toxic and pyrogenic, even in minute doses, to be used as an adjuvant in humans.
•Mycobacterium and its components
Interestingly, Mycobacterium and its components, as originally formulated, were too toxic to be used as adjuvants in humans. However, the efforts to detoxify them resulted in the development of N-acetyl muramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine, or muramyl dipeptide (MDP). When given without antigen, it increased nonspecific resistance against infections with bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, and even against certain tumours (McLaughlin et al., 1980). However, MDPs are potent pyrogens (maybe that’s why they may be effective against certain tumours—my comment) and their action is not completely understood; hence they are not acceptable for use in humans.
•Cholera Toxin
A major drawback with cholera toxin as a mucosal adjuvant is its intrinsic toxicity.
Liposomes are particles made up of concentric lipid membranes containing phospholipids and other lipids in a bilayer configuration separated by aqueous compartments. They have been used parenterally in people as carriers of biologically active substances (Gregoriadis, 1976) and considered safe.
Immunostimulating complexes (ISCOMs)
ISCOMs (DeVries et al., 1988; Morein et al., 199&, Lovgren : al., 1991) represent an interesting approach to stimulation of the humoral and cell-mediated immune response towards amphipathic antigens. It is a relatively stable but non-covalently-bound complex of saponin adjuvant Quil-A, cholesterol and amphipathic antigen in a molar ratio of approximately 1:1:1. The spectrum of viral capsid antigens and non-viral amphipathic antigens of relevance for human vaccination, incorporated into ISCOMs, comprises influenza, measles, rabies, gp340 from EB-virus, gp120 from HIV, Plasmodium falciparum and Trypanosoma cruzi.
ISCOMs have been shown to induce cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL). Following oral administration, some types of CTLs were found in mesenteric lymph nodes and in the spleen, and specific IgA response could be induced.
ISCOMs have only been used in veterinary vaccines, partly due to their haemolytic activity and some local reactions all reflecting the detergent activity of the Quil-A molecule.
Other Adjuvants: Squalene
Squalene is an organic polymer with some antigenic epitopes which might be shared with other organic polymers acting as immunostimulators. It has been used in experimental vaccines since 1987 (Asa et aL, 2000) and it was used in the experiments vaccines given to a great number of the participants in the Gulf War. These included those who were not deployed but received the same vaccines as those who were deployed.
The adjuvant activity of non-ionic block copolymer surfactants was demonstrated when given with 2% squalene-in-water emulsion. However, this adjuvant contributed to the cascade of reactions called "Gulf War syndrome", documented in the soldiers involved in the Gulf War. The symptoms they developed included arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Raynaud’s phenomenon, Sjorgren’s syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, night sweats and low-grade fevers.
This long list of reactions shows just how much damage is done by vaccines, particularly when potentiated by powerful "immunoenhancers" such as squalene and other adjuvants. Interestingly, vaccinators as a rule consider such problems as mysterious and/or coincidental with vaccines. Since the administration of a multitude of vaccines to the participants (and prospective participants) in the Gulf War is well-documented (in fact, veterans claim they were given many more than were even recorded), this list of observed reactions further incriminates the vaccines as causing such problems.
To explain the action of adjuvants, we should look into immunology. The theory of vaccine efficacy is based on the ability of vaccines to evoke the formation of antibodies. This is of varying efficacy, depending on the nature of the antigen(s) and the amount of antigenic substance administered.
However, the mechanisms for the diversity of immune reactions are complex, and to this day are not quite known and understood. There are numerous theories, the favoured one being antibody response as the sign of immunisation (acquiring immunity).
Specific immunity to a particular disease is generally considered to be the result of two kinds of activity: the humoral antibody and the cellular sensitivity.
The ability to form antibodies develops partly in utero and partly after birth in the neonatal period. In either case, immunological competence—the ability to respond immunologically to an antigenic stimulus—appears to originate with the thymic activity.
The thymus initially consists largely of primitive cellular elements which become peripheralised to the lymph nodes and spleen. These cells give rise to lymphoid cells, resulting in the development of immunological competence. The thymus may also exert a second activity in producing a hormqne-lilce substance which is essential for the maturation of immunological competence in lymphoid cells. Such maturation also takes place by contact with thymus cells in the thymus.
Stimulation of the organism by antigen results in proliferation of cells of the lymphoid series accompanied by the formation of immunocytes, and this leads to the antibody production. Certain lymphocytes and possibly reticulum cells may be transformed into immunoblasts, which develop into immunologically active ("sensitised") lymphocytes and plasmocytes (plasma cells). Antibody formation is connected with plasma cells, while cellular immunity reactions are mainly lymphocytic.
None of the theories for antibody formation comprehends all the biological and chemical data now available. However, several principal theories have been considered at length.
The so-called instructive theory holds that the antigen is brought to the locus of antibody synthesis and there imposes in some way the synthesis of the specific antibody with reactive sites which are complementary to the antigen.
The clonal selection theory, evolved by Burnett (1960), presupposes that the information requisite to the synthesis of the antibody is part of the genetics. While the body develops a wide range of clones of cells necessary to cover all antigenic determinants by random mutation during early embryonic life, those clones which are capable of reacting with antigens of the body ("self’) are destroyed, leaving only those cells which are not oriented to self ("non-self’). Upon stimulation by a foreign antigen, the clones of the cells corresponding to the particular foreign antigen are stimulated to proliferate and to produce the antibody.
Other researchers demonstrated that there are at least four different antigens formed by descendants of a single cloned cell. By this mechanism, the information for antibody synthesis is contained in the genetic material of each cell (DNA) but is normally repressed. The antigen then assumes the role of a de-repressor and initiates (provokes) the RNA synthesis for a particular messenger, resulting in the corresponding antibody production. The antigen would instruct the genetically predisposed capability of multipotential cells as to which antibody to produce and might also command the cells to proliferate, resulting in clones of properly instructed cells.
There are two possible mechanisms for the elimination of antibodies against self: immunological nonresponsiveness and immunological paralysis. There are several states of immunological nonresponsiveness; one is illustrated by the exposure of a foetus or newborn to an antigen prior to the development of its ability to recognise the antigen as non-self (immunological incompetence). Immunological paralysis results from the injection of a very large amount of antigen into immunologically competent individuals. Nonspecific immunological suppression by cortisone, ACTH, nitrogen mustards and irradiation is also well known.
Cellular sensitivity, also known as delayed or cellular hypersensitivity, depends on the development of immunologically reactive or "sensitive" lymphocytes and possibly other cells which react with the corresponding antigen to give a typical delayed-type reaction after a period of several hours, days or even weeks.
Cellular hypersensitivity depends on the original antigenic stimulation and a latent period, and is specific in its response. Delayed-type hypersensitivity is characteristic of the body’s response to various infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, spirochetes and parasites. It is also characteristic of the body’s response to various chemicals, such as mercury, endotoxins, antibiotics, various drugs and many other substances foreign to the body.
The induction of a hypersensitivity reaction requires the presence in the tissues of the whole organism or certain derivatives of it, in addition to the specific antigen such as a lipid in addition to tubercle bacillus protein. Sensitisation to a non-infectious substance must be mediated through the skin or mucuous membranes which probably provide further necessary co-factors.
A delayed hypersensitivity reaction may be enhanced experimentally by the employment of the antigen in a mineral oil adjuvant with added Mycobacterium tuberculosis or by injection of the antigen directly into the lymphatics. The delayed hypersensitivity response is accompanied by mild to severe inflammation which may cause cell injury and necrosis. The inflammatory response which occurs in delayed-type hypersensitivity may not be protective, and in many instances may even be harmful (e.g., rejection of grafts is directly linked to delayed hypersensitivity).
Immediate Hypersensitivity
This is the antibody-type reaction that is a secondary consequence to the beneficial effect of the combination of an antibody with its antigen.
Arthus-type Reaction
This reaction results from the precipitative union of a large amount of antigen with a highly reactive antibody in the blood vessels, and leads to vascular damage. The cascade of events includes spastic contraction of the arterioles, endothelial damage, formation of leukocyte thrombi, exudation of fluid and blood cells into the tissues, and sometimes ischemic necrosis. Periarteritis nodosa results from a similar antigen-antibody reaction and is characterised by inflammation of the smaller arteries and periarterial structures. it is accompanied by proliferation of the intima and two types of occlusion: (a) by proliferation or thrombosis; or (b) by the formation of nodules containing neutrophils and eosinophils.
Injection of antigen and its combination with antibody may cause release from the cells (especially mast-cell fixed basophils) of physiologically active substances such as histamine, serotonin, acetyicholine, slow-reacting substances (SRS) and heparin. They act on smooth muscle and blood vessels and cause anaphylactic (hypersensitivity) shock, asthma attack, allergic oedema, rhinitis or hay fever, and accumulation of fluid in the joints.
Atopy is caused by the union of antigen—usually pollens, dust, milk, wheat and animal danders—with a peculiar type of antibody (reagin). This reaction is relatively heat-labile and cannot be demonstrated by in vitro procedure. It has a special affinity for the skin and for familial predisposition to the disease. The reaction is nevertheless similar to other immediate-type sensitivities, with the release of histamine and its manifestation principally as asthma (breathing paralysis), hay fever, urticaria, angioedema and infantile eczema.
Delayed Hypersensitivity
The typical pathology of delayed hypersensitivity due to infectious agents involves perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes and histiocytes with the destruction of the antigen-containing parenchyma in the infiltrated area. The visual manifestations may vary from slight erythema and oedema to a violent reaction with progressive tissue destruction and necrosis. Local reactions include papular rose spots of typhoid fever, meningitis and a variety of infectious diseases, and contact sensitivities to plant and chemical substances manifesting as erythema, followed by papule and vesicle formation with resultant tissue damage and desquamation. Systemic reactions may accompany severe local reactions or may result from inhalation of the allergenic substances.
Humoral antibodies do not seem to play a role in delayed hypersensitivity reaction. The reactivity is transferred only by cells, presumably sensitised lymphocytes, and it is unlikely that histamine or other physiologically active substances play a role in the reaction. The reaction extends to any or all tissues where the offending antigen may occur.
Isoimmunological Disease
This is the result of an immunological reaction of a member of the same species to the tissue of another member of the same species. A blood transfusion reaction in a person given an incompatible blood type is a typical example. Another example is erythroblastosis fetalis, which results from the transfer of antibodies against the red blood cells of the foetus to the foetal circulation. Homograft rejection of tissues or organs between nonisologous members of a species is also immunologically based.
Immunological Disease Resulting from Adsorption of Foreign Substances
Under certain circumstances, foreign substances such as medications may combine with cells to render them antigenic. Subsequent exposure to such a foreign substance results in lytic, agglutinative or other types of cell-destructive activity. Such a reaction may involve red blood cells (drug-induced anaemias), platelets (drug-induced thrombocytopemc purpura), and leukocytosis (drug-induced agranulocytosis).
Bacteria or viruses may also alter cell surfaces by coating or by unmasking antigens through enzymatic activity which may render them vulnerable to immunological destruction.
Autoimmune Disease
Under certain circumstances, the body may respond immunologically to its own components or to intrinsic substances which are related antigenically to the host’s own tissues. The circulating antibody or sensitised cells which are produced are then active in causing cellular injury to the tissues or organs of the body which bear the corresponding antigen.
Waksman (1962) proposed several mechanisms of autoimmunisation, such as:
1.Vaccination with organ-specific antigens which are isolated from the lymphatic channels and bloodstream and are not recognised as self when brought into contact with the immunologic process. They are represented in the central and peripheral nervous systems, lens, uvea, testes, thyroid (thyroglobulin), kidneys and other organs.
2.Vaccination against constituents of tissues which have been altered antigenetically by various factors. These include myocardial infarction, X-irradiation, enzymatic or other chemical alteration, and changes induced by infectious disease agents or by drugs. Erythrocytes, platelets and leucocytes are the most affected cells. Various organs may also be affected.
3.Vaccination with heterologous antigens which are sufficiently different to permit an immunological response but sufficiently alike to react with autologous antigens.
4.Alteration of the immunological apparatus so as to result in the failure of recognition of self. This occurs in neoplasia of the lymphatic system and in experimental grafting of immunologically competent heterologous lymphatic tissues under conditions which suppress the host’s response to the graft and give rise to the wasting "runt disease" or "homologous disease".
5.Possible hereditary or other immunological abnormality. This is represented by a hyper-reactivity to antigens or other aberrations without apparent antigenic stimulation. Such mechanisms might be related to certain forms of the "collagen diseases", such as systemic lupus erythematosus in which there is an antibody against a diversity of antigens.
6.Experimentally, Freund’s mineral oil adjuvant (usually with added mycobacteria) and certain bacteria or bacterial toxins may so alter the host as to bring about a ready response to unaltered normal homologous tissue. These "experimental autoallergies" include a wide variety of organs and tissues, and are now being employed as model systems for investigation of autoimmune phenomena.
Both humoral antibody and sensitised cells may function in autoimmune disease. Auto-antibodies seem to be involved in reactions with cells which are easily accessible, such as the formed elements of the blood (in haemolytic anaemia, leucopeni thrombocytopenia), vascular endothelium, vascular basement membrane including the glomerulus (in acute glomerulonephritis and ascites cells (neoplastic immunity).
Production of lesions in the solid vascularised tissues appears to depend on delayed hypersensitivity reactions with sensitised lymphoid cells (such as in allergic encephalomyeitis, thyroiditis, subacute and chronic glomerulonephritis, orchitis, adrenalitis and many other diseases).
It is quite obvious now that the same autoimmune mechanisms are responsible for the same diseases in human beings and that the extent of such damage is enormous and keeps increasing with more and more vaccines added to to "recommended" schedule.
Indeed, vaccines such as the pertussis vaccine are actually used to induce autoimmune diseases in laboratory animals, the best and most publicised example being the so-called experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). When, as expected, these unfortunate animals develop EAE from the pertussis vaccine, the causal link is never disputed; yet when babies after vaccination with the same vaccines develop the same symptoms of EAE as the laboratory animals, the causal link to the administered vaccine is always disputed and usually considered "coincidental". Lately, innocent parents and other carers have been accused of causing the symptoms of vaccine darn age by allegedly shaking their babies.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is one of the innumerable recognised side effects of a number of vaccinations. One of the best papers (if not the best on this is by Ayvazian and Badger (1948), and it has not lost any of its punch and relevance since it was published. They describe three cases of nurses who were literally vaccinated to death. The authors surveyed a group of 750 nurses who trained at a large municipal hospital between 1932 and 1946, and detailed the cases of three nurses who were vaccinated with a multitude of vaccines over a period of time and developed and succumbed to disseminated lupus erythematosus.
Typically, these nurses were given the following tests and vaccines in short succession: the Schick test; three days later, the Dick test; seven days later, typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine; seven days later, another typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine (a double dose); seven days later, the third typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine; and seven days later, the fourth typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine. Every time, the recipient developed local erythema and/or fever and malaise, but it did not deter the doctor from administering yet another series of vaccines, starting only 14 days after the first lot of tests and typhoid-paratyphoid vaccines.
This time, after all these injections, one of the trainee nurses was given her first injection of scarlet fever streptococcus toxin with "no ill results". One week later, she was given the second injection of streptococcus toxin, after which she developed joint pains and fever. She did not report these reactions to the health office. Nine days later, she returned and received the third injection of a fourfold dose of streptococcus, after which she developed severe arthralgia in the fingers and knees and a sore throat.
She was hospitalised for five days and discharged with the diagnosis "Dick-toxin reaction". Only five days later her inoculations were continued, first in lower and then in gradually increasing doses so that the series included a total of 10 instead of the usual seven injections. Epinephrine was administered with each of these injections of streptococcus toxin and toxin-antitoxin.
Two months after the last lot, the trainee nurse was re-admitted to the hospital with swelling and pain of the ankles and toes and tenderness of the joints of both hands, which had been constant since the first Dick test five months earlier. The diagnosis was "rheumatic arthritis". She was given aspirin, but two weeks later the pain came back and she developed chills and fever, sore throat and cough. One month later, the trainee nurse was re-admitted to hospital for two weeks, and during this admission a streptococcus vaccine was started in small doses, but because of her severe reaction "further vaccines were refused". The diagnosis after this admission was "rheumatoid arthritis and infectious mononucleosis". Four months later, the trainee nurse noticed skin eruptions over her nose and both cheeks, and her saliva became foul. The skin and cheeks, upper lips and the bridge of the nose were covered with purplish red, mottled and indurated rash eruptions. Two months later, the eruptions spread over much of the body. A year later, the trainee nurse died, but not before developing severe symptoms of high fever, tachycardia, diarrhoea and showing abnormal blood tests.
It was not enough that this unfortunate trainee nurse died; there were another two cases reported, almost identical to the first case. We shall never know bow many of the remaining 747 trainee nurses developed less lethal, but still health-incanacitating. reactions.
If someone said that this type of "medical treatment’ had been given to the inmates of the Nazi concentration camps, I would not be surprised. However, this type of "medical treatment" was and is being given with impunity to millions of babies, children, teenagers and adults in so-called free and democratic countries as well as in the Third World. Meanwhile, the health authorities refuse to accept that vaccines cause such reactions and even deaths.
The conclusions which follow the study of relevant medical and immunological literature dealing with vaccines and the adjuvants used in vaccines is that the absolute safety of these substances can never be guaranteed. According to Gupta et al. (1993), the toxicity of adjuvants can be ascribed in part to the unintended stimulation of various mechanisms of the immune response. That’s why the safety and adjuvancy must be balanced to get the maximum immune stimulation with minimum side effects.
My conclusion is that such balance is impossible to achieve, even if we fully understood the immune system and the full spectrum of deleterious effects of foreign antigens and other toxic substances such as vaccine and drug adjuvants and medications on the immune system of humans, and particularly on the immature immune system of babies and small children. Injecting any foreign substance straight into the bloodstream will only cause anaphylactic (sensitisation) reactions. Nature, over thousands and thousands of years, has developed effective immune responses; yet man, without respect for nature, demonstrably causes more harm than good.
Vaccination procedures are a highly politically motivated non-science, whose practitioners are only interested in injecting multitudes of vaccines without much interest or care as to their effects. Data collection on reactions to vaccines is only paid lip service, and the obvious ineffectiveness of vaccines to prevent diseases is glossed over.
The fact that natural infectious diseases have beneficial effect on the maturation and development of the immune system is ignored or deliberately suppressed.
Consequently, parents of small children and any potential recipients of vaccines and any orthodox medications should be wary of any member of the medical establishment (which is little more than a highly politicised business system) extolling the non-existent virtues of vaccination. Even though Australian law requires doctors to warn patients about all side-effects of all medications and procedures of a material nature, whether the patient asks or not, doctors as a rule do not uphold this important law.
References (in alphabetical order)
• Aprile, M.A. and Wardlaw, A.C., 1966. Aluminium compounds as adjuvants for vaccines and toxoids in man: A review Can. J. Public Health 57:343.
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You may find this interesting. The bill number for the health care bill is 3200, the gematria for "in the beginning G-d created" As you said in your article, they usually employ the exact opposite terms of what they truly intend. Therefore, section 1233 of the bill states their true goal. To ration healthcare, which will carry out their goal of eugenics. The gematria of 1233 happens to be "concealed of the concealed" a title for keter. Ie; their HIDDEN desire(hence it being in sec 1233) is to KILL.
Also, other interesting kabbalistic feautures are. Barrack hussein obama literally means in hebrew and arabic(funny that his 'middle' name is arabic, which would imply his true spiritual position is islamic/sufi)blessed handsome leader. Barrack also means lightening, and interestingly enough, his chief of staff(rahm emmanuel) who advises him(faculty of hearing) has a name that means thunder in hebrew. So in other words, barrack and rahm are bringing the storm ; thunder and lightening.
Good news this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solutions. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr ehiaguna a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from HSV (2), i had suffered from this diseases for the past 5 years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine Dr ehiaguna sent to me to drink for about 14 days . 3 days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested free from HSV. all thanks to God for leading me to Dr ehiaguna who was able to cure me completely from this deadly diseases, I’m sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr ehiaguna because I got to know him through elizabeth who he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don’t die in ignorance or silent and don’t let that illness take your life. Contact Dr ehiaguna through his emaildrehiaguna@gmail.com You can also whatsapp/call him on:+2348073908953 .He cure all forms of disease {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} BRAIN TUMOR {7} HEPATITIS {8}COPD{9} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.etc Be kind enough to share as you received.
I posted Jessica's comment above, but WITH CAUTION. I wanted to check out what this is about, and during my google search found repeated messages as above, with almost exactly the same wording, which means it is centrally promoted - probably by that same Dr ehiaguna. Meanwhile I found another natural ( naturopath?) doctor in L.A. who is doing the same thing, a Dr Sebi. They do have a following, and what they are doing is Alkaline Vegan diet. I have nothing against it, and it can be interesting, I don't know. I subscribed to their e-book, we shall see if there is something of value there - off hand an alkaline diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, I just don't know what exactly they are referring to. It seems to be some African cult or something of that nature, will need to check it out further. Just please don't believe every word of the comment above, it is clearly publicity; but sometimes you can learn something new even from publicity! So I will check out the alkaline diet further, B"H. My opinion.
Here, I found this from Dr. Mercola. Now HE is a reliable source of information:
But funny funny, now you have a MARY MORGAN saying the exact same words as the commenter above calling herself JESSICA MORGAN . This reeks of FRAUD! But glad to have found this article by DR. Mercola as a result.
By Dr. Mercola
..........see full text at the link above.......
Your immune system is your first-line defense against all types of infections, be they bacterial or viral, so the most effective way to prevent infectious illness....
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