A blog dedicated to investigating events as they occur in Judea and Samaria, in Israel and in the world, and as they relate to global powers and/or to the Israeli government, public figures, etc. It is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the headlines; and in so doing, it strives to do its part in saving Judea and Samaria, and by extension, Israel and the Jewish People, from utter destruction at the hands of its many external and internal enemies.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A sick baby and a beautiful Megillah. Please read

From my friend and neighbor, JUDY, who asked me to forward this: please read, see if you can do something about it.
Dear DS,
I see how busy you are with the political situation - keeping us all informed. 
You're doing great work...
However, I need your help.
A young couple living in Ma'aleh Chever, gave birth 8 months ago to a baby girl.
She is the third child in the family.
She was born with many health issues - namely, cleft palate and two holes in her
tiny heart.  
When she was two months old, the seizures began.
They were constant - and the mother/baby have been in and out of the hospital
all these months.
There are many more details and medical things I could tell you about - but that's not
the subject of this message.
The father is a learned person, certified by the Yeshivat HaMivtar as a scribe.  His work
is much praised and noted to be excellent.
Someone ordered from him a M'gella for Purim.
Being that he has been up at night taking care/sharing the care of the baby with his wife
and mother - he has been much behind in the 'parnassa' department.  The effort he put
in to this M'gella was great - as he had high hopes of finally being able to provide for the family before the Chaggim.
Now, for no reason, (as you saw from my previous message) the person decided not to
buy the M'gella.
Can you please post a plea to your blogs - Possibly there is someone who would like to buy a M'gella (a beautiful M'gella at that) and at the same time, save a family from poverty - a chance
at מתנות לאביונים ....
Believe me, if we could - even though we have a M'gella hand written - I would encourage M. to buy this one.
Can you help?

And this is what Judy herself received:

Hi Judy,

I hope this doesn't seem too much but I must ask you something.  My son has just come home and let me know that one of his Megillah's is for sale.  The person(s) who ordered it backed out (without seeing it and for their own personal reasons) so he has one for sale.  If you know of anyone who might be interested A. will be happy to bring it to them to show.  The cost is 2,500nis.  Please, not to worry if this isn't appropriate or too much trouble for you at this time as you have done so much already.  I just had to reach out and see as you just never know.

Ch. is still in the hospital.  I will keep in touch and again Todah Rabbah.

If you or somebody you know is interested in buying this Megillah, please let me know, and I'll forward the message to Judy. I am not sure if the family wants financial aid in addition, am waiting to hear from Judy re: that .

Thanks for your generosity.


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