Carl said:DS added:
Like I said, any monetary unit is only superficial or temporary until the chip becomes mandatory. That is their ultimate goaL [WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE GOAL OF THE JESUITS, IN CASE YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW THIS THREAD]. You won't convince anyone to give you goods in exchange for diamonds, rubies, gold, silver, etc. when all transactions will be made through the microchip. Money, credit cards, gold, etc. will be of no value. Even if people change their dollars for euros in foreign accounts, it would only do them good for a small lengthening of time. And sad to say, once a person agrees to receive the chip, you become property of the NWO, i.e. DOOMED.Carl
for those of you who think that this whole chip thing is pure insanity, imagination, paranoia, mental illness, "conspiracy theories", etc, please go back to the various articles and videos, such as this one
on the blog and elsewhere, which discuss this issue. To me, it also looks and sounds like pure insanity. But then again, we are dealing with an insane world, and evil rulers who have insane ideas.
So, decide for yourselves what you think about it, but only after watching the videos, and reading about it.
Carl commented:
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