From: Nadia & David Matar []
Subject: Scandal! Arab take-over house ערבים משתלטים על בית בחברון-כולנו מוחים -
At this time, Sunday March 2nd, 2008 Arabs are taking over a house in the 'Gibborim" (Heroes) outpost in Kiryat-Arba-Hevron.
Some years ago,the building was built by Arabs without permits or permission, i.e. yet another illegal Arab building. Since the "Battle of the Heroes", five years ago, the building has been empty.
As a Zionist reaction to the "Battle of the Heroes" waged in an alley and in which Arab terrorists killed twelve soldiers and Kiryat Arba security men , among them the army commander Dror Weinberg HY"D and the Kiryat Arba head of security Yitzhak Boanish HY"D, the youth of Kiryat Arba-Hevron set up a synagogue in the patio of that building.
The synagogue was uprooted many times by the security forces.
To our shock and horror, today, Arabs came and started building, closing down the patio with cement to make an additional room to the already illegal house! And instead of them being stopped by the authorities, the security forces (IDF and Israeli police) have received instructions to protect the Arabs and allow them to build!
It is simply u-n-a-c-c-e-p-t-a-b-l-e that at a place where Jews fell, killed by Arabs, the Arabs would be rewarded and allowed to build!!
Not to talk about the fact that over the past few days the Arabs are raising their heads and Jews have been targeted and attacked all over the country- in Sderot, Netivot, Ashkelon by Arab kassams- and on the roads in Judea and Samaria by Arab stonethrowers and molotov cocktails.
Instead of deterring the Arabs- the Olmert government is rewarding the Arab terrorists.
We must protest this insanity!
What can we do?
1) come tonite Sunday at 8:30pm to the Gibborim outpost in Kiryat Arba-Hevron and join the youth who will demonstrate there
2) Bombard with phones and faxes the office of the Machat (Commander in Chief in Hebron) whose name is Yehuda Fucks and demand he immediately stop the illegal and immoral Arab building at the site.
His phonenumber 02-9967200 his fax: 02-9967395
Our brother's blood is crying out from the earth.
We cannot stay quiet!
Nadia Matar
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