A blog dedicated to investigating events as they occur in Judea and Samaria, in Israel and in the world, and as they relate to global powers and/or to the Israeli government, public figures, etc. It is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the headlines; and in so doing, it strives to do its part in saving Judea and Samaria, and by extension, Israel and the Jewish People, from utter destruction at the hands of its many external and internal enemies.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Another look at Obama's very own responsibility in "ramping" up antisemitism. Maybe we should ask WHO decided to turn him into an "ETROG", an illegal one at that, knowing full well what he would unleash once in power.

bill sent this.

Limbaugh: Obama Ramps Up Hate Against Jews

Sunday, June 14, 2009 9:52 PM


America's top radio talker says President Obama is "ramping up" hatred toward Israel and is creating an atmosphere conducive to anti-Semitism.

Rush Limbaugh, who has been as staunch supporter of Israel since his nationally syndicated show began broadcasting in the 1980s, used his radio last week to slam Obama for his recent speech in Cairo.

Limbaugh said Obama was creating "a moral parallel between the mass murder of 6 million Jews and the Palestinians."

Limbaugh warned that Obama's speech in early June to an audience in Cairo, Egypt, will end up "ramping up hatred for Israel" here in the U.S. and around the globe.

Limbaugh specifically noted Obama's comments in which he compared the killing of 6 million Jews to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.

Limbaugh says Obama's speech "diminishes the horror that was the Holocaust."

"When you tell the world that what is happening in Gaza, that the Israelis are doing something identical to what the Germans did to them in eliminating 6 million of them, then you're desensitizing everybody to the Holocaust and you are ramping up hatred for Israel, you are ramping up hatred for Jewish people. It is coming from the Obama administration."

Limbaugh suggested that Obama's views are not surprising.

"Obama runs in a very sick circle," Limbaugh said. "He listened to [the Rev.] Jeremiah Wright's anti-Jew, anti-American sermons for 20 years."

The Rev. Wright was Obama's pastor and the man Obama claims brought him to Christianity after being raised as a Muslim.

Rush continued: "This friend of his, this [Rashid] Khalidi guy, another one, radical Palestinian, very anti-Semitic, now a professor at Columbia. He is an Obama buddy."

Khalidi is an American born Palestinian born who has been a sharp critic of Israel. He once said that the creation of the state of Israel caused "the uprooting of the world's oldest and most secure Jewish communities, which had found in the Arab lands a tolerance that, albeit imperfect, was nonexistent in the often genocidal, Jew-hating Christian West."

In 2003, Barack Obama attended a dinner honoring the Columbia university professor.

Limbaugh believes Obama's decision to alienate American Jews is not an accident.

"You see, President Obama is using race as he did in his selection of his first Supreme Court nominee," Limbaugh said, continuing, "He is dividing this nation in every way possible. That is the tactic of an authoritarian. It is the tactic of the statist. He is opening dialogue with Iran. Iran is run by Jew-hating nut jobs who deny the Holocaust, yet they insist on unleashing another one. While denying the Holocaust, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to whom Barack Obama wants to speak without preconditions, is promising another Holocaust."

Limbaugh continued: "What message does that send throughout the nation and the world, when we are willing to sit down and talk without preconditions to somebody who has sworn numerous times to wipe out Israel? The anti-Jew rhetoric in this country today comes from the American left and from the circle of people that are close to Barack Obama. ..."

Limbaugh slammed Obama for "comparing the Holocaust to what's happening in Gaza. That creates a moral parallel between the mass murder of 6 million Jews and the Palestinians. That also diminishes the horror that was the Holocaust. When you tell the world that what is happening in Gaza, that the Israelis are doing something identical to what the Germans did to them in eliminating 6 million of them, then you're desensitizing everybody to the Holocaust and you are ramping up hatred for Israel, you are ramping up hatred for Jewish people. It is coming from the Obama administration.


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