A blog dedicated to investigating events as they occur in Judea and Samaria, in Israel and in the world, and as they relate to global powers and/or to the Israeli government, public figures, etc. It is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the headlines; and in so doing, it strives to do its part in saving Judea and Samaria, and by extension, Israel and the Jewish People, from utter destruction at the hands of its many external and internal enemies.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In case you didn't see Barry 's last column. Quite informative, as usual. Here are the main points.

                                                                        HELLO GAZA - WE'RE BACK by Barry Chamish

      America's Jews are doing nothing to stand up for Israel in its war in Gaza. While Hamas can gather crowds in the thousands worldwide to protest the invasion, American Jews do nothing to publicly stand with Israel. I mean nothing. Nada. Bubkis. Kloom. Gournischt. And I think I have a clue why.
      Let it be said that I accurately predicted this war in my book Bye Bye Gaza.
      If anyone with power had ever been affected by the book, Israel would have nipped the Gazan killing machine in the bud years ago, Jews wouldn't have been removed from Gush Katif,
Israelis could sleep at night without worrying that their family could be annihilated by missiles, and the Israeli army wouldn't have to kill by the bushel to legitimately secure their nation.
      And as this war continues and as hundreds of thousands of Israelis cower before rockets, without credit, my thoughts about this war, in two cases my writing word for word, are being published by the mainstream Israeli media.  ie Who but me has been harping for years about Defence Minister Ehud Barak's deliberate murder of religious Jews during the Lebanon War of 1982? Now, with wartime journalism letting the anger of Israelis actually reveal itself, my oft-reviled thinking is rearing its accurate head:  

Tzvi ben Gedalyahu writes at Arutz Sheva

On the way up, Barak was in command of soldiers fighting in Lebanon a quarter century ago. One group of soldiers he commanded was a unit of religiously observant Jews. He had them advance into the pass near Sultan Yukub, where Arab forces were waiting to ambush them, and where 23 of our kids died as a result. It is widely believed that he knew of the presence of the Arab soldiers and was willing to see religious Jews die - that way they could not father kids who would vote against someone like Barak - or vote against Barak themselves.

American Jews

       One night a few weeks ago, I watched a tv game show called Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader. That night, a kippa-wearing rabbi was a contestant, so I paid special attention to the game. I had previously seen numerous Christian clergy and lay people play for their causes and now it was the Jews' turn to play for our charities. But when the host asked Rabbi Rick Brody what he would do with his winnings, he answered, "I'm going to buy a hybrid car." The host was not expecting such a selfish wish, so he asked the same question again. This time the rabbi answered, "I'm going to take my family to Israel." The host did NOT like this egocentric answer and again asked, "What else will you do with your winnings?" Finally the rabbi replied that, with presumably the remaining cash, he'd use it for his synagogue."
        I cringed in shame, literally, really, cringed. Did all of America have to witness this display of rabbinic greed? I wondered how many people saw this rabbi putting personal material gain over his theological obligations and thought, Bernard Maidoff.
       As the game progressed, things only deteriorated. The rabbi's egomania was so obvious, that he entered his answers before the host could explain the rules to him, and more important still, to his viewers. It all caught up with the rabbi when he lost $150,000 by pressing the answer button just before the host was going to explain that he had the option of taking the money if he didn't answer. The humiliated rabbi left the show with not enough after taxes to get his hybrid. Ah, the impoverished rabbis of America!
       I switched channels assuming I'd never think about the show again. But my existence is never so straight forward. The next day a reader named Batya called me from West Covina, CA, and talked about her rabbi embarrassing himself on a game show. Her take was divine revenge for arrogance. On Yom Kippur, she walked out of his services when Rabbi Brody used the holiest day of the Jewish calendar to boast that he was going to conduct a homosexual marriage in his synagogue. To Batya, using Yom Kippur to brag about disobeying a Torah commandment all caught up with him on the game show.
       Whether this was a case of God putting a stop to an immoral hybrid sale or not, I had the website of the rabbi's synagogue and I wrote the board expressing my belief that their rabbi was a symptom of all that is wrong with Conservative Judaism, why it no longer attracts the children of the members to their synagogues, and why American Jews have lost their moral ways to materialism. I received two replies, but the one from board member Sol Pavlovsky was vicious, ending with, my thinking will cause another Holocaust.
       I have tried to stimulate the Jews of America to think differently about Israel, but only the Orthodox have invited me to their synagogues to lecture. The other 5/6 of American Jewry will fight to their last breath for their lifestyle choices. And ultimately, forgetting their silly fundraisers, they will defend only themselves.
      Israel, in the terrifying criminal mess it's in, be damned.


And yet, with most American Jews tied to their richest and most corrupt unelected leaders, my research is unknown to and unwanted by them. But I'm alive and kicking in the wild, wonderful world of thinking gentiles. Go to:  Press Listen Online
      This is the radio site of the well considered journalist, Dr. Stan Monteith. On it you can hear me and the cutting edge analyst Joel Skousen. For Israelis, you may have seen him speak at the 2nd Rabin Truth Conference in Jerusalem a few years back. He made a deep impression on the assembled. And now let him make a similar impression on those who weren't lucky enough to see him. We'll see you at the end of the article. Bye for now:

Gaza: Hotbed of Terror and How it Got That Way
Bush Pardons
Bailout Crimes
Government Revolving Door
Russia Provokes a Crisis Between Ukraine and Europe
In foreign affairs things are never as they seem. In the
current Israel-Gaza conflict, it isn't as simple as "they fired
rockets at Israel and Israel is attacking in self-defense." The
larger question is how did those thousands of rockets get
into Gaza—an enclave supposedly cut off from all the world
by rigorous checkpoints? Yes, some crude short range
rockets are built inside Gaza, but all the parts and explosives
have to be brought in, as well as the larger, medium range
rockets of Russia design, now being manufactured in North
Korea, Iran and around the world. All these weapons are
imported through a myriad of tunnels that run under the
Egyptian-Gaza border. Egypt knows this and looks the
other way. Israeli intelligence also has eyes and ears all
over Gaza and knows this too, but doesn't act until it's too
late. Why? To understand what's really going on inside
Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and the whole Middle East, you
have to understand the secret back room deals that the US
and Israel have made with the various Palestinian factions.
You have to see who is funding and backing the
belligerents, and who has the real power to call the shots.
We will never know all that is going on behind the scenes
but this week I'll help you sort out the fact from the fiction.
First, some background: I've delayed covering the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict in any detail because it is so convoluted
and complex. Now that we have a major flare up going on in
Gaza, it's time to set the record straight—not an easy task.
Sorting out all the details would take several books. I only
have the space to give my readers an overview.
There are two major opposing points of view on Israel
floating around America, neither of which is fully true.
Each uses part of the truth to cover for numerous distortions.
The most prominent is the establishment point of view
adhered to by all the major US Israeli lobbies, and the most
conservative Christian Churches, especially the megaministries
run by John Hagee and Rick Warren and others—
that Israel is fulfilling God's Biblical mandate as a
homeland for the Jews and is only acting in self-defense
against Arab attacks—and is therefore worthy of our
unconditional support.
The second view holds that the entire creation of Israel was
a Zionist plot and that those same Zionist Jews have used
ignorant Christian support to help conspiring Jews to gain
control over all Western governments, which now threatens
the freedom of the entire world. Naturally, the various pro-
Israeli and Christian lobbies label this view as
conspiratorial, extremist and anti-Semitic.
The first PRO-ISRAEL view errs NOT in its allegiance to
the Bible's prophetic mandate for a homeland for Israel, but
in viewing the government of Israel as the legitimate
implementation of that divine mandate. It is not. In fact,
honest Jewish and Christian supporters of Israel have been
deceived about this, just as American conservatives were
deceived into believing that George W. Bush was a
Christian and conservative. In point of fact, the various
governments of Israel since Menachem Begin have only
been playing the role of "Israel first." Begin was the last of
the Israeli Prime Ministers actually fighting for Israel's
interests. Each subsequent Israeli government, even though
falsely labeled as "right wing" has made many secret
agreements with Yasser Arafat and other terrorists and have
entered into conspiratorial combinations with various
globalists forces in Europe and America to undermine
Israel's security and set her up for an international takeover.
The Vatican has also played a role in these behind the
scenes plots to further international control, as a means of
securing its vested interests to claimed historical property.
The Second ZIONIST view and its errors are more complex
to explain. This view rightly makes the case that there is a
conspiracy involved in all of this, but it fails to recognize
that it is more complex than a simple Jewish conspiracy for
power. That claim doesn't even come close to explaining
the historical origins of the Marxist Jews who started this
nor the allegiance of those running the current crisis. There
are two forms of Zionism, almost diametrically opposed to
one another—a) the original Torah based religious fervor,
longing for a homeland (proper and non-violent)—and (b)
the hijacked Marxist version of Zionism (violent and
predatory) that dominated the early Zionist leaders who
actually had power in Israel during the 1948 war for
That Marxist version of Zionism was later hijacked by the
NWO globalists, so this wasn't a purely Jewish conspiracy
at all, even though there have been many Jews involved at
various levels. These Jews did not join nor conspire
because of their Jewishness, nor because they cared a whit
about Jewish religion (most are atheists and despise
orthodoxy Judaism). They are brought into the globalist
halls of secret power because they are smart and ruthless
hirelings that naturally gravitate to the centers of finance
and world power. These have no allegiance whatsoever to
any Godly mandate for the land of Israel. One need only
observe their constant betrayal of Israel's religious
settlers—the beleaguered minority of honest religious
Jews—to see their true colors. I'm not talking about the
orthodox religious parties like Shas whose leaders are not
honest and that betray the principles of the Torah. These
religious leaders have become corrupted by making one deal
after another with corrupt coalition governments in
exchange for financial support—mostly of their religious
It is my considered opinion that Jews represent only a
minority of the very top leaders (which, except for the
Rothschilds, are hidden from public view). They do
predominate, however, at the second level, because they are
such effective handlers of puppet presidents and kings—
Henry Kissinger being one of the prime examples.
Israel is being supported unconditionally by the globalists
because it is an engine for conflict creation, and because
America's knee-jerk sense of defense for Israel effectively
guarantees monetary and military support for Israel no
matter how egregious its crimes against civilians. Israel is
also a major source of black operations through its
Mossad—whether that be targeted assassinations of world
leaders, or black arms shipments to controlled terrorists
around the world. There is a seamless relationship between
our CIA and the Mossad. The Mossad often does the CIA's
dirty work so that if caught the US has "plausible
deniability." Israel is also used as a back channel to funnel
sophisticated weapons technology to the West's future
enemies like Russia and China.
That is why, when you see inside the secret deals they have
been making with the Arab factions and leaders, there is no
intent to ever have peace—only the continuation of secret
monetary and military support for the most radical elements
of the Moslem Brotherhood. These deals are recipes for
conflict and will never lead to peace. In fact, it is the
continual lack of peace that drives the useless concessions
that Israel keeps making.
The media plays a very special role on both sides of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It always gives positive
coverage to the peace initiatives of the international
community, especially the Camp David variety—lots of
show, but filled with secret deals the public is never allowed
to see. The media also appears to be acting contrary to
Israel by always playing up the amount of civilian damage
Israel commits upon innocent Palestinians during their
retaliatory attacks in Gaza or the West Bank. This is done
in part because the media can't get access to Palestinian
areas unless they play the pro-Palestinian role. But its real
purpose is to keep the opposing forces somewhat balanced
so that violence in the Middle East rises like a never-ending
crescendo. That's the real reason why the US always gives
an equal amount of foreign aid to Israel's enemies in Egypt
as it does to Israel.
International intrigue has always made the conflict worse.
For much of their history together, common Israelis and
Palestinians have traded amicably with each other and got
along fairly well together. But now, due to constant and
heavy-handed crackdowns by the Israeli government and
their adoption of US style air power attacks, which destroys
a lot of property and kills or wounds hundreds of civilians,
Arab hostility toward everything Israeli is at a fever pitch.
This growing hostility is easily exacerbated by radical Arab
propagandists in schools and on television, but the real
culprit are the Arab and Israeli leaders who are both fronting
for larger conspirators who have anything but peace on their
Historically, the Arabs have been funded, trained and
controlled by the Russians—who still have a strong
presence in Syria, Egypt, and Iran. But now placing the
blame is not so clear cut. The US and British globalist
governments play both sides of the street. They fund
terrorism and fight terror (half-heartedly) so as to ensure
there are plenty of excuses to intervene and control other
nations and the Israeli and US populations. Even now,
Arabs are still being armed and funded by Russia using its
surrogates in Egypt and Syria. That is why Hamas has been
able to maintain its arms pipeline through its tunnel system
on the Egyptian Gaza border. These are not crawling type
tunnels, but tunnels big enough to drive trucks through.
Don't be deceived by the appearance of a crackdown by
Egyptian police on Gaza protestors. This is merely a token
show of force to make it appear as if Egypt is not complicit
in preserving these tunnels.
The US and Israel also tolerate this black market arms
traffic—as well as the normal smuggling of food, and
household goods that is typical of a restricted border area.
The US and Israelis also ship arms and ammunition directly
to "police" forces in Gaza and the West Bank during periods
of truce—and the public wonders why terror never stops.
The Israelis lie to their people about everything. They say
they don't negotiate with terror when they do all the time.
They say they never release prisoners for hostages, but they
do by the hundreds. They even have betrayed their own
soldiers to Arab ambushes or attacks in order to justify
larger wars. The Israelis set up Yasser Arafat's secret bank
accounts in Switzerland (through Marc Rich and others).
One of the reasons the globalists never do root out terrorism
in Gaza is that it leaves the world with a continual
expectation that Israel should make some new concession to
achieve peace. That's been the rationale for all the latest
releases of prisoners. But, most of these prisoners just go
back into the ranks of the Hamas fighters.
The US trains Palestinians in the US in ways that defy
reason—unless you understand the globalist conflict
creation motives. Security forces from Palestine have been
given terrorist training by the CIA (under the false guise of
"counter-terror") at their so-called "farm" in Virginia. But
how is teaching Palestinian security forces the nuances of
bomb building and detonation a counter-terrorist exercise?
It can go both ways, and it always goes toward terror—not
counter-terror. This CIA relationship began in earnest
during the secret accords of the Oslo agreement back in the
1990s and have continued after every temporary "peace
deal" brokered by the Israeli government, with collusion of
the US.
A Note on Sources: Barry Chamish is one of the best
sources for private intel on Israel. He is Jewish and now
lives in America out of fear for his life in Israel.
is another, though you have to be careful with Debka. Giora
Shamis, Debka's principal and publisher told me he gets
almost all his information from government sources and
doesn't always have the resources to check them out. Thus,
a fairly good percentage of his specific tips and projections
don't come true or are wrong. He is, I believe, on the side
of Israel and provides some useful analysis from time to
Barry Chamish is much more savvy overall because he
understands the globalist conspiracy and the complete
corruption of all the major political parties in the Knesset.
He isn't afraid to talk about it either. Chamish, because of
his courageous effort to alert the Israeli people to the
government's role in the assassination of PM Yitzak Rabin,
is often the recipient of whistleblower information out of
Israel. He takes it with a grain of salt, and always checks it
against everything else he knows. I've known Chamish for
years and generally trust his gut feelings when he feels like
something has the ring of truth. Here is a recent sampling
[my comments and clarifications in brackets].
"In the late '90s, my work on the Rabin murder was a
serious discussion topic in certain circles in Israel. One
night I was at a very sabra [Second generation Israelis who
fought in the '48 war of Independence
] party in Jerusalem
when a man in his thirties, well wined_up, started a
conversation with me. He claimed he worked for
the gentleman continued with a story he claimed to have
partially witnessed that made perfect sense. It concerned
Defense Minister Rabin in the late '80s:
"Rabin wanted Israel out of Lebanon [because of secret US
pressure–knowing that getting Israel out of South Lebanon
would make Israel much more vulnerable to future rocket
attacks by Hizbullah, for conflict creation purposes
] but the
Lebanese government was too unstable to cut an agreement
with. The Shiites under Hezbullah were forcing Israel out of
Lebanon with a very demoralizing murder campaign against
the army and he had to deal with them to make any
agreement stick. He insisted on a thin security zone along
the border to prevent [no--provide some tiny buffer] armed
attacks on Israeli territory, but he was willing to pull out of
the rest of the country. But his zone was no good against
Katyusha rockets or artillery shells flying over it [which is
precisely what happened in the 2007 war with Hezbullah
"'He ended up with a secret deal with Hezbullah and pulled
out of Lebanon in stages to test whether they'd keep it.
Rabin realized he couldn't demand a full cessation of rocket
or artillery attacks against Israel. But he could make them
more acceptable if there was only one target, that being
Kiryat Shmoneh.'
"To guide the unacquainted. You drive north from Tiberius,
which is below sea level and climb a steep road. You look
back and see the the Puddle Of Galilee [because the Israeli
government stupidly gave up water rights from border
mountains that feed the lake
] and imagine the day you can
finally walk across the whole lake, perhaps in five or six
years. You now have reached the top of the climb and you
turn right. You pass the lovely Bohemian_style town of
Rosh Pina, the famous archeological site of Tel Khatzor
until you finally arrive at a town of 15,000, resting on a
mountain, Kiryat Shmoneh.
"'Kiryat Shmoneh is 90% Sephardi and 85% of them are
Moroccan. To the establishment, that made the town
expendable. As Defense Minister, Rabin's first duty was to
protect the Ashkenazi Labor/ left kibbutzim [the Kibbutzim
were a product of the original Marxist Jews who led Israel
in the 1920-1940s. The predatory labor monopoly of
Histradrut is also a relic of this era
] around Kiryat
Shmoneh, and the Ashkenazi towns along the border. If you
want to know the safest places to live in the country they are
Metulla, Rosh HaNikra, or Naharia. Rabin's deal means
Hezbullah won't touch them.'[note how these agreements
are a combination of elements that help Rabin to sell it to
the pro-defense elements of his government, and yet
effectively gut any real security. Thus, when Hezbullah
finally decided the time was ripe for an attack, Israel is
always vulnerable
"Call it a one, albeit likely, source, or call it rumor
mongering, but this item spread throughout the country. I
met the most unlikely people espousing it back to me. It
caught on because it fits reality so perfectly [That's
Chamish checking to see if it matches all the other intel he
receives plus the actual history of what happened later—
and it does match
]. In fact, Hezbullah kept its word for
almost 20 years until the second Lebanon War broke out in
2006 [when the Russians via the Iranians and Syrians gave
Hezbullah the permission to start the war
That said, another rumor has arrived, from a likely source.
Temporarily gone are the days when I could meet Israelis at
parties or they could meet me anywhere with information.
For the time being, I rely mostly on electricity for anyone to
communicate with me [Because Chamish had to flee to
America to avoid the regular efforts of Israeli black
operations to get him involved in an "accident.
"]. I quote
[Note that Chamish's source rarely understand the full
import or the conspiratorial issues involved in what they tell
"'...Sharon thought the PA would keep the peace in Gaza
after he evacuated the Jews from there [Not at all. Sharon
was a globalist conspirator and knew that the Jews were
being removed, first as a major betrayal of the religious and
patriotic Jewish community, and second because it would
give the Palestinian terrorists a free hand in Gaza without
Israeli army interference. Without anymore Jews in Gaza,
the army had no "defending the Jews" excuse to stay. The
Israeli controlled road to the former Jewish settlements cut
Gaza in half at the waist and heavily restricted the
terrorist's ability to transport weapons coming into the
south from Egypt up to Northern Gaza where the rockets
are launched
]. Hamas taking over ruined his plan. When
they started pounding Israel with crude rockets, the defense
establishment wanted to go back into Gaza and stop the
attacks [The Israeli IDF is mostly patriotic and tries to do
the right thing. It's the Defense Minister, a political
appointee, that is there to stop them, or often to stop short of
full victory
]. But the Bush administration went ape. That
would stop their hopeless peace plans. They ordered Sharon
and his Defense Ministry never to threaten the Hamas
government militarily. The Pentagon gave Israel tiny border
areas where the military could operate and outright banned
any operation that could change the status quo and stop the
"'Sharon was forced [no, he was a willing accomplice] to
enter into secret negotiations with Hamas to hammer out the
rules of engagement. His number one concern was
Ashkelon. It is Israel's fourth largest city and nearly
impossible for rockets to miss from Gaza. And more
frightening, the city has a broad political and national
population. Something had to be sacrificed to save
Ashkelon, and that something was Sderot, a mostly
Moroccan town [the city that is the subject of most of the
rocket attacks
"The way I've been hearing it, Israel agreed not to fight a
war in Gaza that would end in a regime change. Hamas
could shoot as many rockets as it wanted, on condition that
they miss their targets [Hamas had to fire rockets to keep up
its hard-core image among its radical fighters]. In short, the
deal was 'don't mass kill Jews and we'll keep you in power.'
Most rockets would be aimed at Sderot, or the desert. It was
permitted to do damage there. But Ashkelon, and especially
its power station, were to remain no_hit zones. In return,
Israel offered an insurance policy. It will not prepare its
people for a war against Gaza by refitting public or school
bomb shelters, distribute gas masks and the like [Israel has
gone further than that in taking away people's gas masks
and weapons—especially in the most right-wing religious
]. Israel is being held captive by Hamas and the
"'Hamas broke the deal once last May when Bush was in
Jerusalem. They slammed a Katyusha into a shopping mall,
maiming over a dozen. But otherwise, in a city as large as
Ashkelon, the rockets always find 'open areas' to land in. If
Hamas wanted to, it could aim at crowded football games,
fairs, gatherings, just name wherever people gather. And if
Israel wanted to, it could pound Gaza militarily and oust
Hamas. But the way I've been told, there's a deal floating
out there and neither side will break it.'"
There are such secret deals, and they are used to have an
excuse to reign in the IDF so they don't go in and eliminate
real terror—which is the only solution that would lead to
peace (as long as you also gave both Israel and the
Palestinians their liberty under a fair system of law). But
neither the radical Arab leaders nor the globalist Israeli
politicians want liberty or peace. And, there will be no
peace because they want control, and war gives them the
excuse and power to control both sides.
As Akiva Eldar of Haaretz put it, "The only way to kick
Hamas out of Gaza is to put the enclave under IDF martial
law and a civil administration [true, if that administration
were fair
]. In other words, to disengage from the
disengagement. In any case, someone will have to take
responsibility for the fate of a million and a half human
beings. It is doubtful whether the Palestinian Authority
under Mahmoud Abbas will want to rule over Gaza and be
portrayed as a 'collaborator' with Israel. Even if it does, it is
doubtful the PA will be able to stop the rocket fire at Israel.
Still, Abbas' position will improve if it is he who mediates
the next cease-fire. An Israeli occupation of Gaza without a
scaling down of the occupation in the West Bank and
progress in the peace process are likely to further weaken
Abbas' already weak position and his efforts to compromise
Hamas' standing in the West Bank."
We mustn't underestimate the difficulties which make the
Gaza strip totally unworkable as an independent state. It is a
true ghetto that is a near complete welfare state. Sara Roy's
description is appalling: "The overwhelming majority of
Gazans are impoverished and officially 49.1 per cent are
unemployed. On 5 November the Israeli government sealed
all the ways into and out of Gaza. Food, medicine, fuel,
parts for water and sanitation systems, fertilizer, plastic
sheeting, phones, paper, glue, shoes and even teacups are no
longer getting through in sufficient quantities or at all [Gaza
is nowhere near self-sufficient in basic commodities
]. The
two main food providers in Gaza are the UN Relief and
Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
(UNRWA) and the World Food Program (WFP). UNRWA
alone feeds approximately 750,000 people in Gaza, and
requires 15 trucks of food daily to do so... most of the
people who get food aid are entirely dependent on it. The
majority of commercial bakeries in Gaza –– 30 out of 47 ––
have had to close because they have run out of cooking gas.
People are using any fuel they can find to cook with.
Shortages of gas and animal feed have forced commercial
producers to smother hundreds of thousands of chicks. By
April, according to the FAO, there will be no poultry there
at all: 70 per cent of Gazans rely on chicken as a major
source of protein. Banks, suffering from Israeli restrictions
on the transfer of banknotes into the territory were forced to
close on 4 December... The World Bank has warned that
Gaza's banking system could collapse if these restrictions
continue. All cash for work program has been stopped and
on 19 November UNRWA suspended its cash assistance
program to the most needy. It also ceased production of
textbooks because there is no paper, ink or glue in Gaza."
Most of the direct aid is channeled through Hamas, which
benefits politically as the "provider" of the people. Hamas
gets its money from a combination of the EU, Socialist
International [Communist Front], Egypt and Iran. It can
never be independent of international aid, fuel, money, and
energy. The real reason the globalist community is pushing
to making it an "independent" state is that it can never be
independent of globalist control and welfare—hence it
enhances globalist control inroads into the region.
The Political motives: I've just covered the larger issues
that you won't get elsewhere. There are, of course, lesser
corruption and political conspiracies that operate
simultaneously with the globalist agenda. These often get
into the press, because they think greed explains everything.
Israeli politicians acts as if they hate each other (sometimes
true), but in reality, they collaborate on many things that are
not good for the country. Only a few at the top fully
understand the control system that works on all major
As a review for new subscribers, keep in mind that the
Labor party represents the old Left/Marxist elements in
Israel. Its support is getting smaller every year since the
PTB in Israel have agreed that a phony Right-wing agenda
is much more effective at controlling the majority (who are
interested in a successful economy and a proper defense).
The Likud party represents the establishment "Right-
Wing" and is led by Kissinger-protege Benjamin
Netanyahu. It long ago abandoned the true Right and the
patriotic settlers that originally supported it and, like the
American Republican Party, is now merely a front for the
globalists. But, it always keeps playing to the far right so as
to corrupt its Right-wing constituents into unwise
compromises and to position itself to accept the inevitable
electoral backlash that comes when the current center-Right
(actually Left) government gets into trouble. The Kadima
is a breakaway party from Likud that formed when
Likud's globalist/leftist leader Arial Sharon could no longer
keep up his front as a Right-wing leader. He refused to
form a coalition government with small parties further to the
Right. Even though these religious parties can usually be
bought by benefits for their religious schools and churches,
they had tired of Sharon's constant betrayals. Ehud Olmert,
Sharon's successor in Kadima (after Sharon's incapacitating
stroke), lost popular support after the disastrous failure of
the Lebanon war with Hezbullah and because of his
involvement in numerous corruption scandals. All the top
leaders are corrupt. Only some get caught.
The current PM is a woman, Tzipi Livni, is very ambitious
and unprincipled. She is locked into a political struggle in
the upcoming elections with Defense Minister Ehud Barak
(the former Leftist PM from Labor Party). Barak's political
popularity had been very low due to the appeasement
defense policies of Olmert, of which he shared the blame.
Suddenly, his stock is rising with his hard line response to
Hamas in the Gaza attacks—but all that will turn to dust
when another secret deal is made with Hamas to again
protect the terrorists for another fight later on. Thus, at
least part of what is going on in Gaza is to refurbish
Barack's and Livni's image.
Haaretz correspondent Yossi Verter filed this report: "Two
months after Ehud Olmert was elected as Israel's prime
minister, the Second Lebanon War broke out. Two months
before Olmert departs, the military campaign in the south
breaks out. But Olmert isn't the story here; he's on his way
to the Prime Minister's Bureau pensioners' ward. Ehud
Barak is the story here. The man who, until yesterday, had
to remind the Israeli voter of his existence with self-ridicule
on billboards and satirical shows is returning to the political
ring with force. In the coming days, weeks maybe, Barak
will stand in the center of the public's attention. For better or
worse, he's in his element. The beginning of the raid in Gaza
bears the wily and deceptive fingerprint of Barak, the Israel
Defense Forces most highly decorated combat soldier
[based upon fraud—his military cowardice was covered up
to make way for his political career
]. This does not make
him the most suitable candidate for the premiership, but it
may deliver him and his party from the humiliating defeat
the polls are predicting.
"If, by the end of the operation, the general sentiment will
be that Israel has once again failed to meet its goals, if
rockets continue to land and Gilad Shalit remain captive, the
public will turn their anger at Barak and Foreign Minister
Tzipi Livni and power will drop like a ripe fruit into
Benjamin Netanyahu's lap [That is why this globalist has
positioned himself to the Right, and why the US is
pressuring the IDF to cease the operation before a successful
IPS wrote that "Formally, the Israeli-Palestinian 'peace
process' appears set to continue, in line with the last UN
Security Council (UNSC) resolution. But the chances of
finding a resolution are virtually nil in light of Israel's new
campaign against the Gaza Strip. 'Even before Israel's latest
bombardment of Gaza, the so-called peace process was
dead,' Magdi Hussein, secretary-general of Egypt's Islamistleaning
Labor Party (officially frozen since 2000)... On
Saturday (Dec. 27), Israel began a series of punishing air
strikes throughout the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by
Palestinian resistance faction Hamas. According to Israeli
officials, the campaign comes in retaliation for rockets fired
at Israel by Palestinian resistance factions... The current
round of negotiations began in November 2007 with a peace
summit in Annapolis in Maryland... The Annapolis summit
was followed by a series of negotiations between Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority
President Mahmoud Abbas. The PA rules the West Bank.
Up until this point, however, Abbas's frequent talks with his
Israeli counterpart have failed to bring any gains to the
Palestinian side, with Israel continuing to reject key
Palestinian demands... include an Israeli withdrawal to pre-
1967 borders [which cuts off most of Israel's water supplies
and makes Israel such a tiny nation that it is highly
vulnerable to military attack
], the return of Palestinian
refugees to what is now Israel [which would overwhelm the
Jews in every election
], and the establishment of a
Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital [allowing
the Arabs to have unfettered access to build and rearm for
another attack on Israel]." Israel's sellout leaders would
gladly agree to these except they cannot get away with it
and still stay in power. The numerous right wing minority
parties would rebel and bring down the government
"Abbas's negotiations with Olmert have also failed to
significantly reduce the number of Israeli military
roadblocks riddling the Palestinian West Bank, or stop the
continuous construction of Jewish-only 'settlements' on
occupied Arab land." The report fails to acknowledge that
the land was captured after the Arabs attacked and lost the
last 5 wars, so this is hardly a clear cut question of Arab
land. Second, the Israeli government has dismantled by
force hundreds of Jewish religious settlements, but they do
not do so to placate the Arabs. They do this because these
are the most anti-government Jewish settlers—true Zionists
and not globalists.
As Helene Cobban (Leftist) wrote, "The US's actual power
in the region is noticeably reduced from what it was in
2006. Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, and Tzipi Livni have
launched the whole of the Middle East on a wild ride.
Neither they nor their backers in Washington will be able to
shape this outcome. The best we can hope for now is some
kind of forceful political intervention from other, more
neutral powers."
As if on cue, French newspapers announced, "Israeli
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Israel is working toward a
peace treaty while it is attacking targets of the Palestinian
militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Earlier this week,
Israel rejected a 48_hour truce proposed by France.
Meanwhile, Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek said
the European Union must take the initiative to seek a
cease_fire in the Gaza Strip, noting the United States cannot
be counted on at this time. He made his remarks as the
Czech Republic took over the EU's rotating presidency
today. Mr. Topolanek said he is organizing a diplomatic
mission to the Middle East that will look for a solution to
the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The Czech news
agency said the mission will include EU foreign policy chief
Javier Solana, the bloc's external relations commissioner."
Solana is a long-term Marxist and will follow the EU path
of pushing for more aid and power for the Palestinian state.

Okay, I'm back. Hope you're all still out there. If you are, now you know that out there are writers compatible with me. I know it was a lengthy lesson but I'm certain you enjoyed it.
            May I be permitted to tell you about a phone call I received last week from Israel? It seems the lady went to a Rabin lecture given by Prof. Arieh Zaritsky in Har Nof, Jerusalem. She was appalled that he was using much of my material and retelling it without credit. The prof has never done any raw intelligence gathering but someone who has, author Natan Gefen, was also supposed to lecture. But the prof gave him about three words and handed the mike back to himself. The lady informed me that the presentation was, "scrambled and boring," until the question time when my name invariable arose. The prof., using my intelligence for his presentation, had the jealous gall to say that I, "imagined things."
             Oh Jews! Wherever you are, you are egocentric, resentful and petty. But you can be smart,too. Following up on my previous article about the takeover of Israel's governing role by Supreme Court president, Aharon Barak, two Israelis added perspective on the Court's coverup of the Rabin assassination.Shai D. wrote:

Aharon Barak is / was a major part of the oligarchy and the silencing and enabling of the Rabin murder. Edmund Levi who was the Judge in Amir case became supreme court Judge - a rare event for a Mizrahi.

There was a check for Amir from a son of a supreme court Judge - I don't remember his name . This was a signal that said -  I - Barak - is involved - notice that.

The oligarchi has another major branch  - generals from the IDF - Mofaz, Dan Harel are of them. Sharon was of course one of them.

I wrote about it in my article and I had a discussion with Aharaon Barak when I was 18 summarized in my article that I sent you - I called Barak an Oligarch for not going all the way with Sharon in the Sabra massacre.

Barak has a criminal Judge friend that is out of Israel - Dan Cohen. His son was involved with his business.

Beinish is no different - she approached me about 6 years ago when I was walking in Tel Aviv near the sea - before she became president and said that I should not wait for her to become president because she will not change things.

She warned me not to cause problems and that she will act against me if I will.

Beinish has met with the American ambassador when she was elected - a step that shade light on how Israel is independent.

Y. Cohen adds:

hi barry,
intelligent citizens in israel have understood the judicial dictatorship of the country many years ago. i am slightly surprised at your delayed insight. the public discussion around the reforms of professor daniel friedman adresses exactly this problem. i refer you to a short article on the subject, written by judge richard posner, a leading judicial authority in usa.
aharon barak has abdicted. the new dictator of israel is dorit beinish together with edna arbel. this is terrifying, because the intellectual level of these two persons is below zero.
the judicial dictatorship came into life because the members of knesset have neither balls nor grips. aharon barak simply took advantage of this political vacuum. only a revolution like the french revolution can cure this sickness. i do not trust the israelis to venture any heroic deeds. they will continue to suffer and shut their mouth, exactly like their ancestors who quietly lined up at the entrance to the gas chambers in auschwitz.

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