Thursday, December 31, 2009
The Holy Roman Empire, Benedikt's dream.Let's hope he dies before he has a chance to fulfill it.
Pope Pius XII a Saint?
Tevet 11, 5770, 28 December 09 11:51
by Prof. Robert S. Wistrich( Exactly ten years ago, on a cold winter morning in New York City, the Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission, established to investigate Pope Pius XII’s response to the Holocaust, met for the first time to discuss its future work.
I was the only Israeli historian among the six scholars (3 Catholics and 3 Jews) designated by the Vatican and leading Jewish organizations to study this hotly contested issue. A little under two years later, the project was abandoned as a result of the Holy See’s unwillingness to release materials from its own archives that could help clarify issues that our team of scholars raised in our provisional report. Already at that time, in the last years of Pope John Paul’s pontificate, there were moves afoot to place Pius XII on the fast track to sainthood, but they were probably slowed down by Israeli and Jewish protests and a desire by Church authorities to prevent a serious rupture in Catholic-Jewish relations.
At issue was the silence of Pius XII during the Holocaust and his indirect complicity in the Nazi mass murder of Jews.
These allegations, which first emerged around 1964, had prompted the Vatican to publish eleven volumes of its own documents (edited by four trusted Jesuit scholars), most of them appearing in the 1970s. It was these documents in Italian, German, French, Latin, and English that we were originally asked to review. The million or so unpublished documents from the pontificate of Pius XII (1939–1958) according to the Vatican’s most recent estimate, will only be available in about four year’s time.
It is in this context that we need to see the recent decree on the “heroic virtues” of Pius XII, just signed by Pope Benedict XVI. Most Jews have interpreted this act as yet another signal that the Vatican is determined to beatify the controversial wartime pope — whom some even consider to have been anti-Semitic — regardless of what the historical evidence may indicate.
The sharp response of Jewish leaders to Benedict’s decree prompted the Vatican’s Press Office Director, Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., to release a conciliatory note distinguishing between the historical judgment of Pius XII’s actions (still an open question) and the saintly Christian life he apparently led. In particular, Father Lombardi was concerned to disclaim any notion that this decree was “a hostile act towards the Jewish people” or an obstacle to Catholic-Jewish dialogue.
In the light of the pope’s forthcoming visit to the Synagogue of Rome, this was a politically astute and welcome reassurance.Nevertheless, the decree on Pius XII still raises concern not only about the continuing drive to beatify the wartime pontiff but also about the present pope and the state of relations between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people.
Regarding Pius XII, I personally have never seen him either as “Hitler’s Pope” (the theory of British historian John Cornwell — a “lapsed” Catholic), or as the “Righteous Gentile” evoked by Rabbi David Dallin. My own provisional conclusion drawn from the study of thousands of documents is that the mass murder of Jews was fairly low on his list of priorities. Of course, much the same could be said of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, but they did not claim to be the “Vicar of Christ” or to represent the Christian conscience.
Pius XII strikes me as a polished diplomat far more worried about the Allied bombing of Rome than about the thousand Roman Jews who were being deported by the Germans to their deaths in Auschwitz, virtually under the windows of the Holy See. True, other Roman Jews were discreetly given sanctuary in ecclesiastical establishments in and around Rome after October 1943, but it remains unclear if this was the result of a direct papal instruction. In some instances we know that Pius XII did try to intervene against Nazi or racist anti-Semitic legislation, but in general this was almost always on behalf of baptized Jews since they were protected by the Church as Catholics.
Pius’s rare references to the mass murder of the Jews were invariably veiled and very abstract, as if he found it difficult to utter the word itself. Was it fear of further German reprisals? A latent anti-Semitism? Was it his visceral anti-Communism which also led him to hope for a Nazi victory in the East? Or perhaps the desire to spare German Catholics a conflict of conscience between their loyalty to Hitler, the fatherland, or their Church? Whatever the reasons, this was hardly heroic conduct.
So why has Benedict XVI chosen to take this step now? Why risk unnecessary damage to Catholic-Jewish relations? My own inclination is to think that the present pope regards Pius XII as a soulmate — both theologically and politically. He shares with the wartime pontiff an authoritarian centralist world-view and a deep distrust of liberalism, modernity, and the ravages of moral relativism. He was 31 years old when Pius XII died in 1958, and already then regarded him as a venerated role model.
Moreover, the German-born Joseph Ratzinger (today Benedict XVI) certainly knew that Pius XII (an artistocratic Roman) was also a passionate Germanophile, surrounded by German aides during and after the war, fluent in the German language, and a great admirer of the German Catholic Church. Not only that, but Ratzinger probably knows that Pius XII personally intervened after 1945 to commute the sentences of convicted German war criminals. This solicitude for Nazi criminals contrasts sharply with Pius XII ignoring all entreaties to make a public statement against anti-Semitism even after the full horrors of the death camps had been revealed in 1945.
In this context it is profoundly unsettling to think that the ultraconservative Benedict XVI and his entourage can identify so completely with Pius XII as a man of “heroic virtue.” The present pope, no doubt, deplores anti-Semitism, though his statements on the subject have been noticeably less robust than those of his predecessor, John Paul II. At Yad Vashem last summer he expressed no personal regret as a German for the unspeakable horrors of the Shoah, even though he had once been a member of the Hitler Youth. True, he had little choice in the matter. However, he was disturbingly vague about the truly monstrous German role in the Holocaust.
Earlier this year Benedict also showed remarkably poor judgment (to put it charitably) in reinstating an unrepentant Holocaust-denying British bishop into the mainstream Catholic Church, an action he only retracted after worldwide Jewish and Catholic protests.
These serious mistakes appear to follow a pattern and may even indicate a regression from the real progress in Catholic-Jewish relations under Benedict’s predecessor. One can only hope they are not irreversible since the stakes are high and no sane person can be interested in undermining the bridges across the abyss that have been so painstakingly constructed.
Eric writes the following.
[Note: I do not necessarily agree with what he is saying, but I thought it important enough that I am willing to post it. This is NOT, however, my view, I have to stress. I think if Hashem wants to save Am Yisrael, He can do so without the help of a foreign religion, whether they consider themselves spiritual Jews or not. Actually, there is no such thing as a spiritual Jew: either you are a Jew, or you are not. They might identify with the Jewish People, and they DO love the Bible, for which we admire them and we thank them , but it does NOT make them Jews. My suggestion to them would be to join the Noahide group, which is growing worldwide, and to become the kind of gentiles that God demands and wants.
On the other hand, there are so many descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes, who knows, maybe those are the souls of our long lost brothers, who were exiled because of IDOLATRY. If so, it shows that they still haven't given up that trait, and therefore they are not ready to rejoin the People of Israel as full members. First they have to give up their 'other' G-d, only then will they be able to be a full part of our nation.
But I have no doubt that their heart is in the right place. We love you, Christian brothers who love Israel; just waiting for your full and complete Teshuvah.DS]
I was the only Israeli historian among the six scholars (3 Catholics and 3 Jews) designated by the Vatican and leading Jewish organizations to study this hotly contested issue. A little under two years later, the project was abandoned as a result of the Holy See’s unwillingness to release materials from its own archives that could help clarify issues that our team of scholars raised in our provisional report. Already at that time, in the last years of Pope John Paul’s pontificate, there were moves afoot to place Pius XII on the fast track to sainthood, but they were probably slowed down by Israeli and Jewish protests and a desire by Church authorities to prevent a serious rupture in Catholic-Jewish relations.
At issue was the silence of Pius XII during the Holocaust and his indirect complicity in the Nazi mass murder of Jews.
These allegations, which first emerged around 1964, had prompted the Vatican to publish eleven volumes of its own documents (edited by four trusted Jesuit scholars), most of them appearing in the 1970s. It was these documents in Italian, German, French, Latin, and English that we were originally asked to review. The million or so unpublished documents from the pontificate of Pius XII (1939–1958) according to the Vatican’s most recent estimate, will only be available in about four year’s time.
It is in this context that we need to see the recent decree on the “heroic virtues” of Pius XII, just signed by Pope Benedict XVI. Most Jews have interpreted this act as yet another signal that the Vatican is determined to beatify the controversial wartime pope — whom some even consider to have been anti-Semitic — regardless of what the historical evidence may indicate.
The sharp response of Jewish leaders to Benedict’s decree prompted the Vatican’s Press Office Director, Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., to release a conciliatory note distinguishing between the historical judgment of Pius XII’s actions (still an open question) and the saintly Christian life he apparently led. In particular, Father Lombardi was concerned to disclaim any notion that this decree was “a hostile act towards the Jewish people” or an obstacle to Catholic-Jewish dialogue.
In the light of the pope’s forthcoming visit to the Synagogue of Rome, this was a politically astute and welcome reassurance.Nevertheless, the decree on Pius XII still raises concern not only about the continuing drive to beatify the wartime pontiff but also about the present pope and the state of relations between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people.
Regarding Pius XII, I personally have never seen him either as “Hitler’s Pope” (the theory of British historian John Cornwell — a “lapsed” Catholic), or as the “Righteous Gentile” evoked by Rabbi David Dallin. My own provisional conclusion drawn from the study of thousands of documents is that the mass murder of Jews was fairly low on his list of priorities. Of course, much the same could be said of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, but they did not claim to be the “Vicar of Christ” or to represent the Christian conscience.
Pius XII strikes me as a polished diplomat far more worried about the Allied bombing of Rome than about the thousand Roman Jews who were being deported by the Germans to their deaths in Auschwitz, virtually under the windows of the Holy See. True, other Roman Jews were discreetly given sanctuary in ecclesiastical establishments in and around Rome after October 1943, but it remains unclear if this was the result of a direct papal instruction. In some instances we know that Pius XII did try to intervene against Nazi or racist anti-Semitic legislation, but in general this was almost always on behalf of baptized Jews since they were protected by the Church as Catholics.
Pius’s rare references to the mass murder of the Jews were invariably veiled and very abstract, as if he found it difficult to utter the word itself. Was it fear of further German reprisals? A latent anti-Semitism? Was it his visceral anti-Communism which also led him to hope for a Nazi victory in the East? Or perhaps the desire to spare German Catholics a conflict of conscience between their loyalty to Hitler, the fatherland, or their Church? Whatever the reasons, this was hardly heroic conduct.
So why has Benedict XVI chosen to take this step now? Why risk unnecessary damage to Catholic-Jewish relations? My own inclination is to think that the present pope regards Pius XII as a soulmate — both theologically and politically. He shares with the wartime pontiff an authoritarian centralist world-view and a deep distrust of liberalism, modernity, and the ravages of moral relativism. He was 31 years old when Pius XII died in 1958, and already then regarded him as a venerated role model.
Moreover, the German-born Joseph Ratzinger (today Benedict XVI) certainly knew that Pius XII (an artistocratic Roman) was also a passionate Germanophile, surrounded by German aides during and after the war, fluent in the German language, and a great admirer of the German Catholic Church. Not only that, but Ratzinger probably knows that Pius XII personally intervened after 1945 to commute the sentences of convicted German war criminals. This solicitude for Nazi criminals contrasts sharply with Pius XII ignoring all entreaties to make a public statement against anti-Semitism even after the full horrors of the death camps had been revealed in 1945.
In this context it is profoundly unsettling to think that the ultraconservative Benedict XVI and his entourage can identify so completely with Pius XII as a man of “heroic virtue.” The present pope, no doubt, deplores anti-Semitism, though his statements on the subject have been noticeably less robust than those of his predecessor, John Paul II. At Yad Vashem last summer he expressed no personal regret as a German for the unspeakable horrors of the Shoah, even though he had once been a member of the Hitler Youth. True, he had little choice in the matter. However, he was disturbingly vague about the truly monstrous German role in the Holocaust.
Earlier this year Benedict also showed remarkably poor judgment (to put it charitably) in reinstating an unrepentant Holocaust-denying British bishop into the mainstream Catholic Church, an action he only retracted after worldwide Jewish and Catholic protests.
These serious mistakes appear to follow a pattern and may even indicate a regression from the real progress in Catholic-Jewish relations under Benedict’s predecessor. One can only hope they are not irreversible since the stakes are high and no sane person can be interested in undermining the bridges across the abyss that have been so painstakingly constructed.
Eric writes the following.
[Note: I do not necessarily agree with what he is saying, but I thought it important enough that I am willing to post it. This is NOT, however, my view, I have to stress. I think if Hashem wants to save Am Yisrael, He can do so without the help of a foreign religion, whether they consider themselves spiritual Jews or not. Actually, there is no such thing as a spiritual Jew: either you are a Jew, or you are not. They might identify with the Jewish People, and they DO love the Bible, for which we admire them and we thank them , but it does NOT make them Jews. My suggestion to them would be to join the Noahide group, which is growing worldwide, and to become the kind of gentiles that God demands and wants.
On the other hand, there are so many descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes, who knows, maybe those are the souls of our long lost brothers, who were exiled because of IDOLATRY. If so, it shows that they still haven't given up that trait, and therefore they are not ready to rejoin the People of Israel as full members. First they have to give up their 'other' G-d, only then will they be able to be a full part of our nation.
But I have no doubt that their heart is in the right place. We love you, Christian brothers who love Israel; just waiting for your full and complete Teshuvah.DS]
Dear Daisy,
What you need is a 21st Century Maccabean revolt. These men do exist. All they need to know is the Jews of Israel are totally behind them---meaning they will be given food and lodging wherever they may be. They will have to fight the CFR-controlled government of Israel working for Benedict XVI and his "King of Jerusalem," King Juan Carlos. They will also have to fight foreign occupation troops---maybe Americans.
But as the Lord delivered Israel from oppressive Greek rule against overwhelming "odds," He can do it again. Repeal your law that forbids the preaching of the Gospel of Christ of the Reformation Bible and see just what happens while you expel the Jesuits from Israel. Neither the physical seed of Abraham (racial Jews) nor the spiritual seed of Abraham (spiritual Jews in Messiah---Romans 2:29) can be persecuted by a government if that nation seeks to be blessed and prosper in its national development.
Both "seeds" in North America are about to be mass-exterminated. And this will end our period of national greatness enjoyed during the 20th century. Our American government never persecuted the racial Jews nor the spiritual Jews in its over 200-year history, but this is about to "change."
Genesis 12:1-3 is in full force and effect: its blessing and curse can never be voided by any individual or any nation. The poverty of the USSR is entirely due to its persecution of both "seeds" of Abraham. And without the Jesuit-ruled American Empire giving food and technology to the Order's Soviet colony, the poverty and undevelopment of Russia would have been much worse.
When your second Maccabean revolt begins, I will back it. True partriots in the IDF will mutiny (a few of them that I know) and join in the righteous revolt against tyranny---Jesuit papal tyranny---enforced by Freemasonic Court Jews Peres and Ben Net who bless the Arab terrorism and curse the Jews.
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric
First they ripped off the whole world, now they are into minting gold pieces with the loot; how do you like that!
UN to produce bullion coins as world currency
The announcement by the United Nationsthis week that it will license the minting of silver and gold bullion coins bearing the UN logo may be the button that launches metal prices into orbit.
In its wide-ranging report this fall, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) stated that the system of currencies and international banking practices within today’s economies were inadequate, and responsible for the present economic crisis. The report advocates that the present monetary system, wherein the dollar acts as the global reserve currency be re-examined “with urgency”.
The UNCTAD Report was the first time a major multinational institution had forwarded such a suggestion or measure, although a number of countries, including Russia and Brazil have supported replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency. China's central bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan has mentioned that the dollar could become a basket of currencies instead.
The UN commission dismissed such a widening, saying a multiple-country system "may be equally unstable, and not transparent."
The panel is seeking more monetary balance for developing countries, and a means for them to retain their reserves and domestic savings independent of foreign agencies and arrangements.
Panel Chair US economist Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel economics laureate, has made plain that there was "a growing consensus that there are problems with the dollar reserve system. Developing countries are lending the United States trillions dollars at almost zero interest rates when they have huge needs themselves," Stiglitz stated.
"It's indicative of the nature of the problem. It's a net transfer, in a sense, to the United States, a form of foreign aid."
A report contributor, Detlef Koffe, concluded that "Replacing the dollar with a bullion currency would solve some of the problems related to the potential of countries running large deficits and would help stability,"
US Fed spokesperson Patrick Paulsen acknowledged that there could be some strong reaction in the US to the global currency, and that it would “…be viewed as a step toward a New World Order. But those same people have probably lost patience with the money-changers as well.”
He clarified that he would “…nonetheless anticipate that the western currencies will continue to depreciate, given Asia’s ascendancy in trade and manufacturing, to find their own value and enable their economies to compete. This is a UN perogrative we cannot and should not control, it’s returning to what we had with Bretton-Woods.”
The UN decided to provide a “public option” savings currency, whereby currency mints will be licensed to mint two kinds of bullion coins the size of the 1€ coin - the Uno (silver ~$5) and the Oro (gold, ~$500). The names were adopted from the book “The Humanist”, which foresees the UN being better funded by 2015 via its licensing fees, expected to be 10-15%.
The coins have a marker chemical in them that enables their authentication and processing by modified retail ATM and exchange machines in Europe, which will be distributed globally. Any licensee, public or private, can produce such bullion coinage under contract. The United Nations is doing no more than what most countries do already, except that the value of its coins will reflect their bullion weight.
Armand Dufour of the European Bank welcomes their introduction. “People have enough Fiat currency options, government and banks cannot intrude on bullion coins – they will have their own inviolable value.”
He does have one concern, however. “If we see a dismounting from the US dollar, as is inevitable in the main view, there will be a strong move to the Oro, which may drive its price up to the point where governments will not allow its circulation; they will try to isolate it.”
“That’s when the fun begins.” he said.
True Zionism in action; eat your hearts out, haters of the Jewish People, haters of Israel!
Doesn't Nadia look like Christiane Amanpour here, just so much better, so much nicer, so much more feminine; so much more JEWISH!
Jewish Presence at Neguhot - Response to Terror and Concessions
Tevet 13, 5770, 30 December 09 11:09
by Yoni Kempinski"This unbearable situation which exists for years already, must be corrected immediately", said the organizers. "Complete Israeli sovereignty must be reinstalled on the Adurayim-Neguhot road."
The car convoy departed from Kiryat Arba Hevron proudly waving Israeli flags. The convoy arrived at Neguhot and held a march near the place where an Arab terrorist had thrown a Molotov cocktail at an Egged bus two days ago, injuring a girl.
After the march the activists went to plant trees in the Beit Hakerem neighborhood of Neguhot where, two months ago, two houses had been destroyed by the government. Women in Green's Nadia Matar was moved by the visit – "It was heartwarming to see how the two families had not been broken by this political destruction of their house and managed to rebuild a home in which they live, despite the very harsh physical conditions. When we were there, youngsters were preparing the roof for the upcoming rain by putting plastic sheets on top of the building."
"Against the government's weakness", explained Matar, "the families in the hills of Neguhot express strength and courage. Zionism 2010 at its best! At a time when the political echelon shows weakness and a willingness to capitulate – we must initiate and increase the activities that express Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
DIRTY, DIRTY HANDS DRIPPING WITH BLOOD: One more proof of the DUPLICITY of the Vatican. How come terror victims could sue Iran, yet Holocaust victims can't sue the Vatican; was the crime any less severe??
US Court Dismisses Lawsuit Against Vatican Bank
Tevet 13, 5770, 30 December 09 07:06
Holocaust survivors from Croatia, Ukraine and Yugoslavia had filed suit against the Vatican bank in 1999, claiming that it stole and laundered the looted assets of thousands of Jews, Serbs and Gypsies who were killed or captured by the Nazi-backed Ustasha regime that controlled Croatia at the time. The claimants sought an accounting from the Vatican, as well as restitution and damages. The court did not rule on the allegations directly but said that the Vatican bank, formally known as the Institute for the Works of Religion, was a sovereign entity entitled to the protections of the foreign sovereign immunities act and that therefore outside the jurisdiction of American courts.
I want to remind you of the suspicious story of the suitcase filled with US bonds worth US $134 billion found in Chiasso, Italy, in the hands of two Japanese businessmen, this past summer. Make sure to read the posts below for all details.
Could there be a relationship between that story, and the (then) ongoing lawsuit against the Vatican bank? Was the Vatican Bank trying to smuggle the evidence out of the Vatican? And what exactly is the relationship between the "Holy" See and the Vatican Bank? What exactly does the pope know about ongoing affairs of the bank? Remember Japan's role during WWII ( although there were righteous Japanese such as Sugihara).
Just questions at this time, but certainly food for thought.
( PS : start with the older story first, they go in chronological order)
Jul 08, 2009
Jul 08, 2009
a vatican communiqué reported that the pope's audience today with taro aso was cordial, and dealt with "several relevant international issues particularly the economic crisis and the commitment of japan and of the holy see for africa. ...
Jul 04, 2009
vatican city, june 28, 2009 ( benedict xvi will receive in audience the prime minister of japan next month, which will be the second high-level meeting between the vatican and the asian country this year. ...
Jun 24, 2009
first of all , make sure to watch these videos, that will shed even more light on the current state of relations between japan and the vatican: the most powerful man in the world, the jesuit general, spent most of his life in japan! ..
Jun 23, 2009
... from two japanese men in italy raises questions," asianews, 8 june 2009. then there is also the version of this fantasy - minded site, which i do not trust in general, but which does mention the vatican as being one of the parties:More comments:
Rabbi Dov said:
Daisy you are 100% right
But the US=300,000,000
Iran is= 70,000,000
Vatican is = 1,500,000,000
This world is a world of lies
DS replies:
excellent comment, Rabbi Dov!
nik says:
we will never have justice for our people until moshiach comes and we can wreak vengeance for what they have done to us... stop expecting the vile filthy slime goyim to achieve justice for us and for our kedoshim... it will never happen... so of course they dismissed this suit... they always will dismiss our just claims against these swine... nik. out...
DS replied:
, nik,
What makes you think that I expect anything from them? I don't. Only trying to raise awareness among the unawares, Goyim as well as Jews. Little by little, I help people see who the vatican really is - at least I hope so. People do read.
ATTENTION,URGENT! Again I received some striking pictures of unnatural-looking clouds sighted in Jerusalem on 12/28/09. Again the concern was chemtrails...MAYBE GOOD JEWS SHOULD LEAVE THE BIG CITY FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS, WHAT DO YOU THINK??
Hello to all our friends in Jerusalem, all of Israel, and the rest of the world.
Again today I received an emotionally charged e-mail from a friend who lives in the Jewish Quarter, in the Old City of Jerusalem, with the caption: "chemtrails in Jerusalem, Monday...".
Now this is the second time that this person is sending me pictures of such clouds; last time I received them, which was about ten days ago, I posted them on this blog, and inquired as to their nature, because I really know nothing about them. The responses I received put my mind at ease, specially because one of them was from a famous Israeli professor, a specialist of rain seeding clouds. The general message I got at the time, was: "NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT". Here are the various exchanges that took place:
Ezra wrote:
Israel has been studying various kinds of atmospheric spray techniques for enhancing rainfall for three and a half decades. There is no secret about this. (Ask such and such a professor....)
"...The Israeli rain enhancement project remains an example of the strength and robustness of results that are obtained as an outcome of long-range planning in a scientific effort in the field of rain enhancement that has been continuous and consistent for three and a half decades thus far..."
So I wrote a query to the Israeli professor:
Dear Professor X....,
Israel has been studying various kinds of atmospheric spray techniques for enhancing rainfall for three and a half decades. There is no secret about this. (Ask such and such a professor....)
"...The Israeli rain enhancement project remains an example of the strength and robustness of results that are obtained as an outcome of long-range planning in a scientific effort in the field of rain enhancement that has been continuous and consistent for three and a half decades thus far..."
So I wrote a query to the Israeli professor:
Dear Professor X....,
I was referred to you re: cloud seeding over Jerusalem. I understand that you are ... expert on these things in Israel. Somebody took these pictures in Jerusalem on December 20, 2009 and was quite concerned, as they do not look natural, have parallel lines, crossovers, etc.
Kindly please tell me: what kind of clouds are these? Is there rain enhancement taking place in Jerusalem right now? Are these rain enhancement seeding clouds? Or are they something else? And if so, what do you think they are?
Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.
D. Stern, MD
Kindly please tell me: what kind of clouds are these? Is there rain enhancement taking place in Jerusalem right now? Are these rain enhancement seeding clouds? Or are they something else? And if so, what do you think they are?
Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.
D. Stern, MD
The professor's reply was:
Dear Dr. Stern,
Cloud seeding is not performed over Jerusalem, but only in northern Israel.
The very long cloud lines are likely to be contrails, which are condensation of the vapor that is the result of the combustion of the jet fuel, in the extreme cold temperatures aloft.
The short parallel lines are waves in the moist air flow, with condensation of clouds occurring along the crests.
Indeed, it is always fascinating to look at the clouds and try to understand what they are telling us.
Professor X...
At the same time ,
Barry wrote:
You know my balcony overlooked BG Airport. I saw the chemtrails go up daily for over ten years. And now, while the nation is on the verge of civil war, you notice them. You don't know what they do. Maybe they're good. No one knows. But get your priorities in order and stop looking for chemtrails when war is near.
You know my balcony overlooked BG Airport. I saw the chemtrails go up daily for over ten years. And now, while the nation is on the verge of civil war, you notice them. You don't know what they do. Maybe they're good. No one knows. But get your priorities in order and stop looking for chemtrails when war is near.
After receiving these replies, I figured I better not spend too much time worrying about unnecessary things.
But my friend was insistent, and sent me short clips of professional videos that show the difference between CONTRAILS and CHEMTRAILS. You can see those short clips below. He also sent me a long documentary, which I had seen before, also included below.
Finally, after his insistent attention-seeking e-mail today, which you can see below in big red letters, I decided to give it some time - specially because of two simultaneous articles that grabbed my attention in general news and in regard to vaccines:
Apparently ANTHRAX is making a comeback in the US - we hadn't heard about it for a while, right?- While at the same time, an article appeared in THE FLU CASE today, which had been written in August of this year in the Jerusalem Post, but which is becoming quite timely: JANUARY FIRST, IN TWO DAYS! Please read it below: it mentions a DRILL about to be performed in an ISRAELI CITY - it doesn't mention which one - but that drill would involve dealing with a BIOLOGICAL ATTACK, a possible QUARANTINE OF AN ENTIRE CITY, AND FORCED IMMUNIZATION OF THE ENTIRE POPULATION , USING THE IDF, for ANTHRAX, SMALLPOX, AND OTHER SUCH NICE DISEASES.
Now THAT item grabbed my attention. After all, we know that the ANTHRAX vaccine has been linked to serious illnesses in soldiers' experiments, both in the US and in Israel. I do not have to give you references here, you can find them in my article " BIRD'S EYE VIEW ON H1N1...", as well as in my letter to Professor Engelhard.
At the same time, the idea of QUARANTINE AND FORCED VACCINATIONS USING THE ARMY IS NOTHING NEW. THIS WAS DONE IN THE UKRAINE RECENTLY,WITH THE PURPOSE OF INSTITUTING MARTIAL LAW, and THE ARMY ALSO FORCEFULLY BROUGHT THE MEDICAL STAFF TO IMMUNIZATION CENTERS IN FRANCE. Not to forget the "Tsav 8" that nurses received in Kupot Cholim for the purpose of immunizing the population just a week or so ago.
The way I understand this is as follows:granted, the article was written in August, and we have to see if what it says materializes. But considering the CLEAR W.H.O. directives, considering that ISRAEL IS A DIRECT TARGET OF THE UN AND OF THE VATICAN, that there is a small-scale rebellion within Jewish ranks, that our Defense Minister Ehud Barak is our OFFENSE MINISTER, and that he has shown already that he is READY AND WILLING TO KILL JEWS, and considering that the population is overall unwilling to cooperate with the plans of our TREASONOUS GOVERNMENT, neither with regards to Yesha, nor with re: to the H1N1 immunizations - how many people bought the scam, frankly?-, is it possible that BIGGER GUNS ARE IN THE OFFING? That they are upping the ante and moving to more dangerous levels of assault on the population? BUT I HAVE TO STRESS, I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THESE CONTRAILS-CHEMTRAILS, I AM NOT A SPECIALIST BY ANY MEANS, ONLY USING MY LAY PERSON'S EYES TO EVALUATE THE PICTURES. I don't know any more than you do, let's make that very clear.
With this in mind, take a good look at the pictures, watch the videos very carefully. I must agree with my friend: to my humble, lay eyes, these pictures look like CHEMTRAILS, NOT LIKE CONTRAILS. And besides, as the professor said, THERE AIN'T ANY RAIN CLOUDS BEING SEEDED IN JERUSALEM.
For your information, and if you watch the long documentary, you will see that CHEMTRAILS IN THE US were also extensively sprayed over large cities, that they are sprayed at night mostly, and with the help of NATO FORCES, that they contain PATHOGENS IN GREAT QUANTITIES, POLYMER FIBERS, AND HEAVY METALS, ALUMINUM, BARIUM, TITANIUM ( which by the way, if ingested, compete with IODINE and can cause HYPOTHYROIDISM) - a soup of some very nasty stuff, although I am not convinced that they are responsible for Morgellon's disease, as the video implies. Still, they are NASTY in many other ways. Spraying the population with germs is not exactly my idea of a nice thing to do. What they contain in Israel is anybody's guess - IF they dare do such a thing here -; I am sure they would not be about to tell us, as they have always been very secretive about their moves.
On the other hand, I watched a small video on the same site that mentioned that anti-laser defense exercises also look like this - but OVER JERUSALEM? WHY NOT IN WIDE OPEN SPACES?
There is also a site listed here, in Hebrew, that mentions SIMILAR CLOUDS BEING PHOTOGRAPHED IN HOLON.
What this all means I am not sure. Maybe with brainstorming, we might be able to understand what is going on here. But I don't like the escalation this would imply, IF they are really chemtrails and not contrails - not sure at all at this point.
So, please take a look. I hope you are able to see all the pictures; the Powerpoint presentation is quite striking.
Comments will be appreciated.
Am I exaggerating? Am I understanding things wrong? I don't want to be an alarmist, and spread unnecessary panic; I am just reporting what was seen, letting you review the evidence, and asking YOU to decide what it is you are seeing. If you think it is nothing, please ignore my post.
If I frightened you unnecessarily, please accept my sincere apology; that was not the intention at all.
Am I exaggerating? Am I understanding things wrong? I don't want to be an alarmist, and spread unnecessary panic; I am just reporting what was seen, letting you review the evidence, and asking YOU to decide what it is you are seeing. If you think it is nothing, please ignore my post.
If I frightened you unnecessarily, please accept my sincere apology; that was not the intention at all.
All the best, and may G-d be with all of us.
…by the end of the day, the resulting haze was producing a clearly visible "sundog" effect…
(see the last slides on the powerpoint at the above link)
Short clips:
Contrail Vs Chemtrail 101
A plane creating a contrail, not a chemtrail
Comparison between Contrails and Chemtrails
Largest-ever biological attack drill in Israel set for January
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 12:18
In preparation for a non-conventional attack on Israel, the National Emergency Authority will hold the largest-ever exercise to train security forces how to respond to a city-wide biological attack.
The drill will begin on January 1 and is being prepared by the NEA, a branch of the Defense Ministry established after the Second Lebanon War to coordinate between all of the civilian and military bodies that provide services during a nationwide emergency.
Until now, previous exercises have focused on the Health Ministry's ability to continue to run hospitals during a non-conventional biological attack.
The threat scenario will include a biological attack on a major Israeli city and will include the IDF Home Front Command, Magen David Adom, the Israel Police, the IDF Medical Corps, the IDF Spokesman's Office and the Fire and Rescue Service.
Syria, according to foreign reports, is believed to have developed offensive biological capabilities. A military facility near the city of Cerin is reportedly suspected of being used for the development and production of biological agents.
Syria also has a significant arsenal of long-range Scud-C and Scud-D missiles that would be capable of carrying the agents.
Diseases known to have been weaponized include Ebola, anthrax, Q fever and smallpox. The exercise will focus on some of these diseases. One possibility that will be considered during the drill will be to close down and quarantine the entire city in the event that the disease spreads.
Officials will hold hourly assessments during the drill and discuss the option of immunizing the entire country.
If such a decision is made, it will be carried out by the IDF, which has the manpower and infrastructure to open immunization centers.
In June, the IDF and NEA held the largest civil-defense exercise since the Second Lebanon War called "Turning Point" and which for the first time included the sounding of a siren throughout the country.
The IDF plans to begin returning gas masks to the public starting in November.
Since the Defense Ministry began collecting the public's gas masks in 2006, almost 90 percent of the masks have been collected and most of them refurbished.
Anthrax vaccine, antibiotics offered in NH
Photo by AP
Officials still don't know how the woman contracted the disease but are focusing on a drum playing gathering she attended last month. Anthrax spores have been found on two drums and an electrical outlet at the United Campus Ministry center in Durham, prompting officials to shut down the building and offer vaccines and antibiotics to those who attended the drum circle or live or work in the building.
Dr. Elizabeth Talbot, an adviser to the state's public health division, says one theory is that vigorous drum playing sent the spores into the air, and the woman then swallowed them.
Article URL:
DS writes:
I am surprised that none of you commented on my post about Jerusalem... but the government of Jordan sure took note! They read the Jerusalem Post article. What's the matter with you, Jews, am I writing FOR THE ARABS. for G-d's sake??
08:55:03 -- 4 hours 24 mins ago
Amman left via from "ISRAEL TRUTH TIMES: ATTENTION,URGENT! Again I received some striking pictures of unnatural-looking clouds sighted in Jerusalem on 12/28/09. Again the concern was chemtrails...MAYBE GOOD JEWS SHOULD LEAVE THE BIG CITY FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS, WHAT DO YOU THI"
Anonymous says:
One short thing re the chemtrails; I was very interested in this subject many months ago and did a lot of reading on it; one citizen activist in the US Midwest set a bunch of vessels full of water outside to catch the particles that settled down after apparent chemtrail activity, got his local news team interested enough in it to have an independent lab run an analysis of the crud that was in the jars, and they did indeed find an interesting mixture of things that were not supposed to be there, if I remember correctly, the highest concentration was barium. Of course, no agency or authority would take responsibility and the answers they received ranged between avoidance, denial, and silence. If one of our people could catch a sample of crud fallout after noticing suspected chemtrails, that might give us something concrete to research.
And here is an exchange I had with another person re: this post
So it was true after all: just not in Jerusalem, and not on January1, 2010:
All the rest probably holds true.
Anonymous says:
One short thing re the chemtrails; I was very interested in this subject many months ago and did a lot of reading on it; one citizen activist in the US Midwest set a bunch of vessels full of water outside to catch the particles that settled down after apparent chemtrail activity, got his local news team interested enough in it to have an independent lab run an analysis of the crud that was in the jars, and they did indeed find an interesting mixture of things that were not supposed to be there, if I remember correctly, the highest concentration was barium. Of course, no agency or authority would take responsibility and the answers they received ranged between avoidance, denial, and silence. If one of our people could catch a sample of crud fallout after noticing suspected chemtrails, that might give us something concrete to research.
And here is an exchange I had with another person re: this post
DS: I think it might have something to do with the prophecy about Yerushalayim.
X: Certainly true according to every available script. But bear in mind that the jigsaw puzzle has many pieces…
DS:Maybe they really ARE starting with Jerusalem. Maybe on the other hand this article is old, and the plans have changed.
X:The "plans" are based upon 100 year strategy and short term tactics. The only "trump card" is Sovereignty and its manifestations (such as "protectionism").
DS:What do you think? Did you hear anything about this major drill?
X: No. But I am well aware of the "coincidence" of false flags and drills in the past…
UPDATE:So it was true after all: just not in Jerusalem, and not on January1, 2010:
All the rest probably holds true.
Biological Attack Exercise in Gush Dan Wednesday
Tevet 26, 5770, 12 January 10 07:25
An exercise called "Orange Flame," which will simulate a biological attack, will take place in the Gush Dan area Wednesday. Participating in the simulations will be members of rescue services, Health and Defense Ministry officials, and police and IDF troops.
The simulation's purpose is to test the country's response system. Residents and commuters should expect to see heavy activity by security and rescue workers throughout the day.
"UN with teeth",
Israeli traitors; NWO,
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
W.H.O. SCAM ALERT: CRUCIAL INFO BELOW! Now you can see the scam in full swing!
Scam artists!
So, Israelis, you thought you can do the best KOMBINOT?
Well, THESE GUYS beat you to it,
And YOU bought the whole thing:
YOU, of all people, should have known better.
So, Israelis, you thought you can do the best KOMBINOT?
Well, THESE GUYS beat you to it,
And YOU bought the whole thing:
YOU, of all people, should have known better.
Zerach sent this:
DS replies:Guess he doesn't read Truth Times.
Gerrer Rebbe Shlita - Get Vaccinated
The Gerrer Rebbe Shlita has called on heads of households in his family to "get vaccinated", referring to the vaccination available to the public to protect oneself against the H1N1 virus, known more commonly as swine flu. According to reports, the Rebbe has ordered his sons, grandsons and all members of his family to take the vaccination.
The Gur Chassidus has been carefully monitoring events regarding the flu, and shortly after the Health Ministry issued its warning accompanied with a fact sheet, Gur institutions ceased using community towels and replaced them with disposable paper towels in compliance with the ministry's recommendations, seeking to reduce the likelihood of passing the virus from one another.
It appears a member of the Rebbe's family, the Alter family, did not feel well and doctors feared he may have contracted swine flu, recommending the other family members get vaccinated. When the Rebbe Shlita heard of this, he instructed his entire family to get vaccinated without hesitation. For many chassidim this was enough for them to understand the Rebbe's wishes and they are now going to get vaccinated against H1N1.
(Yechiel Spira - YWN Israel)
Thanks, Zerach!
If the Rebbe knew that THE FATE OF FAMILIES hangs in the balance, that thanks to that little vaccine he might not have any more grand-children and great-grand-children himself, he might think twice.
I am sure he would be the first to recommend PAS YISROEL, right? And Yayin Mevushal, right? For fear the Jews might be the victims of some obscure antisemitic plot, right?
I trust he is sincere. I would still like to know: how many Rabbonim simply ACCEPTED A BRIBE from whomever for their Yeshivos, in order to advise their followers to get vaccinated?
And by the way, I spoke recently to somebody in Teaneck, N.J.: apparently almost the whole community got vaccinated there too; and we are talking PROFESSIONALS here! If even educated people have no clue, what will be the end?
Meanwhile the CATHOLIC and GERMANIC COUNTRIES, THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE COUNTRIES, for some strange reason, have smarted up ( I wonder why, what do you think?) and are barely vaccinating their populations, while Protestant countries have gone ahead.
Exceptions: countries with LARGE MUSLIM POPULATIONS, such as France, Sweden, Canada,and to some extent the UK have been very forceful, - I would say France even BRUTAL - , in their enforcement of vaccination.
Poland refuses to even buy the vaccine until more tests have been done;
Austrians barely took any vaccine;
Germany is barely budging
Switzerland stopped vaccinating - mind you, the vaccine ORIGINATES to a great extent in Switzerland ( Novartis)
Portugal refused,
Italy is also balking to a great degree,
I haven't heard about Spain.
RUSSIA, an ally of the Vatican, got out of the WHO alliance, and therefore gave up its obligation to vaccinate.
Etc, etc.
Are you starting to see a pattern here?
Meanwhile ISRAEL is pushing the vaccine on its population, and now the GERRER REBBE follows suit.
bill wrote:
who says the report is true?--it may be disinformation!
Rabbi Dov wrote:
Do not forget that the health deputy minister is Chassid Gur
E. wrote:
Is there anyone who can whisper on the Rebbe's ears?
Is Litzman a Gur Hassid? maybe this is the reason.
Spain by the way wishes to return the vaccines to the manufacturer.
Germany's health ministry said on Thursday some German states were in talks with Britain's GlaxoSmithKline about reducing deliveries of H1N1 vaccine.
The German federal government will also start negotiations in January with other countries that might be interested in taking some of its excess supplies, he added.
Germany said this month it wanted to sell on some 2 million H1N1 vaccines due to weak demand at home.
Spain's health minister Trinidad Jimenez said her country was "speaking with the pharmaceutical companies" about returning unused vaccine, according to a report on the specialist news service APM Health Europe.
A health ministry official in Madrid said Spain expected to either return vaccines to suppliers so they could be sold at pharmacies, or send them to other European Union countries to help with their vaccination programs.
"The health ministry introduced clauses in contracts signed with GSK, Novartis and Sanofi-Pasteur which foresaw the possibility of returning surplus vaccines in case they were not necessary," he told Reuters. "Vaccination forecasts at the time were made on the basis that two doses per person would be needed, but this has not turned out to be the case."....
DS adds:
And don't forget NAZI CATHOLIC CROATIA , of course, home of the infamous USTASHAS: where could the priest have received his incredibly detailed information, I wonder???
Leading Croatian Priest: Don't get the H1N1 Vaccine |
Investors Business Daily Exposes Obamacare Socialist Take-Over; followed by: What will 2010 look like?
Sent by A.M., Thanks.
If we hadn't stayed up past midnight Sunday, we wouldn't have known what was going on. Here we thought a vote on the proposed health care overhaul wasn't going to take place until Thursday night — Christmas Eve.
But there they were, the United States Senate, at 1 a.m. Monday, rushing to vote in the middle of a snowstorm to close debate on the most important piece of legislation of our time — the nationalization of the US. health care system. And we've been scrambling ever since to make sense of it.
Let's see if we have this right:
• This was a vote on a Democrat-concocted scheme that Americans have rejected every time it's been proposed for 100 years and that is opposed again, by 54% to 41% by the public at large, by 2-to-1 by practicing physicians and by every last member on the Republican side of the aisle.
• The vote was taken without any members having read the main 2,074-page bill, let alone the 383 pages of amendments that were tacked on at the last minute to buy off senators, including Nebraska's Ben Nelson, Louisiana's Mary Landrieu and Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders.
• Despite growing public opposition, Democratic members had the nerve to call those who questioned their monstrosity "obstructionists" and worse. Rhode Island's Sheldon Whitehouse called health care bill foes "birthers," "fanatics" and "people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups." Is this what Democrats meant when they said they seek bipartisan solutions to the nation's problems?
• The bill contains at last count 18 new taxes totaling an estimated $406 billion — including significant new levies on those earning less than $250,000, a major breach of Obama's pledge not to raise taxes by "one penny" on those in that income group.
A family of four that refuses to buy into a "qualifying" health insurance program will pay a "surtax" of as much as $6,750. At the same time, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that health insurance premiums will nearly double by 2016.
As the nonpartisan Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation put it, "The House and Senate health care bills contain enormous tax hikes to accompany massive increases in government spending."
• Spending under the package, which Democrats vowed will "cut costs," will in fact increase. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that total health care spending will rise by $289 billion from 2010 to 2019. That's a lowball guess. Once all the budget gimmicks are removed, the real 10-year price tag is at least $2.5 trillion, Senate Budget Committee staffers say.
What's truly frightening about this bill isn't what it does, but what it sets us on course to do. Democrats have long said they see this bill as a first step toward a total takeover of U.S. health care, regardless of the consequences.
The bill's requirement that Americans buy insurance is a major step toward that takeover. It's the first time in our nation's history the government has made Americans buy something. Get used to it. It's going to become a pattern.
[This compulsory purchase provision may eventually be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, along with the section that prevents future legislators from making changes in the bill! Even the constitution itself can be amended! -- AEM]
Sent by Milton; thanks.
In 1938, Austria was in deep depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.
Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily.Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a kind Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people – about 30 daily.
The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other. Blocks and blocks in cities like Vienna, Linz, and Graz were destroyed.The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted.
We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany, where Hitler had been in power since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have employment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria.
We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.
We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed.
After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service.
Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could return to the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had.
My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and to participate in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into our daily medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The bureaucrats would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said that they were going to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to come saying that these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. It was euthanasia.
After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria. Women were raped, pre-teen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it "The Burned Earth". Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks in order to be safe. Those who couldn't, paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians.
Those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity. America truly is the greatest country in the world.
IBD Editorials
Socialism Creeps In As America Sleeps
Health Care: Democrats on the take and in the dead of night pass an execrable piece of legislation that they haven't read, the public doesn't want and only socialists could love. What has happened to this country?If we hadn't stayed up past midnight Sunday, we wouldn't have known what was going on. Here we thought a vote on the proposed health care overhaul wasn't going to take place until Thursday night — Christmas Eve.
But there they were, the United States Senate, at 1 a.m. Monday, rushing to vote in the middle of a snowstorm to close debate on the most important piece of legislation of our time — the nationalization of the US. health care system. And we've been scrambling ever since to make sense of it.
Let's see if we have this right:
• This was a vote on a Democrat-concocted scheme that Americans have rejected every time it's been proposed for 100 years and that is opposed again, by 54% to 41% by the public at large, by 2-to-1 by practicing physicians and by every last member on the Republican side of the aisle.
• The vote was taken without any members having read the main 2,074-page bill, let alone the 383 pages of amendments that were tacked on at the last minute to buy off senators, including Nebraska's Ben Nelson, Louisiana's Mary Landrieu and Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders.
• Despite growing public opposition, Democratic members had the nerve to call those who questioned their monstrosity "obstructionists" and worse. Rhode Island's Sheldon Whitehouse called health care bill foes "birthers," "fanatics" and "people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups." Is this what Democrats meant when they said they seek bipartisan solutions to the nation's problems?
• The bill contains at last count 18 new taxes totaling an estimated $406 billion — including significant new levies on those earning less than $250,000, a major breach of Obama's pledge not to raise taxes by "one penny" on those in that income group.
A family of four that refuses to buy into a "qualifying" health insurance program will pay a "surtax" of as much as $6,750. At the same time, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that health insurance premiums will nearly double by 2016.
As the nonpartisan Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation put it, "The House and Senate health care bills contain enormous tax hikes to accompany massive increases in government spending."
• Spending under the package, which Democrats vowed will "cut costs," will in fact increase. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that total health care spending will rise by $289 billion from 2010 to 2019. That's a lowball guess. Once all the budget gimmicks are removed, the real 10-year price tag is at least $2.5 trillion, Senate Budget Committee staffers say.
What's truly frightening about this bill isn't what it does, but what it sets us on course to do. Democrats have long said they see this bill as a first step toward a total takeover of U.S. health care, regardless of the consequences.
The bill's requirement that Americans buy insurance is a major step toward that takeover. It's the first time in our nation's history the government has made Americans buy something. Get used to it. It's going to become a pattern.
[This compulsory purchase provision may eventually be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, along with the section that prevents future legislators from making changes in the bill! Even the constitution itself can be amended! -- AEM]
Kitty Werthmann tells a powerful story about what it was like growing up during the third reich.
What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard, nor will ever read in history books.
I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I will not tell you that the German chancellor took Austria by tanks and guns. I will not distort history. We Austrians elected him by a landslide – 98% of the vote. I've never read that in any American publication. Everyone thinks that the Germans rolled in with tanks and took Austria by force. Not at all.
In 1938, Austria was in deep depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.
Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily.Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a kind Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people – about 30 daily.
The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other. Blocks and blocks in cities like Vienna, Linz, and Graz were destroyed.The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted.
We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany, where Hitler had been in power since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have employment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria.
We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.
We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed.
After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service.
Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could return to the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.
Hitler Targets Education – Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children:
Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," (Germany, Germany, Over All) and had physical education.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had.
My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful.
There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun – no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of big-brother philosophy.
Equal Rights Hits Home:
In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved. Women who stayed home to raise their families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and to participate in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:
When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew that we had been had.
Health Care and Small Business Suffer Under Government Controls:
Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna. After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything.
When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into our daily medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.
We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government inspectors told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. Since the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it was in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The bureaucrats would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
"Mercy Killing" Redefined:
In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps. The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. I knew one, named Vincent, very well.
He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said that they were going to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to come saying that these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. It was euthanasia.
The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long afterwards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
Freedom of speech was diminished by various regulations. Eventually, anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.
Totalitarianism didn't come quickly, it took 5 years after 1938 to realize full dictatorship in Austria. Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought it to the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism. In 1943, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea is unbelievable now, that the state, little by little can take away our freedom.
After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria. Women were raped, pre-teen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it "The Burned Earth". Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks in order to be safe. Those who couldn't, paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians.
This is an eye witness account.
Those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity. America truly is the greatest country in the world.
Don't let freedom slip away! After America, maybe we can move to Canada or Australia.
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