What Caused Gulf War Syndrome?
There were many factors present in the Gulf during the war that could have played a role in causing illness in those present at the time. It is likely that a combination of a number of these factors together is what led to the illness.
The potential causative factors include:
1. Infectious Diseases - A number of infectious agents were present in the Gulf but medical records generally show that they weren't a major problem for personnel due to extensive precautionary measures (1). Of cause many infectious agents may lie dormant without causing an acute illness. The most common infectious agents present were thought to be cutaneous leishmaniasis, travelers diarrhea, sandfly fever and malaria. One unique infectious disease has been linked to the Gulf war deployment: viscerotrophic leishmaniasis (1). This infectious disease has been found in 12 U.S. veterans but none of the other Coalition forces personnel.
There is substantial evidence for mycoplasma infection playing a role in veterans illnesses. Mycoplasma can be defined as the smallest organisms lacking cell walls that are capable of self-replication and can cause various diseases in humans. Although usually associated with respitory and urinary disease, mycoplasma are thought by a growing number of medical professionals to be responsible for a number of unexplained symptoms, especially chronic fatigue states. Mycoplasma fermentans has been found in the blood of gulf war veterans at a much higher rate than in the overall population (2, 3, 4).
In an article entitled 'Scientific Facts Versus Fiction About Mycoplasma', Aristo Vojdani, Ph.D., M.T. describes recent findings about Mycoplasma fermentans:
"Although mycoplasmas are recognized primarily as extracellular parasites or pathogens of mucosal surfaces, recent evidence suggests that certain species may invade the host cells.
The molecular and cellular bases for the invasion of M. fermentans from mucosal cells to the bloodstream and its colonization of blood remain unknown.
Also, it remains unclear whether M. fermentans infection of white blood cells is transient, intermittent or persistent. It is not clear how these stages influence any disease progression. The invasion of host blood cells by M. fermentans is due to inhibition of phagocytosis by a variety of mechanisms, including antiphagocytic proteins such as proteases, phospholipases and by oxygen radicals produced by mycoplasmas."
6. Vaccinations - Troops sent to the Gulf were given a large cocktail of vaccinations in a short period of time. In total, US servicemen may have received as many as 17 different vaccines, including live vaccines (polio and yellow fever) as well as experimental vaccines that had not been approved (anthrax, botulinum toxoid) and were of doubtful efficacy . In the UK, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has declared only 10 vaccines given but reports from veterans and official documents seem to tell a different story.
A large 2002 study of 900 veterans found a strong correlation between the anthrax vaccine and subsequent ill health (15). The study indicated that those who received anthrax vaccines reported more adverse reactions than those who did not receive the anthrax vaccine. It also found that the more severe any initial reaction to the vaccine was, the more severe long term health effects were.
A lot of recent research has involved studying the effects of vaccines that use pertussis, the bacteria responsible for whooping cough, as an adjunct. It has been proposed that the use of pertussis as an adjuvant could trigger neurodegeneration by increasing secretion of certain immune chemicals, such as interleukin-1beta, in the brain. In turn, brain lesions may be sustained by stress or neurotoxic chemical combinations (16) Pertussis vaccine was used in the gulf "off-label", which means it wasn't approved to be used on servicemen as it was. It's use in the gulf war can thus be classed as experimental. The manufacturers of pertussis were not advised of this unlicensed use.
Dr. Philip F. Incao of Denver, Colorado provides what may be an explanation of why some people given this cocktail of vaccinations remained healthy while the health of others was sent into decline resulting in chronic illness. Dr. Incao explains that the immune system and mechanism by which vaccinations work, is much more complicated than was thought until recently. Rather than stimulating the whole immune system against a certain pathogen, vaccinations only stimulate the humoral, or Th2, branch of the immune system which is responsible for producing antibodies that recognize pathogens as invaders. Over activation of the Th2 mediated immune response leads to allergic and autoimmune disease. Dr. Incao suggests that giving vaccinations to people whose immune systems are already Th2 dominant will exacerbate exiting conditions and may lead to what we know as Gulf war syndrome. A large body of research seems to confirm this, showing that those veterans with gulf war syndrome tend to have an immune system shifted towards a Th2 response (17, 18, 19).
Project Day Lily
By:Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D and Nancy L. Nicolson, Ph.D.
The Institute for Molecular Medicine www.immed.org
Project Day Lily chronicles the events surrounding the "Gulf War Syndrome” suffered by over 150,000 veterans (and tens of thousands dead) without proper acknowledgment or treatment to keep secret the origin of their illnesses. Were our Armed Forces exposed to chemical and biological toxins that were supplied, in part, by a sinister network of rogue bureaucrats, intelligence operatives and scientists? This is the story of how one of these biological agents was found by two American scientists as part of a massive testing program and how various academic and government employees did everything in their power to keep this information secret.
Project Day Lily is based on a true story. The authors wrote Project Day Lily in order to shed light on a crisis facing our country and the world. A fictional format was used to maximize dramatic content; the events described are true, and the scientific principles discussed in the book have been documented in the authors’ publications, reports and sworn testimony to Presidential Commissions and committees of the U. S. Congress.
Project Day Lily is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Fred Conrad (Colonel, USAF, retired) and five other academic colleagues who died under mysterious circumstances while investigating aspects of the alleged illegal testing of Biological Weapons in Texas hospitals, nursing homes and prisons. This book is also dedicated to the men and women of our Armed Services and their family members who were put in harm’s way and were never properly warned about the dangers of Biological Weapons, and to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice personnel and its prisoners and to the people of the Great State of Texas who were betrayed and lost their health and loved ones to a vicious agenda in the name of ‘National Security’.
Project Day Lily is a fictionalized account of a true story. In order to stay of prison and out of court, as well as to protect their sources in the Pentagon, the Nicolsons decided to publish their experiences as a novel.
The book describes how Dr. Garth Nicolson and his wife Nancy discovered that weaponized mycoplasma and other biological agents were being tested on prisoners in the Texas prison system in the mid 1990s and long before. At the same time they found that 40% of Gulf War Illness patients were infected with Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus, a microorganism which was patented by the U.S. Army in 1991.
Following these discoveries, the Nicolsons endured numerous attempts on their lives. Six of the Nicolsons' scientific colleagues were murdered, including Dr. Fred Conrad (Colonel,USAF, retired), Dr. Garth Nicolson's boss at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston . Fifteen minutes after Dr. Conrad told Dr. Nicolson that he was preparing to blow the whistle on illegal biological warfare testing at MD Anderson, he was shot six times in the back of the head by an assassin in his office.
Despite being a fully endowed department head and a world renowned scientist with over 550 articles in peer reviewed medical journals, Dr. Nicolson was forced to leave MD Anderson. This was only one of the American universities involved in secretly developing and testing biological weapons, in contravention of U.S. law. In 1996 he moved to Huntington Beach California and established a non-profit research organisation, the Institute for Molecular Medicine. To date, he has used his expertise to diagnose these infections in a wide range of chronic illness patients and to develop treatment protocols, most of which can be found on the website.
The Nicolsons found that the patented mycoplasma fermentans incognitus contained the HIV envelope gene, gp-120. This indicated that it had been modified in the laboratory to make it more pathogenic:
Preliminary evidence suggests that the Mycoplasma fermentans found inside white blood cells of GWI [Gulf War Illness] patients may have been modified to make it more pathogenic and more difficult to diagnose. Using the Nucleoprotein Gene Tracking assay we have found unusual gene sequences associated with the same mycoplasma nucleoprotein fraction. For example, we have found HIV-1 envelope gene sequences but not the other genes of the HIV-1 virus in equivalent nucleoprotein subfractions in a subset of GWI patients (17). Although this preliminary result will require conformation by sequencing the mycoplasma genome in the area of the putative inserted gene, the presence of the HIV-1 env gene could explain the unusual pathogenic properties of this mycoplasma and its ability to attach to and enter a variety of cells and tissues. Since the other genes of the HIV-1 virus were not detected in ODS veterans, these mycoplasma-positive GWI patients are not infected with the intact HIV-1 virus. Although GWI patients possess some of the signs and symptoms of an immunodefficiency syndrome, they do not progress to AIDS, nor do they test generally positive for intact HIV-1 virus in their serum or plasma (unpublished data). Some GWI patients, however, do test positive (false positive) in some AIDS tests that probe only the gp120 product of the HIV-1 env gene. In these patients additional testing for other HIV-1 gene products or enzymes has proved negative, suggesting support for the hypothesis that only the HIV-1 env gene and its encoded product are associated with M. fermentans infection of the type found in some GWI patients.
War and Health, H. Tapamainen, ed., Helsinki , Zed Press, 2002, pp. 431-446
Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D., Marwan Nasralla, Ph.D.,
Joerg Haier, M.D., Ph.D. and Nancy L. Nicolson, Ph.D.
The Nicolsons found the gp-120 env. gene but no other HIV genes in the Gulf War veterans positive for M. fermentans incognitus. In contrast, HIV genes other than gp-120 were found in sick Huntsville prison guards. The Huntsville experiments pre-dated the Gulf War by a few years, which indicated that scientists were testing different HIV genes to see which ones were most effective. Probably, they found the gp-120 gene to be the most pathogenic, and this was the M. fermentans incognitus strain patented 1991 and injected into Gulf War troops.
During the years in which the Nicolsons defended the sick Gulf War veterans they developed secret contacts inside the Pentagon. These provided classified information such as the fact that approximately 30,000 veterans have died from Gulf War Illness. Worst still they confirmed that HIV/AIDS was a U.S. biological weapon (1). It was developed during the 1960s and 70s by the U.S. military as a weapon of mass destruction. Code named MK-NAOMI, ten candidate weapons were developed of which two were tested. HIV 1 turned out to be non-pathogenic and was tested in areas of Australia. HIV 2 was lethal and was later renamed HIV 1. This was tested and deployed in Africa and New York. Today HIV 2 is is concentrated in West Africa and is rarely found elsewhere. The Army patent on M. fermentans incognitus states that 81% of AIDS patients are infected with this particular organism, and that it is the necessary cofactor in the progression of the disease.
Project Day Lily was the real name of the secret programme to develop the mycoplasma weapon. Its origins go back to Nazi Germany, no less. The fermentans strain was recovered by the U.S. military from an old anthrax culture brought back to Germany by retreating SS units at the end of WWII. It is not clear whether I.G. Farben company actually isolated and characterized it or whether it was a contaminant in an anthrax culture. They were apparantly, testing this and other cultures on prisoners in the death camps. Under Project Paperclip, the U.S. Government brought leading Nazi scientists to the U.S. to work for them. Alongside the Manhattan Project, there were other top secrets projects such as the mind control project MK-ULTRA, and MK-NAOMI, the project to develop biological weapons for mass killing.
To read about mycoplasma fermentans incognitus visit the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website and type in patent no. 5,242,820.
1 comment:
I hope the above history is not true.
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