A blog dedicated to investigating events as they occur in Judea and Samaria, in Israel and in the world, and as they relate to global powers and/or to the Israeli government, public figures, etc. It is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the headlines; and in so doing, it strives to do its part in saving Judea and Samaria, and by extension, Israel and the Jewish People, from utter destruction at the hands of its many external and internal enemies.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

(ATTENTION! We need you ) read below, please, new info


Dear All,

So many posters have been coming in, and are still coming, from now on I will not send you an e-mail for each one, as I don't want to overburden your mailboxes. Please check them out at  ( Israel Truth Times)

You can download them and print them to you heart's content for any demonstrations you wish to participate in.

Keep checking for more posters on the blog, they are good!

The vote for the best poster will take place, B"H, next week, after everything calms down.



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