Dear WND Reader, I have called it the story that you won't hear about anywhere but at WND. The implications to your personal safety are immense.
The media blackout not only includes CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, but FOXNEWS as well.
Here is a story too intimidating for Bill O'Reilly or even Glenn Beck to cover and that is why I beg your full attention for the next few minutes. In just a minute, I am going to share with you a list of headlines that you would have never seen without the reporting of WND. These are stories largely spiked by the mainstream media. You see the media are all pretending that there is no threat to the First Amendment from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Brotherhood's public-relations factory, based right here in Washington. CAIR is trying to end-run freedom of the press in America by challenging the publication of a breathtaking expose´ of the group by WND Books and authors P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.  The book is "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," and not one news agency in America, other than WND, has had the guts to tell you the amazing revelations found in it. I have to wonder if their reluctance is based on fear. CAIR and its terrorist-loving friends have millions of dollars in funding, and they use it to intimidate the media. CAIR has gone into court and sued heroic investigative reporter David Gaubatz as well as his son Chris (who went undercover in CAIR), to send a message to others. Their message: Tell the truth about CAIR and we will crush you financially. These are the type of tactics used by thugs. Sadly, many times threats work. And now WND is scrambling to find tens of thousands of dollars to pay the legal fees to fight CAIR's courtroom blackmail. And this is why I am forced to turn to you. Please consider giving a tax deductible gift to the WND Free Speech Legal Defense Fund, set up by the non-profit United States Justice Foundation, to pay these legal fees. Patriotic Americans can still fight back against censorship and a media blackout. The United States Justice Foundation has launched the WND Free Speech Legal Defense Fund, and, in the coming weeks and months, USJF will defend the ability of WND's reporters to continue telling the truth about CAIR, about the campaign to destroy our Judeo-Christian nation, and about other issues important to you. Right now, we are dealing with this major lawsuit by CAIR, and we need your help defending our right to continue speaking the truth! We need to raise $100,000 in the next 48 hours to pay the top free-speech lawyers in America to defend our constitutional right to continue telling the truth about CAIR and other extremists bent on our destruction. Your gift of $5,000.00 or $1,000.00, or even $100.00, $50.00, or $25.00, is urgently needed RIGHT NOW! Please give your most generous gift right now.
Click Here to Donate Today _________________________________________________________________________
Instead of telling you the truth about CAIR, namely that it is an unindicted terrorist front group operating with impunity in America, the media have allowed CAIR easy and open access to the airwaves to spread their pro-Hamas, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, propaganda. But now, thanks to WND and the brave work of the "Muslim Mafia" authors, all that is changing.
Author Gaubatz's son penetrated CAIR's inner circle, posing as an intern, and he ferreted out thousands of pages of documents headed for the shredder. The documents tell a devastating story of lies and links to terrorists. CAIR wants these documents destroyed, so they can keep their deceit a secret, hence they sued investigators Dave and Chris Gaubatz. - Which politicians are given money by CAIR.
- How Capitol Hill staffers are strategically placed by CAIR.
- Why FBI bonuses are paid to agents who are nice to CAIR.
- Why our government is afraid to reveal what they really know about CAIR.
- How CAIR has compromised our intelligence systems.
- How CAIR is secretly working with government officials to ban the Patriot Act to make future attacks against our country even easier.
And the list goes on....
When they were sued, WND sprang into action. We brought together a remarkable legal team, including Martin Garbus, Daniel Ellsberg's attorney in the Pentagon Papers case. As a result, CAIR is now on the run. But we have to keep the pressure on until the suit is dropped by CAIR, or we have won. This is why I am forced to turn to you today. Please consider giving a tax deductible gift to the WND Free Speech Legal Defense Fund that we have arranged through the non-profit United States Justice Foundation to pay these legal fees. The threat of Jihad is ignored by the Barack Hussein Obama team and much of the media. Despite this, Terror Trends Bulletin has declared that the just completed 2009 is "A Year of Jihad in America". They agree with our assessment here at WND, reporting: "There is mounting evidence that the global Jihadist insurgency is fully entrenched in the USA. After the Fort Hood massacre news services seem divided between those hell-bent-for-leather on denying that it was a case of anything other than a persecuted loner 'snapping' and those who proclaimed it the first 'terrorist' attack on US soil since September 11th. Both were wrong. As we mentioned in our last posting, Fort Hood was an act of Jihad and that's really all that matters". CAIR is the public relations machine of Jihad in America. Its impact on the mainstream media can be seen in the reporting on Fort Hood. My friend, you would miss hundreds of stories that merit coverage if it wasn't for WND's team of reporters. They keep you "in the know," and, now, they need your help! Just a quick analysis of the Ft Hood media coverage makes my point. Ft Hood was clearly not the first act of Jihad since 9-11. Just look at the list of stories from this year alone, (this list was compiled byTerror Trends Bulletin even before the "crotch bomber" attempted to blow a Northwest Airlines flight out of the sky over Detroit on Christmas): **** Ten Indicted in Philadelphia in Case Involving Material Support for Jihadist Terrorist Group Hezbollah
**** Terrorism Charges Unsealed in Minnesota Against 8 Somali Members of Jihadist Terrorist Group al-Shabaab **** Feds in New York Move to Seize Assets of Iran-tied Alavi Foundation
**** Nidal Malik Hasan Kills 13, Wounds 20 In Shooting Rampage at Fort Hood, Texas
**** US Jails Al Qaeda Sleeper Agent (Ali al-Marri was previously held in brig at Charleston, SC Naval Station) **** Two Chicago Men Charged in Jihadist Terrorist Plot in Denmark
**** Eleven Members of Jihadist Group Arrested in Detroit; Imam Killed in Shootout with FBI (Luqman Ameen Abdullah Shot and Killed FBI Dog During Arrest) **** Boston Muslim Charged in Plot to Kill Shoppers, Troops
**** Three Ohio Residents Sentenced in Plot to Commit Terrorist Acts Against Americans Overseas
**** Massachusetts Man Charged With Conspiracy to Provide Material Support for Terrorists **** University of California-Irvine Files Complaint with Feds that Muslim Student Union Raised Money for Jihadist Terrorist organization HAMAS
**** Najibullah Zazi of Colorado Indicted in New York for Conspiracy to Use Explosives Against Persons or Property (Zazi had contact with Al Qaeda leader in Afghanistan) **** Illinois Jihadist Arrested in Plot to Bomb Illinois Federal Building
**** Jordanian Muslim Arrested After Placing Inactive Bomb in Dallas High-Rise
**** Lebanese-born Swede Sentenced to Life in Prison for Oregon Terrorist Training Camp Plot **** Three British Muslims Convicted In Plot to Bomb Airliners Bound for America (Plot could have killed 10,000)
**** Apostate from Islam, Rifqa Bary, Flees Family After Her Father Threatens Her
**** Member of Prison Islamist Group Sentenced to 70 Months for Plot to Kill Jews, Attack Military Bases **** Atlanta Muslim, Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, Convicted of Supporting Foreign Terrorist Organization (Supported Lashkar-e-Tayyiba which carried out Mumbai attack)
**** German Jihadists Describe Hatred of US as Reason for Terror Plot **** Yemeni Sheikh Pleads Guilty to Aiding HAMAS in New York Court
**** "Shoe Bomber" Richard Reid Sues to Resume Jihad From Prison
**** The Odyssey of a Jihadist: From Long Island to Pakistan **** Seven Charged in North Carolina for Terrorism (Plot to attack Marine Corps Base Quantico)
****American Al Qaeda Jihadist Sentenced to Life for Bush Assassination Plot
**** Hizb ut-Tahrir Jihadi Conference Held in Chicago **** New Jersey Muslim Convicted of Providing Material Support to Jihadist Terrorist Group Hezbollah
**** Tennessee Muslim Convert Kills One Soldier, Wounds Another Outside Little Rock Recruiting Office
**** Ex-Georgia Tech Student Convicted on Terrorism Charges
**** Texas Muslim Charity Officials Sentenced to 65 Years for Financing HAMAS Jihadist Terrorist Organization
**** New York Jihadist Plot to Target Synagogues Disrupted **** Canadian from Somalia Living in Minneapolis Pleads Guilty to Aiding Al Qaeda
**** Five Miami Jihadists Convicted in Sears Tower Bombing Plot
**** Three New Jersey Jihadists Sentenced to Life in Fort Dix Terrorist Plot **** Somali-Americans Recruited for Al Qaeda-linked Group Says FBI
**** Ohio Jihadist Sentenced to 20 Years in Terror Bomb Plot
**** Muslim Television Channel Founder Charged With Beheading His Wife in Honor Killing **** FBI Director Warns of Terror Attacks on US Cities
**** Lashkar-e-Taiba Mumbai Attackers Had Worldwide List of 320 Targets
**** Jailhouse Islam Convert Murders Philadelphia Police Officer
****FBI Cuts Ties with Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Over HAMAS Ties **** Terrorist Who Plotted to Bomb New York Targets in 1970s Released From Prison, Deported to Sudan
**** Chicago Cousins Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorism
**** Staten Island Satellite TV Operator Pleads Guilty to Supporting Hezbollah **** Former University of South Florida Student Sentenced to 15 Years in Terrorism Case
If you don't want these stories covered and reported to you by WND and its reporters, then just allow CAIR's legal blackmail to stand. However, if you are like me, and you want to know the truth about this attempt to destroy the United States then you must act today. Please consider giving a tax deductible gift to the WND Free Speech Legal Defense Fund that we have arranged through the non-profit United States Justice Foundation to pay these legal fees. ________________________________________________________________________________
I work diligently to bring you the full breath of the Islamic Jihad against America, and, now, WND's reporters are paying a price in court for this vigilance. Please, do not ignore this urgent plea for help. We need your help today.
Please also remember that all gifts to the United States Justice Foundation are tax-deductible. And please know that, as Editor and Founder of WorldNetDaily.com, continuing to deliver the unvarnished truth to you is my singular goal. Please consider helping us with a gift RIGHT NOW at this difficult time.
Warm regards,  Joseph Farah
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