A blog dedicated to investigating events as they occur in Judea and Samaria, in Israel and in the world, and as they relate to global powers and/or to the Israeli government, public figures, etc. It is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the headlines; and in so doing, it strives to do its part in saving Judea and Samaria, and by extension, Israel and the Jewish People, from utter destruction at the hands of its many external and internal enemies.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Regime in Israel - a disgrace , and its continuation - a national hazard Article by attorney Dov Even-Or

February 6, 2008


Olmert's Government is the epitome of the above

  1. I define myself as a Jew, and the following characteristics derive from this definition: it is my right to live in a state with a reasonable territory to live on, without 'a mixed multitude', with the Jewish law, out of aspirations for justice; the state will implement the laws of the Torah (with modifications that adjust it to modern times), and will be a light unto its citizens and the nations. Since the regime and the System of Justice will be those who will implement these goals, I am against any kind of dictatorship (call it kingdom, monarchy or presidency); I only favor the rule of a group of people, who are wise, just and burning with the desire to set an example (and this is not the place to discuss the mode of election of these people, and how they will function).

  2. No government since 1948 has answered the criteria mentioned above, but since the government of Yitshack Shamir, we have had governments who have been acting against the existential interests of the Jewish People, trying to change its identity, hence its future. There is a system of justice that operates next to these governments and collaborates with these intentions, by giving its own interpretation to the Law, by castrating the Law and the principles of natural justice. Therefore, I am not a right wing racist, but I am demanding what every 'enlightened' citizen from the United States, England, France, Germany and Italy, etc. would demand for himself, to fight against anybody who would stop him from receiving. It is unconceivable that those 'enlightened' countries should demand from the Jewish People what they refuse to do themselves. I will not allow that the US, in its desire to create an empire, run over South America, Asia, Africa and demand from the 'tiny' State of Israel to give up on territories essential to its survival. This territory is meant to create another Arab State, on top of the 22 already existing. I will not allow that the Vatican, the King of Spain and other Goiim pour rivers of money in order to support organizations hostile to us and bodies that strive to change our character and essence, such as the Homo-Lesbian Community, Jews for Jesus, etc..

  3. The disgrace of Olmert's government is so big, that it constitutes an existential danger to the People of Israel. Of course, the whole left camp will shout its clichés and slogans from the roofs of Tel-Aviv, up until Kfar-Shmariyahu (this is the Northern border of the leftist territory and its real Southern

border is Ben-Gurion airport). Nevertheless, whoever has common sense in his head, will read the facts written below, look into the mirror and say, 'Enough is enough!'.

    1. The State of Israel was formally constituted by the UN Declaration of November 29, 1947, but the basis to it, was set by the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and the San Remo Convention in 1922. In all the decisions mentioned above, it was clearly stated that the Land of Israel was destined to be the national home of the Jewish People and the West Bank was within its borders! None of the Goiim tried to explain 'What is a Jew?' and to define the Jewish People according to modern times. It was clear that the Jewish People is the People of Israel mentioned in the Torah, who lives by the Torah. In the Scroll of Independence (the basis to the first institutions in Israel), it was mentioned that the State of Israel was a Jewish State and there was no mention of democracy.

    2. Nevertheless, Ben-Gurion agreed to the Division Plan of the Land of Israel, but the Arab countries opposed it and decided to fight us until total annihilation.

    3. Therefore, even those who define themselves only as Israeli, are not allowed to change the goals of the State, even if they control the legislative body (and get support from the legislative system and the media). In other words, (to use the jargon accepted by those Israelis in business language), the Jewish People has all the foundation shares of the 'company' called the State of Israel, and without the consent of the share owners, the memorandum and the regulations of the 'company' cannot be changed!

    4. The flight from the Ghazza Strip has not improved the security situation of the residents of the area, on the contrary, it increased the insecurity, and Olmert's government is paralyzed and wouldn't do anything to stop the shooting over the settlements of the area.

    5. The elected bodies of the Arabs in the Ghazza Strip and Judea and Samaria state clearly (in English and even more in Arabic) that they would never recognize the State of Israel as the land of the Jewish People, and on the other hand, declare that even if a Palestinian State was founded between the Jordan and the sea, they would never renounce the Law of Return into the borders of the State of Israel, and make it the ultimate condition to any agreement with Israel. In spite of all this, Olmert continues to support the idea of the foundation of Palestine!

    6. Those who carry on the shooting over the Western Negev and Sderot are from the Palestinian Authority (not the Hammas) and they lance their missiles from Ghazza as well, while the recently released prisoners have joined the forces who fight against us; but lo and behold (!), this did not prevent Olmert from supplying them arms, ammunition and armored vehicles for the 'Rescue and Defense Forces' of Abu Mazen (against the Hammas, but Abu Mazen is laughing in his heart about those stupid Jews who believe all the rubbish he has been selling to them!).

    7. However, I will not resume myself to the description of these deeds of self-destruction, but I will also refer to the great proof of leadership made by the heads of the 'Community Committee' in Eretz Israel during the glorious campaign called the Second War of Lebanon; and my comments are only based on the Report of the Vinograd Committee.

  1. Any person with some sense in his head, will infer from the Report that the Olmert government showed total lack of leadership (not only deficient leadership), lack of willingness to fight and, of course, lack of willingness to win; on the other hand, the 'investigation committee' 'justified' the reasons enumerated by Olmert and refused to call a spade a spade! Instead, the committee members seemingly offered tortuous legal terminology that came through to the common man as 'so and so'! Here are some examples of the 'findings' of the Vinograd Committee including the effort not to draw conclusions:

    1. The government decided to start a war in order to bring back the kidnapped soldiers; so why did the government consent to a ceasefire without getting them back?

    2. What was the 'plan' – if there was a plan, to liberate the kidnapped soldiers? There was no plan, just the decision to bomb the Dahia Quarter in Beirut!

    3. While the rockets continued flying over the North, the government spokesmen announced that the goal of the 'campaign' was to stop the launching of the rockets and that's why a ground step will be necessary; but there was no decision to invade on the ground and for many days, the IDF soldiers went on 'promenades' along the border, entering carefully up to the Hizballa posts and coming out again, suffering daily casualties.

    4. Three weeks passed by, the military trampled in mud along the border, the reserve forces were not recruited, and, on the other hand, the number of daily rockets increased. Didn't the members of the government notice that Olmert and Peretz didn't know what to do?

    5. As a result of the glorious success in battle, the government ran to the Americans to beg them to get us out of mud by turning to the United Nations; and now, when the Security Council had a signed draft (including by Israel), the government decided to go off on a 60 hour ground operation, when the Chief of Staff specifically demanded 4 days! And what is the formal explanation given by the government and the Chief of Staff to this move? The need to improve positions in case the Hizballa might not implement the decision of the Security Council! But the Hizballa has agreed to the contents of the decision (via Lebanon) and all the people of Israel, including the military commanders, see that a ceasefire is in the works, but the army has to go into battle again!

    6. The members of the Vinograd Committee explicitly say that such a campaign could not gain results within 60 hours, so why did it get the green light and what was the real reason of this move? In the same breath, the Committee agrees that this move was 'reasonable' in the eyes of those days!? And I am asking, what soldier would agree to put his soul at risk, whatever the prospects of the campaign, when the war was going to be over in 60 hours?

    7. The 'inquiry committee' was nominated by the government after refusing to have a state inquiry committee; therefore, no body in the country, including the Supreme Court, did not have a say about the way this committee should function: so when the Military Defense of the IDF petitioned the Supreme Court to instruct the Committee about abstention from personal conclusions, the government was compelled to demand the withdrawal of the petition and to fire the Chief Military Defense Attorney. But it served Olmert's interests, so he left it in place.

But the Committee had to turn to the Supreme Court and threaten either to resign or not to accept the Supreme Court verdict, but instead it gave in, and Olmert's legal problems were solved!

Conclusion: New elections for the Knesset within 90 days. Decision that the new Knesset should disperse within 2 years in order to elect a 'Constitutive Knesset' (for a special purpose) and the latter will decide upon the system of legislation and government of this country!

Yours truly,

Dov Even-Or

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