Shomron OPENLY ( I have the interview taped) considered the Rabin murder a conspiracy.
BUT you ever hear of a heater blowing up????? Barry
And remember all the massive strokes of all these OBSTACLES to the CFR-OLMERT-PERES machinations:
1. Ariel Sharon ( obstacle re: Yeshushalayim)
2. Rav Moshe Lowinger, Hevron ( major obstacle in Hevron and Yesha, major leader of the resistance), and now
3. GENERAL Dan Shomron, open, influential critic of Olmert's policies, of the Lebanon War II, influential believer of the LIE of Rabin's murder version.
My question is;
What tasteless, odorless poison could cause a massive stroke?
Let's see:
1.. Heparin - needs to be injected.
2.. Massive doses of aspirin - very acidic.
Is there anything else out these, rat poison, or something else, that could cause massive hemorrhage and has no taste or odor??
3. AHA, here we go: the typical, commonly used anticoagulant COUMADIN ( Warfarin), which is taken orally, and which has to be carefully dosed in order not to cause hemorrhage.
Look what I found about Coumarin compounds:
It is so simple, really, even a CHILD could have figured out such a stratagem. All it takes is ONE, WELL PLACED TRAITOR around the victim - and with all the Shabak agents around, that certainly should not be lacking!
The rat poison is Warfarin or coumarin-like compounds that are blood anticoagulants. ... has been deemed as being odorless, tasteless and inevitably fatal, ...
Now please, read further. It is long, and the original text is even longer ( if you click on the link), but well worth reading.
Now, I am asking you: if it can be done to rats, do you really believe it can't be done to people?
Specially by a gang used to this kind of things, that has practiced poisonings for centuries:
Please, read below about the CUP OF BORGIA, after you are done reading about rat poison.
According to the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR), 45th edition, 1991,
Product Information (pp. 547-548) and the United States Pharmacopeia (USP),
1990 edition (pp. 129-131, 699-701) on prescription drugs and medicines,
Warfarin, coumarin, and a similar anticoagulant, Heparin, are used in surgery
to prevent blood clots from forming secondary to an operation, such as open
heart surgery, and the treatment for certain blood vessel, heart, and lung
The contraindications for the use of coumarin and Warfarin in humans are
the very same reasons it is used in rat poison. These anticoagulants cause
the tiny capillaries and blood vessels to leak blood and cause internal
bleeding or hemorrhage. In rats and in humans they cause gastrointestinal,
genitourinary, and respiratory tract bleeding, in addition to cerebrovascular
hemorrhage and cerebral and aortic aneurysms.
In essence, rats and humans bleed to death internally and externally,
which can be caused by capillary damage and/or very slight injuries or bumps
and bangs, similar to the physiological effects caused by the deadly Ebola
virus (hemorrhagic fever) infection. Warfarin does cause extensive liver,
kidney, and adrenal gland damage as well.
Dr. Donald Frear in Chemistry of the Pesticides (pp. 437-443) states
that "the ideal rodenticide has been deemed as being odorless, tasteless and
inevitably fatal, although it should be slow acting in order that all rodents
in the area will have an opportunity to consume the poison without becoming
He continues that "the symptoms of acute poisoning should be absent, to
avoid bait shyness, and the manner of death should be such that no suspicions
are aroused in the rodent population surviving."
This same non-suspicious reaction is present in tobacco smokers.
William Hallenbeck and Kathleen Cunningham-Burns in Pesticides and Human
Health (p. 15) state that Warfarin and coumarin-like compounds are
"anticoagulants and antimetabolites of vitamin K and inhibit the synthesis of
prothrombin (the clotting agent in blood). They explain that "repeated
exposure is usually required for damage to occur," and that "numerous small
exposures may be more damaging than one large dose" They also say that "since
the rodents do not develop bait shyness they are fed to capacity until death."
Q: What is the extent of the Jesuits power?
Jesuit rule everything my friend, from Intelligence to military to banking to Masonry, my god it even goes down to Sports teams and Dominos pizza if we really want to go deep. Dig deep enough and you always find at the top Sovereign Military of Malta such as the Federal Reserve, Council on Foreign Relations etc. Same for Bilderberg with its Jesuit founder Joseph Rettinger. Their everywhere and the main reason is because Knowledge is power. They have the most real wealth but knowledge is worth more than any piece of paper money or even gold for that matter! People get their minds hived by Temporal Coadjutors working for the Jesuit order. Their made to believe that mere puppets such as Rockefella and Rothschild rule this planet and banking. These two are very big players no doubt but their dwarfed at the top. Just look at the Venetian bankers and laught at the dribble the mass conspiracy are spoon fed. Truth be known, Queen Elizabeth II is much more wealthy than we're being told and guess what she really belongs too? The GELPH bloodline which is hidden as much as possible, this means shes a Black Nobilty. Mr Coleman and others exposed how when her ship was in Venice you knew something was going to happen financially/war somewhere. All the Black Nobility and high ranking would meet on this ship in a Bilderberg type way. Obviously this was a very secret matter and its certainly not discussed much at all in the Temporal Coadjutor conspiracy indoctrination. The Black Nobility are known also as The Committee of 300. We're just told about Duponts, Rockefellas, Melons, Morgans etc. They simply forget the Bernadotte, Bourbon, Braganza, Grimaldi, Grosvenors, Guelph, Habsburg, Hanover, Hozhenzollern, Karadjordjevic, Liechtenstein, Nassau, Oldenburg, Orange, Savoy, Wettin, Wittelsbach, Württemberg, Zogu. The Jesuits run our countries from their universities and colleges. In America its not the Whitehouse and Pentagon which rule, its Georgetown University! Yes the very place William Clinton was educated amongst others and what he can never keep quite about. Georgetown is the true power of the U.S followed by Fordham University. Both oversea the Black Popes Miltary Vicar known as Cardinal Egan in New York. If Cardinal Egan doesn't do as hes told hes either removed or ELIMINATED. The Jesuits favourite method of assassination is The Cup of Borgia which is poisoning. Everything in America goes through the Military Vicar first after of course Georgetown and Fordham. Cardinal Egan knows everything behind 9-11 as he gives the final orders from the Vatican point of view. In the U.K its the Archibisop of Westminster Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor. He is overseen by Wimbledon College who is overlooked by the real power of the U.K which is Stonyhurst College. The Queen even has to cutsie when she goes to Stonyhurst. The Queen has to ask permission to enter Rome's main financial district/realm know as The City also known as the City of London. You see Rome controls this world through the U.K and U.S which if anything went wrong and things came out, these would get the blame not the real villian. Never make it easy for people to know who rules behind the shadows. Make up villians in the publics eye so they get the blame first. This has happened by installing in the waking public amongst conspiracy followers that The City is solely to blame and its owners mostly we're told are Rothschilds. Now when trouble starts people will attack the wrong enemy and if they ever won they would think its all over, whilst the devil dog Jesuits regroup and reform for the next battle which never ends. Right now the sheeple are made to hate America and blame it for everything. Have you noticed how they like to refer to this land as America when they want to indoctrinate hate against it, but its the United States any other time? Yes the United States is their business, corporation & pride and joy. America is nothing to them and they hate this very much as well as Americans. To Rome your just a slave in a covert control system which keeps you happy thinking your free when you not. The Jesuits realised that overt control and military action on the people didn't work so they decided in 1776 to go covert and gradually overtime we're now being controlled covertly thinking we're free whilst we're in a prison without bars as Icke would say. This is the true reason for the creation of the Order of Illuminati created on May 1st 1776. Your National Insurance and Social Security numbers are your Maritime Admiltary Product slave ROME numbers. We're simply stock for our governments leadship to use in order to get funding from Rome and its Banking agents/pawns.
I quote:
A danger now arose in the shape of a conspiracy on the part of the deposed despots, the Orsini, and of some of Cesare's own condottieri. At first the papal troops were defeated and things looked black for the house of Borgia. But a promise of French help quickly forced the confederates to come to terms. Cesare, by an act of treachery, then seized the ringleaders at Senigallia and put Oliverotto da Fermo and Vitellozzo Vitelli to death (31 December 1502). As soon as Alexander VI heard the news he lured Cardinal Orsini to the Vatican and cast him into a dungeon, where he died. His goods were confiscated, his aged mother turned into the street and many other members of the clan in Rome were arrested, while Giuffre Borgia led an expedition into the Campagna and seized their castles. Thus the two great houses of Orsini and Colonna, who had long fought for predominance in Rome and often flouted the Pope's authority, were subjugated and the Borgias' power increased. Cesare then returned to Rome, where his father asked him to assist Giuffre in reducing the last Orsini strongholds; this for some reason he was unwilling to do, much to Alexander VI's annoyance; but he eventually marched out, captured Ceri and made peace with Giulio Orsini, who surrendered Bracciano.
Three more high personages fell victim to the Borgias' greed this year: Cardinal Michiel, who was poisoned in April 1503, J. da Santa Croce, who had helped to seize Cardinal Orsini, and Troches or Troccio, Alexander's chamberlain and secretary; all these murders brought immense sums to the Pope. About Cardinal Ferrari's death there is more doubt; he probably died of fever, but Alexander VI immediately confiscated his goods anyway. The war between France and Spain for the possession of Naples dragged on, and Alexander VI was forever intriguing, ready to ally himself with whichever power promised the most advantageous terms at any moment. He offered to help Louis XII on condition that Sicily be given to Cesare, and then offered to help Spain in exchange for Siena, Pisa and Bologna.
Although there is no doubt that Alexander VI liked to eliminate any cardinal and immediately confiscate their property, there is no sufficient evidence on the methods used in these murders. It has been suggested that the family used their favorite poison Cantarella, an arsenic variation, which was offered to their poor victim in a form of drink with an innovative nickname, the 'liquor of succession'. Since raw forms of arsenic, known at that time, were not immediately fatal, Alexander VI must had invented a method for preparation of that substance, for which no information exists. The famous cup of Borgia, a golden cup with a hidden area storing the poison so it could be mixed with the wine, is often mentioned as the family's favorite murdering method, and it has been the base for many legendary and science fiction stories, including Agatha Christie's short story The Apples of Hesperides published in the 1947 collection The Labours of Hercules.
[edit] Death
Burchard recorded the events that surrounded the death of the Pope. Cesare was preparing for another expedition in August 1503 when, after he and Alexander had dined with Cardinal Adriano da Corneto on August 6th, they were taken ill with fever. Cesare had eventually recovered, but Alexander VI was too old to have any chance. According to Burchard, Alexander VI's stomach became swollen and turned to liquid, while his face became wine-coloured and his skin began to peel off. Finally his stomach and bowels bled profusely. After more than a week of intestinal bleeding and convulsive fevers, and after accepting last rites and making a confession, the despairing Alexander VI expired on 18 August 1503 at the age of 72. He is said to have uttered the last words "Wait a minute" before expiring.[5]
Don Francis Borgia
" . . . |
Don Ignatius LIEola (1491-1556). The Jesuit General is referred to as the '"Black" Pope at the Vatican because he always dresses in black!! Jesuit General from 1541 to 1556. | Don Francis Borgia (1510-1572) was the great-grandson of Don Alexander Borgia and co-founder of the Jesuits. On his mother's side he was descended from King Ferdinand of Aragon. Jesuit General from 1565 to 1572. |
Don Francis was made a "saint of the Roman "Church" in 1671!!
In the year 1671, Don Francis was made a "saint' of the Roman "church" and here is the reason why: Let's assume that Don Francis began his career as a poisoner in 1530 and ended it in 1572 when he went to meet his Maker. In that short time period, there was a total of 7 "white" Popes with an average reign of 6 years. By sending that many "Holy Fathers" to meet their Heavenly Father . . . ahead of time . . . Borgia was made a saint!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesuit Generals are elected for life!!
The Jesuit General is actually a pseudo-pope and is elected for LIFE. All the other Roman Congregations have term limits on their Superiors.
Many of the Popes tried to limit the Generals' terms but ALL who tried died an untimely death from the Cup of Borgia. One Pope, Clement XIV, actually banned the Jesuits with a perpetual decree never to be rescinded . . . but he died a horrible death from poisoning.
The Skull and Bones is the trademark of the Jesuits!!
An 18th century polychrome statue of Don Francis from the collection of the Marquess of Santo Domingo. | The skull and bones or the death's head is the trademark of the Jesuits. It is also the symbol for POISON and the Jolly Roger or flag of PIRACY. This symbol was used by the dreaded Waffen SS and the Gestapo during WW II. It was also worn by Kaiser Wilhelm during WW I.
Only the Judgment Day will reveal how many Popes, kings, rulers, presidents, etc. etc., have died as a result of the poisoned needle or the Cup of Borgia.
The Skull and Bones or Death's Head was the symbol of the dreaded SS!!
Hitler, Himmler and the 3rd Reich were just DUPES of the Death's Head Spanish Inquisition. If they had heeded the warnings of the Great Martin Luther they would not have become victims of that roaring lion Satan:
Heinrich Himmler with the Skull and Bones symbol of the dreaded SS.
President George W. Bush is a member of Skull and Bones!!
Yale University in New Haven, Conn. is the U.S. headquarters of Skull and Bones. George W. Bush, following the example of his father, George, and grandfather Prescott S. Bush joined the Order in April, 1968, in his senior year:
"Skull and Bones has been called "the most powerful secret society the United States has ever known" because its members have presided at the highest realms of American business and political life. Former Bonesmen hail from some of Americas most prominent families: Bundy, Coffin, Harriman, Lord, Phelps, Rockefeller, Taft, Whitney, and, of course, Bush.
A Yale student named William H. Russell started the secret organization in 1832 in an effort to create a new world order that would place the best and the brightest at the helm of society. A wealthy elitist, Russell believed that the most important decisions should only be made by those who are bred to make them, so he created an environment that would shape the characters of the men who would shape the world. He called his group the Brotherhood of Death or, more informally, the order of Skull and Bones, patterned after a secret society founded in Germany, also in 1832. Since then, Skull and Bones has maintained its "tomb"—the basement of its headquarters—on the Yale campus in a windowless house on High Street just off the Old Campus and has selected fifteen men, and later, women, too, in every junior class to be admitted to its elite ranks. These men, who automatically include the captains of the football and baseball teams, the editor of the Yale Daily News, the president of the student council, and the head of the Political Union, are all sworn to lifetime secrecy about their rituals and commit themselves to helping each other scale life's summits."(Kelley, The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, pp. 23-24).
I hope this information was helpful to those of you who never even CONSIDERED a stroke as a manifestation of possible POISONING by enemies of our freedom.
At 07:39 PM 2/26/2008, you wrote:
21 Adar 5768, 27 February 08 02:30
Former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron Passes Away in Tel Aviv
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
( Major-General Dan Shomron, the 13th Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, passed away Tuesday morning in Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital. Two weeks ago, he was hospitalized following a massive stroke. Shomron, 70, leaves behind a wife and two children.
Maj.-Gen. Shomron, resident of Kibbutz Ashdot, served as IDF Chief of Staff from 1987 to 1991, capping a lengthy and decorated military service. In the 1967 Six-Day War, he commanded a unit on the Egyptian front and was the first paratrooper to reach the Suez Canal, earning a Medal of Distinguished Service. In 1976, as commander of the IDF infantry, Shomron led Operation Thunderbolt, in which IDF forces flew into Uganda and rescued hostages held in Entebbe by Arab and German terrorists.
Maj.-Gen. Shomron was the commander of the forces that oversaw the dismantling of Israeli communities and army bases in the Sinai Peninsula, under orders personally handed down by then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon in 1981. Israel relinquished the Sinai to Egypt in the framework of the 1978 Camp David Accords.
As IDF Chief of Staff, Shomron faced the Arab insurgency in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, also called the "first Intifada," which began in 1987. The limited confrontation lasted for several years and involved stabbings, stonings, shootings and other forms of violence against Israeli soldiers and civilians. In 1991, Saddam Hussein's Iraq launched 39 Scud missiles at Israel during the First Gulf War (America's Operation Desert Storm) and the Shamir government opted not to respond militarily.
During Gen. Shomron's four-year term as Chief of Staff, the IDF implemented an aggressive counter-terrorism policy that included strikes deep into territories used by Arab terrorists for planning and organization. Some of the boldest operations in this period, carried out by land, sea and air, remain classified.
After retiring from the military, Shomron was appointed Chairman of Israel Military Industries in 1991. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu invited Shomron to take part in the negotiations with the PLO ahead of the 1997 Hevron Accord.
In 2006, Shomron was appointed by the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to assess the IDF performance during the Second Lebanon War. In his January 2007 report, the former IDF Chief of Staff said that the retaliatory war against Hizbullah was fought without any clear objective. He noted that the government issued a general directive to stop Katyusha rocket attacks, but that it was not clear under what terms the IDF was to execute the order.
On the political front, Dan Shomron founded the Third Way party in 1995 along with Avigdor Kahalani, but left the party before the Knesset elections. He was also a supporter of the Committee for the Prevention of the Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount alongside author A. B. Yehoshua, Hebrew University Jewish philosophy professor Avi Ravitsky, and senior archaeologists such as Gabriel Barkai, Eilat Mazar, Ehud Netzer, Ronny Reich and Ephraim Stern. %ad%
In 2003, in a Jerusalem Post article on the events of the second Intifada, entitled "Back on the Oslo Track," Shomron wrote, "It is possible that our use of force has not been enough to accomplish a full strategic upheaval in the Palestinian consciousness. If not, we will have to take military action once again. The defense forces have to be prepared for this, as I'm certain they are."
21 Adar 5768, 27 February 08 02:34![]()
Request for Prayers for Victim of Gas Leak Explosion
( The public is requested to pray for a full and speedy recovery of Talia bat Yehudit Shlomit, who was critically injured in a gas explosion at her home in Maon, in the southern Hevron Hills. She tried to light the gas heater after returning from a memorial ceremony for her brother and his wife, who were killed a year ago in a traffic accident.
The huge blast left her with burns over most of her body. Her husband, Avichai ben Rivka, also was severely injured but managed to take their two young children outside through a window. They also suffered burns. Talia is the daughter of Rabbi Danny Stitskin, formerly of New York and who is the rabbi of Maon.
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