A blog dedicated to investigating events as they occur in Judea and Samaria, in Israel and in the world, and as they relate to global powers and/or to the Israeli government, public figures, etc. It is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the headlines; and in so doing, it strives to do its part in saving Judea and Samaria, and by extension, Israel and the Jewish People, from utter destruction at the hands of its many external and internal enemies.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Outsmarting the Nazis, then and now.


Hello  Everybody,

Shavuah Tov, again.

This past Shabbat was pretty nice. I hope yours was too. We had snow, sunshine, ... and I was reading a book that got me thinking: it is called "BUDAPEST 44",  A Story of  Rescue and Resistance (against the Nazis).

Why am I bringing this up?

If you have been reading the entries on this blog until now, you will have concluded, as I have, that our enemy today, indeed, is the very exact same enemy that was 60 years ago, except under a different disguise and with new actors.

As an example, one of the worst inciters against Jews ( with subsequent massacres by mobs)  in 1939 was President of Slovakia Jozef Tiso, who was a DEVOUT CATHOLIC PRIEST and who was referred by Pope Pius XII as a "DEAR SON"". Another one was Pater Andras Kun, another Catholic priest  who incited to the bloody murder of Jews.

Then, we had the JUDENRAT. Those cowardly and treasonous Jews, working for Hitler, who were willing to sell their brothers to save their own skins. Today we also have a Judenrat in Israel, of which Olmert , Barak, etc. are prime examples, who also work for the CFR, the UN, the Vatican, the very same players bent on the destruction of Israel, just under different names.

By the way , it is NOT by accident that the very mention of the word Judenrat as applied to an Israeli official was enough to get Nadia Matar into court. If there is ONE THING that the Nazis did, it was to always COVER UP their plans. They tried to shut up permanently anybody who TOLD THE TRUE FACTS, for instance of Auschwitz, TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITIES . Because the moment the PLANS were known, their Jewish victims would escape and plan survival. That is WHY one of the jobs of the Judenrat was to keep people in the dark. Sounds familiar?

Another example of the similarity is the GRADUAL MANNER in which they planned the extermination. First forbid jobs, then ghetto, then starvation, then camps, then death, in order to DESENSITIZE and PACIFY the Jewish victims.

Today also, we see a GRADUAL WORSENING of the edicts. First, NO NEW SETTLEMENTS. THEN, NO NEW BUILDING in the existing settlements. etc. etc.

Another feature of the Nazi tactic was the systematic progression and division of the exterminations: they divided Hungary into five sections, and emptied it of Jews one by one.

Therefore, I'd say that we have to be very alert to a similar process potentially happening here. First Gush Katif, then Amona, then Migron, etc, etc.

If you want to understand today, look back 60 years.

Now that we know that, how should we react?

First of all, let's state something without the shadow of a  doubt:THE NAZIS ARE SEEN AS BEING THE DIRECT DESCENDANTS OF AMALEK. I am not the one saying that, Rabbonim say so.

ZECHOR ET ASHER ASSA AMALEK. Remember what Amalek did. And  blot his very memory from under the heavens! This is a command that pertains to EVERY JEW IN EVERY GENERATION, and Adar is here.

Second, I suggest you read the book just mentioned; or ANY book about Jewish resistance to the Nazis, for that matter. There you'll find plenty of very good examples of how Jews outsmarted the Nazis, that we can emulate.

Something to ponder.

Until next time.


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