A blog dedicated to investigating events as they occur in Judea and Samaria, in Israel and in the world, and as they relate to global powers and/or to the Israeli government, public figures, etc. It is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the headlines; and in so doing, it strives to do its part in saving Judea and Samaria, and by extension, Israel and the Jewish People, from utter destruction at the hands of its many external and internal enemies.
May you have "a gitten kvittel". May all Am Yisrael be blessed with only goodness and may our prayers be heard on Yom Kippur. Regarding this incredibly inspiring and beautiful video of Slichot this past Sunday: don't be dismayed by the lack of sound starting around 6:00; it returns at around 12:00. Enjoy, experience the atmosphere of holy Hevron where all Jews find their place: it is after all the home of our Mothers and Fathers! Gemar Chatimah Tovah to all! May all of Am Yisrael be inscribed in the Book of Life. DS And here is a small Encore for thirsty souls:
I love it; my goodness, such beautiful and holy souls in the world outside of Israel! It gives me hope, and I can't stop singing in unison with Mohammed - singing a holy and beautiful Jewish song together with this openhearted and wise Muslim. Beautiful Rosh Hashanah understanding, Mohammed! Thank you; I have no doubt G-d loves you. .... Yemot Ha Mashiach, Mamash! Wishing all of you a beautiful and Happy New Year. Leshanah Tovah Tikatevu ve Tichatemu! DS
BS"D Dear friends, family, etc: Regarding the Chesed Fund campaign about David Barel in a Polish prison for a crime he didn't commit: After a lot of deliberations with a friend, we came to the conclusion that the story is REAL. Why do I say that? Several intelligent people have questioned the veracity of the claim, suspecting that some con man or woman is trying to squeeze a lot of money out of us softhearted and compassionate Jews... because we know: what is more precious than saving another Jew? Well, thanks to my friend's tenacity, intelligence and skills, she figured out who the man really is and what happened. I won't spill the beans because she did the work, so let her tell it like she figured it out; additionally the family didn't want to be identified, and I don't want to cause them any more sorrow at this time. But please take my word that we have done our due diligence and we both believe that we know who and why. So with that in mind, I am asking you, once more: let's free the man! Let's make sure the missing money is in the account by tonight POLAND TIME! The man is in Poland, and Poland is one hour behind Israel, so now it is around 4:00 PM there. Let's contribute whatever we can , let's spread the word to all our friends, rich and poor, let every Jew pitch in in saving this man so he can be home for Rosh Hashanah! And let everybody have a wonderful New Year full of brachot. As a reminder, here is a link to the campaign: https://thechesedfund.com/Ag5m3j/barel?team=26/donate Thank you in advance, DS PS: We did it! The goal has been reached. Whoever contributed, thank you! Mi Keamcha Yisrael, beautiful.
Sounds familiar? Apparently that is what the Paritzes would do in the past. I guess the leopard does not ever change its spots. Really nice, honorable behavior from that court.
After B"H we finally help free him, I hope we will publicize the story so the whole world can appreciate the disgusting blackmail that occurred here. Hello Poles, some great people you are, aren't you?!
DENIED A TRIAL FOR TWO YEARS: Please Help Us Do the Real Mitzvah of Pidyon Shvuyim & Save My Husband's Life
Verified Campaign
donated by 3235 people in 18 days
Goal: $170,000
UPDATE, 15/9/2019: Thank you so much for all your help so far. Unfortunately we are still far from our goal. We have so little time left to save Dovid, there are only 4 days left to return a father to his children. Please help us bring Dovid home, it is a matter of life and death. UPDATE, 9/9/2019: Thank you so much to the kind donors who have helped us thus far. Unfortunately we have not yet raised the money necessary to release Dovid. BARUCH HASHEM we were able to receive an extension so we now have another 10 days to save his life. Please help us to reach our goal, every minute counts. Thank you.
My name is Sara Barel. We are in a very very painful situation and we desperately need help -
My husband Dovid’s identity was stolen, and was used by someone for fraud - He was arrested and taken to prison in Europe. We were so scared but assumed it would all soon be over, because he is innocent. For two years he has sat in Polish prison, suffering without trial. You cannot imagine what he has been through in that time. Finally, this week, his case was brought to trial. It was determined that he is innocent and that he can go home - if, by Sunday, September 8, we can pay a fine far beyond what we could ever dream of affording. If we do not pay the fine, he will chas v'shalom remain in prison. Honestly I fear for his life. The prison is not a good place, and he is suffering. To bring him home is now not only redeeming a captive, but a matter of life and death.
I have spent two years home alone with my eight children, unable to tell them when, or if, their father would ever come home.
Baruch Hashem Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita has written a letter on our behalf, calling on people around the world to save this precious life.
Please, please join us and help our family raise this money. And you should be blessed with health, happiness, and parnassah for your own family, to never have to beg for the help of others.
Thank you. Sara Our haskamah of Rabbi Yaakov Eliezer Schwartzman shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Lakewood-Jerusalem (First translation, then Hebrew below) :
"To Acheinu Bnei Yisrael:
I have come to request and to awaken Acheinu Beis Yisrael in the matter of my friend Rav Refael shlita whose brother is facing guilty charges, he is accused by the government of Poland and they have imprisoned him in a terrible situation. They are demanding a huge sum, without it he will remain in prison for a long time, which will seriously endanger his health. It is the cry of the Gedolei Yisrael shlita, that every Jew of Acheinu Beis Yisrael, wherever he may be, must do whatever is within his power to free the prisoner from his imprisonment. To do whatever he can to gain his freedom, especially with generous donations to this holy cause of Pidyon Shvuyim.
All those who participate and contribute should be blessed with everything good, and a Ksiva v’Chasima Tova.
Signed on 5 Elul in Lakewood – Jerusalem may it rebuilt speedily in our days,
Yaakov Eliezer Schwatzman" Note: Names have been changed to protect the privacy of the family
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Marina Gozenpud
eliyhau Zidele
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Klal Yisrael - let's all come together in this mitzvah
Hi everyone, I am coming out of hiding, just this time, and from Chutz La'Aretz, because these upcoming elections are really important - as Rav Berland said, it's a matter of Pikuach Nefesh. Yes, literally, it is a matter of life or death for most of us in Israel, and by extension, in the whole world. Together with so many other things happening, I could write pages and pages of info about the various dangers we are facing now and in the near future, but the time has not come yet. As for the elections only two days away, this is the best and only thing I can do from afar - I wish I could do more, and of course Tefillah always helps - but... so here is what I received from Nadia Matar and Yudit Katzover from the Women in Green:a really good and short video, to the point, and stressing crucial things we tend to forget. Please forward it, as these wonderful ladies requested. Hoping for the best possible outcome for Am Yisrael: WE NEED MASHIACH NOW! Kol Tuv, and a Shana Tovah Umetukah to all if this is my last post until Rosh Hashanah. Ketivah Vechatimah Tovah, and may Hashem help us all. DS
BS"D Hello to all, First of all, I hope you are all well and had a wonderful Shavuot. There are a couple of personal, pressing reasons why I had neither time nor a head to research topics and write posts. But in addition to that, I suspect I was what is called "shadow-banned". In essence what that means is that one way or another my blog has been made invisible to most, be it through google search, or from whichever agency decided to do that, in whichever way they know how to. Just to give you an example: before this occurred, early 2018, I had a few thousand readers to each of my posts. Then all of a sudden the numbers dwindled to below a hundred, if I was lucky. I am sure you are aware of the numerous blogs and websites that have been attacked that way for being politically incorrect, or rather, for telling the truth. Truth is not wanted these days, I don't have to tell you. So rather than writing for a disappearing audience I decided to take a few courses that will sharpen my understanding. When I am ready I will write but probably the blog won't be the primary conduit. Time - with G-d help - will tell, we shall see what happens. Until then, please feel free to peruse whatever past writings you find relevant. For now I am continuing with my disappearing act. Thank you for having given me the privilege of sharing information and thoughts with you. Wishing you all happiness, peace, contentment. and lots of Koach and Siyata Dishmaya to help you deal with the upcoming upheavals expected everywhere. Hashem Imachem DS
And there is a lot more where this came from: go from one of his videos to the other, you will find treasure troves of ideas in Dr. Group's presentations. He recommends, among others, " The Green Body Cleanse" book. I am not familiar with it, but it sounds like something worth looking into. Good watching, good reading... and good health!
...But the very best healing of them all, right HERE...comes directly from Above! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Thank you Hashem for sending this gorgeous video my way. Absolutely beautiful. (....Oops, I had not seen that this came from the Kabbalah Center, a most questionable place from the point of view of Kashrut; and that it was presented on the occasion of Rabin's anniversary... weird: beauty can come from the most unlikely places; it is still extremely special.)
Chodesh Tov to all. Sorry I have to share some not so happy information at this happy time, but knowing the truth means being able to free oneself of the tyranny of disinformation! Amalek at work but Purim is coming!
Unfortunately, it's not only "American children" who are targeted by Big Pharma ( see below); it is, I would say, first and foremost JEWISH children. See the campaigns in Israel, in Jewish communities throughout the US, Lakewood, Atlanta, etc. The Chassidim are being particularly singled out. Rings a bell anyone? Specially knowing that Big Pharma are the direct heirs of the Nazi companies who produced Zyklon B and other such niceties, responsible for millions of exterminated Jews during the Holocaust? Open your eyes, naive Jews, please!!!
For reference read my post published in 2009, titled "Bird's Eye View on H1N1...." on this blog.
.... Specially when you consider this: observe the
time correlation of both phenomena, then make up your
(Natural News) The entire fear mongering campaign surrounding measles outbreaks in the United States centers around a “big lie” that’s pushed by vaccine propagandists. All measles outbreaks, they falsely claim, are due solely to unvaccinated children. Thus, the answer to outbreaks is more vaccines, they say.
But a science paper published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, entitled, “Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR,” has discovered something that vaccine fanatics don’t want the public to know. As it turns out, a large number of measles outbreaks are actually “vaccine reactions” from the measles vaccine itself (MMR vaccines).
“During measles outbreaks, it is important to be able to rapidly distinguish between measles cases and vaccine reactions to avoid unnecessary outbreak response measures such as case isolation and contact investigations,” the study authors write. “We have developed a real-time reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) method specific for genotype A measles virus (MeV) (MeVA RT-quantitative PCR [RT-qPCR]) that can identify measles vaccine strains rapidly, with high throughput, and without the need for sequencing to determine the genotype.”
With the help of this breakthrough science on genetic sequencing, these researchers have stumbled onto something the CDC is desperately trying to make sure the American public never learns. (Keep reading, below…)
Almost 38% of measles cases were found to be “vaccine reactions” caused by measles vaccines
As the published science paper reveals:
During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees (3). Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences (R. J. McNall, unpublished data).
In other words, measles outbreaks were occurring among children who were already vaccinated with the measles. If you do the math, nearly 38% of the genetic sequences that were conducted on supposed “measles” cases turned out to identify measles strains that originated in the vaccines themselves. Thus, more than one out of three cases of measles in the United States was actually a reaction from a measles vaccine, not “wild-type” measles.
Notably, the lying lamestream media never attributes measles outbreaks to measles vaccines. In every case, without exception, measles outbreaks are blamed exclusively on “anti-vaxxers,” even when more than one-third of measles outbreaks are actually caused by the vaccines themselves, as this breakthrough science now proves.
Measles vaccines create market demand for more vaccines by causing measles outbreaks followed by media hysteria
Thanks to breakthrough science in genetic sequencing, it’s now clear that measles vaccines are causing measles outbreaks which then lead to media hysteria over “the measles,” resulting in hyperventilating among journalists and lawmakers who demand more vaccines (while condemning anyone who dares to question the vaccine dogma of the day).
Measles vaccines, truthfully stated, are creating their own demand for more vaccines by causing measles outbreaks in children. Naturally, the entire vaccine establishment and fake news media complex refuses to report the truth about any of this, pretending that measles outbreaks are only occurring among unvaccinated children. This is how outbreaks that are caused by vaccines end up getting blamed on “anti-vaxxers,” resulting in wholesale censorship of vaccine awareness content by Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and other tech giants that universally function as the propaganda arm of Big Pharma and the CDC.
Thus, the measles vaccine false flag operation achieves both the hyping up of measles hysteria while also justifying the censorship of independent journalists who are investigating and exposing the lies of the vaccine industry. This is one more way the vaccine industry operates as a massive RICO Act racketeering cartel that involves the media, the CDC, the FDA, lawmakers and Big Pharma drug giants. The entire system exists to profit from vaccines while using children to spread infectious disease for the purpose of creating demand for yet more vaccines.
Astonishingly, this science paper also reveals that American children appear to be selectively targeted for this vaccine false flag operation. Here’s how we know that:
In Germany, only 2% of measles cases are caused by vaccines
According to the same scientific study cited here, scientists also ran genetic sequencing on measles cases in Germany. There, they found that only 11 out of 542 cases of measles could be traced back to the measles vaccine.
In other words, in Germany, only 2% of measles cases are caused by vaccines. Yet in the United States, nearly 38% of measles cases are caused by vaccines.
How can such an enormous difference exist?
The answer is obvious. Measles vaccines administered in the United States are deliberately engineered to cause more measles outbreaks for the purpose of promoting measles hysteria and pushing for more measles vaccines. It’s all a marketing ploy, and children are being deliberately infected with live measles viruses that are added to the vaccines for this purpose.
The reason the vaccine industry can get away with this is because they enjoy absolute legal immunity for all vaccines that are part of the childhood immunization schedule. Thus, even if the truth were to come out about MMR vaccines containing non-sufficiently weakened viral strains (i.e. “live” viruses), these vaccine manufacturers would have zero legal liability.
This enables them to turn vaccines into marketing weapons, exploiting the bodies of children to infect them with measles as part of the vaccination process itself. Those children then spread the measles to other children, which is why numerous measles outbreaks keep occurring among children who have been vaccinated against the measles. The deceptive media then plays its part and hypes up the outbreaks, blaming “anti-vaxxers” for everything and pushing for nationwide vaccine mandates to achieve “100% compliance,” which they imply will halt the outbreaks.
Vaccines in the United States are deliberately engineered to contain live measles viruses to cause outbreaks that feed the media frenzy
What’s especially fascinating in all this is that breakthrough science in genetic sequencing just revealed the truth about the science deception of vaccines. In other words, good science (in genetic sequencing) just helped expose bad science (vaccine propaganda).
Now we know that measles vaccines are a marketing vector for the vaccine industry, which is essentially running a medical false flag to infect U.S. children with measles for the insidious purpose of creating media hysteria that will call for more vaccines. The real purpose of vaccines, it turns out, is to promote more vaccines, not to prevent outbreaks. Infectious disease outbreaks, it turns out, are a necessary component of vaccine marketing propaganda. If measles cases ceased to exist in America, there would be no panic push to make vaccines mandatory, and the vaccine industry would miss out on billions of dollars in revenue. By keeping the measles outbreaks alive through the deliberate spread of measles through vaccines themselves, the pharmaceutical industry — which has a long, documented history of using human beings for medical experiments — keeps itself relevant and profitable.
All this should come as no surprise to any informed person, given that the vaccine industry currently generates over $30 billion a year in revenues from the sales of vaccines, almost all of which are promoted through engineered fear campaigns.
Vaccine-originated measles outbreaks are also used by Democrat propagandists like Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) or California State Senator Richard Pan to demand that the tech giants censor all content which questions the safety of efficacy of vaccines. Once “anti-vaxxers” can be blamed for everything, the justification for silencing their independent research is sufficiently established to de-platform their channels and silence their speech.
Anyone who dares to point out the fact that the genetic sequences of nearly 38% of measles outbreaks are traced back to measles vaccines themselves will, of course, be labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and mocked by Jimmy Kimmel, even as the scientific paper supporting this has already been published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
The bigger truth in all this is that the vaccine industry deliberately uses vaccine mandates as a biological weapons delivery system to propagate outbreaks of infectious disease as an insidious marketing plot to sell more vaccines.
Now you know why the truth about vaccines is being systematically censored out of sheer desperation.
Where to learn more truth about vaccines
Read Vaccines.news for daily news updates on vaccines.
See NVIC.org for legislative updates on vaccine laws.
Find vaccine truth videos exclusively at Brighteon.com, the YouTube alternative for truth videos on any subject.
Check out GreenMedInfo.com for authoritative articles on the dangers of vaccines and prescription medications.
Read Censored.news, the alternative to Google News, covering the internet’s most censored news sources on vaccines, medicine and politics.
Most importantly, stop using Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter or Pinterest to get your information, since all those tech giants censor all truthful information about vaccines, cancer and other topics.
I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee... ואברכה מברכיך ומקללך אאר ונברכו בך כל משפחת האדמה
Am Yisrael wants the Temple rebuilt!
A survey conducted by the Panels Insitute revealed that 64 % of the Israeli public , and half of secular Israelis, want the Temple rebuilt. 97% of respondents know that the Temple was destroyed on Tisha B'Av ( Ninth of Av).
The survey's second question queried the public’s desire to rebuild the Temple. Sixty-four percent responded favorably and 36 percent said no. Analysis of the answers revealed that not only hareidi-religious and other religious Jews want to rebuild the Temple, (100 percent and 97 percent respectively), but also the traditional public (91 percent) and many secular Jews (47 percent) do as well.
Just a reminder to our many enemies, specially 'you know who' (below ), from Isaiah the Prophet:
Isaiah 49:24-26
"Can prey be taken back from a strong one; can the righteous captive escape?
But thus said Hashem: Even the captive of the strong can be taken back, and the prey of the mighty can escape; I, Myself, will take up your cause, and I, MYSELF, WILL SAVE YOUR CHILDREN.
And I will feed your oppressors their own flesh, and as with sweet wine shall they become drunk; then all flesh shall know that I am Hashem, your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel."
My favorite blogs and websites ( in alphabetical order)
It is forbidden to remain silent in matters of life and death!
Always remember: first thoughts, then words....so actions can follow.
"Sof Maaseh, B'Machshavah Techilah"
סוף מעשה, במחשבה תחילה
("The final outcome has been conceived of at the outset")
Words of wisdom: what to do to save lives and preserve freedom of the Jewish People in Israel:
"When the people fear the government, it is tyranny...when government fears the people, it is liberty."
Variously attributed to Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine and Benjamin Franklin.
... Coming from a traditionally very passive and peaceful sector, United Torah Judaism:
"There was no reason for [the mother] to be in jail... Now we all understand that these things can be stopped by burning garbage and ripping out traffic lights”
MK Meir Porush, UTJ - about the riots in Jerusalem
A word of wisdom...coming from what was once the Land of the Free...
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."
Samuel Adams, American Revolutionary
Very appropriate quote , although more than a century old.
"There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech,
but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press."
--Mark Twain
... And more truths about truth:
"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.
To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.... The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing.
Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."
-- Aldous Huxley - (1894-1963) Author - Source: forward to Brave New World, 1946 edition.
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."Dresden James.
We live in times of unprecedented dangers, therefore,
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." Edmund Burke
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing, because he could only do a little."
Edmund Burke
Here below, you will be able to see for yourselves what REALLY happened during the Gush Katif expulsion; how the GOOD JEWS of ISRAEL were BETRAYED by their so-called leaders.
Link provided by Barry Chamish.
Now you understand whom we are dealing with in this country: TRAITORS. They pretend to have the nation's best interests at heart, but this is all a mirage, a lie; either they are self-serving, or THEY WORK FOR THE ENEMY, and they cannot be trusted.
Only TRUE and FAITHFUL LEADERSHIP will get us out of this morass; AND G-D'S INFINITE MERCY, B"H.
We are waiting for Mashiach to come and rescue us; meanwhile, we do what we can to HELP THE GEULAH.
Gush Katif Betrayal, "MERAGLIM 1"
Gush Katif Betrayal, "MERAGLIM 2"
Gush Katif Betrayal, "MERAGLIM 3"
Gush Katif Betrayal, "MERAGLIM 4"
Here below are quotes related to the enemy's nature, tactics and philosophy.
Whenever he does A, do A, in reverse.
He does B, do B, in reverse.
We might not have his financial resources or capabilities, but we have a much greater ally: HASHEM.
Remember David and Goliath. We are David, and with God's help, we can defeat Goliath. All we have to do is UNMASK THE EVIL GIANT, UNMASK HIS TACTICS, UNDERSTAND HIS DECEPTIONS, AND EXPOSE THEM TO THE BRIGHT LIGHT OF DAY.
"Propaganda cannot take time off"
... one of the key rules ofmodern disinformation, which is that the required message must be repeated very frequently if it is to pass...
Serge Tchakhotine, author of "Le Viol des Foules par la Propagande Politique", 1939
"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the ... public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.
This is the political logic which remains behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened."
Daniele Ganser, " NATO'S Secret Army, Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe "
... in 1998, the US State Department and intelligence agencies decided to use the Kosovo Liberation Army to get rid of Slobodan Miloševic. "The US agenda was clear. When the time was right they were going to use the KLA to provide the solution to the political problem" – the "problem" being, as Marshall explains earlier, Miloševic’s continued political survival. This meant supporting the KLA’s terrorist secessionism, and later fighting a war against Yugoslavia on its side. Marshall quotes Mark Kirk, a US naval intelligence officer, saying that, "Eventually we opened up a huge operation against Miloševic, both secret and open." The secret part of the operation involved not only things like stuffing the various observer missions which were sent into Kosovo with officers from the British and American intelligence services, but also – crucially – giving military, technical, financial, logistical and political support to the KLA, which, as Marshall himself admits, "smuggled drugs, ran prostitution rackets and murdered civilians." "Bags of money had been brought in for years.... Organisations controlled by George Soros also played a crucial role, as they were later to do, in 2003–4, in Georgia.... The so-called "democrats" were, in reality, nothing but foreign agents."
Tim Marshall, Sky TV
MAKE SURE TO WATCH THE PPS"Will there soon be an anti-Jewish genocide in Israel?"
I am a Jew living in the Land of Judea (Eretz Yehuda), which was given to us, the Jewish people, by G-D Himself. I love this place very much; I will do my best to develop it, cherish it, protect it, turn it into the paradise it was always meant to be - and defend it against any and all enemies of Am Yisrael.