The article below by Arlene Kuschner, thanks to Jack. The next one providentially also on the same topic: it seems Hashem wants the world to finally know the truth about the promoters of Arab terror in Judea and Samaria; this crime has been going on in secret for far too long. Put two and two together: the video of John Loftus I posted a few days ago:
... and now this... I hope you get it.
On another note: did you get enough shocks to your system today? Between Rav Eliashiv's passing, Z"L, ( Baruch Dayan Emet), Bulgaria, Syria, Sicily, the weather...Am Yisrael and the world are being shaken like a lettuce in a salad shaker!
... And look at another interesting coincidence: four years ago I wrote an post on Rav Eliashiv: well, guess what else was discussed in that post? Exactly the same thing: the topic of the U.S. arming the P.A., thereby promoting terror against us! It seems that in the upper realms Rav Eliashiv's passing is allowing this information to surface now; is he already helping us, the residents of Judea and Samaria, from the next world - or was his presence on earth blocking this information from being known? Was his earthly existence somehow sheltering the U.S., the State Department, various U.S. agencies and the Nazi sympathizers ensconced there, from Divine judgment, so millions of U.S. Jews could continue living in America unhindered and content? Whom else, what else did he protect? Has something changed drastically with his passing? We see in the Torah that with Aharon's and Miriam's deaths major changes occurred in the nation. Shall we see the same phenomenon here? Time will tell: already Shimon Peres is mourning him; curious....
Op-Ed: US Jews Are Missing the Target in the Upcoming Election
Lee Kaplan, Head of Stop the ISM
The writer heads Stop the ISM. He is an investigative journalist and contributor to Front Page Magazine, senior intelligence analyst and communications director for the Northeast Intelligence Network, and also heads Defending America for Knowledge and Action (DAFKA). He appears frequently in the US media.A recent A7 article by a respected colleague of mine discussed Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama in the upcoming US presidential election.
The article pointed out how Romney discussed the potential appointment of James Baker as the US Secretary of State as a worrisome sign that Romney’s potential election could be fraught with problems. The article also pointed out President Obama’s long term relationship with assorted anti-Semites and Israel haters during his political career and personal life.
To be sure, Obama has proven himself to be a liar when it comes to Israel. In a pre-election speech before AIPAC, Obama stated that Jerusalem should be Israel’s undivided capital suggesting the US Embassy would be finally move there from Tel Aviv. Once elected, Obama did not do this.
Romney, on the other hand, has not even addressed this idea with a statement. That is, once elected, we can be sure he won’t move the US embassy to Jerusalem.
His advisors are discussing appointing the inane Condoleeza Rice as his Vice Presidential candidate. It was Rice, while serving as Former President Bush’s Secretary of State, who insisted Hamas be included in Palestinian elections that resulted in the creation of Hamastan where Gaza used to be, and that ushered in the missile crisis in the south.
Hillary Clinton, as Obama’s Secretary of State, has repeated her predecessor’s statement that the southern half of Israel should be part of a contiguous Palestinian state. The press nary batted an eye each time this was said.
Those with short memories might think that President George W. Bush was more pro-Israel. But Bush placed sanctions on Israel when it came to weapons at one time and was responsible for pulling Arafat out of the fire when Sharon had him surrounded in the Mukata with all his terror leaders. One F-16 could have put a final end to the PLO and Hamas’s terror control of the budding new Iranian proxy state rising next door to Israel. Instead, Israel is ever more at the precipice.
Neither of these presidential candidates will be good for Israel or for American Jews. The real target for Jewish media and Diaspora Jewry in particular should be Congress and the US State Department. Jews on both sides of the presidential election should be putting pressure on those entities.
The State Department is heavily influenced by Saudi and Gulf Sheik money. This even includes money from the PLO.
USAID funds the Palestinian welfare scam, as it always has, because Saudi influence encourages it to do so.
The so-called Arab Spring is a State Department plan to align the Muslim Brotherhood as the new boys on the block in the Arab states against their traditional enemies, the Shiites in Iran. This began under President Bush and is being carried out by President Obama. It will no doubt be carried forward by a President Romney unless people act.
As for Israel, as far as both candidates and the state department goes, she can twist in the wind. For now, Israel is secure since she is the only reliable US ally, a depot for weapons and medical support for US personnel in the event of regional war. Despite a distaste for “the Jews” by the US State Department, Israel still holds some materially strategic cards for the United States as the only democracy and safe haven for US forces.
Obama will probably be reelected. Not because he is the best man, but because he is the lesser of two evils. Republican acolytes fail to grasp that attacking national health care, something the United States should have had forty years ago, will only alienate the vast majority of voters who face bankruptcy if they get sick according to the current system.
The talk by either party of balancing the budget is just that: talk. Obama showed how much he cares about a balanced budget by yet again letting the State Department pour 450 million dollars into Abbas’ PLO welfare scam in the Palestinian Authority after a similar amount was sent to Hamastan - all this as the US Treasury faces more than a 14 trillion dollar deficit.
How many Israeli, and American Jews for that matter, know that a Palestinian U.S.-trained army is being built up under a State Department-controlled General Keith Dayton who has warned they will attack Israel within two years if the Arabs don ‘t get what they want?
Even if Romney gets elected, it is clear he will not change any of this course, a course that actually began under James Baker when he was Secretary of State.
The Saudis had their greatest successes against Israel with the Bush family in the White House, since they had personal connections to the Saudi royal family.
American Jews should be concentrating on working with Congress and lobbying both presidential candidates to rein in US State Department plans that put Israel at risk and waste American treasure.
The Saudis had their greatest successes against Israel with the Bush family in the White House, since they had personal connections to the Saudi royal family. This is continuing with Obama, as we see CAIR, the Hamas front, still has access to the halls of power in Washington.
American college campuses have had the last ten years to be part of a network to demonize Israel in the eyes of upcoming generations of Americans and that will only bolster the State Department’s goal of a Palestinian state as a sop to the Saudis no matter what the long term costs.
A consortium of Jews for Romney as well as Jews for Obama needs to call on both candidates in front of the media and demand they state what they intend to do about the US State Department expenditures and money for the Muslim Brotherhood if elected, and to outline a plan to stop USAID funding of Palestinian terrorism groups under the guise of “making peace.”
Today, the PLO’s chief lobbyist in Congress is the former US State Department consul for Jerusalem. who gave Arafat 40 million dollars of USAID money, then retired to work for Arafat for one million of those dollars a year. His name is Edward Abington.
Abington also testified on behalf of the Holyland Trial terrorism funders to try and get them off. Fortunately, government prosecutors were not so subject to monetary rewards and persuaded the jury to find those funders of Hamas guilty. Abington serves as an example of what is going on.
For this presidential election, the target should be the US State Department because regardless of who gets elected , the situation for Israel is going to be the same.
David said:
...we need a good war,
Barry retorted:
For your one comment: Let's start a war with only his children fighting it. See if he agrees.
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