Whereas in the US the following people are targets...
"....Who is likely on the drone strike target list [in the USA]
So who is most likely to be assassinated by [President Obama] once drone strikes are fully unleashed [in the USA?]
• Journalists.
• Political opponents.
• Anti-government protesters. (One Hellfire missile takes ‘em all out.)
• Online activists.
• Veterans.
• Gun owners and gun shops.
• Constitutionalists and libertarians.
Drones are weapons of tyranny...."
Natural News
March 7, 2013
... In Israel the targeted population are settlers, religious Jews of all stripes,- as long as they are really religious -, rabbis, Yeshivah students, etc.
What we have here is just a local, God-hating, antisemitic, Jewish-specific version of the same criminality. See specific details below.
A drone, masked soldiers from an elite IDF unit, policemen, GSS agents and widespread searches in the area's caves all were part of the security forces' dawn raid on the Geulat Tzion outpost in the Shilo bloc, Honenu reports. Residents say that the soldiers treated them as if they were terrorists.
Shortly before sunrise on Wednesday, February 27 large numbers of special security forces raided Geulat Tzion. The forces included soldiers from a special IDF unit, apparently the elite Duvdevan unit. The soldiers were masked and throughout the entire raid personnel from the Jewish Department of the GSS monitored them from above with a drone. According to residents of Geulat Tzion the soldiers grabbed all of the single men living in the outpost, gathered them in one place and then handcuffed their arms behind their backs with plastic handcuffs. One of the youths who refused to sit when asked by the soldiers was hit and forcibly seated. According to the youths they were left handcuffed for over a hour and a half while masked soldiers continously stood over them with their weapons aimed at them. Simultaneously other forces spread out over the area and began to comb the area, 'turning over every rock'. The youths relate that they noticed that the soldiers had arrived well prepared and were familiar with the terrain and the surroundings. The orders they heard being given to the soldiers and the GSS personnel were to thoroughly search each and every cave and crevice in the area. The youth could not discern from the soldiers' conversation the purpose of the search.
At the end of the raid four young men were detained, two on suspicion of violating an administrative detention order banning them from entering the area of Yehuda and Shomron. The other two detainees were not informed of the reason for their detention. The soldiers did not detain any of the members of the two families living in Geulat Tzion. All of the detainees were taken to the Central Unit of the Yehuda and Shomron Police in Ma'aleh Adumim. The youths left in Geulat Tzion were forced to release themselves from the plastic handcuffs. The soldiers had not removed them before leaving.
After a short stay at the Central Unit of the Yehuda and Shomron Police in Ma'aleh Adumim three of the detainees were transferred to the Kishon detention center in Acco where they were interrogated by the GSS. The police said that later the same day the three detainees would appear before the Natzeret Magistrate Court for an extension on their remand.
Honenu, which is representing the detainees, expresses astonishment and anger at the conduct of the security forces during the raid. It is still unclear of what the detainees are suspected. What is clear is that apparently the security forces have intensified their efforts against the residents of Yehuda and Shomron, particularly those of the outposts. Plastic handcuffs on youth, including minors, beating and aiming weapons at the detainees as if they are dangerous terrorists liable at any moment to injure and endanger the soldiers, are under no circumstances acceptable actions. It seems that this is the manner in which the decision makers have chosen to show whom they have marked as the genuine enemy of Israel.
Court Releases Jewish Teens in ‘Price Tag’ Case
Three young men ages 15 to 18 were originally arrested after police found bottles believed to contain flammable liquid in a car belonging to one of them.
One of the three was released when it became clear that he was innocent. The other two remained in custody. They are apparently suspected of involvement in “price tag” attacks on Arabs and soldiers, although police have not yet officially revealed the suspicions against them.
They were released after police admitted in a court session Thursday that there had been no significant progress in the case. The two were required to post bail, and will remain under house arrest for the next week.
At the same time that the court was hearing the case, police officers arrested a friend of one of the two suspects. Honenu attorneys are working to assist the young detainee, but do not yet know what he is charged with.
Honenu previously accused police of mistreating the two young men who were released Thursday. Sources in the organization said Shin Bet operatives questioned the teens for days in lengthy interrogation sessions without discussing the actual charges against them.
The group also accused officers of having given the teens prison uniforms to wear in violation of the law.
....Aharonovitch said the new government will take a tough approach to Jewish attacks on Arabs. “It’s already gaining momentum, and we need to use every tool, we cannot ignore this,” he argued.
Recently two Arab citizens of Israel charged Jews with "racist" attacks. In one of the cases police arrested two young Jewish women, who say the Arab woman who has charged them with violence was in fact the one who attacked first.
Aharonovich's remarks can be understood when taking into account that Israel's press plays up suspected attacks by Jews against Arabs, while largely ignoring the far more widespread, systematic and serious violence by Arabs against Jews, on the roads of Judea and Samaria, on the streets of Jerusalem and in all other areas where Jews and Arabs live side by side. ...
Report: Police Unit to Concentrate on 'Price Tag' Cases
The Samarian (Shomron)-Judea District police are establishing an 80-officer unit that will start operating soon with the sole focus of fighting "price tag" Jewish violence against Arabs, according to a Thursday report by Yisrael Hayom. The violence, usually consisting of vandalism, is often - if not always - accompanied by the words "Tag Mechir", Hebrew for "price tag," indicating the acts are in retaliation for an action or a perceived threat.
The unit is being established on the orders of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu a few months ago, following an apparent rise in such incidents, culminating with graffiti at a Christian monastery near Latrun, about halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. He instructed Public Safety Minister Yitzchak Aharonovitch and Police Commissioner Yochanan Danino "to do everything" to track down suspects. Dozens of investigators and other officers have already been recruited and are training for various scenarios. They are expected to run surveillance and various methods of intelligence gatherig and technology against known right-wing activists.
- Revealed: Arabs Behind 'Israeli Attack'
And now THIS: - once they are in their hands, who knows what they will do to them? I know from first-hand experience the abuse heaped on Chareidi boys in the army by secular, sadistic commanders. Who knows, they might pull Ben Zygiers on them! Desparecidos, as they are called.
And by the way, THEY LIED; Bennett and Lapid both said that NO ARRESTS would be made, only financial sanctions. True, this is BIBI's DOING, as Bennett and Lapid are not in the government yet. Still, observe the developments. With this war they started between the Chareidim and the Dati-Leumi crowd, now they have them all by the you know what. DIVIDE AND CONQUER, so what's new? They have totally destroyed the original intent of the electorate.The actions against the Jews by Bibi's government remind me of Queen Jezabel, or even closer, of the Romans and of Antiochus, right here, in Israel, by so-called Jews, who are a caricature of what a Jew should be: disgusting creatures from hell!
http://www.theyeshivaworld. com/news/General+News/160017/ Draft-Notices-Were-Sent-to- Bnei-Yeshivos---Sanctions-are- Beginning.html
Draft Notices Were Sent to Bnei Yeshivos – Sanctions are Beginning
(Thursday, March 7th, 2013)It appears that the sanctions against mosdos are also in effect as the Ministry of Education has sent a letter to heads of “Torani” mosdos informing them of new realities. The letter is signed by the ministry’s head of the Torani Education Department, Amos Tzeida. The letter explains that the new arrangement providing financial assistance for mosdos was extended by Education Minister Gideon Saar until August 31, 2013. The second paragraph adds that financial support for talmidim eligible for the draft will only continue until the draft date specified for the talmid in the draft notice sent to him. That means one a draft notice is sent to a talmid, regardless if he reports of not, once his draft date arrives, funding for him in the yeshiva from the ministry ends.
Now extrapolate this here, with local definition of who is a terrorist, and the picture becomes quite threatening indeed, specially knowing Hagel's intention to bring US troops to Judea and Samaria, Barak's love of Hagel and co, and the already existing drones in the area, as evidenced by the events above mentioned:
The True Meaning Behind Holder’s Response to Rand Paul
"Engaged in combat" could mean being an associate of an associate of a terrorist
Prison Planet.com
March 8, 2013
Although it was heralded as a clear signal that the Obama administration has been forced to acknowledge that it cannot drone strike Americans on U.S. soil, Eric Holder’s response to Rand Paul only serves to re-affirm the government’s existing position.
Responding to the Kentucky Senator’s near 13 hour filibuster, Attorney General Holder sent a letter to Paul’s office which stated, “It has come to my attention that you have now asked an additional question: `Does the President have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil?’ The answer to that question is no.”
The key to this is the phrase “engaged in combat.” What does the administration consider to represent an act of “combat.”
In the case of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, killed by a targeted drone strike in 2011, being “engaged in combat” amounted to little more than creating propaganda videos in support of terrorists. Awlaki never committed an act of violent terrorism, he was merely accused of communicating with terrorists and giving lectures in support of Al-Qaeda. Awlaki’s guilt was never proven in court because he was never afforded a trial.
Given that the Department of Defense now considers the act of protest to be a form of “low-level terrorism,” how far removed is criticizing U.S. foreign policy and hegemonic domination from the views which Awlaki was summarily executed for advocating?
The federal government has defined a laundry list of banal behaviors and political activities as potential terrorism, from paying for a cup of coffee with cash to buying storable food in bulk. The definition of a potential terrorist – and remember the government only has to accuse someone of being a terrorist as a pre-cursor to killing them with a drone strike – has been watered down to such an extent that the Department of Homeland Security now considers Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as potential terrorists.
Awlaki’s son, 16-year-old Abdel al-Awlaki, an American citizen, was killed by a drone strike a few weeks after his father’s death as he traveled to a family barbeque in Yemen. Abdel’s act of “combat” against the United States amounted to little more than sharing the surname of his father. The U.S. government later erroneously claimed that Abdel’ was a “military-age male” in his 20′s in an attempt to justify his execution.
“What Holder is saying, in substantive terms, is that the President does have the supposed authority to use a drone to kill an American who is engaged in “combat,” whether here or abroad,” writes William Grigg.
“Combat” can consist of expressing support for Muslims mounting armed resistance against U.S. military aggression, which was the supposed crime committed by Anwar al-Awlaki, or sharing the surname and DNA of a known enemy of the state, which was the offense committed by Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, Abdel. Under the rules of engagement used by the Obama Regime in Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan, any “military-age” male found within a targeted “kill zone” is likewise designated a “combatant,” albeit usually after the fact. This is a murderous application of the “Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy,” and it will be used when — not if — Obama or a successor starts conducting domestic drone-killing operations.”
Furthermore, as the Washington Post reported yesterday, the Obama administration is now preparing to extend the legal basis for its drone strikes to target people who have no direct connection to actual terrorists.
“Officials said legal advisers at the White House, the State Department, the Pentagon and intelligence agencies are now weighing whether the law can be stretched to cover what one former official called “associates of associates,” reports the Post.
This could mean that Americans who unknowingly communicate with somebody who communicates with somebody else the government accusesof being a terrorist could become a target for a drone strike.
The report quotes a “person who participated in the administration’s deliberations on the issue,” who warns that expanding the definition would be “a major interpretive leap” that could eliminate the need for a link between the targeted organization and core al-Qaeda.”
“You can’t end the war if you keep adding people to the enemy who are not actually part of the original enemy,” the individual added.
This again underscores how the term “engaged in combat,” used by Holder in his response to Rand Paul, has been broadened to such a degree that it could feasibly apply to huge numbers of Americans who have absolutely no connection to terrorism whatsoever.
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