Monday, June 22, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
FOLLOW THE MONEY! Are these guys complete idiots, plain ignorant, or (unwittingly?) complicit in a major crime? You decide.
Hi to all,
To think of it, this post is actually a continuation of my previous one in which I was questioning the real story behind the "resurgence of coronavirus cases" in Israel.
I just stumbled upon this on a medical website a few hours ago:
This new article in a major, peer-reviewed publication, spreading information which is very convenient for our usual interested parties, is completely obfuscating facts which I will elaborate on in a little while.
Clifford Saper is the James Jackson Putnam Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience and Chairman of the Harvard Department of Neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
"Dr. Saper was elected to the Institute of Medicine, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Royal College of Physicians (London)."
Who would have guessed?....
Where would the money be coming from? The money for the AAAS, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, of which the editor of the ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY, Dr. Saper, is a FELLOW?... Actually an ACTIVE Fellow, as you can see from the links above.
Wow, wow, wow.....None else than our old friend Billy Goat, the wannabe king of the world!.....
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
( And by the way, pay attention to the Chairman of the Board, a Chinese, US Obama Democrat who is also a member of the CHINESE Academy of Science. Shouldn't this raise a red flag regarding the reliability of this association - after what we know about China, Obama, and radical leftists/communists ???)
So who could be pushing this narrative about Covid-19? Certainly not our buddy Billy Goat, no, for sure not, right? And why would he be doing such a thing , if at all? Could there be a secret motive?
Well, in my humble opinion, it is very clear that of course there is a motive. You see, these neurological symptoms can all be caused by Wifi, by EMF radiation, and specially by 5G. And now we can even see a possible Chinese connection - coincidence, or not? Wuhan, anybody?
I am not saying that these symptoms didn't occur; yes, for sure, I have no doubt they did. However the question is: why do the patients display these symptoms?Are they really caused by the virus, or by something totally unrelated having to do with those unfortunate people's excessive, recent, cumulative, unnoticed and involuntary exposure to 5G, whether at work, in school, in their apartments during lockdown, in the hospital, in an 5G ambulance, etc, etc, after "roll-out of 5G" in their cities? Where do these patients live? How old are they? Are there clusters of such cases? Do they live near a 5G tower? Do they have 4G -5G antennae ", infrastructure", deployed on their streets, on top of their buildings, etc? Do they live in a "smart building' replete with "smart" appliances, and smartmeters? Do they belong to a select targeted group such as haredi Jews, or some other targeted groups? Do such clusters occur in targeted communities? Was new "infrastructure", the code word for 4G-5G antennae, 5G lamp posts, etc, installed recently where they live, study or work? Critical questions that should be asked for sure before jumping to the conclusion that Covid-19 is the culprit.
Now don't forget that the W.H.O., this eugenics-infested organization, is also behind the whole 5G roll-out, 5G being a military weapon which does have all the effects described on the nervous system, symptoms ascribed to Covid-19 in the article published in the Annals of Neurology. Of course, if Covid-19 causes all this too then you will need Billy Goat's vaccine for it even more urgently, won't you? And this way the telecoms can continue to rake in trillions of dollars from 5G roll-out, right? So they can continue their murderous charade, particularly with children, and nobody will figure it out?
Now maybe we could possibly also find similar symptoms from the virus itself, I am not denying that; however only once 5G and all EMF effects have been totally eliminated from the patient's environment can you find out if it was really caused by the virus.... just as you do an elimination diet in order find out which is the allergen causing symptoms when dealing with an allergic patient: same principle!
First and foremost you need accurate testing for correct Covid-19 diagnosis, a far cry from the tests employed at this time.
Here is an excellent article on this issue,
the link to which I found on Rivka Levy's blog here:
Then, remove 5G from the cities where they claim Covid-19 is causing all these neurological symptoms, remove smart meters, smart appliances, smart watches, smart phones, smart everything, place these patients in a natural environment, feeding them natural, organic, non-GMO foods...and then let's see if those symptoms keep occurring. I would be very surprised, frankly, if you ask me. I think the whole thing is one huge scam, after so many other scams perpetrated by these elegant criminals flying everywhere first class.
(Once a patient has been affected by 5G, however, I am not sure what it would take to eliminate those effects completely, the damage might not be reversible, I really don't know).
THIS DELIBERATE OMISSION HAS TO BE EXPOSED. Now I am not saying that Professor Saper is a conscious accomplice of this crime against humanity, frankly I don't believe so. His field is neurology, he is top in his field, he might not know about the 5G associations, he might be innocent. Still, it seems to me that for somebody of his stature in the field of neurology, ignorance cannot and should not be an excuse; if I can learn about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system, then he certainly can and should! It behooves the Chairman of the Department of Neurology at Harvard to become knowledgeable about the effects of 5G and EMF radiation on the nervous system, wouldn't you agree? If not, think of what egregious errors one can make because of this ignorance, and then, in addition, how much harm that ignorance can cause when one is also the editor of the Annals of Neurology, a journal with enormous impact on physicians all over the world, if one practically controls what doctors all over the world think AND DO! If a doctor does not follow protocol, he or she can be accused of malpractice, sued, can lose his or her license, etc.: a sword is hanging on the neck of all treating physicians, as we are beholden to a governing body, which in turn relies upon information received from experts such as Professor Saper, among others; not to mention publications such as the Annals of Neurology of which he is the editor.
On the other hand some others in this saga are definitely NOT innocent: the whole thing is one huge cover-up and disinformation.
So who is the culprit? Whose intent was it? Who is deliberately keeping physicians in the dark? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS EGREGIOUS AND DELIBERATE OMISSION? I don't know, but I am sure the truth could be found out with proper investigation, which I will not get into at this time, I am too busy.
If you need sources for the deadly effects of 5G, I will be happy to provide them under separate cover another time, B"H, and bli neder.
So here is the article I received from WebMD News a couple of hours ago.
Kol Tuv
Sorry: I started writing an update with an important video, but after seeing an additional website I decided to hold off for now, because the evidence is rather confusing. Hopefully for the next post. My apologies if you started watching already and were cut off in the middle. It was an interview by Del Bigtree of a Florida nurse, dated June 12th. But then conflicting info surfaced. That is why I took it down: I want to stick with facts!
And please see my UPDATES of June 18, at the bottom after the letter:
#1: This is a video - compliments of Moshe, thank you very much! - which you absolutely have to watch: it confirms a lot of what I have been writing about for over ten years, but also adds some amazing information that will make you happy, no doubt - if true, and I sure hope it is. In addition it sheds light on the hidden connection between 5G, Covid-19 and the death vaccines Bill Gates and the W.H.O. are pushing, with the blessings of the Vatican and China.
#2: Check it out below.
COVID-19 Can Start With Neurological Symptoms
Hi to all,
To think of it, this post is actually a continuation of my previous one in which I was questioning the real story behind the "resurgence of coronavirus cases" in Israel.
I just stumbled upon this on a medical website a few hours ago:
This new article in a major, peer-reviewed publication, spreading information which is very convenient for our usual interested parties, is completely obfuscating facts which I will elaborate on in a little while.
Clifford Saper is the James Jackson Putnam Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience and Chairman of the Harvard Department of Neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
"Dr. Saper was elected to the Institute of Medicine, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Royal College of Physicians (London)."
Who would have guessed?....
Where would the money be coming from? The money for the AAAS, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, of which the editor of the ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY, Dr. Saper, is a FELLOW?... Actually an ACTIVE Fellow, as you can see from the links above.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
( And by the way, pay attention to the Chairman of the Board, a Chinese, US Obama Democrat who is also a member of the CHINESE Academy of Science. Shouldn't this raise a red flag regarding the reliability of this association - after what we know about China, Obama, and radical leftists/communists ???)
So who could be pushing this narrative about Covid-19? Certainly not our buddy Billy Goat, no, for sure not, right? And why would he be doing such a thing , if at all? Could there be a secret motive?
Well, in my humble opinion, it is very clear that of course there is a motive. You see, these neurological symptoms can all be caused by Wifi, by EMF radiation, and specially by 5G. And now we can even see a possible Chinese connection - coincidence, or not? Wuhan, anybody?
I am not saying that these symptoms didn't occur; yes, for sure, I have no doubt they did. However the question is: why do the patients display these symptoms?Are they really caused by the virus, or by something totally unrelated having to do with those unfortunate people's excessive, recent, cumulative, unnoticed and involuntary exposure to 5G, whether at work, in school, in their apartments during lockdown, in the hospital, in an 5G ambulance, etc, etc, after "roll-out of 5G" in their cities? Where do these patients live? How old are they? Are there clusters of such cases? Do they live near a 5G tower? Do they have 4G -5G antennae ", infrastructure", deployed on their streets, on top of their buildings, etc? Do they live in a "smart building' replete with "smart" appliances, and smartmeters? Do they belong to a select targeted group such as haredi Jews, or some other targeted groups? Do such clusters occur in targeted communities? Was new "infrastructure", the code word for 4G-5G antennae, 5G lamp posts, etc, installed recently where they live, study or work? Critical questions that should be asked for sure before jumping to the conclusion that Covid-19 is the culprit.
Now don't forget that the W.H.O., this eugenics-infested organization, is also behind the whole 5G roll-out, 5G being a military weapon which does have all the effects described on the nervous system, symptoms ascribed to Covid-19 in the article published in the Annals of Neurology. Of course, if Covid-19 causes all this too then you will need Billy Goat's vaccine for it even more urgently, won't you? And this way the telecoms can continue to rake in trillions of dollars from 5G roll-out, right? So they can continue their murderous charade, particularly with children, and nobody will figure it out?
Now maybe we could possibly also find similar symptoms from the virus itself, I am not denying that; however only once 5G and all EMF effects have been totally eliminated from the patient's environment can you find out if it was really caused by the virus.... just as you do an elimination diet in order find out which is the allergen causing symptoms when dealing with an allergic patient: same principle!
First and foremost you need accurate testing for correct Covid-19 diagnosis, a far cry from the tests employed at this time.
Here is an excellent article on this issue,
the link to which I found on Rivka Levy's blog here:
Then, remove 5G from the cities where they claim Covid-19 is causing all these neurological symptoms, remove smart meters, smart appliances, smart watches, smart phones, smart everything, place these patients in a natural environment, feeding them natural, organic, non-GMO foods...and then let's see if those symptoms keep occurring. I would be very surprised, frankly, if you ask me. I think the whole thing is one huge scam, after so many other scams perpetrated by these elegant criminals flying everywhere first class.
(Once a patient has been affected by 5G, however, I am not sure what it would take to eliminate those effects completely, the damage might not be reversible, I really don't know).
THIS DELIBERATE OMISSION HAS TO BE EXPOSED. Now I am not saying that Professor Saper is a conscious accomplice of this crime against humanity, frankly I don't believe so. His field is neurology, he is top in his field, he might not know about the 5G associations, he might be innocent. Still, it seems to me that for somebody of his stature in the field of neurology, ignorance cannot and should not be an excuse; if I can learn about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system, then he certainly can and should! It behooves the Chairman of the Department of Neurology at Harvard to become knowledgeable about the effects of 5G and EMF radiation on the nervous system, wouldn't you agree? If not, think of what egregious errors one can make because of this ignorance, and then, in addition, how much harm that ignorance can cause when one is also the editor of the Annals of Neurology, a journal with enormous impact on physicians all over the world, if one practically controls what doctors all over the world think AND DO! If a doctor does not follow protocol, he or she can be accused of malpractice, sued, can lose his or her license, etc.: a sword is hanging on the neck of all treating physicians, as we are beholden to a governing body, which in turn relies upon information received from experts such as Professor Saper, among others; not to mention publications such as the Annals of Neurology of which he is the editor.
On the other hand some others in this saga are definitely NOT innocent: the whole thing is one huge cover-up and disinformation.
So who is the culprit? Whose intent was it? Who is deliberately keeping physicians in the dark? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS EGREGIOUS AND DELIBERATE OMISSION? I don't know, but I am sure the truth could be found out with proper investigation, which I will not get into at this time, I am too busy.
If you need sources for the deadly effects of 5G, I will be happy to provide them under separate cover another time, B"H, and bli neder.
Kol Tuv
Sorry: I started writing an update with an important video, but after seeing an additional website I decided to hold off for now, because the evidence is rather confusing. Hopefully for the next post. My apologies if you started watching already and were cut off in the middle. It was an interview by Del Bigtree of a Florida nurse, dated June 12th. But then conflicting info surfaced. That is why I took it down: I want to stick with facts!
And please see my UPDATES of June 18, at the bottom after the letter:
#1: This is a video - compliments of Moshe, thank you very much! - which you absolutely have to watch: it confirms a lot of what I have been writing about for over ten years, but also adds some amazing information that will make you happy, no doubt - if true, and I sure hope it is. In addition it sheds light on the hidden connection between 5G, Covid-19 and the death vaccines Bill Gates and the W.H.O. are pushing, with the blessings of the Vatican and China.
#2: Check it out below.
COVID-19 Can Start With Neurological Symptoms
By Steven Reinberg
HealthDay Reporter
HealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, June 15, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- While a fever and cough have seemed to be the early warning signs of COVID-19, new research shows almost half of hospitalized patients experience a host of neurological problems.
In fact, headaches, dizziness, strokes, weakness, decreased alertness or other neurological symptoms can appear before the more commonly known symptoms of infection with the new coronavirus (known as SARS-COV-2), the researchers said.
Those neurological symptoms can also include loss of smell and taste, seizures, muscle pain and difficulty concentrating.
"It's important for the general public and physicians to be aware of this, because a SARS-COV-2 infection may present with neurologic symptoms initially, before any fever, cough or respiratory problems occur," said researcher Dr. Igor Koralnik. He is chief of neuro-infectious diseases and global neurology, and a professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, in Chicago.
For the study, Koralnik's team looked at all COVID-19 patients hospitalized at Northwestern Medicine, to see how often neurological complications appeared and how they responded to treatment.
"This understanding is key to direct appropriate clinical management and treatment," Koralnik said in a Northwestern news release.
The virus can affect the whole nervous system -- the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. COVID-19 can also affect the lungs, kidneys, heart and brain, he said.
Last, but not least, the virus can infect the brain. Moreover, the reaction of the immune system to the infection can cause inflammation that can damage the brain and nerves, Koralnik added.
Because little is known about the long-term effects of the virus, the researchers intend to follow patients with neurological problems, to see how they do over time.
The report was published online June 7 in the Annals of Neurology.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Re: "Resurgence of coronavirus" in Israel: here are two perfectly good and cheap protocols easily used. Will the D.O.H. go for it, or will they follow the "World Homicide Organization"s directives as per eugenics dictates???
Yes, finally some sense is coming to the medical community. Baruch Hashem!
Here are two wonderful protocols which have been proven. They are cheap and therefore won't make money for hospitals and/or specially Big Pharma and related businesses. So how will Israel react to them?
1. Yes, it was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that the "study" used by the W.H.O. to forbid the use of the hydroxycholoquine and zinc protocol, the one used by Dr. Zelenko mentioned in previous posts, was totally bogus. Pure lies, fabrications, no doubt in anybody's mind - but the W.H.O. went right along with its suppression of course ; can't imagine why....certainly not because they are pushing the coronavirus vaccines to be administered to the whole world at huge profits to them, could it be? Or because their profits would drastically fall if there are simple. cheap, effective treatments available to those infected, that will eliminate the need for their deadly population control vaccines? You figure it out, knowing that they are the spiritual and otherwise heirs to the Nazis of concentration camps human experimentation fame.
2. And here is the great protocol for sepsis, the end game in severe infections: solid evidence, cheap; and Vitamin C was PROVEN to save the lives of severe coronavirus patients in Wuhan.
Dr. Thomas Levy, a board-certified cardiologist as well as J.D., a vitamin C treatment expert, discusses that also: I watched him in a different video which is part of a private network, so I don't feel free to share that one, but here is an older video of him. Great information! He also recommends in that video that families should SUE if Vitamin C treatment is being deliberately withheld by either doctors or hospitals.
So let's see what the Department of Health of Israel will do, knowing what we know: will they be open to good, safe, reasonable and cheap treatments, or will they suppress them for the same obvious reasons mentioned above? Don't forget that their dear Professor Itamar Grotto is a member of the EXECUTIVE BOARD of the W.H.O., and believe me, those guys don't work for free! So who is greasing his paw better: Israel, or the W.H.O.? No conflict of interest whatsoever here, is there? Let's look the other way, quickly!
Oh! And see what this non-corrupt, non-venal public servant just did: admirable, isn't it; so that's how safe distancing applies to billionaires? Hmmm, I have a feeling that from now on I am a going to be billionaire too; if anybody complains I will say:" But I am a billionaire, Grotto told me it's OK! " Is HE a billionaire too? Is that where he learned these tricks: is that what the W.H.O. teaches their executive board members to do? Not bad, not bad...To themselves and their buddies they tell it like it is - "No problem, do your thing!"..... As for us the common man and woman....
And don't forget that 5G with Wigig, if installed in schools, could certainly cause the syndrome in children mentioned in recent previous posts, which appeared in Los Angeles, then in New York, intimately linked to 5G installation of antennae on top of schools.
And because of this, I would be extremely grateful to all of you readers, if you could give me information as to WHICH SCHOOLS AND/OR YESHIVOT SAW A RESURGENCE OF "COVID-19 INFECTIONS" IN ISRAEL; HOW MANY STUDENTS GOT SICK, HOW OLD THEY WERE, WHAT KIND OF SYMPTOMS THEY DEVELOPED , HOW SEVERE, AND WHETHER NEW ANTENNAE WERE INSTALLED ON TOP OF OR NEXT TO THEIR SCHOOLS/ YESHIVOT DURING THE LOCKDOWN. I know that here, out of nowhere, new structures appeared, innocuous at first sight, but not innocuous at all once you understand what is really going on, what they can do, the harm they can cause.
And don't forget that lately they are using robots in hospitals in Israel to treat coronavirus patients: bad news!
In addition, some hopefully well-meaning but ignorant donor pushed very questionable technologies in Israel by donating huge sums for telemedicine and ventilators (in March, before we became aware of the ventilators' dangers),
Yet telemedicine on smart 5G ambulances has been known to cause severe illness and probably even death, as reported in Great Britain,...
Which was followed by protests; it was in GATESHEAD of all places, a major Haredi Yeshiva center full of religious Jews, that protests made news.
Another suspect link to antisemitism, anyone? Why of all places Gateshead? Are we starting to connect the dots??
"Gateshead Council and Mark Steele’s ongoing dispute over the ‘baby killing’ technology..."
On June 4th 2020, less than a week ago, all the bids for 5G infrastructure in Israel were completely distributed, "the first step in rolling out 5G all over Israel". So of course, there WILL BE a second wave of "coronavirus".
First of all, microwave radiation does depress the immune system. And besides, symptoms in severe, hospitalized cases do overlap! And OXIDATION, the condition mentioned above which requires large doses of Vitamin C, is also caused by microwave frequencies, so if and when the so-called "coronavirus second phase " occurs, which could simply be 5G exposure thanks to the new networks established all over Israel, Vitamin C should be effective as well.
Time will tell. Let's pray that the Pintele Yid in the Jews at the medical helm gets woken up, and when they contemplate the horrors they are about to be partnering with ONCE AGAIN:
Kol Tuv,
With G-d's Help.
UPDATE June 15th:
Are you surprised? I am certainly not.
Look here: that's America for you, thanks to the WHO, CDC, FDA, corrupt to their very core; why do I have a feeling Israel is not far behind? After all they have not repudiated the WHO, have they?
I just got this in too, which explains the situation in even more details; shocking but quite enlightening
Important to understand what is really going on: "the game" - i.e. "Covid-19" - is getting dirtier and dirtier by the day, and Israel is certainly not immune: the influence of the evil ones is palpable here too, getting stronger and stronger while at the same time "Amcha", we the people, are slowly waking up to the evil being perpetrated against us, all in the name of "science"; yep, science the new idol, the new religion that demands its sacrificial victims... as long as it is in the hands of those depopulation criminals.
The only thing I feel we can do is turn to Hashem more and more and more, begging Him to send us His salvation from these monsters in human form. We need Mashiach urgently, please G-d!
PS: see this new article I just posted, related to the topic:
UPDATE June 16th:
More trouble for hydroxychloroquine; so what else is new?.....
Could it be that the Israeli policy of children and teachers wearing masks in schools in Israel is actually CONTRIBUTING to the severe increase in numbers of sick people - whatever they want to call this sickness - since schools reopened? I wouldn't be surprised at all after watching this convincing demonstration. I think it is time to share this information with the D.O.H. here; what are they trying to pull on our children and teachers, for G-d's sake???!!!
Got this from GreenMedInfo - thanks!
Yes, finally some sense is coming to the medical community. Baruch Hashem!
Here are two wonderful protocols which have been proven. They are cheap and therefore won't make money for hospitals and/or specially Big Pharma and related businesses. So how will Israel react to them?
1. Yes, it was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that the "study" used by the W.H.O. to forbid the use of the hydroxycholoquine and zinc protocol, the one used by Dr. Zelenko mentioned in previous posts, was totally bogus. Pure lies, fabrications, no doubt in anybody's mind - but the W.H.O. went right along with its suppression of course ; can't imagine why....certainly not because they are pushing the coronavirus vaccines to be administered to the whole world at huge profits to them, could it be? Or because their profits would drastically fall if there are simple. cheap, effective treatments available to those infected, that will eliminate the need for their deadly population control vaccines? You figure it out, knowing that they are the spiritual and otherwise heirs to the Nazis of concentration camps human experimentation fame.
2. And here is the great protocol for sepsis, the end game in severe infections: solid evidence, cheap; and Vitamin C was PROVEN to save the lives of severe coronavirus patients in Wuhan.
Dr. Thomas Levy, a board-certified cardiologist as well as J.D., a vitamin C treatment expert, discusses that also: I watched him in a different video which is part of a private network, so I don't feel free to share that one, but here is an older video of him. Great information! He also recommends in that video that families should SUE if Vitamin C treatment is being deliberately withheld by either doctors or hospitals.
So let's see what the Department of Health of Israel will do, knowing what we know: will they be open to good, safe, reasonable and cheap treatments, or will they suppress them for the same obvious reasons mentioned above? Don't forget that their dear Professor Itamar Grotto is a member of the EXECUTIVE BOARD of the W.H.O., and believe me, those guys don't work for free! So who is greasing his paw better: Israel, or the W.H.O.? No conflict of interest whatsoever here, is there? Let's look the other way, quickly!
Oh! And see what this non-corrupt, non-venal public servant just did: admirable, isn't it; so that's how safe distancing applies to billionaires? Hmmm, I have a feeling that from now on I am a going to be billionaire too; if anybody complains I will say:" But I am a billionaire, Grotto told me it's OK! " Is HE a billionaire too? Is that where he learned these tricks: is that what the W.H.O. teaches their executive board members to do? Not bad, not bad...To themselves and their buddies they tell it like it is - "No problem, do your thing!"..... As for us the common man and woman....
And don't forget that 5G with Wigig, if installed in schools, could certainly cause the syndrome in children mentioned in recent previous posts, which appeared in Los Angeles, then in New York, intimately linked to 5G installation of antennae on top of schools.
And because of this, I would be extremely grateful to all of you readers, if you could give me information as to WHICH SCHOOLS AND/OR YESHIVOT SAW A RESURGENCE OF "COVID-19 INFECTIONS" IN ISRAEL; HOW MANY STUDENTS GOT SICK, HOW OLD THEY WERE, WHAT KIND OF SYMPTOMS THEY DEVELOPED , HOW SEVERE, AND WHETHER NEW ANTENNAE WERE INSTALLED ON TOP OF OR NEXT TO THEIR SCHOOLS/ YESHIVOT DURING THE LOCKDOWN. I know that here, out of nowhere, new structures appeared, innocuous at first sight, but not innocuous at all once you understand what is really going on, what they can do, the harm they can cause.
And don't forget that lately they are using robots in hospitals in Israel to treat coronavirus patients: bad news!
In addition, some hopefully well-meaning but ignorant donor pushed very questionable technologies in Israel by donating huge sums for telemedicine and ventilators (in March, before we became aware of the ventilators' dangers),
Yet telemedicine on smart 5G ambulances has been known to cause severe illness and probably even death, as reported in Great Britain,...
Another suspect link to antisemitism, anyone? Why of all places Gateshead? Are we starting to connect the dots??
"Gateshead Council and Mark Steele’s ongoing dispute over the ‘baby killing’ technology..."
On June 4th 2020, less than a week ago, all the bids for 5G infrastructure in Israel were completely distributed, "the first step in rolling out 5G all over Israel". So of course, there WILL BE a second wave of "coronavirus".
First of all, microwave radiation does depress the immune system. And besides, symptoms in severe, hospitalized cases do overlap! And OXIDATION, the condition mentioned above which requires large doses of Vitamin C, is also caused by microwave frequencies, so if and when the so-called "coronavirus second phase " occurs, which could simply be 5G exposure thanks to the new networks established all over Israel, Vitamin C should be effective as well.
Time will tell. Let's pray that the Pintele Yid in the Jews at the medical helm gets woken up, and when they contemplate the horrors they are about to be partnering with ONCE AGAIN:
- ( microwave) radiation experiments on unsuspecting Jews, in particular Jewish children, - rings a bell, anyone? The Ringworm children, remember? The Yemenite children, remember? Dr. Mengele, remember?....
- as well as the possible withholding of genuine, safe life-saving treatment from their fellow Jews, see above,
Kol Tuv,
With G-d's Help.
UPDATE June 15th:
Are you surprised? I am certainly not.
Look here: that's America for you, thanks to the WHO, CDC, FDA, corrupt to their very core; why do I have a feeling Israel is not far behind? After all they have not repudiated the WHO, have they?
I just got this in too, which explains the situation in even more details; shocking but quite enlightening
Important to understand what is really going on: "the game" - i.e. "Covid-19" - is getting dirtier and dirtier by the day, and Israel is certainly not immune: the influence of the evil ones is palpable here too, getting stronger and stronger while at the same time "Amcha", we the people, are slowly waking up to the evil being perpetrated against us, all in the name of "science"; yep, science the new idol, the new religion that demands its sacrificial victims... as long as it is in the hands of those depopulation criminals.
The only thing I feel we can do is turn to Hashem more and more and more, begging Him to send us His salvation from these monsters in human form. We need Mashiach urgently, please G-d!
PS: see this new article I just posted, related to the topic:
UPDATE June 16th:
More trouble for hydroxychloroquine; so what else is new?.....
Could it be that the Israeli policy of children and teachers wearing masks in schools in Israel is actually CONTRIBUTING to the severe increase in numbers of sick people - whatever they want to call this sickness - since schools reopened? I wouldn't be surprised at all after watching this convincing demonstration. I think it is time to share this information with the D.O.H. here; what are they trying to pull on our children and teachers, for G-d's sake???!!!
Got this from GreenMedInfo - thanks!
WHO ;UN with teeth;
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Wow: It is getting really intense in every respect these days, including THIS ONE!
From Zerohedge yesterday, article below
Hi everyone,
Have been too busy with everything to be able to write. But for your information, among others, I have been observing the skies at night lately: on Motzaei Shavuot/Erev Shabbat, May 30th, at around 0:30 AM, I saw red skies again in the southerly direction ; while the night before, Shavuot night, surrounded by an immobile, extensive, whitish cloud blanket , there were heavy, large, pitch-black clouds overhead. zooming by at great speed, like I had never seen before here, coming from a westerly direction towards us, the Jewish neighborhoods: scary! I thought maybe we were under terrorist attack by our "friendly neighbors" from Hevron, as "cooperation" with them had just been cancelled; I still don't know what it was. Not to mention the unusual and extreme winds we have been experiencing here for the last few days, something out of the ordinary, certainly for this time of year.
I felt that Planet X is acting up again, and just now I found this short video about it:
And today I found this too:
And then THIS warning:
compliments of Whatdoesitmean:
It does prove my intuition that something real and intense is happening in our solar system - in addition to all the craziness, Covid-19 real and phony/exaggerated, threats of enforced deadly Covid-19 vaccinations and chipping for everyone, everywhere, "medical passports" required, secret, underhanded and deadly 5G/smart grid deployments, the financial crisis and related shenanigans, not to forget the WHO major meetings that took place between May 18 and 22 in Geneva, about which I wanted to write but couldn't find the time, which most likely are shaping the current situation... and now riots all over America; my G-d, my G-d, my G-d what is going on?????? Hashem, please help, we need Your help!....
We should NEVER forget that Hashem is in charge, and we can ONLY turn to Him with all our anguish, pain, fear, upset, while thanking Him for the wonderful gift of living in His Holy Land, for His beautiful Creation, despite the evil ones in charge - and boy are they evil, no words, do I have to elaborate? I don't think so.
Strangely enough all comments on the post from Zerohedge about the asteroids have been disabled, while other posts have perfectly normal comments. This tells me that somebody probably wrote something TRUE that the P.T.B. doesn't want us to know - censure as usual. What's new, please tell me? The discourse has been completely taken over by liars, frauds, criminals, tyrants of the worse sort, in every aspect of our lives, specially when it comes to really important things such as what is really going on in the world, in space, 5G, the WHO, who is really behind these riots - we know, but that is a story for another day. The evidence is everywhere if you really want to know. Some friends from California sent me additional damning evidence, but right now I don't have time to post it; maybe another day.
Hashem is shaking the world, isn't He? All we can do is daven, daven, and daven some more.
Kol Tuv to all
UPDATE June 6th,
Motzaei Shabbat right before Havdalah time, which was around 8:30 PM or so:
I went outside as I usually do at the end of Shabbat looking for three stars close to each other. To my surprise instead I saw a very bright shiny large star - it looked more like a planet, right above my head, high up in the sky: not an airplane, not an helicopter, no noise, clearly a space object. I went around the house looking for other stars and what did I see? That object had clearly and rapidly moved to the southern horizon before vanishing from sight. What was it? I wonder.... will have to see if there is any record of this object anywhere: they had mentioned that a large asteroid was expected.... ..
But frankly there are much more important things to deal with, like ... everything. Just wanted to share my experience, which was pretty cool and interesting. If anybody has any clue what it could be, please comment.
Meanwhile, Shavuah Tov to all - and I mean it. Things are not easy, are they.
UPDATE June 12th
Yesterday there were very, very strong winds in Kiryat Arba, with cold weather atypical for this time of year. I felt something was going on, so today I looked for evidence, and sure enough; take a look at these two striking videos:
I don't agree with Dr. Albers's interpretation of the causation, but she is a physicist, and I am not, so... make up your own mind. Just sharing an interesting video with quite striking images. The first video however is factual, without any words, so there is no controversy here.
Maybe in Navi there is a discussion somewhere of such phenomena at the End of Days? Anybody knows?
Monday, June 1, 2020
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