Hi everybody,
I hope you had a chance to review and digest the important information I have been sharing with you these past few days - the issue of the C5H2I7P5, and the issue of the 5..G, which are really linked. Well, here is another source of very important information that confirms and clarifies the concepts I have introduced to you and to myself this past week.
I received this from Al C. a person I normally would not rely upon because of his heavy missionary slant, but he is a well- trained officer and his military opinion does count:
He sent me the following video, an interview of Dr. Rashid Buttar. I had seen several videos of him, and they were OK. But this one is special and relevant enough that I have decided to make a post about it.
First of all here is a biography of Dr. Buttar, so you will know what his general perspective is, and whether to rely upon his opinion or not. I also wanted to know, which is why I looked for it - NOT on Wikipedia, a sold-out platform; after some research I found this.
After reading it, I do believe he is eminently qualified to make an informed judgment, having served in civilian as well as in army medicine, in research, and in preventive medicine, which tells me that he not only cares, but he also has a well-rounded medical education, as well as knowledge of military issues. So many doctors trained in the conventional medical educational system are excellent specialists in one area, yet totally ignorant of alternative medicine, which I have discovered over the years has so many wonderful solutions we never learned about in medical school or in training!
So please listen to what Dr. Buttar has to say regarding the topic I addressed in the previous post " ANA HASHEM HOSHIAH NA...." from a couple of days ago, the link to which is here:
If you haven't read it yet and watched the contents, please do. It is ESSENTIAL FOR EVERYBODY TO KNOW what I am discussing in it. As Dr. Rashid says, INFORMATION is the only thing standing between these mur..der...ers and We the People, Am Yisrael, which is why "they" are applying such intense cen--sure on everybody who is telling the truth. Just yesterday YouTube silenced Dr. Judy Mikovitz, and they won't stop censuring more and more people, specially doctors, who know too much to the taste of these Uber reshaim.
OOPS:I found a Judy Mikovitz video!-(5/8/20) don't know how it surfaced - on Zerohedge : just as well. B"H
Good viewing and please pass it on!
Since the YouTube video about Dr. Mikovitz above was censured, here is another one - not exactly the same, but very informative as well:
Kol Tuv
DS - see P.S. below the video
PS: this is what Al C. - mentioned above, the person who sent me this video - had to say - good advice! and BTW I sent you the first video of the series Plan...demi...c listed below yesterday, and that first video about Dr. Judy was already scrubbed. If this is not a red flag I don't know what is!