To all,
Please, just this time, IGNORE the Xtian mentions in the first video; I don't believe they are propaganda, the speaker just expresses his beliefs. The information within is so crucial, so important, I think everybody should watch it: this expert will clarify a whole lot of unanswered questions; it certainly did this for me.
But what I find the most outrageous here ( and both videos somehow address this issue) is CHINA.
My G-d, did we have ANY idea what is really going on with them? And if so, how on earth can we, Israel, make deals with these super reshaim? Of course I am not speaking of the innocent in their midst, but of their leadership and all their collaborators. Trump knows; but do WE know? I remember arriving at Ben-Gurion at the end of January, right around their new year, when the coronavirus was already in full swing there, and being welcomed by China, China, China display boards everywhere! China is obviously a very important partner of Israel: don't you think it is time we reconsidered this relationship and set very clear moral limits on whom we choose as friends? Isn't it time we stop falling for their dirty tricks and putting money and business above everything else?
The first video is from of Mike Adams, a great site. And I only now discovered Patrick Bet-David - interesting name, but he is clearly a Xtian, maybe even a Messianic Jew? No idea, but the truth is, in this case it doesn't matter, that is not the issue. The issue is the information General Spalding is bringing to the table: crucial, earth-shattering information, important both for the US and for Israel. We need to know our enemy - we didn't even know we HAD, AND HAVE an enemy!
( here is the link to the Natural News post, in case the first video gets censored:)
Actually, yes, it immediately got censored! So look for Natural News, and if even the links above get censored, then look for Pandemic.News, and watch Mike's interview of JR Nyquist. I am so sorry they won't let me embed this info - it's just too precious, that's why, and it reveals a lot of info they don't want you to know. So go look at it now before it is too late!
Then, when you are done with the videos, I have extra bonuses for you below; check them out.
THIS ARTICLE is the cherry on the cake! It spells it out, naming names even. Pretty cool, and I think we all deserve to know the truth.
Pay attention:
".... race-specific bioweapons "?
I have a question: Could this be one of the reasons so many Jews are dying from the virus in America? Maybe they didn't mean to engineer a virus specifically geared against Jews, but does it attack "racially Jewish" people more than non-Jews? Could there be an inadvertent Jewish genetic susceptibility to this virus? Food for thought; frankly I don't have a clue, maybe there is something to it, it sure is a weird "coincidence" that of all days on Shushan Purim the first cluster of coronavirus infections appeared in New Rochelle at the Young Israel Synagogue, and hasn't stopped killing Jews since ( in addition to the spiritual reasons we discussed before of course); and don't forget that some Jew-haters threatened to spread the coronavirus in Jewish communities to kill Jews; do they know something we don't? Is it worth looking into this? If anybody has any information or ways to find out.....
Well, guess what, a few minutes ago I received proof I might be right regarding specific genetic susceptibility to the coronavirus: I just spoke with one of the daughters of my cousin who passed away the Shabbat before last from the coronavirus: lo and behold, the treating doctor of the family in London mentioned that our family seems to have DNA that is more susceptible to the virus than others. So if one family can be more susceptible than another, can't a whole people be more susceptible than another people? And if so, was that done deliberately? Were Jews also targeted in these Chinese lab experiments? Or are we a "side-effect" of their "research"? Wondering.... with good reason.
And this video, posted by Mike again, which features Dr. Paul Cottrell, a brilliant, wonderful Yiddische Kop, ken yirbu, explains a lot and does support the understanding that different people will react very differently; in fact, I would say he agrees with me!
I hope they don't censor this video too. Should they, find it on the Health Ranger Report.
And in case you think this is all "conspiracy theories", here just for your info:
".....So it now appears the FBI itself has long been closely following Chinese military bioweapons research as well as dangerous pathogens' mishandling and 'misuse' in relation to unique deadly respiratory viruses, and asking the relevant and obvious questions. Glad to know we're not alone."
I hope you found this report interesting and enlightening,
Let's try to influence whomever we can, wherever we can, to try to get rid of the bad guys! And Refuah Shelemah to all Am Yisrael and all good people of the world.
Kol Tuv