Monday, May 24, 2010

"FROZEN" AND BROKE! One of my friends, a very pregnant mother of six in financial distress, asked me to post her request: DOES ANYBODY KNOW OF, OR DOES ANYBODY HAVE, ONE OR MORE "CARAVANS" TO SELL? Below

Frozen by Obama

Dear all,

Earlier tonight I bumped into this long-time friend of mine, whom I had not seen for many months. Pregnant again! Eighth month, seventh child, B"H - and no money. They were affected by the Obama freeze, had finally bought a piece of land where they intended to build apartments for renting out - but then "the freeze" happened, and their dream was frozen along with it. This is a family that has suffered privations for many years already, they finally had some sunshine in sight, but Obama and the villains came, and the family is again destitute.

We discussed her options, and came upon the idea of buying cheap "KARAVANIM" ( mobile homes) instead, no matter what their condition, which her husband could refurbish, and they could rent those out. The land is in the Gush Etzion region, the view is gorgeous, and many people would benefit.

Buying a new caravan costs about  NIS 40,000. Since they don't have the money, she thought maybe somebody would have one or more old caravans, IN ANY CONDITION, ANYWHERE IN ISRAEL, for sale; they would handle the transportation.

So, if you or an acquaintance of yours is looking to sell your old piece of junk you can't look at anymore, there is a buyer! Of course, a caravan in good condition is also very welcome, as long as the price is right.

You can contact me here, and I'll pass it on.

Thank you, and G-d bless you for the Mitzvah.

PS: if anybody wants to help the family, I'll be happy to be the Shaliach.



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