Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Re: What happened? Nothing? Or poisoned? Is he causing them too many problems? SOMEBODY , A NURSE OR MD, SHOULD GO THERE , AND MAKE SURE THEY ARE ADMINISTERING THE PROPER TREATMENT. WHO IS HIS DOCTOR??


 That is why I asked first : "NOTHING?"" Didn't say for sure.

Don't forget that NISSIM ZEEV was also poisoned, and that IS a fact.

Yes, you're right, he is doing their work, but still, he seems to have SOME loyalty to the settlements, seems to come to our aid when the going gets too tough. Despite Gush Katif.

Look, maybe I am wrong. But you should know that POISONINGS ARE A PART of the arsenal of the New World Order. As a matter of fact, it even has a name:

THE CUP OF BORGIA, which has been regularly used against enemies for hundred of years, and continues to be used.

Also, witness the Russian reporter in Great Britain.

Joel Bainerman who received a radioactive tie.

So I am not saying, necessarily so. Just something to keep in mind.,

Maybe you misunderstood me.



N said:

my goodness DS
can''t someone become sick in this country without being "poisoned" or "neutralized"
this paranoia of yours is a bit much-
and besides, why would any leftist harm otniel shneller- he is their little poodle....

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