Tuesday, February 19, 2008

: Choice in the united States of America*??

Thanks, RZ, for this very enlightening piece, really important!  DS

Vin Weber, adviser to Bill Clinton on trade policy and original advocate of the war in Iraq, is now advising Mitt Romney. Weber is chairman of the NED, National Endowment for Democracy. Other NED board directors include Henry Kissinger architect of the Vietnam War; Madeleine Albright, Clinton secretary of state who supported granting permanent "most favored" nation status to China; and Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder with David Rockefeller of the trilateral commission.

They advise respectively John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. All advisers are prominent members of the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations. Its honorary chairman, David Rockefeller, advocates the free flow of capital, goods and people across all borders. CFR current president Richard Haas is adviser to Mike Huckabee. More troubling is that the CFR is calling for a North American Community, similar to the European Union. In matters of foreign and economic policy, voters are about to elect a Bush clone resulting in loss of our national sovereignty and more loss of individual freedom.



* The text in the Subject line is not a typo, check the Declaration and the Constitution; the "u" is not capitalized…

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