Thursday, November 19, 2020

If you don't take my word for it, take his! ..... Update: and take hers too!

A bit of wisdom coming out of the mouth of a superbly qualified pathologist; we happen to be on the same page, at least as far as the virus itself and the circus associated with it are concerned, compliments of our known culprits ( not discussing the 5G effects on immunity here ). UPDATE: And look at that knowledgeable, brilliant woman doctor: Kol Hakavod, Dr. Lee Merritt!


  1. Bs"d
    Shalom to you and yours!
    Please, read this:

    May this Chanuka stop all this madness.

  2. Thank you, All the good, for this important and very scary information; I will have to study this more in depth. At first thought it reminds me of the story I posted last spring on this blog, of the Israeli woman who had shared how she was being mind-controlled. Horrible story, and of course she was vilified by the media for daring to publicly expose what had happened to her.

    Yes, madness, evil madness, insane horrifying creatures.

    We need Hashem's help urgently, the whole world!

    Kol Tuv


  3. Here is more information on the topic. Quite shocking; frankly I had no idea how the World Economic Forum's transhumanism goal was supposed to be reached. This explains it. We cannot under any circumstance agree to this egregious violation of humanity's rights.

    This comes from the original link provided by All the good in the previous comment.

  4. All the good,

    I had posted the video in this article:

    But as you can see it was suppressed by Youtube. A shame; the woman was describing in horrific details what they had done to her. Above that is a link to an English website that sort of describes the horror you are mentioning.

    Ein milim. We should tear our clothes over this, if it is really being implemented these days in Eretz Yisrael.

    What can I say?.... Tears of sorrow.

    However, upon re-reading my post, I remembered that I had found the info on the facebook page of FRANCOISE MIKAEL, a French woman who does a lot of research into things like this. I would suggest to try to find her page, or other things written or posted by her, because she might have collected more info on this awful stuff.

    Please let me know if you find something new and important there, OK?

    Kol Tuv, and may Hashem have mercy on all Am Yisrael.

