Monday, October 19, 2020

JEWS AND NON-JEWS ALIKE, PLEASE LISTEN! This Rav is telling it exactly like it is. If you understand this, you understand everything going on in the world! PARSHAT NOAH IS FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH!

Thank you, Rivka, for sharing this on your precious blog: And of course thank you Alizah for sharing Rav Smith's videos with Rivka! Now I am sharing this with my readers. And then, dear readers, please share it with your own contacts: you can be a real light unto the nations by explaining to all humans on this earth what the reshaim, the evil ones, are doing! This coming Parshat Noach, I feel, is a turning point - and we are already in that fateful week. The revelations we were privy to these last few days are simply mind-blowing. Go back to my last few posts, read Rivka's material, and you will be amazed. Thank you, all of you contributors, for the information you enable me to share. So here is a crucial video by Rabbi Smith of Passaic, NJ, whose website I just accessed today after reading Rivka's post here: First of all I am sharing the letter he wrote and which he is discussing in his video, a powerful statement if ever there was one. Second, here is that crucial video: Third, here is a follow-up video worth watching too, more geared to Jews who can understand Hebrew terms: And finally here is a link to his website, which I just discovered today, I am also totally new to it, will be exploring it just like you. I had never heard of Rabbi Smith, but boy am I glad he is around, he's got solutions to so many issues, thank G-d. So, enjoy like I did, and Kol Tuv / All the best. PS: Please read the next post as well, which shows you what "they" are planning for humanity DS


  1. Rabbi Smith is tremendous. I have been sharing various lectures he's given. Another rabbi you might feature is Rabbi Mendel Kessin. Here is link to a lecture and an edited transcript of the lecture.
    What is "hanhagas ha'yichud" and how is it a "rescue mission" for the Redemption? Here is the edited transcription of the video shiur and link to the video too. A profound understanding.

  2. Thank you for the link about hanhagat ha Yichud, Rahel: very interesting!
