And this: look at these brutal animals! They are simply animals, horrible evil creatures from hell!
Here is the source; and look at the treatment they gave an innocent 13 year old girl too...
How much more are we going to tolerate before we rise up like G-d fearing Jews against this insufferable evil? They draft the worst criminals into the police force; and by the way, how many of them are actually Jew-hating Goyim? This is antisemitism pure and simple. How much longer is AM Yisrael going to put up with this monstrosity? Have we no Jewish pride? No self-love? What is Hashem's command to us re: Amalek?We are dealing with Amalekites here!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We have had enough of this dictatorship directed at religious Jews, at Jews who are in Eretz Yisrael because of their love of Hashem, NOT in order to serve these self-centered, greedy, depraved subhumans daring to call themselves Jews if at all ( am speaking here about the ones making the decisions based on their big business interests)
My suggestion is as follows:
In the U.S. they can revolt against police brutality? We can too!
How about if we call it "Jewish Lives Matter"?
Let's give a lesson to the Knesset and the courts: either you make order in the country and stop these lawless thugs calling themselves policemen from abusing us, or else you got yourselves a
And this one won't be paid for by George Soros and his ilk, I guarantee you.
Hashem, I beg you, on this 17th day of Tammuz when all our real troubles usually begin, please come to our help! Please cancel this decree! Please destroy Memshelet Haresha, this evil tyranny pretending to do good, when in fact it is serving the most evil satanic masters, the likes of friends of Jeffrey Epstein such as Bill Gates, etc. Yemach shemam. Enough! We have had enough, we will not tolerate this even one more minute!
And just to remind you:
This mask story is a huge scam; Covid-19 ditto: how about 5G ROLL-OUT? Call it what it is, stop protecting 5G, Artificial intelligence, Internet of things trillion dollar business while persecuting, hurting, terrifying, and killing Jews, so you can be super-rich and rule. SHAME ON YOU, EVIL ONES! Shame on whoever defends these disgusting servants of the devil! No more, we are done!
NB: Check out my next post about the mask issue and Covid- 19: maybe after all there is more to the story than reported by many doctors and researchers in contrast to the official WHO line re : real statistics, the value of the tests, the real reasons for severe morbidity, etc. Maybe I need to reevaluate everything about it. Complicated story!
Am Yisrael Chai, La'Ad!
From my mouth to G-d's Ears, and also to the good people in the Knesset's ears.
PS: Rivka Levy on her blog posted an article with a completely different outlook. You can check it out here:
This is what I replied to her in the comments section ( doesn't appear yet):
I am sorry, Rivka, but I don't agree with you at all. This is not the first video of police brutality against Jews. Tonight I also just posted another video of police brutality against a religious woman ( the one above!) ....
Not to mention Amona under Ehud Olmert, where they brought horses to trample youth ( you can find all the videos on my blog) , and so many other instances in Yehuda and Shomron; we were very, very aware of those policemen thugs. Ehud Barak brought 800 Turks to join the force, they were brutal as hell; I saw police brutality with my own eyes ; I actually had a court case, it had to do with a policeman who attacked Rav Moshe Lowinger ZT"L of Hevron - I came to his help then; they let me off the hook in court.... We have had so many such incidents, none of them staged, all real, with videos, pictures. Maybe there are a couple of false flags, but the majority are absolutely real. The timing is suspicious, granted, I would agree with you.
Oh, and don't forget the YEVSEKTZIA created by Ehud Barak under Barack Obama, which specifically targets religious Jews. So to say this is theater - sorry, I can't agree at all.
We are not talking about banishing the police, but about removing the many, many rogue elements among them, not to mention the ARABS in the police force too. They hire Ethiopians, blacks, anybody who loves to feel powerful and can only achieve this by administering force and blows. Of course there are some very decent policemen among them too, I have met such ones, but the ones causing the trouble are the bad guys, and they have to be removed. You yourself admitted that the choice of whom to hire is in the hands of Wexner trained Unit 8200 graduates, didn't you?
Israel is clearly part of the Agenda 21 - WHO - NWO plan, but unfortunately police brutality is for real here.
Rivka Levy - on her blog which I linked to above - replied to my comment. It is worth reading the discussion, maybe you have your own ideas to add to the mix? At any rate, following her reply I replied this, which for some reason was not accepted by her system, so here it is:
You might be right re: the UK, and also re: the US. But we are not talking of gentlemen here: this is the Middle East, remember? They hire the lowest of the low, mostly Arabs, Druze, blacks from who knows where - and I am not talking about G-d fearing Ethiopians Chas veChalilah, there are plenty like that, big difference B"H: but don't forget that they brought in all the Falash Mura - goyim. 20% of the Russian Aliyah - goyim. You should have seen the masked men during Amonah! I have pictures of them on the blog: under their masks - yes, they were masked! - you could clearly see big, tall Ustashas, literally! They have brought in the worst element not only so they can vote for the left, but also to employ these soulless creatures for these kinds of tasks, like brutalizing Jews, specially Hareidi Jews whom they have always hated. I remember the swastikas all over the place from Russian youths: and then they graduate to the police force and other such tasks with great glee, - compliments of Unit 8200? You need to understand the total picture here, and realize we are not dealing with Jews a lot of the time, simply godless thugs;also think of all the gays - among the gays there are plenty of the aggressive brutal kind. You think there aren't any of them in the police force? I have no figures but I would not be one bit surprised.
So, path of hitbodedut and prayer, yes: but what if hitbodedut and prayer leads one to Bar Kochba? To Milchemet Mitzvah?
Kol Tuv and Shabbat Shalom.
Hava sent me a link to something that makes me feel better. At least some decent Havrei Knesset are opening their mouths. B"H.
Please check the comments, I posted and will continue to post in the comments section as info arrives.
I understand a DEMONSTRATION - B"H! - is planned for next Thursday, on facebook. I don't use fb because of their biased and disgusting censure, I see no point. Will keep you posted with the link as soon as I get the OK from the person who sent it to me. There is another video of ridiculous violence by policemen there. These criminals belong behind bars or worse! We do NOT have the obligation to tolerate AMALEK in our midst. These Reshaim are tools of Amalek.
The "13 year old girl" you wrote about is actually 11 years old, so it's even worse than what you wrote. The tweet by Liran Tamari that was included in the A7 article has the actual age. See it there:
ReplyDeletePolice lost control: Mask issued to 13-year-old girl">
She is really 11, and people commenting were taking her to task for doing things a 13-year-old should know better than to do.
And "Jewish Lives Matter" might be translated חיים יהודיים חשובים Jewish lives are important (Morfix). Although I would write it חיי יהודים חשובים to get the smichut in. You might want to consult with a native Hebrew speaker to get a translation that will reach all Israelis.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that clarification, Hava.
ReplyDeleteAnother friend of mine sent me a link to a FB video, and other things I will post if I get her permission. Apparently a demonstration is being planned.GOOD. We have to stop this craziness, this satanic plan, this horror they are imposing on AM Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. NO MORE! Eretz Yisrael LE AM YISRAEL, NOT TO THE EREV RAV, AMALEKIM, RESHAIM, GOYIM, SINIM, OVDEI ELILIM< OVDEI HASATAN. OVDEI HAKASEF, OVDEI HA VATICAN. NO MORE! FINISHED! THE TIDE HAS TURNED, TODAY IS THE DAY.
Batzion wrote:
ReplyDelete".... Unbearable pain.
May Hashem redeem us. This Thursday a big demonstration is planned BE"H
. "
Thank you, Batzion. Am Yisrael had it, I am so glad that the people are finally waking up and doing something about it. That's it, we have had it. NO MORE!
At least Rav Eichler and MK Porush are at least opening their mouths and calling it like it is: ANTISEMITISM. That's exactly what it is. They want to finish the job Hitler left unfinished. WE WILL NOT LET THEM! Why did we come back to Eretz Yisrael? To be abused and murdered by these beasts? NO SIR.
M.... commented:
ReplyDeletedisgusting despicable subhuman refuse... powers that be (erev rav) brutalizing jews... not since before the chanukah maesa have jews acted this cruelly and with such massive evil toward their fellow jews... we need please G-d another chashmanoiim revolt... only answer... only solution... truth.out...
ReplyDeleteThese brutes are not only goyim, but Erev Rav Amaleikim, as the Gaon of Vilna described them. At the end of days, they will be in control and be our worst enemies. Kudos to you for writing this vital information and all good Jews in EY and those reading from chutz l'Aretz should unite to try and make changes and your idea of 'Jewish Lives Matter' is a very good one. We learn from our Torah all proper ways but we can also learn sometimes from the non-Jewish world some very smart common sense advice.
The Erev Rav are now acting, more than ever before, towards the Jewish citizens, especially the chareidi citizens, no differently than the germans of 75 years ago. Unbelievable!
Thank you for your comment, Anonymous. I appreciate the positive feedback. Yes, sometimes things simply have to be spelled out and called what they are.
ReplyDeleteMy suggestion, if you like the idea, is to pass it on, both in E.Y. and in the U.S. or wherever you are, to your friends, colleagues, Shuls... and wake up people. We cannot be indifferent to the atrocities that keep multiplying. NO MORE! WE SHALL NOT TOLERATE THIS KIND OF TREATMENT OF INNOCENT, DEFENSELESS JEWS ANYMORE!
Thank you