Shavuah Tov and Chodesh Tov to all,
Like many of us, I have been following the Nibiru story closely, both from a scientific angle and from a biblical prophecy angle. I have just returned to Israel after three months abroad, and last night in Kiryat Arba, I couldn't help but observe the dark red color of the sky after Havdalah, a color which was diffused by thick clouds , in an easterly/ northeasterly direction. I kept searching on the net, trying to find some answers. Then this morning I saw this headline and attached article, which rang a bell in my mind:
Israel joins UN space committee bureau
.Following a vote in the United Nations General Assembly Fourth Committee, an Israeli representative was elected on Tuesday to the bureau of the UN’s Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).
...After a vote was called, Canada, the United States and others led efforts to ensure a fair and unbiased process in the Committee. Together with Israeli diplomatic efforts....
....In addition to Israel, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, South Africa and Indonesia were also elected to the COPUOS bureau. Keren Shahar, the Director of the Treaties Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will serve as Israel’s representative on the bureau....
What this is telling me is that whatever is happening in the skies over Israel, the government must be very well aware of it. Also don't forget earlier posts in which I had mentioned a CERN center in Amman and various weird phenomena occurring lately in our skies. In addition, since it is a UN body to which Israel has just been elected, Israel is obviously cooperating with other countries - for sure with the US and Canada, where tons of chemtrails take place continuously; and we know the level of global obfuscation, the lack of transparency associated with chemtrails, we know the covering up of space events related to Nibiru, etc. It stands to reason that by default then Israel must be, or will become an integral part of this cover-up; they owe a favor - the position - to the US, Canada and "others"; they know the implications of not cooperating with those countries all too well: after all the director of the Treaties Department got the job; what would happen to the Iran Treaty, say, if Israel failed to heed US demands regarding chemtrails, among others??? We are now basically in the pocket of the US - READ DEEP STATE - regarding Nibiru, etc.... notwithstanding Trump's and Bibi's seeming mutual attachment:,-Israel%27s-Netanyahu-relishing-in-Trump-love-fest
on Friday the 13th, Trump decertifies the Iran deal,
on Tuesday the 17th, director of Treaties of the Israel FM nominated to UN Space Bureau COPUOS,
on October 21, very unusual planet seen in multiple places in North America, not in Israel though; "too many clouds".
Israel now has a sword dangling over her neck despite the apparent blessing.
The other elected countries mentioned will also have to toe the line from now on: excellent Nibiru information had been coming in from Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, etc; what will happen to it now? ( I was in Cape Town, South Africa, right before this past Shavuot; one of the things I admired the most there were the pristine skies, untouched by chemtrails; the clouds looked so natural, I couldn't stop enjoying them, I had forgotten what real cumulus clouds felt like. What will happen to those beautiful skies from now on?)
So my question remains: what are the red clouds I saw last night: chemtrails? Naturally occurring red iron oxide particles due to Nibiru and its planets? Something else?
While looking for explanations I finally stumbled upon this short video, which describes a phenomenon very similar to what I witnessed last night, Motzaei Shabbat October 21 ( a shame I did not look at my watch to tell you the exact time; I would say it was around 8 or 9 PM) :
Thank you Hashem for sending me all these bits and pieces of information! Maybe now we can piece the puzzle together. What do you think? Any reasonable input would be appreciated.
Kol Tuv
DS ( original post at 5:40 PM; since then, many kind readers have given their useful opinion which step by step helped clarify the issues - please read the comments section)
UPDATE 9:41 PM Israel time, October 22:
Well , well, well, how do you like THAT?!!! This would explain it all! It was captured pretty much at the same time I captured the red clouds here in Israel, of course allowing for time zone differences! A shame I did not have a camera to take pictures. I bet you that is what I saw, except that because it was already night here, the light source appeared dimmer, more vague. It was definitely a LIT cloud, lighter than the dark night surrounding it; the light source was clearly not the moon as it was Rosh Chodesh. So my gut feeling tells me that THIS is what I saw, its Israel nighttime version. Wow!!! BTW if you read the comments below the video you will see that many other people saw this too; they think it's the moon because they don't think like we do, Rosh Chodesh etc. And it is not clarified where in Canada this shot was taken. Based on the direction I saw the red clouds in, I venture to say it was East/Northeast, NOT Western Canada.
Thank you Hashem for giving me the privilege of watching this amazing sight, with immediate explanation provided. What a wonderful bracha You just gave me. It was worth it to be here, coming all the way from America, just to see this, sick or not; and so I could share it with you too, my dear readers.
CONCLUSION: 10/23/2017, 3:21 PM
To all who have contributed to my understanding of what I saw Motzaei Shabbat,
First of all, thank you!
Second of all, I am not an astronomer, I understand very little of astronomy, but my eyes didn't fool me: I saw what I saw, and it was not the first time; as I had mentioned in a previous post ( see under the label Nibiru, you will find it in one of the relevant posts), the first time I saw a "second sun" was one Erev Shabbat last year, during candle lighting time.
My suspicion is that it is easier to capture planetary objects here in K.A. Hevron than within the "Green Line" because of the P.A., AKA Hamas; do you think they cooperate with Israel regarding chemtrails and other planetary issues? I would have my doubts. So, thank you Hamas for making my life more interesting!
Jokes aside, I would venture to say that the red night light I saw, if it was not from the moon, was coming from that object seen in Canada. Steve Olsen DID clarify that the object was in Eastern Canada, in a West/Southwestern position after sundown, which for us here in Israel would be East/Northeast. Whether that planet was visible in this part of the world - would it not have been obscured by heavy clouds - I have no idea. And whether it was the moon or not is definitely a debate, also according to the WSO post comments. Who knows more about planets, though, Steve Olsen, or us? Who among us has studied planets to the extent he and his friends have? He categorically denies that this is the moon. In addition, one commentator mentioned that she saw that same object during daylight Upstate New York and it was bright orange. A full moon, orange, on Rosh Chodesh, during daylight?? Not very likely. Now of course there are hoaxes; was this a hoax? Based on the various witnesses, I really doubt it.
It just occurred to me that it is not by accident at all that the vote at the UN took place last week, right before October 22nd. After all researchers had all but predicted that Nibiru would be visible around October 22nd, the night the clip was taken in Canada, the night I saw the red lit clouds."They" had to quickly put in place a protective mechanism so people would NOT see Nibiru. They knew that good information had been arriving from Israel, as we are quite aware and alert here, specially the community who is waiting for Mashiach impatiently. I can tell you that clouds were very heavy here in Israel specially the night of October 21. So maybe these were chemtrail clouds I saw after all, chemtrails I breathed in heavily while watching them. I was so sick you have no idea.
We know that chemtrails full of Aluminum, Barium and various other toxic materials can make people very sick. Here is a quick, extremely important and relevant refresher course, in particular Dr. Blaylock's excellent video:
http://israeltruthtimes. chemtrails-and-vaccines- refresher.html
I arrived from Atlanta where the air was simply unbreathable, horrible after Hurricane Nate, already sick with a bronchitis; as soon as I arrived in Israel the disease got much worse: the only time I ever had such a severe lower respiratory infection was once with a pneumonia, and I have had several bronchial infections, but none like this one. I was first for three days in Jerusalem, and simply had to stay bedridden. The sputum was at first normal for a bronchitis, slightly yellow, but then it quickly turned copious, WHITE AND FROTHY, something very strange; it did NOT have the typical taste of a bacterial or viral infection ( please excuse the unpleasant details) , and it made me short of breath and extremely tired; I felt like I was choking; I don't know how I found the strength to come by bus from Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba! The whole Shabbat I had to stay in bed too, here in Kiryat Arba. On Rosh Chodesh, Erev Shabbat , one of my neighbors had to call an ambulance ( I never see ambulances around here!). I hear another one of my next door neighbors coughing too. The night of the clouds I had unusual heart symptoms, palpitations, terrible scalp ache - it felt like inflamed scalp lymph nodes - I felt faint, weak, I almost called emergency services for help. It only got somewhat better the next day Sunday, once the clouds had dissipated. But I am still coughing heavily and very deep. This is NOT my usual bronchitis pattern. And I was informed yesterday that "a virus' is going around in Atlanta, "everybody" is sick, the illness lasted a week. By the way, be aware that Atlanta is a Deep State city par excellence, don't challenge the official line, specially not in the Jewish community ( which is by the way wonderful, warm, welcoming, I have only good words for them, although I do deplore their gullibility). Everybody has very good material lives there and likes to keep it that way; so don't under any circumstances rock the boat for them there, will you! As for some people I specifically have in mind, don't ever ask any medical questions: it is a virus, period! Don't dare ask the question: "Could we have been poisoned with Barium, Aluminum, in order to hide Nibiru???" Don't dare ask sinister and ridiculous questions like that, two and a half hours away from the Georgia Guidestones!! Don't ask if maybe there could be a lab created genetically engineered influenza virus going around, how dare you! You must be crazy, you crazy conspiracy theorist, you are not a real doctor, you must be some stupid quack! Etc. etc. ad nauseam.....Got the picture???
Oh my G-d, look what I found!
Symptoms and Effects of Aluminum Poisoning The effects of aluminum poisoning are varied and may manifest in different areas of the body, according to length of exposure and degree of aluminum contamination, and include weight loss accompanied by loss of appetite. Deodorants often plug the sweat glands. Hair may become dry and brittle, and much may be lost. Lung: dyspnea, asthma, Shaver's disease associated with cough, shortness of breath, and frothy sputum.
... And this:
So to sum everything up, this time I don't have a categorical conclusion. That Nibiru is around is pretty much determined. That what I saw was Nibiru's "avak", its reflection so to speak, is a possibility; but that the planet is hovering around these days is not even in doubt. Read what the author of the "Absolute Truth" blog had to say when I posted a comment on his blog; he is a Talmid Chacham and has explored the question in depth. Here is the link; check the first comment, mine, and his reply, second comment:
It is worth reading what he has to say about Nibiru/Kochav Yaakov in general; he has written in great detail about if from a Torah perspective in various posts, the links to which I am sure can be found on his blog.
I hope you enjoyed this post; let's pray that Israel does not let herself be coerced into doing dangerous, potentially lethal things to us her citizens, out of fear of the Iran treaty. Let's pray to Hashem to keep us in good health. Let's see what happens next, and let's stay on the good side of Hashem; that is the only thing that will keep us whole, healthy and sane.
Kol Tuv
PS: SEE ALSO HERE, PART II, continuation of the story with new information and explosive evidence:
Like many of us, I have been following the Nibiru story closely, both from a scientific angle and from a biblical prophecy angle. I have just returned to Israel after three months abroad, and last night in Kiryat Arba, I couldn't help but observe the dark red color of the sky after Havdalah, a color which was diffused by thick clouds , in an easterly/ northeasterly direction. I kept searching on the net, trying to find some answers. Then this morning I saw this headline and attached article, which rang a bell in my mind:
Israel joins UN space committee bureau
.Following a vote in the United Nations General Assembly Fourth Committee, an Israeli representative was elected on Tuesday to the bureau of the UN’s Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).
...After a vote was called, Canada, the United States and others led efforts to ensure a fair and unbiased process in the Committee. Together with Israeli diplomatic efforts....
....In addition to Israel, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, South Africa and Indonesia were also elected to the COPUOS bureau. Keren Shahar, the Director of the Treaties Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will serve as Israel’s representative on the bureau....
What this is telling me is that whatever is happening in the skies over Israel, the government must be very well aware of it. Also don't forget earlier posts in which I had mentioned a CERN center in Amman and various weird phenomena occurring lately in our skies. In addition, since it is a UN body to which Israel has just been elected, Israel is obviously cooperating with other countries - for sure with the US and Canada, where tons of chemtrails take place continuously; and we know the level of global obfuscation, the lack of transparency associated with chemtrails, we know the covering up of space events related to Nibiru, etc. It stands to reason that by default then Israel must be, or will become an integral part of this cover-up; they owe a favor - the position - to the US, Canada and "others"; they know the implications of not cooperating with those countries all too well: after all the director of the Treaties Department got the job; what would happen to the Iran Treaty, say, if Israel failed to heed US demands regarding chemtrails, among others??? We are now basically in the pocket of the US - READ DEEP STATE - regarding Nibiru, etc.... notwithstanding Trump's and Bibi's seeming mutual attachment:,-Israel%27s-Netanyahu-relishing-in-Trump-love-fest
on Friday the 13th, Trump decertifies the Iran deal,
on Tuesday the 17th, director of Treaties of the Israel FM nominated to UN Space Bureau COPUOS,
on October 21, very unusual planet seen in multiple places in North America, not in Israel though; "too many clouds".
Israel now has a sword dangling over her neck despite the apparent blessing.
The other elected countries mentioned will also have to toe the line from now on: excellent Nibiru information had been coming in from Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, etc; what will happen to it now? ( I was in Cape Town, South Africa, right before this past Shavuot; one of the things I admired the most there were the pristine skies, untouched by chemtrails; the clouds looked so natural, I couldn't stop enjoying them, I had forgotten what real cumulus clouds felt like. What will happen to those beautiful skies from now on?)
So my question remains: what are the red clouds I saw last night: chemtrails? Naturally occurring red iron oxide particles due to Nibiru and its planets? Something else?
Thank you Hashem for sending me all these bits and pieces of information! Maybe now we can piece the puzzle together. What do you think? Any reasonable input would be appreciated.
Kol Tuv
DS ( original post at 5:40 PM; since then, many kind readers have given their useful opinion which step by step helped clarify the issues - please read the comments section)
UPDATE 9:41 PM Israel time, October 22:
Well , well, well, how do you like THAT?!!! This would explain it all! It was captured pretty much at the same time I captured the red clouds here in Israel, of course allowing for time zone differences! A shame I did not have a camera to take pictures. I bet you that is what I saw, except that because it was already night here, the light source appeared dimmer, more vague. It was definitely a LIT cloud, lighter than the dark night surrounding it; the light source was clearly not the moon as it was Rosh Chodesh. So my gut feeling tells me that THIS is what I saw, its Israel nighttime version. Wow!!! BTW if you read the comments below the video you will see that many other people saw this too; they think it's the moon because they don't think like we do, Rosh Chodesh etc. And it is not clarified where in Canada this shot was taken. Based on the direction I saw the red clouds in, I venture to say it was East/Northeast, NOT Western Canada.
Thank you Hashem for giving me the privilege of watching this amazing sight, with immediate explanation provided. What a wonderful bracha You just gave me. It was worth it to be here, coming all the way from America, just to see this, sick or not; and so I could share it with you too, my dear readers.
CONCLUSION: 10/23/2017, 3:21 PM
To all who have contributed to my understanding of what I saw Motzaei Shabbat,
First of all, thank you!
Second of all, I am not an astronomer, I understand very little of astronomy, but my eyes didn't fool me: I saw what I saw, and it was not the first time; as I had mentioned in a previous post ( see under the label Nibiru, you will find it in one of the relevant posts), the first time I saw a "second sun" was one Erev Shabbat last year, during candle lighting time.
My suspicion is that it is easier to capture planetary objects here in K.A. Hevron than within the "Green Line" because of the P.A., AKA Hamas; do you think they cooperate with Israel regarding chemtrails and other planetary issues? I would have my doubts. So, thank you Hamas for making my life more interesting!
Jokes aside, I would venture to say that the red night light I saw, if it was not from the moon, was coming from that object seen in Canada. Steve Olsen DID clarify that the object was in Eastern Canada, in a West/Southwestern position after sundown, which for us here in Israel would be East/Northeast. Whether that planet was visible in this part of the world - would it not have been obscured by heavy clouds - I have no idea. And whether it was the moon or not is definitely a debate, also according to the WSO post comments. Who knows more about planets, though, Steve Olsen, or us? Who among us has studied planets to the extent he and his friends have? He categorically denies that this is the moon. In addition, one commentator mentioned that she saw that same object during daylight Upstate New York and it was bright orange. A full moon, orange, on Rosh Chodesh, during daylight?? Not very likely. Now of course there are hoaxes; was this a hoax? Based on the various witnesses, I really doubt it.
It just occurred to me that it is not by accident at all that the vote at the UN took place last week, right before October 22nd. After all researchers had all but predicted that Nibiru would be visible around October 22nd, the night the clip was taken in Canada, the night I saw the red lit clouds."They" had to quickly put in place a protective mechanism so people would NOT see Nibiru. They knew that good information had been arriving from Israel, as we are quite aware and alert here, specially the community who is waiting for Mashiach impatiently. I can tell you that clouds were very heavy here in Israel specially the night of October 21. So maybe these were chemtrail clouds I saw after all, chemtrails I breathed in heavily while watching them. I was so sick you have no idea.
We know that chemtrails full of Aluminum, Barium and various other toxic materials can make people very sick. Here is a quick, extremely important and relevant refresher course, in particular Dr. Blaylock's excellent video:
I arrived from Atlanta where the air was simply unbreathable, horrible after Hurricane Nate, already sick with a bronchitis; as soon as I arrived in Israel the disease got much worse: the only time I ever had such a severe lower respiratory infection was once with a pneumonia, and I have had several bronchial infections, but none like this one. I was first for three days in Jerusalem, and simply had to stay bedridden. The sputum was at first normal for a bronchitis, slightly yellow, but then it quickly turned copious, WHITE AND FROTHY, something very strange; it did NOT have the typical taste of a bacterial or viral infection ( please excuse the unpleasant details) , and it made me short of breath and extremely tired; I felt like I was choking; I don't know how I found the strength to come by bus from Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba! The whole Shabbat I had to stay in bed too, here in Kiryat Arba. On Rosh Chodesh, Erev Shabbat , one of my neighbors had to call an ambulance ( I never see ambulances around here!). I hear another one of my next door neighbors coughing too. The night of the clouds I had unusual heart symptoms, palpitations, terrible scalp ache - it felt like inflamed scalp lymph nodes - I felt faint, weak, I almost called emergency services for help. It only got somewhat better the next day Sunday, once the clouds had dissipated. But I am still coughing heavily and very deep. This is NOT my usual bronchitis pattern. And I was informed yesterday that "a virus' is going around in Atlanta, "everybody" is sick, the illness lasted a week. By the way, be aware that Atlanta is a Deep State city par excellence, don't challenge the official line, specially not in the Jewish community ( which is by the way wonderful, warm, welcoming, I have only good words for them, although I do deplore their gullibility). Everybody has very good material lives there and likes to keep it that way; so don't under any circumstances rock the boat for them there, will you! As for some people I specifically have in mind, don't ever ask any medical questions: it is a virus, period! Don't dare ask the question: "Could we have been poisoned with Barium, Aluminum, in order to hide Nibiru???" Don't dare ask sinister and ridiculous questions like that, two and a half hours away from the Georgia Guidestones!! Don't ask if maybe there could be a lab created genetically engineered influenza virus going around, how dare you! You must be crazy, you crazy conspiracy theorist, you are not a real doctor, you must be some stupid quack! Etc. etc. ad nauseam.....Got the picture???
Oh my G-d, look what I found!
Symptoms and Effects of Aluminum Poisoning The effects of aluminum poisoning are varied and may manifest in different areas of the body, according to length of exposure and degree of aluminum contamination, and include weight loss accompanied by loss of appetite. Deodorants often plug the sweat glands. Hair may become dry and brittle, and much may be lost. Lung: dyspnea, asthma, Shaver's disease associated with cough, shortness of breath, and frothy sputum.
... And this:
So to sum everything up, this time I don't have a categorical conclusion. That Nibiru is around is pretty much determined. That what I saw was Nibiru's "avak", its reflection so to speak, is a possibility; but that the planet is hovering around these days is not even in doubt. Read what the author of the "Absolute Truth" blog had to say when I posted a comment on his blog; he is a Talmid Chacham and has explored the question in depth. Here is the link; check the first comment, mine, and his reply, second comment:
It is worth reading what he has to say about Nibiru/Kochav Yaakov in general; he has written in great detail about if from a Torah perspective in various posts, the links to which I am sure can be found on his blog.
I hope you enjoyed this post; let's pray that Israel does not let herself be coerced into doing dangerous, potentially lethal things to us her citizens, out of fear of the Iran treaty. Let's pray to Hashem to keep us in good health. Let's see what happens next, and let's stay on the good side of Hashem; that is the only thing that will keep us whole, healthy and sane.
Kol Tuv
PS: SEE ALSO HERE, PART II, continuation of the story with new information and explosive evidence:
Daisy - first of all, welcome back home!
ReplyDeleteI have not seen any such thing as you have described here in Y-m. I went outside to check before replying to your email, and I have not seen it. I do live on the western side of my hill, but I would think I would at least see light in the eastern sky, similar to that shown in the video, during our sunset. But, no such thing. Sorry.
Any red I have seen in the sky is from the reddish lighting on the lamp posts reflected in whatever cloud cover there is at the time, long after the sun has gone down.
I noticed in the video that the object the narrator was talking about was standing still the whole time, until swallowed up by clouds. What was THAT about? Maybe an optical illusion? A hologram?
My theory on that is a beam coming from some man-made machine could be interrupted by an object in its way, and could be exposed that way.
Thanks Chava, first of all for your welcome, and also for your comment.
ReplyDeleteThe red light present last night was quite higher than the lights, didn't seem at all to originate from either around the house or from streetlights.
I also just came in from a little walk around my house, looked up in the sky, saw a flaming red sunset , but in its normal location. Nothing in the direction of last night. I will keep checking later tonight, to see if the same phenomenon as last night reappears. I have to stress that I did NOT see any planet or anything of that sort last night, just the red - I would say almost dark green/red, it's hard to describe exactly - clouds, a large mass of them in a specific direction. They were unusual enough that they got me searching....
Anyway, hopefully things will become clearer as we approach Mashiach times. Meanwhile it's never boring, is it?! Lol.
Are you familiar yet with Steve Olson and WSO? Here is the latest.
SHmuel said:
ReplyDeleteRed clouds at night, sailors delight…
I do not know if there is further information about red clouds but originally that phenomenon was said to be linked to dust particles mixing it up with Sun and or other light source
DS replied to SHmuel:
ReplyDeleteVery interesting! Thank you. You see, I didn't know. Maybe that IS what I saw.
But the question then is, WHAT light source at night, on Rosh Chodesh???? That IS the 1000$ question!
Thank you, Lea.
ReplyDeleteActually, right before I watched this short video I posted, I had watched the WSO video you just posted. But it did not satisfy my curiosity re: my particular question, whereas the short video DID, as a possible explanation.
Adding to my first comment: Or...aurora borealis? They are usually colors like you described; but usually aren't seen this far south. Who knows?
ReplyDeleteInteresting thought, Chava; I hadn't thought of that. Who knows, as you say; but I have an inkling that this is not the explanation either . When it clicks it clicks, if you know what I mean. At this point I would say either chemtrails - doubtful - or an unknown light source mixing with dust particles as SHmuel suggested ( which light source: a planet???); or iron oxide debris from meteorites etc. My gut feeling tells me, one of those three, most likely the last two. Which corresponds nicely with everything else researchers are reporting, just not necessarily in this neck of the woods. I didn't go out tonight to see if the red light is there again. I will go and report on it later, Bli neder.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I added a fantastic short clip from WSO that came out AFTER I had posted this article. He basically answers my question: there it is. WOW!! Watch it!
ReplyDeleteRosh Hodesh was just on Shabbat! Looks like the moon to me. I saw the moon tonight and aside from the red color (it was white here, red on the video) it looks the same to me.
ReplyDeleteMaybe chemtrails in Canada are making it red.
Nighty nigh; hodesh tov umevorah; & horef bar'i!!!
By the way I did go out again, this time around 10:30 PM, and the sky was pitch-black. It was also very cold, much colder than last night and much less humid. So last night was a unique sight, at least for now. Let's see what the future brings.
ReplyDeleteDo YOU want to observe the sky at night too? And report on it? That would be great. Let's have a reporting center here in Israel, what do you say? You can use this blog and leave comments if you choose!
Thanks for your new comment, Chava; but think of what you just said: you say the moon was RED THERE, and WHITE HERE, right? Shabbat was Rosh Chodesh; tonight the brightly shining moon was a white sliver, right ( I saw it too)?
ReplyDeleteHow could you AT THE SAME TIME OF MONTH have barely a SLIVER of MOON in ISRAEL while you have a FULL MOON in Canada?! NO, this is NOT the Moon, it can't be. In Canada it was also Rosh Chodesh, you seem to forget.The Moon had to be a sliver there too. So that planet HAD to be another, unknown planet.
Good night, sweet dreams, and thanks again for your help in clarifying these issues.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry, I answered your comment without realizing I had actually failed to PUBLISH your comment! My sincere apologies; I posted it right now.
ReplyDeleteThat Canadian video shows a slither/sliver of the moon lit up.
The rest of it is visible either because that is not fully night (twilight) or because they have used editing techniques to increase the exposure.
I'm watching the video again. It's not a full moon, but the narrator lightened the picture & showed us the SHADOW of the moon. The lit side is a sliver and follows sunset.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'd say seems different is that when I saw the moon, it was following a south-western path, as it usually does. The video object follows a north-western path, if I'm correct. That indeed would make it a different object. Or else, the placement in the skies above Israel and above Canada is different?
Maybe what I mean is that the videographer may be, or even is, facing northwest to film the object. When I see the moon, I am facing southwest.
All the best!
To all who have contributed to my understanding of what I saw Motzaei Shabbat,First of all, thank you!
ReplyDeleteSecond of all, I am not an astronomer, I understand very little of astronomy, but my eyes can't fool me: I saw what I saw, and it is not the first time: as mentioned in a previous post, the first time I saw a "second sun" was one Erev Shabbat last June ( 2016) during candle lighting. So my own eyes have seen a bright shining sun-like planet right here in Kiryat Arba, once already, here in Israel. My suspicion is that it is easier to capture planetary objects here in Yehudah than within "the Green line" because we are practically in the PA, here in Hevron, and therefore chemtrailing must be a bit harder with Hamas around; not to mention "planetary cooperation" ! So thank you, Hamas,for making my life more interesting!
Jokes aside, I would venture to say that the night light I saw, if it was not the moon, was coming from that object. I clarified, reading WSO's comment, that it was in a South/Southwestern position in Canada, which for us here in Israel would be East/Northeast. Whether that planet was visible in this part of the world I have no idea. And whether it is the moon or not is definitely a debate, certainly according to the WSO post comments. Who knows more about planets, Steve Olsen, or us? Who among us has studied planets to the extent he has? He categorically denies that this is the moon. In addition, one commentator mentions that she saw that same object during daylight in Upstate New York and it was bright orange. A full moon, orange, on Rosh Chodesh, during daylight? Not very likely. Now of course we have hoax artists. Are we dealing with a hoax? Based on the various witnesses, I really doubt it.
So this time I don't have a categorical conclusion. That Nibiru is around is pretty much determined. That what I saw was Nibiru's "Avak", its reflection so to speak, is a possibility. But that the planet is hovering around these days is not even in doubt. Read what "Absolute Truth" had to say when I posted a comment on his blog, he is a Talmid Chacham and has explored the question in depth; here, first comment and his reply:
I added a lengthy conclusion because I want to make you aware of some medical issues possibly connected to this post. Behatzlachah to all, and stay healthy!