Wednesday, June 14, 2017

SODOT HATORAH - secrets of Torah: this is an unbelievable Shiur, that explains in one short hour Am Yisrael's predicament, and its solution. I hope you understand Hebrew!

.. And you won't believe what happened while I was listening to this Shiur: the room was so full of the presence of Hashem that a little bird came and held on to the screen of my window, and just stayed there, calmly: I have never ever witnessed anything like it in the 20 years I have lived in this house. Coincidence? I don't believe so; think of Perek Shira: animals, and all of nature praises the presence of Hashem; that presence was so palpable that a little birdie came to listen to His voice too. Isn't this what is supposed to happen in the times of Mashiach:" the lion will lay with the lamb"? How will that happen? The animals will be fulfilled and pacified by the presence of Hashem. And this is how strong the presence of Hashem was while I was listening to the explanations of Rav Ofer Erez. Wow.

There is more where this came from:

I particularly liked this one too, at least the first half of the video:

Happy watching!


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