Friday, May 26, 2017

California news on Yom Yerushalayim - spiritual reason?....Watch out for more RIGHT NOW, THIS SHABBAT. California Jews, please PREPARE! And think: why are you still there? What are you waiting for???

More information here on the landslide that DID occur:

In addition:

Now I am not saying this WILL, I am saying that, according to the information presented in this video, this COULD affect California - wherever on the West Coast: in the north, in the south, not at all, who knows? We really don't know, but California IS an earthquake prone zone, no doubt, and they ARE expecting the big one, so it certainly could be one of the places worst hit in the coming CME.

So, for one thing, DAVEN. And then, think seriously whether it's a good idea to stay there altogether, and for how much longer? Hmmm......

Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov, and Chag Sameach if I don't post until then,


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