... So what else???
(From A7)
"Pope sends best wishes to Peres
Pope Francis sent his wishes for a speedy recovery to former President Shimon Peres.Peres is currently in "serious but stable" condition after his stroke earlier this week."
To all,
The wolf has always been a wolf, only now he has taken off the velvet gloves and grandma's little red hood .
Of course! With his right hand man in Israel on his probable deathbed, or at least severely incapacitated, Francis must be quite anxious: who will watch after the Vatican's interests now? Oy, oy, oy... Now that Shimon can't work for the Vatican behind the scenes, Francis has no choice but to take off the gloves. No more covert war via fifth column, now it's frontal assault!
The facts speak for themselves. Shimon has a massive stroke, Rome's environs endures a massive earthquake.... what do you think, Hashem will stay silent while His enemies gang up against Him, His Land, His People and His Torah?
So, what do you say, Bibi, Aryeh Deri, and all you other "frum" well wishers and friends of Shimon?! What will it take to open your eyes? Bekitzur, Shimon fully deserves what is happening to him - not to mention all the Jewish deaths he is responsible for because of the Oslo accords and everything that followed (or is it that Shimon was naive, really believed that Rome was a friend of Israel, and seeing himself and Israel betrayed by the pope, got so upset he experienced a stroke? Very very doubtful, though possible). Sorry, I am no bleeding heart for him.
As for the evil Uber Rasha Francis - Hashem will have His way with him too, I have no doubt. Same for the murderer Abbas. Same with Benedikt, the previous evil pope, who started the whole assault and murder campaign against Jews worldwide when he didn't get his way with Kever David in 2009. Then Shimon Peres helped the Vatican, - his last act in office while president of Israel - making sure Jerusalem, Kever David and Har Habayit would be taken away from us. Shimon Peres and the popes are joined at the hip; their fates go hand in hand.
For your information:
Distance from Amatrice to Rome: 142 km ( 88 mi.)
Distance from Aquila to Rome : 89 km ( 55 mi.)
The Aquila earthquake occurred in April of 2009, the time that previous pope Benedikt started his insidious worldwide assault campaign against Israel. Do you really think it is a coincidence?
Barry, Z"L, in the next world, is being vindicated. This is happening during his Shloshim still. May his memory be blessed.
The first article below was sent by Jack, a smart attorney, with his astute comment:
"Israel will disappear from the “landscape of geography,” the Holy See’s said in a statement on Saturday.
"I do not see how this can have more than one meaning: The Vatican has adopted the PLO’s definition of “peace;” which is the destruction of the State of Israel, and has formally dropped all pretense of being no longer an implacable enemy of the Jewish people."
There is a lot of doublespeak in that article, but that is quite typical of the Vatican, whose symbol is the two-faced god Janus. Notice also that the article says that the full treaty is 'unavailable". What is that supposed to mean? What kind of treaty is one that is kept away from public view? What have they agreed upon that we are not supposed to see or know? So I tend to believe that Jack is right. Don't pay attention to all the 'peace' double talk coming out of Rome, it's a facade, it's Orwellian speech.
See also the other articles linked to below.In addition, if you have time, check out this blog, read all the articles related to this topic. The labels listed under this post should help you find them. Good reading.
The Vatican announced Saturday that its “Comprehensive Agreement” with the “State of Palestine” signed in June 2015 has come into full force, in which the Holy See bolstered support for the two-state solution of the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Referring to Palestine as “state” means Vatican has recognized it as an equal partner, thus sealing support for 2012 UN General Assembly resolution granting Palestine a non-member observer status.
“The Holy See and the State of Palestine have notified each other that the procedural requirements for its [the agreement's] entry into force have been fulfilled, under the terms of Article 30 of the same Agreement, Israel will disappear from the “landscape of geography,” the Holy See’s said in a statement on Saturday.
The historic 2015 treaty is to secure rights and privileges of the Catholic Church on Palestinian territories in exchange for brokering two-state solution as well as giving more weight to Palestine’s political stance in the world.
It also said to include safeguarding the holy sites in Palestine, equally important for all three Abrahamic religions. In April 2014, a Catholic monastery was vandalized not far from Jerusalem in a hate crime carried out by Israelis. Slogans condemning peace talks with Palestine as well as graffiti disparaging Jesus and Mary were also frequent there recently.
While the entire text is unavailable, the treaty may recognize the 1967 borders as those constituting the Palestinian state, as the two-state solution implies creation of the Palestinian state on territories occupied by Israel during the Six Days War.
Pope Francis is known for calling the Israeli-Palestinian talks to be resumed, though Vatican has provided no detailed political roadmap for reconciliation. In May 2014, Francis visited Bethlehem where he gave a public speech outlining both Israel’s and Palestine’s right to exist. He praised Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as a “man of peace,” laying the groundwork for the bilateral treaty.
In the same speech, Francis proposed a common prayer of Christians, Muslims and Jews, which took place in June 2014 and was attended by Palestinian President Abbas, Israel’s former prime minister Shimon Peres as well as the pope himself, asking “for peace for the Holy Land and for all who dwell there.”
The original source of this article is Whatsupic
Jack wrote - and this is what started me on this post -:
ReplyDeleteI do not see how this can have more than one meaning: The Vatican has adopted the PLO’s definition of “peace;” which is the destruction of the State of Israel, and has formally dropped all pretense of being no longer an implacable enemy of the Jewish people.
Al says:
ReplyDeleteDS.. Shalom.... Was Peres ever elected BY THE PEOPLE, or was it always by the Knesset?? Or was he just appointed by somebody?..
Wow!!! I have been watching this rascal Peres since Rabin was assassinated, and seeing him run to Rome to kiss Roman Catholic boots every time he had a peristalsis pain.
What a traitor.
Be blessed in HaShem
Al replied:
ReplyDeleteOk. Thanks.. So he never was elected by the electorate.. Just MKs..
Im never vindictive, or over bearing towards anyone.
But this guy Peres has been a clever fellow, and done much harm to Israel, and in that I cannot remain silent.
C. said:
ReplyDeleteSomehow I don't think they'll admit it when he dies, right away
SHmuel said:
ReplyDeletePersky is right now hospitalized and in induced coma after suffering a massive brain episode similar to that of Sharon.
That happened September 13. He is 93 years old.
The infamous Oslo Accords was signed by him on September 13, 19 93...
Persky means one who came from Persia, a Persian.
ReplyDeleteSame like rash rash ...(triangel cookies)