Sunday, June 5, 2011

They ARE doing it all right. If you believe this to be conspiracy theory, listen to Home Front D.M. Vilnai admit to Hamas terrorists having been 'accidented'. They are doing it to their enemies, and we are their enemy number one.


  1. Daisy: I am listening to you on the radio show with Barry Chamish.
    I am following you now on your blog Israel Truth Times.
    I uploaded a youtube video on how time is running short for America. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn reveals that the same pattern for God's judgment on ancient Israel is being played out in America. The future for America should not be a mystery for God's people anymore!

    Thank you for your insights and speaking out about this most important subject. I have been following what happens in Israel since I was a child though I am Italian american. My father would give me books to read and taught me much about politics. He was 40 yrs. old when I was born so I was lucky to have had a knowledgable father. I am a believer but, not a be-longer. I belong to no cults.

  2. Jeanette,

    Thank you so much for your comments. So glad to have you on board. Build your ark now, the time has come! And... no cults is OK, but more important is faith in the One God.

    All the best to you, and stay well.

