Taipan Daily: Could U.S. Monetary Policy Ignite World War III? by Justice Litle, Editorial Director, Taipan Publishing Group We know the Bernanke Fed is doing odd and dangerous things these days. But could U.S. monetary policy actually touch off a third World War? It seems far-fetched, no doubt. And the odds of actual world war breaking out are ridiculously low. (They have to be by definition, since world war is in itself such a low-probability event.) But still, the potential connection is worth exploring, if only as a thought exercise. Highlighting the connections that make the scenario possible, if not plausible, provides useful food for thought. To start we'll draw on some concepts already featured in these pages, via pieces like "The Pyramid and the Pie" and "Let Them Eat Paper." Namely, it's important to note that:
In short, the Fed can look at "non-core" inflation and shrug, because the official statistics do not pay attention to it -- and because U.S. consumers spend a relatively small percentage of their incomes on food and energy (compared to the rest of the world).
Elsewhere it is not so easy to look away, as the following Economist excerpt shows:
The equation here is fairly simple. Countries that trade with the United States, or otherwise do a lot of trade in dollars, are subject to an increased flow of dollars thanks to loose Fed policy. In order to keep their own currencies competitive, these same countries take the dollars from their exporters and print up new home currency in exchange for those dollars. (If they did not do this, the value of the home currency would rise, hurting competitiveness.) The end result is more home currency sloshing around the local economy, which drives food and energy prices up. When developing world families spend 40% of their income or more on basic food staples, this can get to be a problem fast. In fact, in the previously stable Arab world, food and energy price hikes have led to blood in the streets... In Tunisia, where the spirit of revolution broke out most plainly, violent town riots centered around "a desperate shortage of food and heating oil" (as reported to the BBC). Meanwhile, earlier this month, riots in Algeria broke out as the cost of staple goods such as flour, salad oil and sugar more than doubled. And now, in the latest twist, Egypt and Yemen are erupting. Thousands are rallying... hundreds are being arrested... and an unfortunate few are being killed. The Middle East power structure has long been dominated by "strong men" -- totalitarian leaders who have held an iron grip on power for decades, reacting to dissent with brutal crackdowns of force. Sad to say, the United States government has also cultivated official ties with many of these strong men in the name of combating terrorism and maintaining links to the region. Now, many unsavory characters are at risk of being toppled by a rising swell of anger, sweeping through regimes like a chain of dominoes. And the core of it comes back to out-of-control food price escalations, which, in turn, are in no small part a consequence of the money-pumping Federal Reserve. So where is the World War III connection? That goes back to Middle East leaders and the dawning horror that is engulfing them. As the "Jasmine Revolution" of Tunisia causes protests and revolts to leap from country to country, no strong man can feel truly safe. Those who have not been forced to flee are drawing up alternative plans. As Samuel Johnson reputedly said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Extreme forms of patriotism involve beating the drums of war. And for authoritarian regimes facing existential crisis, one of the oldest plays in the book is stirring up fervor for an outside enemy. Nothing like a rise of nationalist anger and outward directed aggression to cool the simmering discontentment at home... So now let's connect all the dots:
Regardless of ultimate outcome, we can see via this exercise how bad policies can have unintended impacts. Like the "butterfly effect" in chaos theory, one never knows how far an unwise decision can reverberate, or what unexpected further chain reactions will be touched off. With a little imagination and scenario-building, we can further see how the Western world powers that be -- who project their smug confidence and assurance daily -- are fooling no one but themselves. Warm Regards, JL
(Talkback to the above video posting) Comment: No way to know if the report is true or not, but knowing governments, specially Middle Eastern governments, I would surmise - why not? Anonymous asks: "COULD IT HAPPEN HERE?" Hello Israel: now we know how we would be greeted, should we decide to confront our own government over their many, multiple and increasing evils. And knowing Israeli technological advance, and the Israeli government's incestuous ties to the NWO via Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak, Tsippi Livni, the supreme court, and others, their response would probably be a thousand times worse. So much for 'demokratia'. Shabbat Shalom. PS: Notice below how the news media don't report all the weapons heard and seen on the clip above and in the account of that writer: notice the watered-down video from AP as well. However, truth be told, these people are evil, and deserve everything they get, on both sides.
DEBKAfile's Cairo sources report that the organizers plan to keep their protest going non-stop and absorbing all the non-religious opposition elements in the country. So far the Islamic parties led by the Muslim Brotherhood have ordered their followers to stay out. If this order is change, the Mubarak regime will be in trouble.
http://www.valleynewslive.com/Global/story.asp?S=13901294 Update: Moshe writes: this was all planned by the slime 30 yrs ago... force isr to make peace and give up the sinai and then for them to bring nazi-ally from ww2 muslim brotherhood to power in egypt to completely surround israel just when either iraq or iran was given nuke capabilities... begin took care of iraq and so that set the slime back 30 yrs or so... but now they are ready... they are not slowed down by any computer virus that degraded their nuke progress to the bomb... this is an abject lie to cover their asses in front of the world as to why they... the u.s. or isr whose gov'ts both follow slime orders... as to why they haven't yet launched an attack and an invasion to stop iran... more than this... the u.s. (cia) could have toppled iran anytime they wanted to over the last 20 yrs or so... especially this lasttime with the corrupt election which brought the whole country out into the streets in protest and easily iran was ripe for overthrow... but for these reasons i'm saying here they never did so... bec they are in league with them... they are working for the slime interests so the slime running the u.s. make sure american policy is to leave them alone... a trictly "hands off policy..." after the war the muslim brotherhood was passed over to the bloody brits who turned over this hot potato to the americans... we (they the slime ruling here) took over control of them as their assets and sent ex-nazis to the middle east under cover as russian agents to help arab world come up to speed with israel militarily... the muz brohood morphed into the plo and then later after all the other spin-off groups from the plo they became al qaeda... and together with the elite slime of this world they brought about the iranian revolution and now this egyptian one... peace is a sham... it is all about destroying isr and having isr destroy the arabs at the same time... a mutual destruction implosion to trigger and kick-start ww3... tell your readers to go check out threeworldwars.com and see the scenarios... the slime who brought communist russia to power also brought israel to power and just like they made communism self-destruct they have plans to make the zionist movement they created and gave birth to self-destruct as well... right on cue... as soon as they are set to launch ww3... the circumstances of how this came to light staed on this site is a hoax barry chamish says... this was all done by design to cover their slime tracks... and so that very few people would ever believe this "conspiracy theory" and that is as they like it... as they want it to be... but while all of this is absolutely true... still the best place to hide a secret is in plain view and thus this is how they have rigged this sick ploy and ruse... and i say while the story is fabricated... albert pike et al... the stuff it reveals is absolutely true...and so i say the info and data and historical precedent set in motion after the civil war to slowly but surely bring the nwo/owg illuminati/masonic plan to reality is true and has been in motion ever since and these wars... 1&2 are exact as to how they went about orchestrating them, conducting them and in the aftermath what they set out to accomplish... and if all of this is so by those 2 first conflagrations then so is it going to be true G-d forbid.... by the next one... ww3... will go off when they want it to... unless Hashem steps in w/moshiach... it will be the big one... gog u'maygog... armaggedon... etc.... Hashem did not interrupt wws 1&2 for His reasons... hopefully He ill intervene this time and put a stop to it... but only if we deserve it... (more on this point next time)... got to run for shabat... |
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