Monday, May 31, 2010

SOME SWISS! The "SWISS" MP on the flotilla heading for Gaza , born in Istanbul, - serves in Greece?? - communist, lists his current occupation as THEOLOGIAN, WANTS TO SUE ISRAEL; one of those visceral Jew-haters . But he might be on shaky legal grounds himself!


Turks Help Hamas Welcome Anti-Israel Ships

Iyar 22, 5770, 06 May 10 12:31
by Hillel Fendel
( Turkish aid is instrumental in helping Hamas clean and prepare the Gaza port, in preparation for the arrival of the anti-Israel protest flotilla later this month.
Pro-PLO organizations in Europe that have aligned themselves with Hamas are planning a flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip.  The coordinators of what some call the “ship intifada” want to avoid confrontation with Egypt, but appear to be seeking a confrontation with the Israeli navy, backed by media and diplomatic campaigns.
This past January, a senior Hamas operative in Britain named Muhammad Sawalha, who was involved in launching the previous flotilla, said the next convoy will avoid the type of confrontation that occurred the previous time with Egypt, and that next time, “the confrontation will be directly with the Zionist enemy itself on the high seas.”
Swiss MP Josef Zisyadis, one of several European MPs and UN personnel who will be on the ships, together with nearly 600 others, threatened that “if Israel tries to stop the ships, we will sue her in European courts.”
The major organizations and personalities involved in organizing the flotilla are IHH, an Islamic-oriented human rights organization in Turkey; a European organization named The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza; and the international “Free Gaza” organization that rails against the Israeli “blockade” of Gaza. In addition, the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC), based in Ramat HaSharon, Israel, states that pro-PLO activists from Sweden and Greece have purchased two ships for the flotilla, and Hamas supporters in Britain – including MP George Galloway - are also involved in organizing the upcoming flotilla and others.
Arutz-7’s Haggai Huberman reports that Turkish elements are helping to clean and deepen the port, in preparing for the arrival of the ships. “Free Gaza” and IHH are coordinating among the various organizations that are taking part in the flotilla and accompanying propaganda campaign.
The ships plan to deliver building materials, medical equipment, school briefcases and even caravans – mobile homes without wheels – for the Hamas-run entity in Gaza.
One of the ships, from Malaysia, will be loaded in Ireland with items donated by citizens in Ireland, Scotland, Britain and elsewhere. It will leave Ireland next week, and will meet up with the other ships in the Mediterranean, from where they will continue on towards Gaza.
c. Passenger list: no list of passengers has been published as of yet. According to previous reports, the participants in the flotilla will include human rights activists, parliament members, and journalists. The name of Josef Zisyadis, a member of the Greek Legislative Council, came up as one of the politicians to take part in the flotilla. At least some of the ships will sail under the flags of their respective countries to make them more difficult to hit. In that context, Josef Zisyadis said that under international law, if Israel interferes with the flotilla there will be grounds to file a complaint against it in European courts, since it has no right to deny passage to vessels in international water (Safa, May 5, 2010).


Zisyadis Josef

Conseiller national Canton Vaud

Zisyadis Josef Canton Vaud (VD)
  • Conseil national- actif jusqu'en 2011!
  • 25.11.1991 – 24.11.1996    06.12.1999 –

Adresse postale

Case postale 196
1000 Lausanne 6

Données personnelles

Né(e) le:
17.04.1956 à Istanbul
Lausanne (VD)
Etat civil
Profession actuelle
Nombre d'enfants
lic. ec. théologie
Dans l’immédiat, je me bats... contre la naturalisation par le peuple.»
Il y a juste trente ans, il s’était vu refuser la sienne par le Conseil communal de Lausanne, à cause de son adhésion au POP. Une violation des accords d’Helsinki qui fut aussitôt réparée par l’intervention du syndic d’alors, un certain Jean-Pascal Delamuraz...


Un petit message pour mon "compatriote"  le theologien Zisyadis:

Vous ne nous faites pas peur, monsieur le Turc - ou est-ce monsieur le Grec?

  Maintenant je suis confuse. Vous etes conseiller vaudois, et apparemment, cependant aussi conseiller en Grece, ce pays qui ne sait pas se gouverner et qui coute une fortune au monde entier. Est-ce que la Suisse sait que vous servez deux pays en meme temps? N'est-ce pas un conflit d'interet, monsieur le conseiller? Qui est-ce qui doit se faire poursuivre en justice,  monsieur le conseiller Suisse - oh , pardon, Grec- oh, pardon, Turc; est-ce Israel, ou serait-ce vous-meme? Vous avez aussi viole la constitution de votre canton, n'est-ce pas, Josef-le-Rouge??

Nous savons exactement d'ou vous venez, qui vous etes. Soyez content que la Suisse vous ait accepte dans notre pays. Vous ne le meritiez vraiment pas, avec votre haine, votre venin contre les Juifs, et votre loyaute divisee.

Vous ne gagnerez pas cette bataille, n'en doutez pas. Vous etes une honte, un embarras pour le peuple Suisse. 

PS: the interesting thing is,  according to his biography, (link above), he converted to Swiss Protestantism upon becoming Swiss illegally ( were it not for some shenanigans by a friend in high places). He was born in Turkey, his Greek grandfather fought against the Ottomans, his name is Josef, his brother's name is Abraham. Is there a Jewish connection there? That would not be surprising. Typical enemy of the Jewish people.

At any rate, he strikes me as the Swiss version of Obama: a Swiss with very tenuous Swiss credentials, who sneaked into Swiss government through the back door. Is Switzerland supporting his activism against Israel? For all practical purposes he shouldn't really have Swiss citizenship at all.

See also:

Take note, Josef Zisyadis, this might apply to you too. You CLAIM to be a Swiss citizen, YOU REPRESENT the Swiss people in government, SWITZERLAND HAS BEEN NEUTRAL FOR OVER 700 YEARS, AND YET YOU ENGAGED IN A BLATANT ACT OF WAR AGAINST ANOTHER STATE, AS A SWISS MP.


Wednesday, June 02, 2010

U.S. Neutrality Act Violated by Gaza Boat Organizers, Shurat HaDin Warns California

AG 30 July 2008 CONTACT: Nitsana Darshan-Leitner 917.519.9340

Sacramento: In an urgent letter dispatched to The Hon. Edmond G. Brown, Attorney General of the State of California, Shurat HaDin director Nitsana Darshan-Leitner warns the AG that the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), and others, have conspired to violate the U.S. Neutrality Act, 18 U.S.C. § 960, within the boundaries of his state.

Note: This is very interesting re: recent actions

Attorney Darshan-Leitner writes in her letter that the organizers of the "Gaza Boat" program have violated the Neutrality Act by illegally raising money in California to bankroll two boats which they plan to sail into Gaza on August 5. The boats are reportedly leaving Piraeus, Greece with ISM members on board on August 1. Based on prior experience, serious concerns that the boats will be carrying weapons, explosives and contraband have been raised by security experts.

The U.S. Neutrality Act that is codified in section 960 of title 18 of the U.S. Code, stating: "Whoever, within the United States, knowingly begins or sets on foot or provides or prepares a means for or furnishes the money for, or takes part in, any military or naval expedition or enterprise to be carried on from thence against the territory or dominion of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district, or people with whom the United States is at peace, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

According to the project website as archived by Google on July 24, 2008 - The Carter Center of former US President Jimmy Carter and the Archbishop Desmond Tutu have both endorsed the project ( ). According to news reports, the Carter Center was also involved in the funding of the project.

Shurat HaDin's letter charges that the organizers have openly solicited support for the hostile expedition against a friendly nation in violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act and urges the attorney general of California and the Federal Bureau of Investigations to launch a full inquiry into the funding of the flotilla and to prosecute all those involved to the full extent of the law should the allegation prove true.

The folllowing is the text of Shurat HaDin's Letter to Attorney General Brown:
Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Office of Attorney General California Department of Justice P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 Via Fax:

Dear Attorney General Brown,

Re: Conspiracy to Violate the U.S. Neutrality Act, 18 U.S.C. § 960

Dear Attorney General

I am writing to bring to your attention to a serious matter regarding what might be an ongoing conspiracy to violate the U.S. Neutrality Act, 18 U.S.C. § 960, and an attempt to aid & abet the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas which is occurring within your jurisdiction with the support and under the direction of an organization known as "The Free Gaza Movement," located at 405 Vista Heights Road, El Cerrito, California 94530.

The Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas is currently designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U. S. government. In June 2007, Hamas ousted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party from the Gaza Strip and subsequently took power where it has engaged in a relentless campaign to obtain weapons and explosives and to terrorize both Israelis and moderate Palestinians. As a result of constant rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel's coastal cities, on September 19, 2007 the Israeli government declared that "Hamas is a terrorist organization that has taken control of the Gaza Strip and turned it into hostile territory." Similarly, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice affirmed "Hamas is indeed a hostile entity. It's a hostile entity to the United States as well."

In an effort to prevent Hamas from obtaining any additional military equipment and to impose economic pressure on the Hamas leadership in Gaza, the Israeli Security Cabinet imposed a series of sanctions on the Gaza Strip including a coastal blockade that is being implemented by the Israeli navy. The naval blockade is particularly important in light of previous attempts by the Iranian government to transfer weapons to Palestinian militants at sea such as occurred in January 2002 when the Israeli navy seized the "Karine A" ship that was loaded with 50 tons of Iranian supplied weaponry.

There are several provisions within the agreements signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority that grant Israel the right to implement a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip. Specifically, the September 28, 1995 Israeli- Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip that was signed in Washington D.C. states in Article XIV that Israel has "the responsibility for defense against external threats, including . for defense against external threats from the sea and from the air." Moreover, in Article XIV of the Interim Agreement titled "Security along the Coastline to the Sea of Gaza" Israel and the Palestinian Authority agreed that foreign vessels would "not approach closer than 12 nautical miles from the coast" unless specifically authorized pursuant to jointly agreed regulations and that in the absence of such conditions all foreign vessels would be required to dock at Israeli approved ports. (Because there are no international ports open to foreign vessels in Gaza at this time, it is currently illegal for foreign vessels to attempt to dock in Gaza without explicit Israeli authorization.) Finally, in a letter to Prime Minister Sharon on April 14,
2004 shortly before Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip President Bush confirmed "[t]he United States understands that after Israel withdraws from Gaza and/or parts of the West Bank, and pending agreements on other arrangements, existing arrangements regarding control of airspace, territorial waters, and land passages of the West Bank and Gaza will continue."

Nevertheless, despite the clear unequivocal policy of the United States to support Israel's right to control the security of the territorial waters around Gaza and to isolate Hamas from external support, the extremist Free Gaza Movement is attempting to undermine the foreign policy of both the United States and Israel by raising money to violate the Interim Agreement regarding foreign vessels and to undermine Israel's sovereign authority. On The Free Gaza Movement website located at requests are being made to finance a "Break the Siege ship" that is tentatively set to sail in August 2008 (See also html#aboard). According to information on its website the ship "will sail directly to Gaza without going through Israeli territory and without seeking permission from Israeli authorities." However, because Israel has exclusive security authority over foreign vessels that are attempting to dock in Gaza, The Free Gaza Movement is openly soliciting support in this country for a hostile expedition against a friendly nation in violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act that is codified in section 960 of title 18 of the U.S. Code. This law states:

Whoever, within the United States, knowingly begins or sets on foot or provides or prepares a means for or furnishes the money for, or takes part in, any military or naval expedition or enterprise to be carried on from thence against the territory or dominion of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district, or people with whom the United States is at peace, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

As such, the actions of The Free Gaza Movement are nothing short of an attempt to violate the laws of State of Israel and to engage in conduct that has the effect of undermining the national security of a U.S. ally.
Consequently, I respectfully request that your office take all necessary and appropriate actions to uphold the laws of the United States, to investigate those that are organizing and funding this illegal effort and to enjoin any unlawful activity on the part of The Free Gaza Movement.

Thank you,

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Esq.

UPDATE: August 9, 2010

Now Switzerland itself is participating in this act of aggression against Israel. How does that jibe with SWISS NEUTRALITY? I guess they find a convenient way to bypass the law; after all, the whole world has become lawless, see what is happening in the US, in Israel. These days, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, with the might clearly originating in Rome. Need any more proof? How about "Virgin Mavy" ( as in Mavi Marmara) participating in the latest flotilla?

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