Sunday, February 14, 2010

Really?? And meanwhile the M.O.H. wasted US$ 75 million on useless and dangerous vaccines; so, how do you like the SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY OF OUR MINISTRY OF HEALTH???

Medical Federation Warns of System Collapse

Shevat 30, 5770, 14 February 10 09:59
( The Medical Federation (Histadrut Harefui) warned Sunday evening that the state's hospital admissions system was in danger of collapsing. The warning came after the Health Ministry announced that it was telling the Magen David Adom emergency service not to take patients to Sheba Hospital at Tel Hashomer, Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon and Haemek Hospital in Afula because they were full.
Federation Chairman Leonid Idelman said the crisis was not unique to those three facilities, in fact all hospitals were overloaded. He called on the Health and Finance ministries to invest the needed resources in additional beds and medical staffing before it's too late.


SHmuel writes:

Daisy Shalom,
We are talking about a system utterly dilapidated by politicism.
The so called ministers are at best illusional and for the most misfits.
This is a system that installed;
Peretz as Defense Minister.
Halutz as "chief of staff".
Lapid as Justice?
Livni as the same...
Olmert as PM?!?!
etc, etc.
And we got Rav I forgot his name as Minister or acting minister of health.
There are more ministers here than in the majority of other places, competing with the number and qualifications of Saetoro Obama's Czar cadre.
Do not forget that in most hospitals many bed is "donated" by foreign donors and the "mda" uses ambulances donated as well.
That while charging astronomical charges from those in need of service.
Where is all the taxpayer money really going then...?

And Moshe writes:

זה בדיוק התוצאה  של גניעבת הכסף של משרד הבריאות ע'י ביבי לחיסונים המיותרים ,אז אין מיטות ותקנים בבתי חולים ,חשבתם שהוא נתן תקציב אחר הוא פשוט גנב את ה'כסף של ליצמן' כאילו שבשביל בתי חולים זה בשביל ליצמן כמו שבשביל רשויות מקומיות זה בשביל אלי ישי ובהשביל בטחון זה בשביל ברק (והסוף לצערי נכון)

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