Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ROME'S NEW FRIENDS: The disgraceful Kishinev Chanukah spectacle occurred on DECEMBER 13. YOU GOT TO START SOMEWHERE, RIGHT!? Read about the new politico-religious alliance between Rome and the Russian Orthodox Church - and Russia.


Dear all,

You just have to watch this video:

Thank you, Tamar, for posting this.

After you watched it, and read the account of what happened, read below what is going on behind the scene between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Crusader pope Benedikt XVI. I hope this will open your eyes: if you didn't know yet whom and what you are dealing with, maybe now you will understand better.

Officials say priest attacks menorah in Moldova
By CORNELIU RUSNAC (AP) – 1 day ago
CHISINAU, Moldova — Dozens of people led by an Orthodox priest smashed a menorah in Moldova's capital, using hammers and iron bars to remove the candelabra during Hanukkah, officials said.
The 1.5 meter(5-foot)-tall ceremonial candelabrum was retrieved, reinstalled and is now under police guard.
Police said they were investigating the Sunday attack but there was no official reaction from Moldova's Orthodox Church, which is part of the Russian Orthodox Church and counts 70 percent of Moldovans as members.
The U.S. Embassy and Chisinau city government condemned the attack. City officials called on the church to investigate. The head of the church, Bishop Vladimir Cantarean, was at his mother's funeral in Ukraine on Monday and was expected to make a statement when he returns, the church said.
The national government said in a statement that "hatred, intolerance and xenophobia" are unacceptable.
Jewish leader Alexandr Bilinkis called on the Orthodox Church to take a position over the priest's actions.
The Jewish community was thriving before World War II but there are now estimated to be just 12,000 Jews in the former Soviet Republic. Twenty years ago there were 66,000 Jews. Many emigrated to Israel.

Rome-Moscow Relations Begin New Era

Orthodox Archbishop Offers to Help Europe Fight Secularism
By Robert Moynihan

DEC. 14, 2009 - Things are moving on the Eastern front. And more movement may be coming soon, as an old winter chill in Rome-Moscow relations seems to be thawing, with profound consequences for Europe and the entire world.

Vatican observers have been following these developments with great attention. "For Rome and Moscow, It's Spring Again," the respected Italian Vatican observer Sandro Magister noted in a Dec. 11 column.

This improvement in relations is due in part to many quiet steps taken by the Vatican under the direction of Cardinal Walter Kasper, the Vatican's chief ecumenist, who led the Vatican delegation to a week-long theological dialogue in Cyprus, and by Archbishop Antonio Mennini, the Pope's very able nuncio to Moscow.

Magister, however, was commenting on two key recent events: (1) the upgrading of relations between the Holy See and Russia, and (2) the publication in Russia, for the first time ever, of a collection of Benedict XVI's homilies.

And this "springtime" has a goal, Magister argues:
"the defense of the Christian tradition" in Europe and around the world.

So what we have, essentially, is the announcement of a new alliance on the world stage between two powers that have long distrusted each other: Rome and Russia.

Incredible as it may seem -- given that just 20 years ago Russia was the atheist, Church-persecuting Soviet Union -- this is what seems to be occurring right before our eyes.

On Dec. 9, following a meeting in the Vatican between the Pope and the president of Russia, Dimitri Medvedev, Russia and the Vatican announced "the establishment of diplomatic relations between them, at the level of apostolic nunciature on the part of the Holy See, and of embassy on the part of the Russian Federation."

The week before, Benedict XVI had received Medvedev in audience at the Vatican and gave him a copy, in Russian, of the encyclical "Caritas in Veritate."

On Dec. 2, the day before Medvedev met with the Pope, a book published by the Patriarchate of Moscow containing the main speeches about Europe made over the past 10 years by Joseph Ratzinger, as cardinal and Pope, was presented in Rome.

The entire volume is in two languages, Italian and Russian -- again, a sign of the ever-closer relations between Russia and Rome.

Kindred spirit

Archbishop Hilarion Alfeyev of Volokolamsk, the head of the patriarchate's department for external Church relations, wrote the introduction for the book. The archbishop is an increasingly important figure in the Russian Orthodox Church, and in the Orthodox world. (The previous occupant of this post, Kirill, was elected patriarch of Moscow earlier this year, which suggests the possible future importance of Archbishop Hilarion himself.)

In his introduction, Archbishop Hilarion, 43, sets forth his vision for Europe, and the new "alliance" needed to realize that vision. It is a remarkable text, which we can only touch upon here.

Magister was so impressed by this introduction that he wrote: "Those who expect an Orthodox Church removed from time, made up only of remote traditions and archaic liturgies, will come away shaken from reading the introduction to this book. [...]

"The image that emerges from it is that of a Russian Orthodox Church that refuses to let itself be locked up in a ghetto, but on the contrary hurls itself against the secularist onslaught with all the peaceful weapons at its disposal, not excluding civil disobedience against laws 'that oblige the commission of a sin in the eyes of God.'"

Those in the West, both in Europe and in the United States, who feel that unjust laws have been passed that cannot be countenanced by Christians, will find a kindred spirit in Archbishop Hilarion.

The title of the Orthodox archbishop's text is, "The Help That the Russian Orthodox Church Can Give to Europe."

It begins with a very candid, and deeply felt, lamentation by an Orthodox leader for the closing of Catholic and Protestant churches in Western Europe.

"When traveling in Europe, especially in the traditionally Protestant countries, I am always astonished at seeing not a few churches abandoned by their congregations, especially the ones turned into pubs, clubs, shops, or places of profane activities of yet another kind," Archbishop Hilarion writes. "There is something profoundly deplorable in this sad spectacle.

"I come from a country in which for many decades the churches were used for nonreligious purposes. Many places of worship were completely destroyed. […] Why has the space for religion in Western society been reduced in such a significant way in recent decades?"

Help for the West

Then Archbishop Hilarion makes his main point: Russia can help. Russia can come to the rescue of the West.

"The Russian Orthodox Church, with its unique experience of surviving the harshest persecutions, struggling against militant atheism, reemerging from the ghetto when the political situation changed, recovering its place in society and redefining its social responsibilities, can therefore be of help to Europe," he writes.

Then he draws a line in the sand.

"The totalitarian dictatorship of the past cannot be replaced with a new dictatorship of pan-European government mechanisms. […] The countries of Orthodox tradition, for example, do not accept laws that legalize euthanasia, homosexual marriage, drug trafficking, the maintenance of brothels, pornography, and so on."

In short, the archbishop is saying that the Orthodox, including the Russian Orthodox Church which he represents, are ready to fight for Christian values in the West, alongside Catholics and Protestants.

And Archbishop Hilarion does not exclude disobedience against unjust laws.

"Obviously, disobedience of civil law is an extreme measure that a particular Church might adopt in exceptional circumstances," he writes. "It is nonetheless a possibility that must not be excluded a priori, in case a system of secularized values should become the only one operating in Europe."

Was this a random, unrepresentative text, out of the mainstream?

Well, one indication that it is not merely a stray opinion, but rather part of a growing consensus, is that the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano saw fit to publish Archbishop Hilarion's text almost in its entirety on Dec. 2.

John Thavis, the distinguished Vaticanist for Catholic News Service -- of the U.S. bishops' conference -- wrote Dec. 11: "The Russian Orthodox Church has come forward to propose a strategic alliance with the Catholic Church aimed, in effect, at saving Europe's soul from 'Western post-Christian humanism.' The offer came in an introduction written by Russian Orthodox Archbishop Hilarion to a book of speeches by Benedict XVI on Europe's spiritual crisis, published in Russian by the Orthodox Moscow Patriarchate. In an unusual move, the Vatican newspaper published almost the entire introduction in its Dec. 2 edition."

Thavis notes that Archbishop Hilarion's proposal comes precisely as 140 Christian leaders in the United States met in New York and issued the "Manhattan Declaration" pledging renewed zeal in defending the unborn, defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and protecting religious freedom.

And, Thavis summed up, "Vatican officials made no formal response to the archbishop's text, but read it with great interest."

St. Gregory of Nazianzus

This introduction by Archbishop Hilarion should not come as a surprise. During the last four years, the archbishop has spoken publicly a number of times of such an alliance. In fact, in May 2006 the Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate held a weeklong conference in Vienna, which I attended, outlining the framework for such cooperation.

Last month, I traveled to Russia and met with Archbishop Hilarion and his close associates.

One of them is Leonid Sevastianov, 31, the executive director of the Russian Orthodox St. Gregory of Nazianzus Charitable Foundation, established a few weeks ago with the blessing of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill to help carry out Archbishop Hilarion's vision of working with Western Christians on behalf of Christian values.

"We want your help, the help of Catholics, and of Western Europeans and Americans," Sevastianov told me. "Patriarch Kirill has called for the moral renewal of Russia, through a return to the deep values of the Christian faith. This is our vision." (Forbes magazine in November named Patriarch Kirill as one of the most powerful leaders in Russia today.)

St. Gregory of Nazianzus was a theologian in the 300s, well before the division of the Church into East and West, and so is venerated both by the Catholics and by the Orthodox. He is a Father of the Church for all Christians.

The co-founders of this new foundation are Archbishop Hilarion and Vadim Yakunin, one of the wealthiest businessmen in Russia.

Other wealthy Russians are also prepared to support this foundation. But participation by Americans and Western Europeans would also be very much appreciated, Archbishop Hilarion and Sevastianov told me.

"We want to try to attract the attention of religious believers, in Russia and abroad, who believe in traditional Christian values, and who want to contribute to making society more just and more moral," Sevastianov said.

"We want to promote the idea of the unity between the West and Russia on the basis of common Christian roots."

* * *


Joel writes:

Shalom Daisy,

When I read this I recalled the number and name of this Pope: Benedict 16. As you know, numbers have great meaning in the Bible, as do names. If we translate the Pope's name and number we receive knowledge and understanding: Benedict is from the Latin Bene=Good and Dictum=an authoritative saying, statement, or pronouncement. Then when we take his number 16 we can translate that into "Unity of Man" Taken together they may be read as the "Through good pronouncments, he is forging the Unity of Man."
From a humanistic perspective that would appear to be a good thing. However, I don't view anything from the humanist perspective, but the biblical-Christian perspective, so when we see that the Pope is the dictatorial authority presiding over a powerful ecclesiastical empire that has, in league with civil governments, murdered millions of dissenters, Christian believers, Jews and other religious peoples (e.g., Serbian Orthodox in WWII) over the centuries, we must be careful. Then when we view that the Russian Orthodox Church has been a toady of the Russian state, whether Czarist or Communist, or this current fascist abomination, we must take real notice. Bringing these two together is a harbinger of the Pope's goal not only for the unity of man, but under the authority of a United Nations organization with real "teeth" in it.

Daisy, I once again thank you and wish for your continued joy during this time when Jews (and Bible-believers like myself) recognize that the Heaven sent miracle of the lights during the cleansing the Temple. That has great prophetic meaning as well in the sense that someday the Hellenists in Israel will be swept away and the believing Remnant in Israel will live under The Light of Righteousness.



Jack adds:

Daisy, that’s not all. In Austria, while lighting a menorah, a rabbi was attacked by a Muslim who bit his finger and almost severed it. What is the rabbi’s reaction?
The event itself did not discourage Rabbi Gruzman, and in fact strengthened his resolve. “We are glad that such an event occurred,” he said. “Today, because of what happened, we are planning [a much larger event]. We increased the number of sufganiot [Chanukah jelly doughnuts] from 50 to 700 – and this is our answer to the attack and to anti-Semitism.”
Something is wrong with us. We have forgotten how people respond to attack. We have forgotten that passing out sufganiot is not a defense strategy. Even rabbis --- even this Chabad rabbi --- have forgotten the simple fact embedded in the structure of the world that when our power declines, the power of Eisav rises and vice versa. Peace will not come through Jewish self-abasement. Peace comes from defending ourselves and standing for our rights. Surrendering, accommodating, making self-abasing “gestures” by giving up what is ours and what enhances our power has led inexorably to the opposite of peace. Did any of this happen in 1967, when Israel first took Judea and Samaria and Gaza and the Golan and Jerusalem? On the contrary. Jews were never more respected, esteemed or admired. The rabbis all claim to hold according to the Rambam but the Rambam said that the geulah will come when the Jews throw off the political domination of the goyim. I really do not think that means passing out sufganiot.


DS replies:

Jack, you are right, and thanks for recalling that episode as well.

What I tried to show in this post is the duplicity of this pope, and the sinister developments nobody even mentions. United Nations with wolf's teeth under one CRUSADER, GRAND INQUISITOR POPE. We need to wake up!


bill comments:

"Something is wrong with us. We have forgotten how people respond to attack."

We have forgotten, indeed!--"Hakol, Kol Yaakov, VeHayadyim Yeday Eisav."--What did Mordechai and Esther do when Jews were threatened PHYSICALLY by Haman?--No, they didn't revolt against their Persian king!

DS replies:

True: Mordechai and Esther recommended Teshuvah and prayer, and it worked. But do NOT forget that when Yaakov met Esav, he used a three-pronged approach: prayer, gifts, and WAR! Also do NOT forget that what we are dealing with here is not only ESAV, but AMALEK. And we have a COMMAND TO OBLITERATE AMALEK, at least when we are in Eretz Yisrael. This is not possible in the fleshpots of the Galut, obviously, but is IS possible in Eretz Yisrael, and with the spirit of the Maccabees and Chanukah, we have a WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY which we should not pass by, time is of the essence. The true spirit of Am Yisrael should shine these days in Eretz Yisrael.

Jack added:

No, they didn’t revolt against the king but they didn’t pass out sufganiot either. 1) They turned to Hashem. Mordechai went out and learned Torah in public with the children; the people all fasted and prayed for Esther. 2) They resorted to diplomacy via Esther. And 4) They stood and defended themselves and killed more than 70,000 of their enemies.

bill retorted:

"They stood and defended themselves and killed more than 70,000 of their enemies."--WITH THE KING'S PERMISSION AND COOPERATION.

David wrote:

Peace, the blessing thereof was granted to Pinchas. What does that tell us? You are right, of course. Peace - Capital Peace - comes when Am Israel takes a STAND LIFNEI HASHEM. And acts accordingly BEFORE He does. Though incomplete, the blessing the world received through Begin's facilitating the destruction of the Iraqi is a significant illustration of the principle.

 When Am Israel, or our leaders, act 'לפני ה
it is He who acts in place of Israel.

 Zerach wrote:

The bottom line Daisy is SPIN. Enough publicity via media coupled with govt officials and clergy pushing 4 decades, even centuries, the evil Jew, what do we expect.

We can hand out donuts candles or even cold hard cash (philanthropy) and win 30 + percent of all Nobel awards and we can defeat it.

Obama is the same,, media and powerful people put him in office via Spin!

Now we're stuck with him.

Spin works... We have always been the power behind every throne!!! From yosef in egypt to george washingtons treasurer. (I forgot his name)....

It is a divine mask that covers the mind and hearts of the world to allow the persecution of the Jew. This is Golus after all, its not supposed to be easy. Rationale does not factor in

Freilachen Chanuka!

and nik said:

yeah this is truly sick... what a bunch of wooses we all are... what a chillul Hashem and an utter obscene outrage that rabbi and his reaction are... far greater than the chillul Hashem of the muslim~bastard attacking the rabbi (or any jew) is how he crawls afterward supine on the ground like a pathetic doormat... when are we ever going to fight back for ourselves...? like the wise saying goes... "a people who refuse to learn from their history are doomed to repeat it!!!!" and this is so true... over and over and over again in our history... until when...?

as rav meir wrote... "when moshe came out to see his people and he saw the egyptian striking the jewish slave he didn't call a meeting of the federation or b'nai brith/adl to commission a study for the root causes of egyptian anti~semitism... he took action himself and slayed the jew~hater harming one of his brethren..." that is ahavat yisroel... that is kiddish Hashem!!! and only this is...

to which we can now add...

the chashmanoiim didn't pass out jelly donuts when the yavanim tried to make them worship avoda zara... they ripped their friggin' heads off!!!!!! wake up jews and smell the crematoria stoking back to life before it's too late!!!! wake up damnit!!!!! nik. in disgust... out!!!

And meanwhile Rav Lior said something very meaningful ( not to me!) - see my next post.

Mordechai also wrote a very long commentary, which I will include in the next post.

DS comments:

We are still waiting for a statement from the head of the Kishinev Church, who was attending his mother's funeral on Monday - by the way, this is already Wednesday and we are still waiting - I guess Hashem sent him a very direct message, wouldn't you say? -.

As I scanned the Catholic websites to see ANY sign of condemnation by the Vatican, of course I didn't find any, why should there be, after all, they are all working together on this. I did not even see any mention of this disgraceful incident, ( maybe l'Osservatore Romano of Monday or Tuesday said something I missed, I was not able to access their daily edition, although I seriously doubt it), while they were quick to mention the graffiti at Har Zion. I think this was sort of a revenge for the Har Zion incident, which had happened a day or two before - probably before Shabbat- , as well as for the failure of Catholic negotiators to secure the Cenacle once again a few days earlier.

Don't forget that the Catholic Church usually retaliates for her disappointments in Har Zion via ANTISEMITIC ATTACKS in the Galut. This has been happening since the 15th century, when antisemitic attacks occurred in Europe following the retaking of the Cenacle Room by a Jerusalem Rabbi.

I see a direct link between these attacks and the Church's failures in Jerusalem. It has happened before, and it will happen again. Expect increased antisemitism as a direct result of failure in the negotiations.

Eric Phelps, of Vatican's Assassins, says:

Dear Daisy,

The Jesuits have ruled the Orthodox Church in Russia since no later than 1922...

DS replies:

Thank you for this important piece of information: you are the historian, not me!

Moshe wrote:

מוזר הכומר מדבר באנטישמית רומנית ובשלט כתוב שהארץ לגוייה

Rabbi Dov retorted:

איני בא להצדיק את הכומר.
אבל בוא ננסה להכנס לאורח החשיבה המולדבי. מולדביה הינה ארץ נוצרית אדוקה למדי. אם מי שהוא היה מציב ח"ו פסל של ישו בככר ציון בירושלים ל"כב'" הקריסטמס האם היינו מבליגים?!
ארה"ב הינה ארץ שנתייסדה על רעיונות רב-תרבותיים. מולדביה לא! מה שאפשר בארה"ב מסתבר שלא קל לממש במולדביה.

To which DS replied:

I understand what you say, Rabbi Stein, and on some level I agree. Still, it was done with such antisemitism, such scorn of the Jews, the ZHID, and that came from Rome. They want to clear Europe, once more, of all traces of Torah.

And Moshe retorted:

יסלח לי כבודו האם חנוכיית חנוכה ,היא עבודה זרה עבודת אלילים פוגעת בעם כלשהוא.
אילך ניתן להשוות לעבודה זרה כמו פסל ישו?????????
האםפ ניצחום החשמונאים על  המתיווניםהיוונים ,איננו ניתחון של כל העולם המתורבת כמו להבדיל יציאת מצריים.
האם למשל הקמת מדינת ישראל ,עם כל בעיותיה היום איננו מעאורע כלל אנושי.
האם כל מה שקורה ליהודים ,פרעות ת'ח ות'ט ,והשואה איינו מאורע עולמי.
לפחות לנושא האחרון העולם הכיר בזה ובצדק כמאורע עולמי בכלל בלי לשאול את ישראל.
חכמה בגויים תאמין.
נ.ב –מולדביה ,איננה אדוקה כלל , רומנים עניים וטיפשים משועבדים כבר 70 שנה לקומוניזם סוציאליזם. אפילו אנטישמיים גדולים לא היו .דתיים מה פתאום ,גם הרומנים המקוריים בקושי היו הולכים לכנסיה ,עם די חילוני שנים ארוכות ,ואם הכפריים היו הולכים קצת לכנסיה ,זה בעיקר מבורות ,אפילו קרוא וכתוב לא ידעו ברובם ,ונוכחתי בכך גם לפני שנתיים וחצי בביקורי שם ,ולא משנה אם ישימו עוד אלפי פסלי ישו במבוא כל כפר.

Mike writes:

Just wanted to supplement what another poster wrote. As he said Benedict means 'bene' good' and 'dict' as 'dictum' in latin. The 16 however he didn't explain, only concluding his point without ever having clarified the significance of 16.

16 in Hebrew is Achaz "to seize".

So i think that puts this into a clearer picture.

Benedict 16 was put in place by the powers that be to 'seize power through an authorative decree for the good of mankind', this can be connected with what you wrote in regards to a UN with teeth

Shalom, michael


December 31st , 2009 - it sure took the heads of the russian orthodox cult a long time to respond - almost 3 weeks. And as was to be expected, no apology; instead, "BLAME THE JEWS". Which goes to show you that the church WAS involved in this incident, and I am not surprised.

Moldovan Church Blames Jews for Anti-Semitic Rally

Tevet 14, 5770, 31 December 09 03:15
( Jews are to blame for the anti-Semitic rally two weeks ago in which a Catholic priest tore down a Chanukah menorah and erected a cross in its place, Molodovan church leaders claimed. "We believe that this unpleasant incident in the center of the capital could have been avoided if the menorah had been placed near a memorial for victims of the Holocaust," officials of the Moldovan orthodox church said.
Although the church expressed respect for the “feelings and belief of other cults,” it added that it was “inappropriate to put a symbol of the Jewish cult in a public place connected to the history and faith of our people, especially because Hanukkah… symbolizes the victory of Jews over non-Jews."


You see, Chanukah is very threatening to the Catholics, because of their REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY. Read here what Benedikt had to tell his coreligionists about Chanukah and Xmas:

“For many exegetes, the coincidence of this date with the feast of the Dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem, instituted by Judah Maccabeus in 164 BC, means that “with Jesus, who appears as the light of God in the night, the consecration of the temple, the coming of God into this world, is truly achieved”. 

You see, for the church ( or should I call it ' THE CATHOLIC CULT"?), Xmas and Chanukah are mutually exclusive. It is a dangerous religious competition:  if G-d made miracles for the Jews, and for the Jews only, then the catholic and russian orthodox cults are just that, "CULTS" - which they in fact ARE. THEY ARE IDOLATROUS SECTS THAT REFUSE TO ADMIT THEIR IDOLATRY, AND KEEP KILLING, RAPING AND PILLAGING IN THE PROCESS, WHICH THE KISHINEV POGROM OF 1903 AMPLY DEMONSTRATED.

And since the catholic and russian orthodox cults act in concert under the rule of Benedikt king of Rome, it is no wonder that no apology was forthcoming; none was expected. On the contrary, expect more acts of violence against Jews worldwide, orchestrated by the furious and vengeful catholic cult, which did not obtain what they had hoped to obtain, two days earlier, in their talks at the Vatican: HAR ZION IN JERUSALEM.

Tel Aviv (AsiaNews)-The plenary meeting of the Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israel, held at the Vatican, yesterday 10 December, apparently was a failure and negotiations are in "crisis" according to the online edition of Yedioth Aharonoth daily newspaper in Israel.
( Spero News)

So this is it, in a nutshell, folks: tit for tat, as expressed very clearly in the BILATERAL AGREEMENT OF 1993: YOU GIVE US 'OUR' HOLY PLACES, WE LEAVE YOU ALONE. YOU DON'T, WE WILL OPPRESS YOU, ABUSE YOU, AND KILL YOU, AS WE HAVE DONE FOR 2000 YEARS,  WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD, AND AS WE WILL CONTINUE TO DO, forever and ever, until we get what we want. 

Not expressed, but understood:

Your presence in Jerusalem is an affront to our cult, a sacrilege that will not be tolerated.

So, Jews of the world, be prepared: it's coming!

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