Sunday, March 15, 2009

Here is something to learn from and easily correct: Jewish ambulance enters Arab village, attacked by Arab ambulance company; simple: MDA should STOP going into Arab villages, like the police which also stays away. Let THEM take care of their own.

Private Ambulance Driver Attacks MDA

Adar 18, 5769, 14 March 09 09:33

( The driver of a private ambulance is suspected of attacking paramedics working with Magen David Adom (MDA) and deliberately running into their ambulance. Two MDA paramedics were wounded in the incident.

The driver, who works for a private company based in Taibe, appeared as the MDA team was assisting people wounded in a car accident in Kalansawa. The driver was enraged by the MDA team's insistence that they be the ones to evacuate the wounded, as the wounded had already been placed in the ambulance, and allegedly began to attack them.

He then allegedly deliberately ran into the MDA ambulance several times, despite the presence of wounded women within the ambulance, injuring two members of the MDA team. The driver was then stopped by passersby, and additional MDA ambulances arrived to evacuate the wounded from the crash and the wounded paramedics.

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