Sunday, January 11, 2009

Question re Hamas support in Miami - Why aren't they all arrested?

Lise sent this important message..

(Also, nik had this to say about Ford Foundation, Adalah, etc)

"all the usual slime suspects on hand and on board to villify Jews, Israel and Judaism... as usual... as expected... meanwhile all the slime talkingheads and pols are doubletalking thru the media as they claim Israel's right to defend herself, and then they go running out to organize these worldwide protests against us... sick esavian ploy... typical of the megalomaniacs they are, and to which way too many Jews have become infected by their disease of soul and mind, and thus have joined their twisted and demented side... just sick!!! nik).


Greetings all and Bob Kunst:
Question re Hamas support in Miami - Why aren't they all arrested?
It is great to have a counter rally, but whenever there are pro-Hamas rallies, someone shuold have them all arrested.
These pro-terror rallies are violating US Anti-Terror laws, which prohibit giving aid or support to designated terror groups.
- Even finding out who pays for the signs, or bus tranport,etc.
Love the rallies, but let's attack the source - and stop the anti-Judaism rallies to begin with.
Also - how about a rally AT Ford Foundation in New York? They have started up almost all of this. In fact, how about a vigil in front of Ford, until it cuts funding from all the groups it has started, and denounces them all?
Thanks, Elisheva in Cleveland.
Countering Hamas Supporters in Miami
Countering Hamas Supporters in Miami
Jews in Miami organized a rally to show support for Israel following a series of events in support of the Hamas terror group.
  Sholom International
Defend Jerusalem & Shalom International
Jan 4, 2009 ... Defend Jerusalem & Shalom International. Rallies, Speaking out, and making this difference. Bob Kunst, President. - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
Defend Jerusalem Coalition,
Bob Kunst   305-864-5110
Bob Kunst
President, Shalom International
Coalition to Defend Jerusalem


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