Friday, November 7, 2008

Fwd: INVESTIGATE THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT FOR MALFEASANCE Couldnt agree more: but who will investigate them? Will the fox guard the chicken coop?)



WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY                         November 6, 2008           NEW Email:         Please disseminate & re-post - with attribution.


by Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East Analyst & Commentator

1. Call for an investigation into the Police delaying their issuing of other recommendations to indict against PM Ehud Olmert.

2. Were any of the Police team spoken with in order to convince them to delay for political reasons. This inquiry should be accompanied by a polygraph test.

3. Find someone to offer a reward to anyone who "blow the whistle" and reveals what is going on with these strange delays.

4. Attorney General Menachem Mazuz's statement that he "will not indict PM Olmert as long as he is "acting Prime Minister" is a blatant obstruction of justice. Mazuz would leave a criminal in place as Prime Minister because issuing an indictment might be "inconvenient" and not "look nice"? Mazuz must face criminal charges and be impeached from his position immediately.

5. Those in Mazuz's office also need to be investigated, with a polygraph.

6. What normal country would allow a presumed criminal (under investigation in 5 or 6 separate corruption cases) to continue to act as PM and even allowed to "give away" vital strategic assets. The fact that the Israeli law has lacunae with how to deal with such situations is a separate problem.

7. Will the Israeli Supreme Court turn down Limor Livnat's appeal against Mazuz's decision to allow Olmert to conduct such negotiations? If so, does this make them, despite their august positions, accessories to obstruction of justice? Can they then be impeached and face criminal charges?

8. An investigation must be launched immediately into how an inexperienced-in-business Ehud Barak, all of a sudden was able to spend a minimal amount of time in the U.S. and yet come back with millions of dollars in "commissions". Who orchestrated these "commissions" to fall into Barak's lap? What do they want in return?

9. Yassam members must be finger-printed, have their DNA catalogued and pictures taken so they can be identified when they exceed their authority, as they remove their identifying name-tags to prevent being tried for assaulting civilian Jews. This may also be a criminal offense as well as a moral offense.



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