Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This is ground for a revolution, TMO. The government is allowing the water supply to dwindle to nothing, forcing JEWS to pay double the price, while they GIVE AWAY huge amounts to the enemy for free, and fail to stop the THEFT of water by the murdere

Worst Water Crisis in 80 Years

5 Tammuz 5768, 08 July 08 02:48
(IsraelNN.com) Israel Water Authority chief Uri Shans announced this morning at a special press conference in Tel Aviv that Israel faces "the worst crisis in 80 years, since they started keeping records" in its water supply.  Major sources of drinking water in Israel, including  the Kinneret and the Mountain Aquifer are all below their "red lines" and the Coastal Aquifer has fallen below the "black line" indicating it will suffer rapid and possibly irreversible damage. Shani predicted that the Kinneret itself could fall below its "black line" by December 2008. "Mainly," according to Shani,"Israel's water need shave been met by borrowing on the future."

To ameliorate the crisis, the Israel Water Authority has authorized the following emergency measures: water will be pumped from the sources of the Kinneret (water which should have reached the Kinneret in 2010), desalination plants will increase output and polluted wells will be purified. Water use for gardening will also be limited. The price of water will nearly double from NIS 3.90 per cubic meter to NIS 7.40.  The price hike and a government NIS 1 billion investment will be used over the next five years for water infrastructure, desalination, and sewage treatment for agriculture.

Mekorot: We Are Giving PA More Water Than Required

28 Sivan 5768, 01 July 08 05:46

(IsraelNN.com) Israel's water company, Mekorot, denied on Tuesday allegations made by Arab rights group B'Tselem that Israel is creating a severe water shortage in Judea and Samaria through a discriminatory policy. Mekorot added that despite water cutbacks and severe shortage in Israel, the water supply to Judea and Samaria had even increased.

The company said it provided 500 million cubic meters per year, or 30 percent more than required under the Oslo agreement. The company also accused Arab water thieves of stealing up to 50 percent of the supply in Bethlehem, Hevron and other areas.

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