Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fwd: how convenient for Beinisch

 Aryeh sent this very insightful comment on the news:

What incredible, self serving nonsense.

Beinisch's girlfriend, all on her very own, decides to jeopardize her very useful and privileged position as the journalistic insider to the Grand Master of Israel's Supreme Cult by reveling private information. The fact that Beinisch is under continuos pressure to reduce the powers and privileges of the Supreme Cult and is increasingly being seen as ungenerous in her public stance of course have nothing to do with this revelation.

We are presented with a kinder, more concerning Beinisch. Gone is the arrogant, dictatorial manipulator. Gone is the conspirator to murder, treason and subversion of justice. We are left only with the motherly concern of a woman torn by the need to protect the people of Sderot. 

Beinisch Explains Sderot Decision

19 Adar Bet 5768, 26 March 08 11:30by
( Journalist Ilana Dayan revealed some of the motives behind Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch's decision to force the government to provide protection for buildings in Sderot in a speech given Wednesday and quoted by Nfc. According to Dayan, Beinisch worried that if she did not rule against the government, authorities would refuse to protect the town, and residents would have nowhere else to turn. "There's nothing after me," Beinisch reportedly said, meaning that residents would have had no possibility of appeal.
According to Dayan, Beinisch said, "I thought about what would happen if there would be no protection. Would I send my daughters there?" Dayan said her information was taken from a private conversation with Beinisch. Dayan allowed herself to reveal the information after determining that it could not harm Beinisch for others to know her reasoning, Dayan said.
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Aryeh Zelasko :-)
Beitar Illit, Judea

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