| Lawyer who stole from survivors gets 12 years in jail Yaakov Perry, who ran Shin Bet from 1988 to 1995....,Attorney Yisrael Perry, convicted of embezzling millions from clients of association he founded ordered to pay fine of NIS 22 million, gets 12-year prison term. Most of victims were Holocaust survivors supposedly represented by Perry in reparation negotiations with Germany Vered Luvitch The Tel Aviv District Court on Tuesday convicted Attorney Yisrael Perry, convicted of stealing hundreds of millions of Deutsche Marks from clients of the Association for Implementing the Social Security Covenant (AISSC), which he founded, to 12 years in prison. Perry was also ordered to pay an NIS 22 million ($6.1 million) fine.
Most of Perry's clients were Holocaust survivors, who Perry supposedly represented in reparation negotiations with the German government. Judge Zecharia Caspi noted the severity of Perry's crimes, and defined his actions as "wide-scale theft and fraud".
Perry was convicted by of aggravated fraud, embezzlement, obstruction of justice and violation of insurance laws four months ago after a lengthy six-year trail. In 1973, Israel and West Germany signed a compensation agreement under which eligible Israel citizens would be permitted to join the West Germany's Social Security Authority's pension plan. To sign up a one-time payment was required to cover monthly premiums In 1983, three years after the agreement went into effect, Perry established the AISSC and presented himself as the survivors' representative in the reparation negotiations with the West German government. Some 30,000 Israelis registered in Perry's organization. Perry did not inform his clients that he was the actual owner and founder of the AISSC, and made them believe that this was a legitimate, state-run origination. "The client kept his ownership of the AISSC concealed not only from his clients, but also from local authorities and various courts to which he blatantly lied…this was systematic, elaborate, well- planned fraud," noted the court. According to the court's ruling, Perry did not inform his clients that the terms of the loans he had arranged for them, through companies under his control, led to excessive repayments, part of which he pocketed. In doing so, noted the court, he concealed vital information from his potential clients, defrauding them of exorbitant sums of money.
'Money should be given to survivors'Judge Caspi utilized the sentencing hearing to harshly criticize Perry's actions, noting that "Attorney Perry acted in a slick, dishonest, despicable manner. He defrauded his clients, caused them great harm, and committed severe offenses for a prolonged period of time."
The judge further noted that time does not mitigate Perry's crimes, or the punishment that he ought to receive, and that Perry's attempts to establish a compensation fund for his wronged clients are nothing but a "theatrical show that amounts to very little". He also noted, however, that he hoped such a fund will actually be established.
The Centre of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel (COHSI) said Tuesday that "the court has done justice with a person who systematically deceived the Holocaust survivors. The verdict and sentence speak for themselves."
Sources in the COHSI noted that the money Perry was ordered to pay as a fine should be handed over to the survivors, rather than to the State.
Yael Branovsky contributed to this report
************************************************************************************************************************************************** "As for the other Shabak chiefs scaring the bejeebies out of the Israeli public, Yaacov Perry recruited Avishai Raviv... ( Barry Chamish)..."" http://www.lrb.co.uk/v26/n09/letters.html
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb4803/is_199504/ai_n17450922 Former General Security Services head Ya'acov Perry was appointed president and CEO of Cellcom, Israel's second cellular operator. Perry, who stepped down from his top secret post less than one month ago, started his new ...( bNET) *********************************************************************** http://www.uga.edu/bahai/News/052401.html THE meeting of the Board of Governors of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance opened with an opera performance of Hansel and Gretel which was preceded by the usual request that members of the audience silence their cellphones. That's a very tall order when it comes to the academy, since its chairman of the board of governors happens to be Cellcom president Ya'acov Perry.( Greer Fay Cashman) ********************************************************************************http://stocks.us.reuters.com/stocks/OfficersDirectorsDetails.asp?rpc=66&symbol=MAGS.O&officerID=341993 Perry, JacobBrief Biography Jacob Perry has served as a director of Magal since December 2002, and as deputy chairman of the board since 2006. Upon the retirement of Mr. Jacob Even Ezra, Mr. Perry shall replace him as the Chairman of its Board. From 1995 to December 2002, Mr. Perry was President and CEO of Cellcom Israel Ltd., Israel’s largest cellular phone operator. Mr. Perry served 29 years with the Israeli General Security Service, and served as its chief from 1988 until 1995. Mr. Perry has also served as an adviser to the Israeli Prime Minister on the subject of prisoners of war and missing persons. He was a board member of El-Al Israel Airlines and a member of the management of many public organizations. Mr. Perry is also a chairman of the board of directors of various companies, including Mizrahi Tefahot Bank B.M., B- Contact Ltd., a content company for cellular services, Pinpoint, Inc., a blank check company traded in the U.S., Allo Telecom and Keren Mor. Mr. Perry also serves as a director of Phytech Technologies. Mr. Perry holds an A.M.P. from Harvard Business School and a B.A. in Oriental Studies and History of the Jewish People from Tel-Aviv University. ( Reuters) ************************************************************************************* http://www.thestreet.com/print/story/10035939.html We can't know exactly how it went down, but here's a possible scenario for how the convoluted ownership structure of Israel's giant companies has turned into more cream for fat cats. Last year, Jacob Perry decided that his salary - NIS 17 million over three years just didn't reflect Cellcom's success, and the tremendous value it generated for its shareholders, headed by the Safra family. But Cellcom's chairman, Shlomo Piotrkowsky, who also represents the Safras' interests and is paid by them, is a particularly mulish man, who elected to play it poker-faced. After months of playing, Perry was about to throw in his cards and stalk away, but then Piotrkowsky and Perry realized they were both likely to lose the match. Perry received a nice raise and stayed on, for now. Perry had been represented by attorney Ram Caspi, whose opening bid was very high. Piotrkowsky joked that if Caspi could get that kind of money for Perry, then he should represent him Piotrkowsky in salary talks with the Safras. Amusing, but actually, Piotrkowsky's quip says it all: Managers and directors setting salaries for their underlings usually have their own pocket in mind. They'll approve the raise, if it ultimately serves their interests. ( TheStreet.com) |
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Yisrael Perry, despicable embezzler of HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS..and Yaacov Perry, ex-Shabak chief, Avishai Raviv boss, Cellcom CEO, Israeli FATCAT( look at all the ill-gotten money): are they brothers? For sure SPIRITUAL BROTHERS!
10:41 , 02.19.08
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