Thursday, February 28, 2008

So much for those great heroes.... heroes for everybody else, that is. What we need now, is to see SHIMON PERES under a Kassam attack:""Kassams, Shmassams, why do they complain..""

Dichter Caught Fleeing Kassam on Camera

22 Adar 5768, 28 February 08 08:07

( Public Security Minister Avi Dichter was rushed to an outdoor bomb shelter by his security guards when a "color red" alarm sounded during his visit to Sderot today. The event was caught on videotape and has been shown repeatedly by the media.

Dichter was in the middle of a sentence about "the true Zionists" when the "color red" warning sounded. His bodyguard grabbed his elbow and began pulling him toward the shelter. Dichter seemed to break into a trot for a second, and then slowed down to a brisk walk until he reached the shelter a few meters away.

Amir Peretz was also caught on tape in a similar moment in a visit to Sderot during his tenure as defense minister. His bodyguard, too, was wounded in a rocket attack, as was one of Dichter's bodyguards today.

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