Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Re: Tirza ; Someone started to write to these good- for- nothings ( except for a few among them). Who will follow this example?

To: sar@justice.gov.il ; sar@mops.gov.il ; sar@moit.gov.il ; sar@moc.gov.il ; pm_heb@pmo.gov.il ; rani@mops.gov.il ; yhadar@mops.gov.il ; shukil@justice.gov.il ; menim@justice.gov.il ; livnat@justice.gov.il ; shain@justice.gov.il ; inbalr@justice.gov.il ; yehoshuas@justice.gov.il ; tovas@justice.gov.il ; rachelschieber@justice.gov.il ; moshes@justice.gov.il ; women@pmo.gov.il ; meitan@knesset.gov.il ; oschneller@knesset.gov.il ; rabbis@rabbinate.gov.il ; rabbia@rabbinate.gov.il ; bnetanyahu@knesset.gov.il ; yor@knesset.gov.il ; roi.lahmanovitz@moital.gov.il ; zelkin@knesset.gov.il ; mgafni@KNESSET.GOV.IL ; Nissim Zev ; ithakl@knesset.gov.il ; drotem@knesset.gov.il ; Zevulun Orlev ; nachum@nachumsegal.com ; Emb-sec3@israelemb.org ; ashariv@newyork.mfa.gov.il ; info@philadelphia.mfa.gov.il ; atlanta@israel.org ; contactus@chicago.netvision.net.il
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 10:17 AM
Subject: Fw: Tirza


Dear Sirs, I would appreciate your prompt response to the following:

(a) It is absurd for someone to be in jail for minor offenses: When does the State plan to free Tsvia, the 18 year old girl from Elon Moreh?  

(b) It is hard for us to detect criminal intent in Tsvia's actions: It is indeed dangerous for the State of Israel to insist that Arabs can penetrate Jewish communities, so as to harvest olives right there, since the Palestinian Arab affinity for suicide bombings has been determined to be as high as 70% of the general Palestinian population. For the small number of Palestinians who are truly able to prove they own property inside otherwise Jewish communities, offer similar property elsewhere.

(c) Equality before the law: One Jewish girl talks about throwing rocks and is jailed for 2.5 months (so far). Dozens of Arab men throw rocks (not just threaten to throw -- actually throw) daily, not one of whom is ever arrested. This is not equality.

Hopefully this horrific situation will be rectified immediately.




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