Thursday, February 28, 2008

Clear consequence of the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif. Thank you, Ehud Olmert, Netanyahu, and all the others who didn't move a finger then. And, above all, THANK YOU, NEW WORLD ORDER ( and all its collaborators here)!

Eight Long-range Grad Missiles Hit Ashkelon

22 Adar 5768, 28 February 08 04:15

( Eight Katyusha style Grad missiles rocked the center of Ashkelon on Thursday afternoon. Some of the rockets landed near  the central bus station.

Magen David Adom reported that 40 people were taken to the hospital to be treated for shock.

Since 7:00am, Magen David Adom has evacuated 64 people from the Ashkelon-Sderot region to the hospital as a result of rocket attacks. 

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1 comment:

  1. 8 against Ashkelon, 4400 against sderoth, 4500 against us in the North as we got whooped during Lebanon II and more to follow.
    It is up to the people to start joining active promoters of a completely new system of government including solely new people, none that are or were part of the GoI at any level.
    PRIORITY 1: No sane person should allow self to be ordered by the Peresites into Gaza. Let the children of those GoI folk that promoted Oslo,"disengagement" Amona, etc, send their children now back there.
    ELECT A NEW JEWISH NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEM devoid of those folk now and since Oslo in there.

