Thursday, January 24, 2008

Somewhere over the Rainbow

Eric Jon Phelps, Author of The Vatican's assassins, has this to say:

Jesuit Coadjutors CFR Peres and CFR Bush walk in the presence of these dear, young Israeli Jews.  Little do these children know that their murder is being planned by these two choice servants of Jesuit General Adolfo Nicolas.  The pope's revived "Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem" must survive that Jerusalem with its coming Third Temple may be an international city for the coming risen pope.  To effect this nefarious end, many more Jews in Israel must be killed.  Innocent, young, happy Hebrews like these who think Bonesman Bush is their friend.
It truly breaks my heart.  I can't watch it anymore.
Brother Eric

My comment:

 It is the fault - or the naivete - of their parents. Beautiful, talented youth, but politically totally perverted by the Peace Now ideology. You don't know these songs , but we Israelis do: Peace Now songs, complete with Arabic, Salaams, etc; all Peres's doing : HE sees the sweet fruits of his labor here.

And the parents are guilty of feeding their kids this nonsense : the children have been fed the Peres bullshit -excuse the language, but that is what it is - , at the expense of Torah. Now the parents and the children will eat the bitter fruits of Peres's doing , and of  their own stupidity.


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