Friday, January 25, 2008

Re:WHAT??? Is this Israel's DEFENSE or OFFENSE minister? Is he insane, or a traitor? Putting the enemy in charge of monitoring the entry of weapons into GAZA? He needs to be fired, or much worse!

SHmuel said:

He is offensive, insane and a traitor. A disgusting little package of israelitism borne from the Peresite hatcheries.
Please remember that Barak left behind in Tzehilim many wounded soldiers, remember his run from Lebabon allowing Hezbollah to do what they did, remember his abandoning to death a Druze soldier at Kever Yoseph.
One may ask what he and Mubarak agreed in that secretive meeting a month ago in Sharm...
Could it be that Barak and Olmert planned the Hamas "winning" the Rafiah and larger chunks of Sinai  with Mubarak and Rice???

DS replies:

GOOD POINT<,SHmuel, who knows? These "diplomats"' would sell their own mother!


Barak Offers PA To Take Control of Gaza Crossings

18 Shevat 5768, 25 January 08 01:55

( Defense Minister Ehud Barak told the Davos Economic Forum Thursday night that Israel could let the Palestinian Authority (PA) take control of the crossings to Gaza provided that security was "effective as that of Jordan, Egypt and even Syria." However, he added, "We are not promising anything."

His comments came despite months of Israeli protests that Egypt has been ineffective in patrolling the borders to Israel and Gaza. American officials also have stated that Egypt is not doing enough to control the influx of terrorists, arms and explosives into Gaza. Public Security Minister Avi Dichter has revealed that terrorists have massed a stockpile of close to 100 tons of explosives as well as advanced weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles and long-range rockets.

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