Barry said:
It's less wrong than usual BUT Bush did not open Iran-Contra until Peres took Pollard's info and them ISRAEL opened Iran-Contra. Barry
It is from my book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust sold at Within I sorted out why Pollard continues to sit. In short though, PM Peres caught the Reagan-Bush regime in a small-time arms-for-hostages deal thanks to Pollard's reading of satellite shipping photos. Instead of approaching Reagan-Bush to demand the stopping of the arming of his country's enemies, Peres had a better thought: Let's get in on the action. By September of '84 he sent the head of Israel's Council On Foreign Relations, David Kimche, along with two other notables, Al Schwimmer of Israel Aircraft Industries and Yaacov Nimrodi, former Iranian ambassador and publisher of Maariv, to Washington with a type of proposal:
We get a piece of the cake or we squeal and you face impeachment.
Thus was born Iran-Contra.
By 1986 Pollard was national news and the Bush administration was hopping mad at Israel. It first took serious revenge by banning the $1.5 billion Israeli fighter jet, the Lavi. At the same time, Abba Eben conducted an honest government commission of inquiry that pinned 75% of the Pollard Affair on Peres with the two Yitzhaks, Rabin and Shamir sharing the rest. Peres was so impressed by the findings that he called Eben a liar and threw him out of the Knesset for good.
But though it was Iran Contra, indirectly caused by Pollard, that caused the first of the so-called Neo-Cons to declare Israel more trouble than it was worth, it was Iraq and Bechtel that led to a distinct program of Israel's final destruction by the "conservatives." Pollard had sent Israel, meaning Peres, photographic proof that the Bechtel Corporation was running a poison gas factory in Baghdad. Peres drooled on the picture. What an opportunity to cash in. The Bush regime was filled with Bechtel folks. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger took his job after resigning as Senior VP of Bechtel. Secretary of State George Shultz was on Bechtel's board. Administration Chief of Staff James Baker was never very far from Bechtel's largesse.
And these are the men Peres chose to blackmail. The means of a payment was an added tax on a planned Bechtel pipeline from Baghdad to Aqaba, Jordan. Peres gave a note of extortion to Attorney General Edwin Meese asking that he present it to Bechtel. As generous a guy as was Peres, he promised never to bomb the pipeline, not even in war, and this insurance policy would cost a mere $700 million or $70 million a year by check payable to the Israeli Labor Party. When Meese presented the extortion note he was quickly exposed and forced to resign from government. Peres, of course, was never accused of anything. This is Israel, after all.
It was at this point that the Bechtel graduates began planning Israel's end. Before the Yom Kippur War, conservative Republican Henry Kissinger ordered Defence Minister Moshe Dayan not to issue a preemptive strike. Dayan killed 2700 soldiers in the first two days of fighting. That was "the bloody nose" Kissinger foisted on Israel. This time, the Bechtel Boys went about their tasks with renewed vigor.
Though Pollard had plea bargained truth for a reduced sentence, Weinberger presented the black judge with a document supposedly proving that Pollard had indirectly armed the whites of South Africa. The judge gave him life. But he was prepared to listen again. He accepted an appeal and died just before he was to hear it.
Shultz was the good cop and made his friendship to UN Ambassador Binyamin Netanyahu overly known, but James Baker was on the rampage. In a public press conference he gave Shamir the White House phone number. Later he was proud to say; "F... the Jews. They don't vote for us anyway."
Then came the Madrid Conference of 1990 when the Baker Boys brought in the Vatican to join a united front against Israel. All the while, at the same time as the neo-cons planned Israel's destruction, Israeli "analysts" could not believe that this behavior came from the American Right. Even as Shamir was forced by Bush to let Iraqi SCUDS fall on its soil, the analysts thought that Bush was doing Israel a real favor by attacking Iraq. This thinking will never end. Israelis thought neo con James Wolfensohn had paid for Gush Katif's lost assets. They never learn.
The American Right, now dubbed neo-cons, filled with Jews whose loyalty is to a Frankist anti-Judaism, gave the order to kill off Israel. It mattered not that the Israeli people knew nothing of Pollard, Peres or Iraqi pipelines. The next stage after Madrid was the Oslo Accord. In September 1995, Yitzhak Rabin told NY Times writer William Safire that he never
wanted to enter into Oslo. Bush made him and told him, "To prepare the Israeli people for painful sacrifices."
One can only imagine Baker telling his Saudi pals in 1993, "The order to wreck Israel is in place. It'll take 15 years to make the country too divided, hateful, stupid and weak to ever win again."
At 04:14 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:
It's less wrong than usual BUT Bush did not open Iran-Contra until Peres took Pollard's info and them ISRAEL opened Iran-Contra. Barry
It is from my book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust sold at Within I sorted out why Pollard continues to sit. In short though, PM Peres caught the Reagan-Bush regime in a small-time arms-for-hostages deal thanks to Pollard's reading of satellite shipping photos. Instead of approaching Reagan-Bush to demand the stopping of the arming of his country's enemies, Peres had a better thought: Let's get in on the action. By September of '84 he sent the head of Israel's Council On Foreign Relations, David Kimche, along with two other notables, Al Schwimmer of Israel Aircraft Industries and Yaacov Nimrodi, former Iranian ambassador and publisher of Maariv, to Washington with a type of proposal:
We get a piece of the cake or we squeal and you face impeachment.
Thus was born Iran-Contra.
By 1986 Pollard was national news and the Bush administration was hopping mad at Israel. It first took serious revenge by banning the $1.5 billion Israeli fighter jet, the Lavi. At the same time, Abba Eben conducted an honest government commission of inquiry that pinned 75% of the Pollard Affair on Peres with the two Yitzhaks, Rabin and Shamir sharing the rest. Peres was so impressed by the findings that he called Eben a liar and threw him out of the Knesset for good.
But though it was Iran Contra, indirectly caused by Pollard, that caused the first of the so-called Neo-Cons to declare Israel more trouble than it was worth, it was Iraq and Bechtel that led to a distinct program of Israel's final destruction by the "conservatives." Pollard had sent Israel, meaning Peres, photographic proof that the Bechtel Corporation was running a poison gas factory in Baghdad. Peres drooled on the picture. What an opportunity to cash in. The Bush regime was filled with Bechtel folks. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger took his job after resigning as Senior VP of Bechtel. Secretary of State George Shultz was on Bechtel's board. Administration Chief of Staff James Baker was never very far from Bechtel's largesse.
And these are the men Peres chose to blackmail. The means of a payment was an added tax on a planned Bechtel pipeline from Baghdad to Aqaba, Jordan. Peres gave a note of extortion to Attorney General Edwin Meese asking that he present it to Bechtel. As generous a guy as was Peres, he promised never to bomb the pipeline, not even in war, and this insurance policy would cost a mere $700 million or $70 million a year by check payable to the Israeli Labor Party. When Meese presented the extortion note he was quickly exposed and forced to resign from government. Peres, of course, was never accused of anything. This is Israel, after all.
It was at this point that the Bechtel graduates began planning Israel's end. Before the Yom Kippur War, conservative Republican Henry Kissinger ordered Defence Minister Moshe Dayan not to issue a preemptive strike. Dayan killed 2700 soldiers in the first two days of fighting. That was "the bloody nose" Kissinger foisted on Israel. This time, the Bechtel Boys went about their tasks with renewed vigor.
Though Pollard had plea bargained truth for a reduced sentence, Weinberger presented the black judge with a document supposedly proving that Pollard had indirectly armed the whites of South Africa. The judge gave him life. But he was prepared to listen again. He accepted an appeal and died just before he was to hear it.
Shultz was the good cop and made his friendship to UN Ambassador Binyamin Netanyahu overly known, but James Baker was on the rampage. In a public press conference he gave Shamir the White House phone number. Later he was proud to say; "F... the Jews. They don't vote for us anyway."
Then came the Madrid Conference of 1990 when the Baker Boys brought in the Vatican to join a united front against Israel. All the while, at the same time as the neo-cons planned Israel's destruction, Israeli "analysts" could not believe that this behavior came from the American Right. Even as Shamir was forced by Bush to let Iraqi SCUDS fall on its soil, the analysts thought that Bush was doing Israel a real favor by attacking Iraq. This thinking will never end. Israelis thought neo con James Wolfensohn had paid for Gush Katif's lost assets. They never learn.
The American Right, now dubbed neo-cons, filled with Jews whose loyalty is to a Frankist anti-Judaism, gave the order to kill off Israel. It mattered not that the Israeli people knew nothing of Pollard, Peres or Iraqi pipelines. The next stage after Madrid was the Oslo Accord. In September 1995, Yitzhak Rabin told NY Times writer William Safire that he never
wanted to enter into Oslo. Bush made him and told him, "To prepare the Israeli people for painful sacrifices."
One can only imagine Baker telling his Saudi pals in 1993, "The order to wreck Israel is in place. It'll take 15 years to make the country too divided, hateful, stupid and weak to ever win again."
At 04:14 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:
WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY January 24, 2008 Email: Please disseminate & re-post - with attribution. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear on Websites at & Outgoing mail is virus-checked. To be removed from this list, please send your Email address
By Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East Analyst & Commentary
The Jerusalem Report (February 4, 2008) spoke of the coming trial of Steve Rosen and Kenneth Weissman, former executives of AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) on charges of passing classified information to Israel. The trial will begin in Washington on April 29, 2008.
As you read the Jerusalem Report of February 4th, it is credible journalism as far as it goes. But, as you read, you may wish to ask a few questions.
Why did Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, with President Bush's permission, unleash the FBI to set up a "sting" against AIPAC and, therefore, Israel?
What was their motive in singling out the Jewish lobbying group when there were dozens, possibly hundreds of lobbyists from other countries who were, like AIPAC, working "unofficially" with Washington?
Many believe Rice, no friend of Israel, was anxious to compromise AIPAC and Israel so they could control whatever Rice wanted to be surrendered to the Muslim Arab Palestinians. What was wanted was to please Saudi Arabia for a host of reasons which will, no doubt, float visibly skyward during the trial.
Look forward to claims of "National Security" that cannot be revealed to the public, the Media or even to the Court. Pressuring Israel has been a prime goal for the Bush Administration and the U.S. State Department since the birth of the State of Israel in 1948. Part of their motives was to defer to Saudi Arabia and the other Muslim nations.
There were several phases of pressure in singling out AIPAC. First, AIPAC, under accusation, will lessen their lobbying of Congress and will accept appropriate "suggestions" from Rice - through the FBI.
Then Israel would similarly be compliant as the stories were carefully leaked to friends in the Media. Israel didn't want to lose the support of the American people nor the American Congress so they would accept outrageous demands by Rice, likely advised by James Baker. Those outrageous demands surfaced during Annapolis and later meeting in Israel with a compliant Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
Things like giving Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and Jerusalem to Mahmoud Abbas, allowing the Army of Fatah. Supporting Abbas and making him seem like a true moderate leader. Israel was to "restrain" her military and NOT respond to Kassam Rocket attacks or any other Terrorist actions by the Muslim Arabs. Israel was NOT to re-take Gaza after it became the Global Terror Base this writer and many other so forewarned. To accomplish all these and other national suicide actions, AIPAC needed to be silenced by America. Israel was forced to be compliant - even at the risk of losing lives of civilians and soldiers.
Even if the trial demonstrates that it was a political set-up, Rice and Bush will have manipulated several years to squeeze political concessions out of Israel's current government. There is the ancillary benefit of frightening the Jewish community in America so neither their organizations nor citizens at large would dare challenge American government policy in pressuring Israel for dangerous concessions to her safety and sovereignty.
This technique worked when Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger and Admiral Bobby Ray Inman cut off intelligence to Israel on their own decision. There were standing Presidential M.O.U.s (Memorandums of Understanding) wherein there was to be an open official exchange of information. Weinberger and Inman broke that agreement when U.S. Intelligence discovered that Iraq was developing poison gas intended for Israel.
This U.S. secret Intel which, under Presidential orders, would have been transferred as information vital for Israel's safety, was deliberately cut off by Weinberger and Inman. Their cover was blown by Jonathan Pollard and the FBI/CIA went ballistic because their other illegal operation was exposed. Pollard apparently inadvertently exposed another operation of George Herbert Walker Bush. Pollard stumbled across a 1984 shipment of arms sent from Greece to Yemen where the PLO had a major base. He notified local authorities to that country to check on the ship. They confiscated the shipment.
What Pollard didn't know was that George H.W. Bush had secretly arranged this shipment as the first Arms to Iran to aid the Contras one year before it became public knowledge.(1) Needless to say, President Bush was angry - or so the story goes.
The Pollard Affair is still being used to silence Israel, the Jewish community and AIPAC because it was slanted as a "spy" story and Israel was hung on a hook. Pollard has been in jail 23 years. Most agents convicted of espionage or transfer of classified information to allies if convicted, have been sentenced to at most a few years or months of prison - if not probation.
I think a lot will come out before and during the trial - from all sorts of sources. Subverting any ally is embarrassing policy when it turns out a U.S. Government was working for Arab Muslim countries with oil.
1. "The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People from 1920-1992" by John Loftus & Mark Aarons St. Martin's Press 1994 p. 401
The Jerusalem Report (February 4, 2008) spoke of the coming trial of Steve Rosen and Kenneth Weissman, former executives of AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) on charges of passing classified information to Israel. The trial will begin in Washington on April 29, 2008.
As you read the Jerusalem Report of February 4th, it is credible journalism as far as it goes. But, as you read, you may wish to ask a few questions.
Why did Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, with President Bush's permission, unleash the FBI to set up a "sting" against AIPAC and, therefore, Israel?
What was their motive in singling out the Jewish lobbying group when there were dozens, possibly hundreds of lobbyists from other countries who were, like AIPAC, working "unofficially" with Washington?
Many believe Rice, no friend of Israel, was anxious to compromise AIPAC and Israel so they could control whatever Rice wanted to be surrendered to the Muslim Arab Palestinians. What was wanted was to please Saudi Arabia for a host of reasons which will, no doubt, float visibly skyward during the trial.
Look forward to claims of "National Security" that cannot be revealed to the public, the Media or even to the Court. Pressuring Israel has been a prime goal for the Bush Administration and the U.S. State Department since the birth of the State of Israel in 1948. Part of their motives was to defer to Saudi Arabia and the other Muslim nations.
There were several phases of pressure in singling out AIPAC. First, AIPAC, under accusation, will lessen their lobbying of Congress and will accept appropriate "suggestions" from Rice - through the FBI.
Then Israel would similarly be compliant as the stories were carefully leaked to friends in the Media. Israel didn't want to lose the support of the American people nor the American Congress so they would accept outrageous demands by Rice, likely advised by James Baker. Those outrageous demands surfaced during Annapolis and later meeting in Israel with a compliant Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
Things like giving Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and Jerusalem to Mahmoud Abbas, allowing the Army of Fatah. Supporting Abbas and making him seem like a true moderate leader. Israel was to "restrain" her military and NOT respond to Kassam Rocket attacks or any other Terrorist actions by the Muslim Arabs. Israel was NOT to re-take Gaza after it became the Global Terror Base this writer and many other so forewarned. To accomplish all these and other national suicide actions, AIPAC needed to be silenced by America. Israel was forced to be compliant - even at the risk of losing lives of civilians and soldiers.
Even if the trial demonstrates that it was a political set-up, Rice and Bush will have manipulated several years to squeeze political concessions out of Israel's current government. There is the ancillary benefit of frightening the Jewish community in America so neither their organizations nor citizens at large would dare challenge American government policy in pressuring Israel for dangerous concessions to her safety and sovereignty.
This technique worked when Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger and Admiral Bobby Ray Inman cut off intelligence to Israel on their own decision. There were standing Presidential M.O.U.s (Memorandums of Understanding) wherein there was to be an open official exchange of information. Weinberger and Inman broke that agreement when U.S. Intelligence discovered that Iraq was developing poison gas intended for Israel.
This U.S. secret Intel which, under Presidential orders, would have been transferred as information vital for Israel's safety, was deliberately cut off by Weinberger and Inman. Their cover was blown by Jonathan Pollard and the FBI/CIA went ballistic because their other illegal operation was exposed. Pollard apparently inadvertently exposed another operation of George Herbert Walker Bush. Pollard stumbled across a 1984 shipment of arms sent from Greece to Yemen where the PLO had a major base. He notified local authorities to that country to check on the ship. They confiscated the shipment.
What Pollard didn't know was that George H.W. Bush had secretly arranged this shipment as the first Arms to Iran to aid the Contras one year before it became public knowledge.(1) Needless to say, President Bush was angry - or so the story goes.
The Pollard Affair is still being used to silence Israel, the Jewish community and AIPAC because it was slanted as a "spy" story and Israel was hung on a hook. Pollard has been in jail 23 years. Most agents convicted of espionage or transfer of classified information to allies if convicted, have been sentenced to at most a few years or months of prison - if not probation.
I think a lot will come out before and during the trial - from all sorts of sources. Subverting any ally is embarrassing policy when it turns out a U.S. Government was working for Arab Muslim countries with oil.
1. "The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People from 1920-1992" by John Loftus & Mark Aarons St. Martin's Press 1994 p. 401
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