Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Here is Itamar Ben Gvir, making provocative statements again, that will be used to justify a "preemptive strike"" against settlers.. How should we, the public, respond to this? Make a disclaimer? Say he speaks for himself only? WE will choose how we

Ben Gvir: Migron Could Be Another Amona

16 Shevat 5768, 23 January 08 10:29

( Land of Israel activist Itamar Ben Gvir warned the press Wednesday that if the state goes ahead with its plan to tear down the community of Migron, the result could be similar to the Amona disaster.

"The prosecution, High Court and the left are cooperating and dragging the Jewish residents of Yesha towards violence," Ben Gvir announced. "If Amona II results from this, they should not be surprised."

On February 1, 2006, 10,000 Israeli Police and IDF soldiers appeared in Amona to carry out the demolition of buildings there and to secure the troops involved in the operation. They faced an estimated 4,000 Israeli protesters, most of them youths. The demonstrators were severely beaten with clubs by Israeli security forces, and some were trampled by riot horses. Extreme violence was employed against passive protesters sitting on the floor inside the condemned structures and numerous reports emerged later of girls who suffered various forms of verbal and physical sexual abuse from the police. Over 300 people were injured, the majority of them protesters.

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