Thursday, January 31, 2008

RE: DEFENSE TACTICS FOR EX-AIPAC OFFICIALS More excellent analysis by Emmanuel Winston

Barry said:

It's less wrong than usual BUT  Bush did not open Iran-Contra until Peres took Pollard's info and them ISRAEL opened Iran-Contra. Barry

             It is from my book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust sold at Within I sorted out why Pollard continues to sit. In short though, PM Peres caught the Reagan-Bush regime in a small-time arms-for-hostages deal thanks to Pollard's reading of satellite shipping photos. Instead of approaching Reagan-Bush to demand the stopping of the arming of his country's enemies, Peres had a better thought: Let's get in on the action. By September of '84 he sent the head of Israel's Council On Foreign Relations, David Kimche, along with two other notables, Al Schwimmer of Israel Aircraft Industries and Yaacov Nimrodi, former Iranian ambassador and publisher of Maariv, to Washington with a type of proposal:
We get a piece of the cake or we squeal and you face impeachment.

             Thus was born Iran-Contra.

             By 1986 Pollard was national news and the Bush administration was hopping mad at Israel. It first took serious revenge by banning the $1.5 billion Israeli fighter jet, the Lavi. At the same time, Abba Eben conducted an honest government commission of inquiry that pinned 75% of the Pollard Affair on Peres with the two Yitzhaks, Rabin and Shamir sharing the rest. Peres was so impressed by the findings that he called Eben a liar and threw him out of the Knesset for good.

             But though it was Iran Contra, indirectly caused by Pollard, that caused the first of the so-called Neo-Cons to declare Israel more trouble than it was worth, it was Iraq and Bechtel that led to a distinct program of Israel's final destruction by the "conservatives." Pollard had sent Israel, meaning Peres, photographic proof that the Bechtel Corporation was running a poison gas factory in Baghdad. Peres drooled on the picture. What an opportunity to cash in. The Bush regime was filled with Bechtel folks. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger took his job after resigning as Senior VP of Bechtel. Secretary of State George Shultz was on Bechtel's board. Administration Chief of Staff James Baker was never very far from Bechtel's largesse.

             And these are the men Peres chose to blackmail. The means of a payment was an added tax on a planned Bechtel pipeline from Baghdad to Aqaba, Jordan. Peres gave a note of extortion to Attorney General Edwin Meese asking that he present it to Bechtel. As generous a guy as was Peres, he promised never to bomb the pipeline, not even in war, and this insurance policy would cost a mere $700 million or $70 million a year by check payable to the Israeli Labor Party. When Meese presented the extortion note he was quickly exposed and forced to resign from government. Peres, of course, was never accused of anything. This is Israel, after all.

             It was at this point that the Bechtel graduates began planning Israel's end. Before the Yom Kippur War, conservative Republican Henry Kissinger ordered Defence Minister Moshe Dayan not to issue a preemptive strike. Dayan killed 2700 soldiers in the first two days of fighting. That was "the bloody nose" Kissinger foisted on Israel. This time, the Bechtel Boys went about their tasks with renewed vigor.

             Though Pollard had plea bargained truth for a reduced sentence, Weinberger presented the black judge with a document supposedly proving that Pollard had indirectly armed the whites of South Africa. The judge gave him life. But he was prepared to listen again. He accepted an appeal and died just before he was to hear it.

             Shultz was the good cop and made his friendship to UN Ambassador Binyamin Netanyahu overly known, but James Baker was on the rampage. In a public press conference he gave Shamir the White House phone number. Later he was proud to say; "F... the Jews. They don't vote for us anyway."

             Then came the Madrid Conference of 1990 when the Baker Boys brought in the Vatican to join a united front against Israel. All the while, at the same time as the neo-cons planned Israel's destruction, Israeli "analysts" could not believe that this behavior came from the American Right. Even as Shamir was forced by Bush to let Iraqi SCUDS fall on its soil, the analysts thought that Bush was doing Israel a real favor by attacking Iraq. This thinking will never end. Israelis thought neo con James Wolfensohn had paid for Gush Katif's lost assets. They never learn.

            The American Right, now dubbed neo-cons, filled with Jews whose loyalty is to a Frankist anti-Judaism, gave the order to kill off Israel. It mattered not that the Israeli people knew nothing of Pollard, Peres or Iraqi pipelines. The next stage after Madrid was the Oslo Accord. In September 1995, Yitzhak Rabin told NY Times writer William Safire that he never
wanted to enter into Oslo. Bush made him and told him, "To prepare the Israeli people for painful sacrifices."

            One can only imagine Baker telling his Saudi pals in 1993, "The order to wreck Israel is in place. It'll take 15 years to make the country too divided, hateful, stupid and weak to ever win again."

At 04:14 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:

WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY  January 24, 2008  Email: Please disseminate & re-post - with attribution. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear on Websites at & Outgoing mail is virus-checked. To be removed from this list, please send your Email address

By Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East Analyst & Commentary

The Jerusalem Report (February 4, 2008) spoke of the coming trial of Steve Rosen and Kenneth Weissman, former executives of AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) on charges of passing classified information to Israel. The trial will begin in Washington on April 29, 2008.

As you read the Jerusalem Report of February 4th, it is credible journalism as far as it goes. But, as you read, you may wish to ask a few questions.

Why did Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, with President Bush's permission, unleash the FBI to set up a "sting" against AIPAC and, therefore, Israel?

What was their motive in singling out the Jewish lobbying group when there were dozens, possibly hundreds of lobbyists from other countries who were, like AIPAC, working "unofficially" with Washington?

Many believe Rice, no friend of Israel, was anxious to compromise AIPAC and Israel so they could control whatever Rice wanted to be surrendered to the Muslim Arab Palestinians. What was wanted was to please Saudi Arabia for a host of reasons which will, no doubt, float visibly skyward during the trial.

Look forward to claims of "National Security" that cannot be revealed to the public, the Media or even to the Court. Pressuring Israel has been a prime goal for the Bush Administration and the U.S. State Department since the birth of the State of Israel in 1948. Part of their motives was to defer to Saudi Arabia and the other Muslim nations.

There were several phases of pressure in singling out AIPAC. First, AIPAC, under accusation, will lessen their lobbying of Congress and will accept appropriate "suggestions" from Rice - through the FBI.

Then Israel would similarly be compliant as the stories were carefully leaked to friends in the Media. Israel didn't want to lose the support of the American people nor the American Congress so they would accept outrageous demands by Rice, likely advised by James Baker. Those outrageous demands surfaced during Annapolis and later meeting in Israel with a compliant Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Things like giving Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and Jerusalem to Mahmoud Abbas, allowing the Army of Fatah. Supporting Abbas and making him seem like a true moderate leader. Israel was to "restrain" her military and NOT respond to Kassam Rocket attacks or any other Terrorist actions by the Muslim Arabs. Israel was NOT to re-take Gaza after it became the Global Terror Base this writer and many other so forewarned. To accomplish all these and other national suicide actions, AIPAC needed to be silenced by America. Israel was forced to be compliant - even at the risk of losing lives of civilians and soldiers.

Even if the trial demonstrates that it was a political set-up, Rice and Bush will have manipulated several years to squeeze political concessions out of Israel's current government. There is the ancillary benefit of frightening the Jewish community in America so neither their organizations nor citizens at large would dare challenge American government policy in pressuring Israel for dangerous concessions to her safety and sovereignty.

This technique worked when Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger and Admiral Bobby Ray Inman cut off intelligence to Israel on their own decision. There were standing Presidential M.O.U.s (Memorandums of Understanding) wherein there was to be an open official exchange of information. Weinberger and Inman broke that agreement when U.S. Intelligence discovered that Iraq was developing poison gas intended for Israel.

This U.S. secret Intel which, under Presidential orders, would have been transferred as information vital for Israel's safety, was deliberately cut off by Weinberger and Inman. Their cover was blown by Jonathan Pollard and the FBI/CIA went ballistic because their other illegal operation was exposed. Pollard apparently inadvertently exposed another operation of George Herbert Walker Bush. Pollard stumbled across a 1984 shipment of arms sent from Greece to Yemen where the PLO had a major base. He notified local authorities to that country to check on the ship. They confiscated the shipment.

What Pollard didn't know was that George H.W. Bush had secretly arranged this shipment as the first Arms to Iran to aid the Contras one year before it became public knowledge.(1)    Needless to say, President Bush was angry - or so the story goes.

The Pollard Affair is still being used to silence Israel, the Jewish community and AIPAC because it was slanted as a "spy" story and Israel was hung on a hook. Pollard has been in jail 23 years. Most agents convicted of espionage or transfer of classified information to allies if convicted, have been sentenced to at most a few years or months of prison - if not probation.

I think a lot will come out before and during the trial - from all sorts of sources. Subverting any ally is embarrassing policy when it turns out a U.S. Government was working for Arab Muslim countries with oil.


1. "The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People from 1920-1992" by John Loftus & Mark Aarons St. Martin's Press 1994 p. 401

RE:Several hundred armed terrorists, some with bomb vests, along the Israeli-Egyptian border - AT LARGE! How was THAT for a coup!!

SHmuel said:

Rav Stein,
We trust but please tell me... Wait for what? Or is it WHOM? Specifics.
We have lost millions based on the procedure of tossing our self made disasters for
the Mochiach to fix. TIKUN OLAM is our ultimate goal but to get there we must be in one
piece and the GREAT DESIGNER clearly established human level procedures to be
followed to that end.
Verbal contortions notwithstanding, we have been ordered to destroy certain enemies
and as King Saul did, those we pay royally to do that, failed to do it even during the last War
in Lebanon.
We have been waiting, but only see religious parties crawling for money and blaming us
for NOT BEING GOOD enough to warrant His arrival while non religious ones are selling
out everything including Har Habait and Jerusalem.
I am a decorated for action soldier dating to the First Lebanon War, (OT LEBANON), and
my son is at this precise moment getting ready to go back to his base where he has been
serving for six months now.
Others in our religious community did and do likewise.
As we d that we expect Rabbanim to act with valor and cease and desist from untenable
Terror acts were not particularly foreign to Egypt before they participated on the "surge".
And furthermore, Egypt knew about and took part on that "surge".
Only in Jordan on that day in September long ago any state ever attacked the islamic hordes
responding to Arafat and his associates.
If Egypt would not have wanted the "surge" they could have pre empted it as Egypt maintains
an advanced intelligence network in Gaza.
Otherwise by simply setting up MAG heavy machine gun positions along the border would have
torn to pieces the leading elements of those hordes. Masses advance FOLLOWING leading
I was in charge of two MAGs during the first Lebanon War and know what those weapons can do
even at 300 meters. I used them even if I did not like to see the horror of the outcome.
That is WAR Rav Stein, not a nice setting but if the enemy chooses as they have repeatedly,
one must do as must be done.
Egypt did not then or does now have any intent to do a thing other than promote the attacks
upon us.


Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300

By Dr. John Coleman.


1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.

3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.

4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski's Red Terror look like children at play.

5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society". Excepted are the computer- and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. As we saw in 1993, this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA. Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the "excess population" process we know of today as Global 2000.

6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an "art-form", which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace

7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.

8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch, properly used, could create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which, as yet, is not even remotely comprehended by the public.

9. To cause, by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.

10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy".

11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises
. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.

12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.

13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews ,"God's chosen people", and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.

14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type. It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.

15. To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the "Jesuit Liberation Theology", that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war". Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Moçambique, Angola and South Africa.

16. To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.

17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.

18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.

19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.

20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be mad "a horrible example of", in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.

21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach "Outcome Based Education" (OBE).


Re: Several hundred armed terrorists, some with bomb vests, along the Israeli-Egyptian border - AT LARGE! How was THAT for a coup!!??? Congratulations, Rice, Barak, Mubarak, Abbas, Olmert, Hamas... and who knows else: what a brilliant maneuver!

Barry said:

Silly.The Rav has obviously never done miluim along the Egyptian border. It's a 125 mile porous terrorist dream. Barry

At 11:25 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:
This is what Rabbi Dov Stein had to say.

 Comments, please!


Dear D.

I am not sure this situation is bad for Israel. Soon the Islamists from Gaza will begin to make terror actions in Egypt. Also the Palestinians in Sinai will make a defense state between us and the greatest enemy =- Egypt.  Even more, I am expecting beginning of war between Egypt and the "palestinians". Do not forget that hitting a target in the desert is not bound with the risk of killing civilian.Trust G-D and wait



Wednesday, January 30, 2008



A Rabin activist who has abused my name for his peculiar schemes, has told
anyone who will listen that Nissim Zeev was the only Knesset member who
permitted his office to be used by him to disseminate the Rabin murder
And that'll get you killed in Israel.

RE:Several hundred armed terrorists, some with bomb vests, along the Israeli-Egyptian border - AT LARGE! How was THAT for a coup!!??? Congratulations, Rice, Barak, Mubarak, Abbas, Olmert, Hamas... and who knows else: what a brilliant maneuver!

This is what Rabbi Dov Stein had to say.

 Comments, please!


Dear D.

I am not sure this situation is bad for Israel. Soon the Islamists from Gaza will begin to make terror actions in Egypt. Also the Palestinians in Sinai will make a defense state between us and the greatest enemy =- Egypt.  Even more, I am expecting beginning of war between Egypt and the "palestinians". Do not forget that hitting a target in the desert is not bound with the risk of killing civilian.Trust G-D and wait



Several hundred armed terrorists, some with bomb vests, along the Israeli-Egyptian border - AT LARGE! How was THAT for a coup!!??? Congratulations, Rice, Barak, Mubarak, Abbas, Olmert, Hamas... and who knows else: what a brilliant maneuver!

DEBKAfile Exclusive: Acrimonious exchanges between Jerusalem and Cairo over unrestrained Palestinian influx from Gaza to Egyptian Sinai
January 30, 2008, 3:03 PM (GMT+02:00)

Despite official Israel denials, the defense ministry's political adviser Amos Gilead did visit Cairo last week to complain about Egypt's failure to curb the exit of three-quarters of a million Palestinians from Gaza into Sinai through the unsecured Rafah terminal. Our military sources report that Egyptian intelligence minister Gen. Omar Suleiman counter-charged that Israel shared responsibility for this development in view of its refusal to amend the 1982 peace treaty's demilitarization clause for Sinai and permit the deployment of Egyptian troop reinforcements.
The Israeli and Egyptian official agreed that defense minister Ehud Barak would visit Cairo soon to sort out the situation. He would arrive after the Palestinian leaders Mahmoud Abbas for the Palestinian Authority and Hamas' Khaled Meshaal and Mahmoud A-Zahar end their talks in Egypt Wednesday, Jan. 30, on the Gaza-Sinai border chaos.
Official claims to the media notwithstanding, Palestinian traffic between Gaza and Sinai continued uncontrolled Wednesday for the seventh day.  DEBKAfile's military sources assess the report in the semi-official Al-Ahram that Egyptian security forces had apprehended five Palestinians armed with bomb belts near the Taba crossing as a red herring.
Several hundred armed Palestinians are now at large near the Egyptian-Israeli border of Sinai, some with bomb vests. Neither Egyptian security nor Israeli intelligence can claim knowledge of their movements or hideouts.

Copyright 2000-2007 DEBKAfile. All Rights Reserved.

This is a video that I am having misgivings sending you and posting. It contains CRUCIAL information, while at the same time having strong X-tian messages, forbidden to Jews. Read below


Hello everyone,

I was hesitating to send you this video, sent to me by Eric Jon Phelps. because I was afraid you might construe it as me trying, G'd forbid, to proselytize for X-tianity. Nothing could be further from the truth. So let me warn you right away, the last few minutes are a X-tian prayer with the name of Yshke in it, and its "prophecies" are not recognized as prophecies in Judaism.

Still, I think it is essential that you watch it, with the above warning.

So why would I send you this? Because it contains the most vivid testimony I have heard yet of the Jesuits' nefarious workings in this world, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, it describes the works of the MODERN DAY INQUISITION.




After seeing this video, you'll start to understand clearly the murders of the rabbis, the leaders, etc, in Yesha.

I had written a 14 page article in 2006, titled:"The Secret Machinations of the Vatican, and Israel, 2006"", which was published, with Barry's help, at the site """". I have been looking for it, to send you a link to it. Unfortunately, it seems to have vanished in thin air! Other links to it from other sources have also disappeared. I wonder why.... who would have taken it off?????  Maybe Barry will be able to retrieve it for me, and then I'd suggest you read it. It described in great details the workings of the Vatican ( and of the Inquisition) in Israel, in some "choice"' cases.

Good viewing. Little by little, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place!


Article by Attorney Dov Even Or : " THE BAD AND THE UGLY"

  1. The mass media (Kol Israel, channels 1,2 and 10, 'Haaretz' newspaper) have stopped being a means of passing information and commentary; as far as the future and the character of the State of Israel is concerned, they have invested interests, by promoting an agenda of withdrawing to the 1967 borders, of separating the Jewish people from their sources and of making a pact with the Arabs. A journalist is permitted to have bizarre opinions, but he is not allowed to distort reality, to lie and to call his opponent racist and devoid of national responsibility. All the prohibited things mentioned above are committed daily by the mass media and by 'Haaretz' more than anyone else. It is impossible to cite the multiple examples, so I will focus on the agenda 'Haaretz' has been promoting for the last month. This newspaper introduces itself as being addressed to the Very Intelligent People, but instead, it addresses the Very Important People!

  2. Here is an example of the elevation of Ehud Olmert and the slandering of his opponents (anyone who is against him is his enemy). In the lexicon of 'Haaretz' there are no such words as opponent, someone who disagrees, a person of a different opinion, only people of small faith, devoid of vision, hasty, people who want to usurp the throne of the Prime Minister.

    1. On Friday, January 13, 2008, Yoel Markus writes in his article: 'And now, Survival' That after the fiasco of the (Second) War of Lebanon, they demanded the head of Olmert because he wanted to continue evacuating territories; and the rest of the public wanted to punish him for taking the blame of the army upon himself. The Prime Minister believed the army and had no idea it was untrained and its equipment was old and rusty. But since the war, Olmert had been functioning wisely: he has committed himself before Bush to evacuate the outposts and to discuss the core of the conflict. Therefore, the Vinograd Committee Final Report will not do him justice, but bring the extreme right to power.'

    2. In another article on January 27, entitled 'Who Will Remove Barak?', Yossi Werter says that the dismissal of Olmert is unrealistic and illegal. It is impossible to coronate someone instead of him unless he agrees.

    3. Next to Werter's article, there is Ehud Asheri's article, 'The Ethical Code of Uzi Dayan'. The claim of this article is that the struggle of Uzi Dayan to make Olmert take personal responsibility for his actions in the war is childish! Since Dayan has to put the value of responsibility into a wider context and not just punishing a Prime Minister for his failures during the war, i.e. Olmert's dismissal will interrupt the Peace Process and serve only the Israeli Right Wing and the Hamas. Therefore, Dayan will have to wean himself of populism and join the forces in favor of the acceleration of the Peace Process, and thus make proof of 'National Responsibility'!

    4. On January 13, Asheri writes another article, 'Between Olmert and Kattash' where he claims that Olmert did not reject personal responsibility for the results of the war, but disagreed, justifiably, with two basic assumptions of his opponents; the first: the definition of the results of the war as failure and the translation of taking responsibility as resignation; the second: Olmert's mistakes derive from his over trust of the military command! (Chief of Staff Halutz caused Olmert's failure) In Asheri's opinion, Olmert has internalized the lesson of the war by making proof of a balanced policy towards the Hamas and by saving the Zionist Enterprise via the division of the Land.

    5. On January 21, 2008, Yoel Markus wrote in his article, 'An Enemy Called Self-Pity' ; he attacks all tear-jerkers (such as bereaved parents, the newspaper 'Maariv' and politicians who use the blood) on account of the casualties of the War of Lebanon. This is not the time to bring forward the elections in order to bring down the government, since we are in the midst of a political process. Bereaved parents do not have privileged rights in politics.

    6. On October 25, 2008, Markus writes in his article 'Five Comments on the Situation' that the Letter of the Company Commanders was the closest thing to a military push, and that an accelerated proceeding for elections is preferable in order to pass on the failure to the verdict of the voters rather than to a committee of inquiry. In his article 'Deep Frying', Yossi Werter writes that, as opposed to any attorney, Olmert didn't have the right to cross-examine witnesses. Asheri writes in his article, 'The Balls of Mofaz', that Mofaz is cynical and shameless, since he was member of the Cabinet that ran the war; where was he in the years when he functioned as Chief of Staff and Security Minister responsible for the anemic army and the nomination of Halutz as Chief of Staff?

  3. About the things cited above, one can say that everything is true but for the facts!! How can journalists, on the one hand, say quarters of truths and halves of lies, and on the other hand, be ashamed to demand that the public adopt their opinions on grounds of 'national responsibility'? It is not enough that if you need the 'thief', you must take him off the hanging pole, but also claim that he is not a 'thief', but a born-leader, a skilled politician with wide horizons, that happened to fall into the pit due to over trust in other people who had schemed to bring about his downfall, due to unfortunate circumstances. I say Olmert should be removed, since he did not deserve to be elected in the first place, being neither a leader, nor a politician, but a person devoid of any charisma! His behavior, particularly since he became PM, is the proof that he is unsuitable for the job and shows the discrepancy between his shallow character and his high position!

  4. I will account for my position only on basis of the articles published in 'Haaretz':

    1. I completed my military service only as captain, and I was only a battery commander in the artillery corps, but in spite of my low rank, I can say that Olmert did not take the blame of the IDF upon himself and he did not follow Halutz blindly, on the contrary: Olmert did not intend to open a war, but a limited military campaign, and when things went wrong, he panicked and didn't know what to do! That's why the infantry sat waiting on the border for two entire weeks! Let's assume that Dan Halutz was against a ground invasion and preferred air and artillery attrition, couldn't Olmert discuss the matter with other members of Staff? Didn't Olmert demand an alternative plan? If it was suggested, what was it? If not, why not?!

    2. I have no doubt that the army had a drawer plan for a large ground invasion in Lebanon, but why wasn't it implemented? Didn't Olmert know about it? Of course he knew!

    3. The PM didn't know that the army had old and rusty equipment! If he didn't know, it is a disaster, but if he knew and went into battle after all, why did he take the risk? Isn't there a limit to stupidity? It is true that there is no need to have a Baccalaureate in order to become a journalist, but is a little common sense too much to ask for? A PM goes to war without having a clue about the contents of the arsenal of his-own army or of the enemy's. Isn't it his responsibility to know such things?! Let's assume that Olmert was misled and made to believe that the army was equipped 'tip-top'. Didn't the truth surface during the very first days? Then why didn't he stop and the shameful situation wouldn't have been discovered? And why did the last battle take place when our tanks were blown up like sitting ducks?!

    4. Contrary to Olmert's claim that the ground invasion was meant to improve positions before the decision of the Security Council, Mr Bolton, the American Ambassador to the UN, said that the final draft of the decision had already been written by all the parties concerned, including Saudi Arabia (and it must have been even the Hizballa) on Friday, before the ground campaign started. In conclusion, the ground campaign was aimed at improving the image of Olmert and Peretz, and that's why David Grossman wouldn't shake hands with Olmert, because the latter caused the death of his son for no reason at all!

    5. The company commanders are not allowed to write, but the generals, members of the Peace and Security Council are permitted to, because they are for the 'Process'!

    6. Olmert had fought against an official committee of inquiry, and now he is suddenly a poor client who cannot cross-examine witnesses?

    7. How dare the journalists claim that the right wing people demand Olmert's resignation for political reasons because of evacuation of outposts? Didn't they fight in the war? Haven't they lost their sons?

    8. David Grossman cries out against Olmert only because of the ground invasion, because his son died in vain. His opinions are similar to Olmert's.

    9. Is Mofaz the person who appointed Halutz? Since when does a former Chief of Staff appoint the next one? A Chief of Staff is usually against his successor. Sharon appointed him against Mofaz's position.

    10. What is the connection between the terribly wrong functioning of Olmert during the war and the 'Peace Process'? It is obvious that Olmert made a big mistake with the war. It is also correct to assume that whoever made a mistake of such magnitude in the war, might make a similar size of mistake with peace. So he must go!

  5. Once the 'Haaretz Band' plays tunes for the Vinograd Committee and once for elections, but it always sticks its neck out to protect Olmert's political head from being decapitated and the excuse is always the same, the 'Peace Process'.

So where is the truth in 'Haaretz'? They know where it is to be found, but refuse to reveal it to the people in order to protect Olmert's head and to prevent the right wing from acceding to power.

This is the naked truth about politics written on a peace of paper that belongs to the mass media!

Yours truly,

Dov Even-Or


Talkback Attack, Protest Planned as PM Defiant Ahead of Winograd

23 Shevat 5768, 30 January 08 11:55
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

( Kadima party activists supporting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and National Religious Party (NRP) activists opposed to the Olmert administration have already planned their reactions to the publication of the Winograd Committee's report Wednesday evening. The Prime Minister remains adamant that there will be no new elections in the wake of the report, which analyzes the management of the Second Lebanon War in 2006.

Kadima party activists are preparing to flood news websites and online forums with talkbacks in favor of Prime Minister Olmert following the release of the Winograd Report. According to a Yediot Acharonot report, a core group of activists plans to search for articles relating to the Winograd Report and send in as many responses as possible in support of Olmert. They are also planning to vote repeatedly in online polls regarding the issue.

Information from Yalla Kadima and other pro-Kadima websites indicate that the "talkback attack" is to begin Wednesday evening and continue over the following days. The virtual activists will be "on call" around the clock.

On the other end of the political spectrum, NRP activists plan to demonstrate on Wednesday opposite the Jerusalem home of Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor Eli Yishai, head of the Shas party. Protesters plan to call on Yishai to leave the government, which they hope will precipitate a coalition crisis and the fall of the Olmert government.

On Tuesday, Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, telephoned Prime Minister Olmert to encourage him prior to the publication of the Winograd Report. Shas political leaders have said that the party would quit the coalition if senior government negotiators talk with the Palestinian Authority about ceding parts of Jerusalem.

NRP members said that the demonstration at Minister Yishai's home will take place in any weather. It is planned to start just as the Winograd Committee report is released. 

PM Olmert's Preemptive Strike
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has taken the offensive even before the Winograd Committee issues its final report. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Olmert insisted that there will be no elections before his term of office ends in late 2010. %ad%

Finance Minister Ronnie Bar-On told a a Kadima party rally in Tiberias on Tuesday night that early elections would not be good for the country. According to Bar-On, the nation is in good shape economically and diplomatically, according to Bar-On.

"For the first time in seven years there is an attempt to create a diplomatic process and the economy is growing," Minister Bar-On declared. "The State of Israel will pay a heavy price if it goes to elections."

Another of Prime Minister Olmert's strongest supporters, Knesset Member Otniel Shneller, wrote a letter to fellow Kadima MKs calling for their support of the party leader. In any case, he asserted, if the Winograd Report unequivocally asks Olmert to resign, then the Prime Minister will understand the consequences on his own.

Shneller's letter also included advice on how to react to the Winograd Report. He suggested that Kadima MKs not argue with families of fallen soldiers, but present what he said are facts that the IDF and government have repaired their mistakes and are stronger than ever in the north. Shneller laid the blame for the problematic management of the Second Lebanon War on past government leaders, who did not place enough emphasis on the IDF's readiness.

MKs in the Prime Minister's Kadima party are generally sitting on the fence regarding how best to react to the Winograd Report. Labor party MKs are leaning towards staying in the coalition, but MK Shelly Yechimovich is trying to line up support for ousting Prime Minister Olmert, whom she accuses of being corrupt.

While it is likely to expose serious flaws in the planning and execution of the 2006 war, the Winograd Report has no legislative mandate to place responsibility for failure on any individual.

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More treasonous actions by Olmert , Barak and co. Are they doing this, WITH, or WITHOUT Knesset approval, as required by the law of the State of Israel?

Report: Israel May Let Egypt Use Heavy Arms at Border

23 Shevat 5768, 30 January 08 11:42

( A Kuwait newspaper reported Wednesday morning that the Olmert government is willing to make changes in the Camp David agreement in order to allow Egyptian security forces to use heavy arms to patrol the international border. Neither Egypt nor Israel has commented on the report. The government previously has opposed allowed Egyptian soldiers to bear heavy arms, and changing the Camp David agreement would require approval of the Knesset.

Israel officials, headed by Defense Ministry diplomatic-military head Amos Gilad, met in Egypt earlier this week in secret discussions on the situation at the border. Israel and the United States have complained for a long time that Egypt has not made efforts to stop terrorists from smuggling advanced weapons into Gaza. The border was completely breached last week when Hamas terrorists blew up the 200-yard long barrier separating the Egyptian and Gaza sides of Rafiah.


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DEFENSE TACTICS FOR EX-AIPAC OFFICIALS More excellent analysis by Emmanuel Winston


WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY  January 24, 2008  Email: Please disseminate & re-post - with attribution. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear on Websites at & Outgoing mail is virus-checked. To be removed from this list, please send your Email address


By Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East Analyst & Commentary

The Jerusalem Report (February 4, 2008) spoke of the coming trial of Steve Rosen and Kenneth Weissman, former executives of AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) on charges of passing classified information to Israel. The trial will begin in Washington on April 29, 2008.

As you read the Jerusalem Report of February 4th, it is credible journalism as far as it goes. But, as you read, you may wish to ask a few questions.

Why did Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, with President Bush's permission, unleash the FBI to set up a "sting" against AIPAC and, therefore, Israel?

What was their motive in singling out the Jewish lobbying group when there were dozens, possibly hundreds of lobbyists from other countries who were, like AIPAC, working "unofficially" with Washington?

Many believe Rice, no friend of Israel, was anxious to compromise AIPAC and Israel so they could control whatever Rice wanted to be surrendered to the Muslim Arab Palestinians. What was wanted was to please Saudi Arabia for a host of reasons which will, no doubt, float visibly skyward during the trial.

Look forward to claims of "National Security" that cannot be revealed to the public, the Media or even to the Court. Pressuring Israel has been a prime goal for the Bush Administration and the U.S. State Department since the birth of the State of Israel in 1948. Part of their motives was to defer to Saudi Arabia and the other Muslim nations.

There were several phases of pressure in singling out AIPAC. First, AIPAC, under accusation, will lessen their lobbying of Congress and will accept appropriate "suggestions" from Rice - through the FBI.

Then Israel would similarly be compliant as the stories were carefully leaked to friends in the Media. Israel didn't want to lose the support of the American people nor the American Congress so they would accept outrageous demands by Rice, likely advised by James Baker. Those outrageous demands surfaced during Annapolis and later meeting in Israel with a compliant Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Things like giving Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and Jerusalem to Mahmoud Abbas, allowing the Army of Fatah. Supporting Abbas and making him seem like a true moderate leader. Israel was to "restrain" her military and NOT respond to Kassam Rocket attacks or any other Terrorist actions by the Muslim Arabs. Israel was NOT to re-take Gaza after it became the Global Terror Base this writer and many other so forewarned. To accomplish all these and other national suicide actions, AIPAC needed to be silenced by America. Israel was forced to be compliant - even at the risk of losing lives of civilians and soldiers.

Even if the trial demonstrates that it was a political set-up, Rice and Bush will have manipulated several years to squeeze political concessions out of Israel's current government. There is the ancillary benefit of frightening the Jewish community in America so neither their organizations nor citizens at large would dare challenge American government policy in pressuring Israel for dangerous concessions to her safety and sovereignty.

This technique worked when Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger and Admiral Bobby Ray Inman cut off intelligence to Israel on their own decision. There were standing Presidential M.O.U.s (Memorandums of Understanding) wherein there was to be an open official exchange of information. Weinberger and Inman broke that agreement when U.S. Intelligence discovered that Iraq was developing poison gas intended for Israel.

This U.S. secret Intel which, under Presidential orders, would have been transferred as information vital for Israel's safety, was deliberately cut off by Weinberger and Inman. Their cover was blown by Jonathan Pollard and the FBI/CIA went ballistic because their other illegal operation was exposed. Pollard apparently inadvertently exposed another operation of George Herbert Walker Bush. Pollard stumbled across a 1984 shipment of arms sent from Greece to Yemen where the PLO had a major base. He notified local authorities to that country to check on the ship. They confiscated the shipment.

What Pollard didn't know was that George H.W. Bush had secretly arranged this shipment as the first Arms to Iran to aid the Contras one year before it became public knowledge.(1)    Needless to say, President Bush was angry - or so the story goes.

The Pollard Affair is still being used to silence Israel, the Jewish community and AIPAC because it was slanted as a "spy" story and Israel was hung on a hook. Pollard has been in jail 23 years. Most agents convicted of espionage or transfer of classified information to allies if convicted, have been sentenced to at most a few years or months of prison - if not probation.

I think a lot will come out before and during the trial - from all sorts of sources. Subverting any ally is embarrassing policy when it turns out a U.S. Government was working for Arab Muslim countries with oil.


1. "The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People from 1920-1992" by John Loftus & Mark Aarons St. Martin's Press 1994 p. 401


WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY  January 29, 2008  Email: Please disseminate & re-post - with attribution. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear on Websites at & Outgoing mail is virus-checked. To be removed from this list, please send your Email address


by Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East Analyst & Commentator

Let's guess about the Winograd Report due to be released tomorrow and the circumstances surrounding it.

Clearly, in my opinion, Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert selected Eliyahu Winograd because he felt Winograd would go lightly and give Olmert the benefit of the doubt - even a "pass". Moreover, Winograd was expected to be malleable in under-the-table negotiations or "discussions".

I would assume that Winograd has been passing drafts of his report to Olmert, who is likely, given the chance, to change the language. Normally, investigative bodies conduct their work in secret and strict confidence. I do not believe that Winograd has done so and he, himself, should be investigated for collusion.

When he released a preliminary or interim report on April 30, 2007, he promised to release the complete report by August, 2007. Within the Interim Report were certain simple unavoidable facts which caused Defense Minister Amir Peretz and Chief of Staff Dan Halutz to tender their resignations. Whereas Olmert, like the slippery lawyer he has always been, decided to tough it out - even as the nation suffered.

Worse yet, Winograd had most of the facts within the first few weeks or months and could have released a comprehensive scathing report then. Instead, in collusion with Olmert and, very likely, Shimon Peres and Dov Weisglass, the report was put into cold storage until much later (tomorrow - January 30th). A closer look would, no doubt, find the fingerprints of Bush, Rice and James Baker - using their influence to delay and/or skew the Report to keep Olmert in office so he could complete his "mission" of driving the Jews out of Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights, the Jordan Valley and all those parts of Jerusalem which were occupied and desecrated by Jordan for 19 years from 1949 to 1967.

Winograd bent like a hollow straw and agreed not to include any recommendation for Olmert to resign. Still, Winograd had his reputation and legacy to think about so there will be sufficient information to cause the nation, Knesset and political parties to demand his resignation.

However, Olmert has already said he will not resign, no matter what the Winograd Report Conclusion say. Surely to pry him out of office will require the Shas Party to pull out of the Knesset and call for immediate elections. Add to that the equally corrupt current Defense Minister Ehud Barak who committed the Labor Party to leave office if Olmert were shown to be guilty according to the Winograd Report. (He already is issuing other, slippery statements that, perhaps he will not keep his word.)

IF ever there was a collection of incompetent criminals who belonged in a long term prison cell for what they have done to their nation and her people, it is this gang.

So, after the Winograd Report is issued, watch Olmert and his gang start the obfuscation - cover-up. In America there is a folksy saying about politicians covering up their do-do. We say, he was busier that a cat on a hot tin roof, covering up his scat.

Watch the Leftist Media go to work, softening the message so Olmert can complete his betrayal of the nation.



Tuesday, January 29, 2008



Hello Everyone,

Just a note re: the blog. I understand people have been commenting that the general idea of the blog is a good one, and the general direction is good, but that I am stating a lot of crazy things as fact, and that therefore it makes me look like a crazy, paranoid nut.

Let me please explain:

The way I see this blog/list is also as sort of a forum. I don't post every comment; but when a person with authority in a particular field says something, I quote is for people to read. Also if the statement is interesting and original. I believe it is important to hear a number of views on the events. This doesn't mean, however, that I am automatically ENDORSING every view. The only views I can responsible for are the ones I am stating in my own name. If you'll notice, quite a few public personalities are taking part in this blog, and I feel they have earned the right to share their views here.

So please, just use your judgment.Ultimately, it is for you to make up your mind. All I am trying to do is to bring you as much information as I can, relevant to the general guidelines of this blog, checking it out first, to see if I find it worthwhile. After that , it is up to YOU to sort it all out. I know it is a lot of material, but I feel that the more information we have, the better we are able to assess the situation, and act accordingly.

If you feel that I am sending out too much stuff, I'll try to limit the contents. But it would be a shame, as people send me all kinds of useful, interesting things!



Couldn't agree more. China has been in the news lately for extreme , deadly weather. Weather plagues seem to accompany extreme malfeasance, just like the Flood destroyed humanity in the times of Noach.

Rabbi: Jews Must Lead Condemnation of China

22 Shevat 5768, 29 January 08 04:40
by Hillel Fendel

( Rabbi David Druckman, the Chief Rabbi of the northern city of Kiryat Motzkin and an outspoken opponent of Land of Israel withdrawals, says Jews must take the lead in condemning China for its murder of prisoners of conscience in order to harvest their organs.

"The atrocity is so great," Rabbi Druckman says on a recently released video, "that there are simply no words to express it.  From a certain standpoint it is even worse than what the Nazis did...  to cut organs from people under the cover of medical help for other people is simply astonishing and shocking from every human vantage point."

"It is especially incumbent upon us as Jews to lead the campaign that expresses total disgust at this phenomenon," Rabbi Druckman says.  "Especially us, the Jewish Nation, that suffered the crimes of the Nazis, may their names be blotted out, and those of the Communists under Stalin - who can stand by and comprehend the world's silence at all this?"

Israeli Petition Against Chinese Cruelty
Three months ago, over 220 Israeli rabbis, academics and politicians signed a petition calling for an end to the atrocities taking place in China.  Among the signatories were 8 Knesset Members (Hendel and Levy from National Union, Melchior and Cabel from Labor, Kachlon of Likud, and Oron, Gal'on and Vilan of Meretz). 

Over 40 rabbis signed, including Rabbis Chaim Druckman, Shlomo Aviner, Yuval Cherlow, Shmuel David of Afula, as well as Temple Mount loyalist rabbis, Moshe Feiglin and leaders of his Jewish Leadership group, and more.

Chinese Torture
China is accused of holding thousands of political prisoners without trial, beating and torturing people who protest being thrown out of their homes, employing slave labor for their mass manufacturing industries, and more.  Among the most persecuted groups are the Falun Gong, which numbers at least 70 million members in China alone.  Tens of thousands of practitioners of the Falun Gong system of meditation and character-building are ruthlessly persecuted by the government, including having organs removed from their bodies while still alive.

The CIPFG - Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China - has begun a campaign against holding the 2008 Olympics in China.  "It will be a stain on the history of the Olympic Games and a disgrace to mankind if these games and these crimes against humanity are held at the same time in China," the organization states.

In the video-taped speech, Rabbi Druckman says that one of the seven Noachide commandments that the Jews are bidden to disseminate in the world is not to murder: "We as Jews must therefore stand at the front lines of this war, and employ every possible tactic in order that the world expunge atrocities such as this."

"When there is evil in the world," he continues, "every person with a human conscience, and every person with intelligence, must protest against it...  Jewish Law requires of us to spread values of faith in the Creator and of maintaining the human image throughout the world.  The same Torah that tells us to keep the Sabbath and to eat only Kosher food, also requires that we influence all of mankind - as is written, 'From Zion shall go forth Torah and the word of G-d from Jerusalem.'"

"We have to get our outraged objections, as people and as Jews, out to the world in every way possible... In this age of media, there are many methods, such as the torch passing through the countries of the world and will soon get to our region as well, ending with a giant rally here in Israel [on Feb. 18 - ed.].  It is obvious that we all support this initiative and welcome it.  We must also do whatever will result in a sharp condemnation of these animals that are doing these things in China.  This will help raise the standard of the entire human race in the world, and the more the world improves and becomes more gentle, this will bring us closer to the Redemption and the arrival of the Just Redeemer."

Religious - Not Just in Dress, but in Thought
"I believe that behind the description we carry of 'religious people' there is also real content - not just outer covering, but a genuine way of looking at the world... Certainly this is so in the Jewish faith, whose teachings about ethics and kindness have no rivals... Certainly one who sees himself as a religious person, not just in title but in essence, must join up with activities of this type."

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From Nadia Matar Changes due to weather & Bet Hashalom-

Subject: Changes due to weather & Bet Hashalom-שינויים בשל מזג האוויר&בית השלום ותפילה

From: Nadia & David Matar []



1) Due to the expected snowstorm, we are postponing our Women in Green Chizuk Trip to Eastern Gush Etzion to next Wednesday, February 6th.

 Same exciting program: leaving Jerusalem at 9:15 am for a  special day trip. Driving through Har Choma, going to different communities and outposts in eastern Gush Etzion, meeting the pioneers of today. Coming to strengthen but really being strengthened. Call today to reserve seats on the bus:

Anita 0505777254 or nadia 0505-500834

Fee: 75 nis roundtrip

 2)  The demonstration against the violation of the girls honor who had been arrested for three weeks,planned for tomorrow Tuesday in front of the Binyamin police station,organized by the families and friends of the girls, was also postponed due to the weather. It wil take place some time next week. We will keep you updated.

 3) URGENT PHONE & FAX Campaign against the violation of basic human rights of the Jews in Bet Hashalom, Hevron

 As we told you before, Bet Hashalom is the house between Hebron and Kiryat Arba that was legally purchased by Jews for close to a million dollar. The video of the legal purchase has been shown to all. Jewish families, with children and babies have been living in that house for the past ten months in the most basic conditions.

 Last Sunday  the Supreme court did not accept the demand to expel the Jews from that house and instead has postponed the next court session for another three months. Despite all this, the government of Israel has not allowed the residents of Bet Hashalom to put in windows.Our brothers and sisters in Bet Hashalom, with their children, are left to freeze !!! Everybody who knows the area, knows how cold it can get there in the winter.

  Unbelievably, the government of Israel is doing to the Jews of Bet Hashalom what it does not dare to do to our worst Arab enemies in Gaza: denying them basic human rights!!!

 Imagine what the world media would do if Israel would deny Arab families windows and heat. We would have CNN and BBC filming an entire hollywood production showing the children hidden under blankets, freezing in the cold, crying. Within a day those Arab families would get windows. But when there is a real violation of basic human rights against Jews, everybody is quiet.Nobody cares.


THIS HAS TO STOP!! Women in Green call upon all to bombard with      phones and faxes the office of the Minister of Defense Ehud Barak who is the one who decides whether or not the Jews of Bet Hashalom will get windows and proper electricity and heat.


The phones and faxes must reach Barak's spokesman called RONEN MOSHE

his phonenumber is 972-3-697-5750

his fax number is 972-3--691-6940

It is important that friends of Israel worldwide make the effort TODAY to call and fax and demand to stop the violation of the Jewish basic human rights.


 For accuracy's sake, when you call and fax, please note that the request is to be able to:
a) tar the roof to prevent leakage
b) install windows
c) hook up to municipal electricity

Together, these 3 requests will enable them to supply and retain heat in a normal fashion. At the moment the building is like a sieve and they are heating it with a generator and electric heaters. Often during the day and night the generator can't handle the pressure and there are many power outages.


Every fax and every phone call can make a difference. Emails are a waste of time for the Israeli politicians do not care about emails sent to them.


If you know  journalists , contact them and ask them to write a story about this scandal. Contact your Embassy, consulate, local congressman. Ask your Rabbi to contact Barak's office.

 Pressure helps. As the famous verse says:

"It is not up to you to finish the work, but you are not free to desist from it"


Please tell us by email what you wrote or said on the phone and how the people at Barak's office responded.


For pictures of Women in Green's trip to Bet hashalom on Tu Bishvat please click on


4) Please daven for Pnina Bat Shoshana, a woman who gave birth and is ill and in danger


With Love of Israel,


Ruth and Nadia Matar

Women in Green


Very interesting view in particular the last paragraph with which I agree to a large extent.
I also agree with the fact that the CFR, by any other name is very powerful, but, if I recall correctly so were the Roman Empire, the Third Reich, Alexander, the British Empire, etc.
All of them knew that the incorporation into their Empires of other peoples demanded the INITIAL DEFEAT of the to be "incorporated". The gunboat as well as other procedures have not changed. "Incorporation" to a big or small Global system is initially achieved in battle followed by the control of the vanquished resources, temples, deities, family settings, and also changes on their financial and other functional tools.
The CFR seems unable to do the first commandment of Empire making. In fact their battle records are dismal at best. Much as an air force cannot do the job by itself, neither can mega bucks, poison, plots, etc.
The Borgia family also maintained a temporary reign of terror but poison alone could not remain as the sole element of control. That does not deny your statement regarding the long arm of the ghostly thing but without the force... they can't extend completely their power.
Generals as we all know are a dime a dozen and by themselves, Jesuits or not, hardly significant as the recent Hamas "surge" proved.
We, the Jews, have a fetish for those military so called heroes/tramps, few others do. Neither do I.  I met enough of them when I worked for Uncle Sam and still do now.  Average pushy trash.
Critical battle field mass, PEOPLE, is the ticket. Unless nuclear weapons are involved, 600000 feet trump most generals and staffs.
The Vatican tentacles are also spread but as with all mortal undertakings eminently failure prone at that level. I doubt that the Swiss Guards could stop a visitation the Vatican really does not have the means to hold back. Christians are devout but not unaware of certain realities.
Moshe HAD to keep his arm up. Yoshua HAD to sound the trumpets and play the drums. Martel slaughtered the northern branch of the Caliphate's troops and did his job at mortal level. The Lautaro Logia destroyed the Spanish Empire. So did Patton in Algiers destroy the Reich's "invincibility" aura.  More examples abound.
But we all read the "Lord of the Rings". Four hobbits dealt with that empire as well.  Tolkien's claims of not being allegoric notwithstanding, it does fit the picture.
About tossing everything up to "Moshiach".  Bad form in my view.  We cannot survive based on that alone. I do pray for Him but I find a rascal named Archpriest of Hita, Spain, circa 1100's... views on the subject of self defense very appealing... He said.
"A D.OS ROGANDO e con el palo dando".  Roughly translated from very old Spanish to rather flimsy English.
"WE PRAY TO G.D but also make use our shepherd stick".  About the same as...walk softly but carry a heavy stick or keep yer powder dry...
Our worst enemy is ourselves or better yet the unJews. Once those are defeated for good the rest will fall in place, not before.
We cannot continue to elect trash and expect better than what we get. The CFR just slips in when one lets the door ajar for them.
----- Original Message -----

C. said:

The "or else" option is that of those who control Barak, Mubarak, Bush, Rice, the US, the Russians, Chinese, and Islamics.  They are not a ghostly "el kuko" or "phantom" threat, but a devilish reality using these people as marionettes.  No country acts independently in its politics, i.e outside or against the AGENDA.  If it did, there would be no New World Order.  The despots referred to here are the Jesuits and their general that rules from Rome.  Barak and Mubarak are just a couple of drops in the bucket who serve their master.
The "or else" is what happens to heads of state and political rulers who don't play the Jesuit game.  Whether it be public humiliation, discrediting, threats against family, or even assassination, they will stop at nothing to move the chess pieces.  People to them are nothing more than dispensable merchandise.  When you control all national governments, the International Intelligence Community, and the distribution of world finances, you can do what you want.  The only thing that can stop their agenda is the intervention from an Almighty God, which HE WILL DO, but not before half the world's population is eliminated.  Get ready for it, it's coming.-

Who would have guessed she would "support" Abbas' s forces at the breached border: lying, deceiving, sickening Secretary of State, one of the major players in this deadly farce.

00:24 , 01.29.08


American View
Photo: AP Condi wants Abbas to restore order at border Photo: AP
click here to enlarge text click here to enlarge text

Rice backs concept of Abbas forces on Gaza border

Secretary of state says Palestinian Authority presence may help bring some order to breached border

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Monday signaled US support for the forces of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas taking charge of the Gaza Strip's breached border with Egypt.


Rice said a Palestinian Authority presence might help bring "some order" to the Rafah border crossing since hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flooded across after Hamas blew up part of the border last week.


Rafah Crossing

Hamas, Egyptians guards work together to reclose border / Ali Waked and AP

(Video) Security forces, militants string barbed wire fence across one of three breaches in border in latest effort to stem flood of Palestinians across frontier. Meanwhile, EU considers sending monitors back to Gaza border
Full Story

"There would be many details that would have to be worked out and I can't comment on any specific detail because this is obviously a very complex - would be a very complex operation in itself," Rice told reporters when asked whether Washington supported Abbas' forces taking charge of the border.


"But we have said that in concept it should be supported and that the parties should look to see if that might be one way to handle the situation," she said at a news conference after meeting Australia's foreign minister.


'There should be no humanitarian cost'

Hamas has rejected Abbas' proposal to deploy his own, Western-trained forces at the crossing along with European Union monitors. Officials from both sides are expected in Cairo on Wednesday to discuss the issue.


Rice said she had discussed the issue with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Sunday night. The secretary of state has also said Hamas should do everything it could to stop the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel.


The US also asked Israel to avert a humanitarian disaster in Gaza.


"We have been very clear that there should be no humanitarian cost to the innocent people of Gaza who simply have the bad fortune to be in Gaza after Hamas launched its illegal coup against the legitimate institutions of the Palestinian Authority," said Rice, referring to Hamas' takeover of Gaza last year.

